Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Dr. Ax | Best Cast |
2 | BSN | The highest protein content |
3 | Quest Nutrition | Simple composition and pleasant taste |
4 | Grenade, Carb Killa | Variety of flavors |
5 | ThinkThin | Optimal combination of price and quality |
6 | Quest Nutrition, Cookies and Cream | The most balanced composition |
7 | Clif Bar | The best protein bar with added vitamins |
8 | OOH Snap | Multi-component protein blend |
9 | One Brands | Large protein bars |
10 | California Gold Nutrition | Affordable price |
Protein bars are used primarily by athletes. After a workout, they help to quickly restore energy reserves and satisfy hunger with muscle benefits. As the name implies, protein bars contain a lot of protein, so they really saturate well. They can also be used by people who do not play sports, in cases where there is no opportunity to have a full meal. We will not go into the intricacies of choosing high-quality protein bars, we will simply invite you to familiarize yourself with the rating of the best options with iHerb.
Top 10 Best Protein Bars from iHerb
10 California Gold Nutrition
Price for iHerb: from 953 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.5
Bars with coconut, almonds and granola, despite their small size (40 grams), are perfectly satiating, so they are convenient to use as a snack. They are a mixture of grains, nuts, goji berries, flaxseeds, dates and other similar ingredients. This is a tasty and healthy treat. They are ideal for people on a diet, since one bar contains only 200 calories, but they will not be the best option for athletes - they do not contain pure protein. And the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is not the best for restoring strength after a workout. For example, a bar contains only 7 grams of protein.
For this reason, the main buyers of California Gold Nutrition bars are those with a sweet tooth who are forced to adhere to a proper, low-calorie diet. Many use them as a healthy snack at work. Their taste qualities are excellent - nuts and dried fruits are well felt, there is not too much sugar.
9 One Brands
Price for iHerb: from 2014 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.6
Athletes very often do not like the small size of protein bars, which does not give them full saturation. Especially for such people, a product weighing 85 grams is produced under the One Brands brand. Due to its large size, it also has an increased protein content - 26 grams. At the same time, the taste of the product is excellent - milk chocolate, nuts, caramel and crispy biscuits. Minus - in the composition I would like to see even less sugar and carbohydrates.
But buyers are ready to turn a blind eye to the high content of carbohydrates and sugar because of the excellent taste of the bar.In their opinion, it is much tastier than Snickers, since there are a lot of nuts in it. There is absolutely no taste of protein, chocolate is excellent. In addition to everything, they are very satiating, so many people cannot eat a bar at a time. The disadvantage is that this option is not suitable for losing weight, as it has a fairly high calorie content.
8 OOH Snap
Price for iHerb: from 991 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.6
Chocolate and peanut butter flavored crunchy protein bars are very popular among iHerb shoppers. They are small (only 46 grams), but, despite this, they perfectly saturate. The protein is represented by a multi-component mixture of soy protein isolate, milk and whey protein concentrates and dry egg white. Also included are soy lecithin, peanut butter, almonds, invert syrup, sweetener. The only thing you can find fault with is the presence of not only natural, but also artificial flavors, which is not very welcome among adherents of a healthy diet. One bar contains 15 grams of protein.
Users even like the small size of the bars - you can quickly eat it literally on the go, satisfy your hunger when there is absolutely no time. There are usually no complaints about the taste either - buyers order it not for the first time. The texture of the bars is crispy, the taste is moderately sweet. The big advantage is that the taste of protein is almost not felt.
7 Clif Bar
Price for iHerb: from 1745 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.7
Protein bars themselves benefit the body by saturating it with pure protein, but even better if their composition is supplemented with vitamins. The product from Clif Bar contains a whole complex of vitamins - C, D, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, as well as calcium, pantothenic acid, iron, phosphorus and iodine. Regular consumption of these bars will help not only quickly restore strength after training or just satisfy hunger, but also prevent the development of beriberi. There is only one significant drawback - too high a sugar content for a sports, dietary product.
According to buyers at iHerb, the taste of these bars is reminiscent of Snickers, but the protein is slightly felt, which spoils the overall impression. But at the same time, they are less sweet, not cloying, very quickly and for a long time give a feeling of fullness. The presence of vitamins in the composition of users is also considered a big plus. Therefore, the high sugar content remains the only disadvantage of this product.
6 Quest Nutrition, Cookies and Cream
Price for iHerb: from 1941 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.7
An excellent solution for athletes and adherents of a healthy lifestyle in terms of the ratio of the main substances - 21 g of protein, 1 g of sugar, 4 g of carbohydrates and 15 g of fiber. The protein is a mixture of milk and whey protein isolates. Otherwise, the composition is also excellent - stevia as a sweetener, coconut oil, almonds, lecithin and a few other components that are contained in small quantities. A balanced composition ensures rapid saturation and restoration of energy without harm to health and figure.
Buyers on IHerb agree that the composition is really well balanced. From themselves, they add that the taste of the bars is just great, but quite sweet. On diets and dryers, they serve as a full-fledged replacement for other sweets. Although there are some users who do not like the taste, since even the best protein bars have a specific protein flavor. Therefore, there is only one drawback - the high price.
5 ThinkThin
Price for iHerb: from 1076 rubles
Rating (2021): 4.8
In addition to the optimal combination of price and quality, these protein bars can be considered the best in terms of sugar content - they simply do not have it. To add sweetness, safe maltitol syrup is used, which has a minimal calorie content. The protein is represented by a mixture of soy protein isolates, whey protein and calcium caseinate. Also in the composition there is lecithin, almond oil and a number of other natural ingredients.
Customers also find these bars to be one of the best value for money bars on the market. iHerb, so they order them repeatedly. In the reviews, they write that the bars are large, satisfying, with an excellent taste of chocolate fudge. In the line of the same manufacturer, you can find other flavors. Just one bar gives a persistent feeling of fullness, satisfies cravings for sweets. The only drawback according to users is the too high carbohydrate content.
4 Grenade, Carb Killa
Price for iHerb: from 2129 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.8
The line of protein bars of this brand is represented by six different flavors, so each customer will be able to choose the best option for themselves. Compared to most similar products, they contain a minimum of sugar - only 2 grams. The palatability is high - a three-layer bar with cookies and white chocolate is liked by most buyers. The protein blend includes calcium caseinate, milk and whey protein isolates. Otherwise, the composition is also not bad, unnatural, harmful components cannot be found in it.
The taste qualities of the bars are praised by all users with iHerb. Delicate crunchy texture, rather pronounced sweetness leave more a feeling of a delicious dessert than a forced healthy snack. It is for this reason that bars are popular among those trying to lose weight on a low-carb diet. And with a wide range of flavors, these protein bars won't get boring.
3 Quest Nutrition
Price for iHerb: from 1617 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.9
Compared to other protein bars on IHerb, the product of this brand has an extremely simple composition. It includes milk protein isolate and whey protein, prebiotic fiber from corn as a source of fiber, and several other natural ingredients. According to the manufacturer, the unique substance allulose, obtained from various fruits, is used as a sweetener. Its taste is sweet, but it is not absorbed by the body, but is excreted unchanged, therefore, it excludes excess carbohydrates and calories from entering the body.Among the additional useful substances in the composition, you can see iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium.
Despite the relatively high cost, these protein bars are very popular among iHerb shoppers. In reviews, they often write about good taste, naturalness. They are loved not only by athletes, but also by sweet tooth, who try to keep their figure and adhere to a healthy lifestyle. In terms of simplicity of composition and taste, they can be called one of the best on IHerb.
Price for iHerb: from 1538 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.9
Protein bars from BSN can be called the best in terms of protein content. One piece contains 20 grams. And in general, the composition is natural and unquestionable - isolate and concentrate of whey, milk and soy protein, sunflower lecithin, dried egg white. The rest of the flavoring and aromatic fillers are also exclusively natural and healthy. There is not a single harmful ingredient in the composition.
Buyers in reviews on IHerb highly appreciate the taste and composition of the bars. They have a crunchy texture, not too sweet, with a pronounced chocolate flavor. But the main advantage they call the high protein content per bar. There are no significant drawbacks, but some would like the cost to be more affordable.
1 Dr. Ax
Price for iHerb: from 2688 rub.
Rating (2021): 5.0
Products brand Dr. Ax is trusted by many professional athletes. The bar has an excellent composition, including chicken broth protein concentrate, whey protein concentrate, sunflower lecithin, various vegetable ingredients.Stevia is used as a sugar substitute. It is not possible to find a single component in the composition, the quality and naturalness of which could be claimed. The amount of protein per bar is quite sufficient - 15 grams.
Most buyers on IHerb love the bars. In the reviews, they write about the natural taste, moderate sweetness, optimal consistency. The product perfectly satisfies hunger, helps to restore strength after a workout. Some, on the contrary, consider them too rigid. The biggest and only significant drawback in the opinion of buyers is the high cost.