10 Best Digestive Enzymes on iHerb



Characteristic in the rating

Top 10 Best Digestive Enzymes with iHerb

1 California Gold Nutrition Best Broad Spectrum Enzymes
2 Now Foods most popular drug
3 Doctor's Best Optimal combination of price and efficiency
4 Enzymedica No side effects
5 Zenwise Health Daily Probiotic Capsules
6 nature's way Best drug for lactose intolerance
7 Enzymatic Therapy Most Effective Systemic Enzymes
8 Source Naturals Best option for vegetarians
9 Enzymedica For optimal fat absorption
10 american health Good taste and excellent digestion

The health of not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also the state of the whole organism as a whole depends on proper digestion. Many diseases, skin and hair problems are the result of a lack of enzymes that ensure the breakdown and full absorption of certain substances - fats, sugars, carbohydrates, fiber. Those enzymes that are sold in Russian pharmacies are mainly aimed at improving digestion, relieving heaviness after eating - they are full-fledged drugs, prescribed by doctors for the treatment of diseases of the stomach, pancreas, gallbladder. And on the American site IHerb, you can purchase dietary supplements based on individual enzymes or their complex for general well-being and maintaining the health of the gastrointestinal tract. You will find the best digestive enzymes on iHerb in this ranking.

There are contraindications. Check with your doctor.

Top 10 Best Digestive Enzymes with iHerb

10 american health

Good taste and excellent digestion
Price for iHerb: from 988 rubles
Rating (2021): 4.5

Somewhat unusual for digestive enzymes, the drug is available in the form of chewable tablets with a pleasant fruity taste. Despite the low cost, the volume of the jar is very large - 600 pieces. The drug is made on the basis of papaya fruit, which contains plant enzymes such as papain, amylase and protease. Therefore, the formula means can be called completely natural and safe. The drug is recommended to be taken after meals, dissolving from one to three tablets, depending on the severity of the problem. A nice bonus is calcium carbonate in the composition.

In the reviews, many buyers write that it has become easier to live with these pills. Now they can allow food that they previously avoided. Of the pleasant advantages of the drug, users note the low cost, pleasant taste, ease of administration and the effectiveness of eliminating the symptoms of overeating. Some write that now this tool is always in their home first aid kit.

9 Enzymedica

For optimal fat absorption
Price for iHerb: from 2523 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.6

People who cannot tolerate fatty foods cannot do without taking digestive enzymes. And the Enzymedica brand is one of the best in this regard. It has a pronounced therapeutic effect due to the very high content of enzymes that ensure the breakdown of fats.Due to this, it not only helps digestion, but also maintains normal cholesterol levels, acts as a prevention of cardiovascular diseases, but for this, the remedy must be taken on an empty stomach. Taking capsules relieves excess stress from the pancreas and gallbladder. The increased efficiency of the drug is ensured by the use of several enzyme strains operating at different pH levels.

The disadvantages of buyers on Eicherb include only the rather high cost of the drug. This disadvantage is somewhat offset by the fact that the packaging is large and lasts for a long time. But there are no complaints about the effectiveness of the remedy - digestion improves, many can afford to eat fatty foods that they could not consume before without consequences. Some buyers note another unexpected plus for themselves - due to the full disengagement of fats, appetite decreases, and excess weight gradually begins to go away.

8 Source Naturals

Best option for vegetarians
Price for iHerb: from 1827 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.6

Enzyme supplement in plant-based capsules will be a real find for vegetarians, who, due to the specifics of nutrition, often experience digestive difficulties. An excellent set of enzymes will help to quickly break down the abundance of fiber in food and contribute to the complete absorption of nutrients. It has everything you need - a plant analogue of pancreatin, lipase, cellulase, lactase and much more. Before meals, it is recommended to take one or two capsules to avoid bloating, heaviness or other unpleasant manifestations of indigestion.

Due to their excellent composition, these digestive enzymes are popular not only among vegetarians.They are accepted by buyers with different eating styles and often note their effectiveness in their reviews on iHerb. They also write that they are excellent for irritable bowel syndrome. But those users who have really serious digestive problems consider the drug not effective enough, much weaker than the Russian Creon.

7 Enzymatic Therapy

Most Effective Systemic Enzymes
Price for iHerb: from 1830 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.7

Systemic enzymes act not only on the digestive processes, and therefore are not always accepted for violations of the gastrointestinal tract. The composition of the drug includes very strong pancreatic enzymes, as well as a number of auxiliary components - bromelain, papain, amylase, lipase, lysozyme. When taken simultaneously with food, the remedy contributes to normal digestion, eliminates the likelihood of such unpleasant symptoms as heaviness, bloating, heartburn, pain in the pancreas, even when eating fatty or spicy foods. Another area of ​​​​application is a technique for relieving muscle pain as a result of increased physical exertion. This moment is greatly appreciated by athletes who are forced to train long and hard.

Another feature is the content of trypsin, which has pronounced anti-cancer properties, so the drug can be recommended for use in the complex treatment of oncological diseases in the early stages. By the way, it is on this occasion that buyers from Eicherb write a lot of positive reviews, surprised by the decrease in the number of antibodies after a course of taking the drug. But most still use the drug as high-quality digestive enzymes in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

6 nature's way

Best drug for lactose intolerance
Price for iHerb: from 915 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.7

Nature's Way Digestive Enzyme has a very limited spectrum of activity - it is designed specifically for those whose body refuses to accept dairy products. The high content of lactase allows people with this problem to drink milk and dairy products without harm, eat cheese, cottage cheese and ice cream without harm. Depending on the severity of lactose intolerance, it is recommended to take 1 to 3 capsules before consuming the dairy product.

User reviews on IHerb fully confirm the effectiveness of the drug. Some take it on an ongoing basis and call the remedy a real salvation for lactose intolerance. This digestive enzyme allows you to diversify your diet without experiencing digestive problems. An additional plus is that the capsules are small, even a child can easily swallow them.

5 Zenwise Health

Daily Probiotic Capsules
Price for iHerb: from 1478 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.8

A food supplement containing a balanced complex of plant-derived enzymes, probiotics and prebiotics, ideal for daily intake, supporting the digestive process, even without serious indications for this. Regular intake of the drug ensures better absorption of nutrients, which has a positive effect on overall health, support for the immune system, and a high level of energy.Anyone who wants to avoid further digestive problems as a result of malnutrition or age-related changes is recommended to drink one capsule daily before each meal.

Those buyers who have serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract, believe that the drug is weak and does not have the desired effect. But it is also designed more for preventive use than for the treatment of diseases, so the dosage of digestive enzymes is not very high. The rest of the users highly appreciate the effectiveness of the drug, indicating that while taking it they never experience bloating or heaviness. Many note a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, use the remedy in the complex treatment of allergic reactions.

4 Enzymedica

No side effects
Price for iHerb: from 1665 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.8

Enzymedica provides mild digestive support. It includes a complex of basic, but the most necessary digestive enzymes, which, when used, do not give side effects. Enzyme deficiency is present in most people, it occurs as a result of age-related changes, unbalanced nutrition, taking any drugs that negatively affect the intestinal microflora. The beauty of Enzymedica enzymes is that they can be taken prophylactically without serious indications for this. Therefore, the drug is very popular among those who carefully monitor their health, are fond of taking dietary supplements. The especially mild formula ensures 100% tolerance, but at the same time gives a pronounced effect in the form of improved digestion and the condition of the body as a whole.

Customer reviews for iHerb are not only aimed at improving digestion. Many write that with the start of taking the drug, the skin condition improved, the allergy partially or completely disappeared, the smell of sweat became less pronounced. The beneficial effect on the intestines is also very noticeable - many buyers are glad that now they can safely eat foods that cause increased gas formation - cabbage, peas, legumes, sweet fruits.

3 Doctor's Best

Optimal combination of price and efficiency
Price for iHerb: from 1510 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.9

The optimal combination of price and effectiveness of action can be called a drug from the popular on iHerb brand Doctor's Best. It contains a full spectrum of digestive enzymes that provide real support for the gastrointestinal tract, ease the course of existing diseases and help prevent their development. The composition contains substances that ensure the rapid breakdown of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, crude fiber from vegetables. When taking capsules, there is never bloating, a feeling of heaviness. Additionally, beneficial bacteria are included in the composition to normalize the intestinal microflora. It is recommended to take only one capsule with each meal.

Customer reviews on iHerb are much more eloquent than the description of the manufacturer. As some users write, you should not expect an instant effect, but with regular intake, digestive functions are gradually restored. This drug helps a lot with a lack of enzymes in the body. Many consider it the best replacement for the domestic Mezim and Festal. But there is one drawback - some buyers noticed abdominal pain after taking the drug.

2 Now Foods

most popular drug
Price for iHerb: from 1493 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.9

Super enzymes from the popular brand of dietary supplements Now Foods fully justify their big name. The drug is a complex of digestive enzymes, which includes bromelain, ox bile extract, pancreatin, papain and other equally valuable substances. Their combination ensures the complete breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, promotes high-quality absorption of nutrients, and the addition of probiotics to the composition helps to normalize the intestinal microflora. Since the drug is strong enough, contains high doses of enzymes, it is not recommended to give it to children. Adults are advised to take one capsule with meals.

Judging by the large number of positive reviews, this drug can be called one of the most popular on IHerb. Their main idea is a very high efficiency of the product. Many people think that superenzymes should always be at hand - not only in the home, but also in the first-aid kit, as they are great for poisoning. In fact, this drug is an analogue of the expensive Russian Wobenzym, but it has an improved composition and is much cheaper.

1 California Gold Nutrition

Best Broad Spectrum Enzymes
Price for iHerb: from 1211 rub.
Rating (2021): 5.0

Capsules from California Gold Nutrition have a wide spectrum of activity thanks to a rich composition that ensures the correct uncoupling of protein, fats, carbohydrates, fiber. Each capsule contains a balanced amount of amelase, lactase, protease, cellulase, lipase and other important enzymes.In combination, they prevent the likelihood of increased gas formation, indigestion, indigestion, and help with existing diseases of the digestive system. The manufacturer recommends taking just one capsule with each meal - this is enough to maintain proper digestion, regardless of the diet.

Many buyers consider this preparation the best complex of digestive enzymes on Iherb. In the reviews, they write that the supplement works great, really helps to improve digestion even with strong nutritional errors. Some take them periodically so that there is no feeling of heaviness after a feast, others drink on an ongoing basis due to existing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

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