Top 10 Sports Nutrition Manufacturers

Top 10 best sports nutrition manufacturers

10 Olimp Labs

High concentration of active ingredient
Country: Poland
Rating (2022): 4.3

One of the few sports nutrition manufacturers that came to us from outside the USA. The homeland of the brand is Poland. There are also production facilities and its own pharmacological laboratory. Despite this, the product is well known in the sports world. He is known far beyond Europe, and mostly by professional athletes.

The company was able to achieve the perfect combination of price and quality. If you are not ready to spend tens of thousands of rubles on sports nutrition, be sure to pay attention to this brand. But do not think that the democratic price tag is the reason for low quality. Nutritional reviews from Olimp Labs have been overwhelmingly positive. Moreover, they are left by professional athletes, since to a greater extent the company's products are designed specifically for them. The disadvantages include a relatively small range. Unlike the giants of the industry, Olimp Labs cannot afford to produce all known additives, limiting the arsenal to only the most popular items that are in high demand.

9 Scitec Nutrition

Affordable prices
Country: USA (manufactured in Hungary)
Rating (2022): 4.4

The American company Scitec is known not only in the world of sports, but also in medicine.Its flagship product is collagen, which comes in liquid form. In many countries of the world, it is advised to use it for injuries of varying severity. The product promotes the restoration of muscle tissue and significantly accelerates healing. And this is not just a marketing statement, but a clinically proven fact. Already he allows to say that the company is worthy of attention. Its products are consistently of the best quality and do not shock the price.

This brand is not in the first place in the ranking only because of the relative scarcity of the range of goods. If most companies try to produce all possible additives, then Scitec has only a few items. However, if you find exactly what you need in the brand’s catalog, you can safely take it and not doubt the quality.

8 S.A.N. Nutrition

High quality components used
Country: USA
Rating (2022): 4.4

At the dawn of its career, the American company SAN Nutrition was engaged in copying the products of famous brands. But quickly realizing that such activities will not go far, she began producing her own supplements, quickly conquering the market. The brand is hardly known to novice athletes, since it mainly focuses on already established professionals. However, if desired, the most common supplements, such as protein, gainer and creatine, can be found in a wide range.

SAN Nutrition products are often recommended in reviews, as they have the best quality of the ingredients used. The company carefully monitors the production at all stages. At the same time, it manages to maintain a strict line of balance between price and quality. There are practically no fakes on the market.Not the most popular brand, and even not worth fabulous money, is of little interest to counterfeiters. For the end consumer, this is a definite plus, as well as a democratic price tag.

7 Muscletech

Top consumer reviews
Country: USA
Rating (2022): 4.5

When choosing sports nutrition, you should first of all be guided by the reviews and recommendations of professionals. This brand has a lot of recommendations, and the reviews are extremely positive. Food is praised for everything from quality to a wide range. It is one of the most popular products on the market, used by professionals and novices alike. Several pharmacological laboratories operate on the basis of the company, which allows it to be at the forefront of modern technologies.

And everything would be great, if not for two significant shortcomings. First, MuscleTech sports nutrition is very often the target of all sorts of falsifiers. Brand products are counterfeited by many companies, often not able to boast of the same quality. Secondly, the relatively high cost. All supplements with the brand logo are expensive, and this is what breeds fakes. However, the product has several degrees of copy protection. Before buying this product, you should carefully study this issue.

6 Weider

The oldest brand on the market
Country: USA
Rating (2022): 4.6

It is generally accepted that sports nutrition appeared on the market only in the 80s of the last century. In fact, at this time, its widespread distribution began.Companies that emerged during these years developed complex marketing programs, but even then there were mastodons who did not need any advertising. Weider is the oldest manufacturer. He appeared in 1957. Initially working only in the USA, the company gradually captured the whole world and to this day does not lose its relevance.

Vast experience and accumulated knowledge, as well as maximum attention to consumer reviews, allowed the company to create a top-class product. Food is often called the best on the market, while its price is not shocking, as is often the case with younger firms. Today the company has the widest range of products. It is constantly being expanded and supplemented. Supplements are popular both among those for whom sports are a way of life, and among amateurs or beginners.

5 BioTech USA

Premium sports nutrition
Country: USA (manufactured in Hungary)
Rating (2022): 4.6

It is no secret that very often the manufacturer artificially increases the price tag, using his name and his popularity. This is what happened with the American company BioTech, which today is considered a premium sports nutrition company. If you think about it, the word premium in relation to active additives is applied with great difficulty, which does not prevent the company from inflating the price tag. At what, apparently, this does not affect consumer demand in any way, since very often there is a shortage of brand goods in stores, which is often written in reviews. That is, you still have to run for a jar of your favorite protein.

If we talk about the practical side of the issue, then this sports nutrition is really of high quality.It uses only safe ingredients and rigorous quality control is carried out on all production lines. But these aspects are not unique and almost all brands included in our rating can boast of them. But in terms of price, BioTech is a clear leader. Apparently the prefix "premium" does its job in terms of marketing.

4 Ultimate Nutrition

The best ratio of price and quality
Country: USA
Rating (2022): 4.7

Sport for the American Victor Rubino was everything. He knew thoroughly about sports nutrition, and in 1979 he decided to establish private production using his own knowledge. Having recruited a staff of highly qualified specialists, Ultimate Nutrition was born, which quickly broke into the market. The glory of Victor himself, a man famous in the world of sports, played a significant role in the marketing campaign. But one name won't take you far, and the product has gained popularity. All thanks to a clear understanding of the owner of the company, what the consumer needs.

So far, reviews of Ultimate Nutrition supplements have been mixed and positive. The main advantage of the company is the ability to maneuver in the market and observe the fine line between price and quality. The brand's sports nutrition is one of the most inexpensive, while it has the best quality. In addition, the assortment includes supplements for people who have nothing to do with sports at all. These are active supplements that replenish a variety of substances in the body. Thanks to these products, the brand is known not only in the sports industry.

3 Dymatize

Constantly expanding range
Country: USA
Rating (2022): 4.8

Sports nutrition is an imperfect product. The manufacturer always has something to strive for, so many companies operate their own laboratories.Many can boast of research capacities, but the undisputed leader in this direction is the Dymatize brand. The lion's share of the budget is allocated here for the development, testing and research of new drugs. The company regularly releases new products, becoming the first on the market. Later this technology is mastered by other firms.

Also, the manufacturer is proud of the strictest quality control at all stages. Strict supervision of production allowed to achieve the best quality of products, but also gave rise to many who want to fake the famous brand. However, it is not difficult to identify a fake, even without being an expert. Everything about Dymatize is top notch, right down to the packaging. Counterfeit manufacturers, in turn, are trying in every possible way to reduce the cost of the product, which is immediately evident.

2 Universal Nutrition

most popular manufacturer
Country: USA
Rating (2022): 4.9

Sports nutrition is a relatively new product. It became widespread only at the end of the 20th century, and the American manufacturer Universal Nutrition stood at the origins. At the beginning of its career, the company was engaged in the production of anabolic drugs. That is, the brand was known only among professional bodybuilders. Later, the company launched the production of the widest range of drugs, quickly gaining popularity due to the best quality of its products.

As they write in the reviews, any product of the brand meets the most stringent requirements. If the drug is intended for weight gain, then this is how it will act, with virtually no consequences for the body. The perfect balance of active ingredients and only the best ingredients have made Universal Nutrition one of the most popular manufacturers on the market.The only drawback here is the price. The product is quite expensive, and there are many fakes on the market, which is easily explained by popularity.

1 Optimum Nutrition

Best Brand
Country: USA
Rating (2022): 4.9

Sports nutrition is a product with ever-increasing demand. New names regularly appear on the market, but the leadership is held by only a few firms, and ON is one of them. A manufacturer known throughout the world for the highest quality products. The best choice for athletes of all levels, from professionals to beginners. In the arsenal there are all types of additives, including narrowly targeted ones, with unique active ingredients. The brand is produced at 4 factories in the USA, and even they cannot cope with the ever-growing demand.

At one time, the company carried out an extensive marketing campaign, which made it the most popular in the market. Today, almost everyone knows about Optimum Nutrition, and the brand does not need advertising. But a lot of fakes have appeared that imitate the company logo or even impudently create a copy. When choosing sports nutrition from Optimum Nutrition, you must carefully monitor the authenticity of the product. Judging by the reviews, about half of all goods on the market are fake.

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