15 Best Proteins from iHerb

Do you dream of improving your figure, building muscle mass and providing your body with energy even with a low-calorie diet? You can try to balance your menu so that the food is rich in protein. But there is a more convenient alternative - ready-made protein complexes with iHerb. We will introduce you to the best herbal and whey isolates.



Characteristic in the rating

Best Whey Protein Isolates with iHerb

1 ALLMAX Nutrition Isoflex Best in digestibility
2 Muscletech NitroTech The best palatability
3 California Gold Nutrition Isolate Economic consumption and affordable cost
4 Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey The most popular

Best Casein Proteins with iHerb

1 Dymatize Nutrition The most pleasant texture
2 California Gold Nutrition Casein Affordable price
3 Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Casein The widest selection of flavors
4 ALLMAX Nutrition CaseinFX Pure casein with a pleasant taste

The Best Plant-Based Proteins with iHerb

1 Sprout Living The most natural composition
2 Orgain Organic Protein Good taste and nice texture
3 PlantFusion Complete Plant Protein The most economical cost
4 Now Foods Sports The best price for a vegan product

Best Egg Proteins with iHerb

1 MRM The best egg protein
2 Julian Bakery The richest taste and aroma
3 Gaspari Nutrition Proven Egg The optimum ratio of price and quality

Among athletes, special protein supplements are very popular. They help to gain muscle mass during strength training, to achieve the desired result faster. There are many varieties of protein supplements - they differ mainly in the source of protein and the method of obtaining it. According to athletes, not all proteins are effective. Therefore, we have compiled a ranking where we have collected the best and most popular protein supplements from IHerb.

There are contraindications. Check with your doctor.

Best Whey Protein Isolates with iHerb

Sports nutrition isolates are obtained primarily from whey. They are considered the most effective compared to other types of proteins. The isolate is a simple protein that has undergone maximum purification. This is due to its rapid digestibility and return of the maximum amount of nutrients. We have selected the best protein isolates from IHerb for you.

4 Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey

The most popular
Price for iHerb: from $42.32
Rating (2021): 4.6

The best-selling and recognizable protein from Optimum Nutrition. The sports nutrition company has staked on the best quality and safety of its product. Even the raw materials for production come from our own dairy plants with high quality control. And its supplier is the Irish agricultural holding Glanbia. This gives hope that the protein isolate is actually made from natural milk.

The protein content is not the highest - only 24 g per serving. However, the balance of all elements of the sports nutrition contributes to excellent digestibility.The powder quickly dissolves in water, the cocktail is delicious, and it is easy to drink. Many users, having tried different whey proteins, return to this product. Recently, complaints about fakes of the most popular protein in the world have become more frequent. Eicherb refutes such accusations and controls the quality of the proteins sold.

3 California Gold Nutrition Isolate

Economic consumption and affordable cost
Price for iHerb: from $56.00
Rating (2021): 4.7

A quality product obtained by multi-stage microfiltration. To prepare one serving of the drink, you need 39 g of powder. The product does not contain fats and harmful substances - all components are completely natural. One serving contains 27 g of pure protein, 1 g of carbohydrates and 6 g of sugars. The manufacturer offers three different flavors - natural (without additives and flavors), dark chocolate and vanilla. Compared to other similar products, the cost is low with an economical consumption of powder.

Many buyers in the reviews write that the protein of this brand corresponds to the optimal ratio of price and quality. It is very economically consumed, but at the same time it costs an order of magnitude cheaper than analogues. There are different opinions about the taste of the finished drink - some consider it quite pleasant, others consider it unnatural. A significant disadvantage is the unsuccessful packaging, after opening the package it is no longer possible to close it tightly enough.

2 Muscletech NitroTech

The best palatability
Price for iHerb: from $54.99
Rating (2021): 4.8

A good protein shake from a trusted manufacturer based on whey isolate and peptides. Approximately 46 g of powder is needed to prepare one serving of the drink.One can of 1.81 kg is enough to prepare 40 servings. The composition is enriched with creatine for a faster set of muscle mass. The product passed all kinds of tests, according to the results of research and the opinion of athletes, it was recognized as one of the best protein shakes. The main indicators are high protein content (27g per serving) and good taste.

According to customer reviews, the product really helps to build muscle mass faster, gives strength and endurance in training. The powder dissolves well in water, forming a homogeneous drink with a pleasant consistency. Users appreciate the good, natural composition, easy protein digestibility and excellent taste of the finished drink.

1 ALLMAX Nutrition Isoflex

Best in digestibility
Price for iHerb: from $86.99
Rating (2021): 4.9

ALLMAX Nutrition Isoflex Pure Whey Protein is a high performance, sugar, gluten and fat free dietary supplement. It contains 90% protein - with one serving, the body receives 27 g of protein and only 1 g of carbohydrates. Protein drink contains cocoa and flavorings, very pleasant to the taste. The manufacturer offers a wide selection of flavors - banana, chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, caramel. The isolate is quite expensive, but it is of very high quality, good digestibility, naturalness and efficiency.

Users of iHerb leave a lot of good reviews about the product. They note that the powder dissolves well, has a pleasant taste, and does not contain sugar. Some customers find that it works better than other similar drinks. Others believe that the cost of the product is fundamentally overpriced.

Best Casein Proteins with iHerb

Casein is the main complex protein in milk. Its difference from whey protein is that it uncouples twice as slowly and has a storage function. Therefore, the amino acids contained in it enter the body gradually. This property of casein proteins is actively used by athletes.

4 ALLMAX Nutrition CaseinFX

Pure casein with a pleasant taste
Price for iHerb: from $42.99
Rating (2021): 4.5

Micellar casein protein is great for beginner bodybuilders. It is highly digestible and helps to build muscle even during sleep - it releases protein when the body is active and when it is resting. The product works great regardless of the time of day and food consumed. The protein contains 4 enzymes that activate the breakdown of large molecules into proteins, peptides and amino acids. The amount of sugar is minimal, non-protein amino acids are absent. Minerals include calcium, magnesium and potassium.

The taste is weakly pronounced, the smell is not sharp, pleasant, there is practically no aftertaste. Most iHerb buyers see this as a positive. The powder is coarse-grained, the consistency resembles quartz sand, which is the norm for casein proteins. The composition is easily mixed with cottage cheese, dissolves well in cold milk and water. Unpleasant sensations after taking is not observed.

3 Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Casein

The widest selection of flavors
Price for iHerb: from $50.92
Rating (2021): 4.6

Optimum Nutrition micellar casein protein is of high quality and is quite popular among people leading a sports lifestyle.The manufacturer offers customers a very wide selection of flavors - banana, strawberry, chocolate, vanilla and a few more options. To prepare one serving of the drink, 34 g of powder is required, which contains 24 g of protein, 3 g of carbohydrates, 1 g of fat and sugar. In terms of protein content, the product loses somewhat to more expensive protein shakes, but it is well absorbed and gives a noticeable result during training.

Buyers often write in reviews that if you drink a cocktail at night, the muscles recover much faster after training, there is no pain. They also note a richer, more pleasant taste, a prolonged feeling of satiety, economical consumption and low cost. Serious shortcomings could not be identified, but as always there are buyers who do not like the taste of the drink

2 California Gold Nutrition Casein

Affordable price
Price for iHerb: from $14.00
Rating (2021): 4.7

The best casein protein for those who do not like "chemistry" in bioadditives. Assimilated slowly, perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger. Suitable as a snack when there is no time for a full meal. The product is recommended by the manufacturer only as a dietary supplement, but regularly receives good reviews from those who want to lose weight. There are only 15 servings in the package, and Iherb does not offer other packaging. The powder is the finest grinding, but it is poorly soluble in water and milk - you can’t do without a shaker.

As part of 25 g of protein, a set of amino acids and even a small amount of calcium, which is good news. However, not everyone likes the taste of the product. Some buyers of the iHerb site call it strange. The fact is that there are no sweeteners and flavoring additives.Therefore, it is not the most delicious protein. But the composition is completely natural, even a slight aftertaste of goat's milk is present. And the price is nice.

1 Dymatize Nutrition

The most pleasant texture
Price for iHerb: from $60.24
Rating (2021): 4.8

Dymatize Nutrition's casein protein provides a constant, even supply of amino acids to the muscles, resulting in a natural, correct increase in their mass. It also gives a long-lasting feeling of fullness, helping to more easily withstand protein, low-carb diets. To prepare one serving of the drink, you need to take 35 g of dry powder. This amount of product contains 25 g of protein, 3 g of carbohydrates and 1.5 g of fat.

In the reviews, users note a pleasant, light texture of the drink. It is not as thick as other casein proteins and is easy to drink. Also, buyers point to an acceptable cost, high quality of the product, its effectiveness - it gives a feeling of satiety, adds strength, helps to build muscle mass faster with moderate training. There are also negative reviews, but in most cases they are related to the taste, not the quality of the protein, and come from those people who do not like the smell of cinnamon.

The Best Plant-Based Proteins with iHerb

Most often, sports protein is obtained from whey. For vegetarians and people with lactose intolerance, sports nutrition manufacturers have developed protein shakes based on vegetable proteins. As a source of protein, they use legumes - peas, soybeans. Less common are varieties derived from rice or hemp.

4 Now Foods Sports

The best price for a vegan product
Price for iHerb: from $23.51
Rating (2021): 4.5

Protein isolate of vegetable origin is made from peas. It does not contain GMOs, dairy products, sucrose and sweeteners. The protein is suitable for vegans and people prone to allergies. Powder of neutral taste, it can be mixed with water, coconut milk, any juice, honey, sea salt and various food additives. The consistency is pleasant. And if you like protein shakes with additives, you can choose this product from iHerb with chocolate or vanilla flavor.

The protein content is 24 g, which is the best indicator for a vegetable isolate. The protein complex is enriched with iron and perfectly balanced in other components. It is not recommended to take it to people suffering from gout and other diseases in which peas are contraindicated. This brand is one of the most popular on iHerb. This is mainly due to the reasonable price, it is indicated for a 900-gram can.

3 PlantFusion Complete Plant Protein

The most economical cost
Price for iHerb: from $45.99
Rating (2021): 4.6

100% natural vegetable protein enriched with amino acids and digestive enzymes. In terms of amino acid content, balance and digestibility, it is comparable to the best whey proteins. Does not contain gluten, lactose and GMOs. Economical consumption - only 30 g of dry powder is needed to prepare a portion of the drink. It contains 21 g of protein, 2 g of fat, 4 g of carbohydrates and sugars. Stevia and sucrose are used as a sweetener. Taking into account the economical consumption, the cost is quite acceptable.

Most buyers with iHerb like the taste, good solubility and economy of the product.According to their reviews, it perfectly saturates after training, helps muscles recover faster, and gives strength during exercise. Many point to the presence of amino acids in the composition. Cons - not everyone likes the consistency and taste of the drink.

2 Orgain Organic Protein

Good taste and nice texture
Price for iHerb: from $35.76
Rating (2021): 4.7

Vegetable protein derived from peas and brown rice with the addition of chia seeds. Natural cocoa is used as a flavoring and aromatic additive. The manufacturer offers other flavors. The product does not contain gluten, lactose and sugars. The absence of sugar characterizes the product from the best side, but this advantage is partially covered by the high content of carbohydrates - 15 g per serving. Pure protein in 46 g is only 21 g, which is not the best indicator. Otherwise, this vegetable protein is high-quality, natural and quite effective.

The main reason for this product's positive reviews on IHerb is its great taste. Unlike other vegetable proteins, it dissolves easily, has a sweetish taste and a pleasant texture. The second reason is nutrition and composition. There are no complaints about them either. Most of the negative reviews are related to excessive sweetness due to the addition of stevia.

1 Sprout Living

The most natural composition
Price for iHerb: from $27.95
Rating (2021): 4.8

A protein made from a mixture of vegetable proteins. The main components are yellow peas, sunflower seeds, cranberries and pumpkins. Jerusalem artichoke was used as a natural prebiotic. To prepare a portion of a protein drink, you need to take 35 g of powder.This amount of the mixture contains 26 g of protein, 6 g of carbohydrates, 3.5 g of fat and 1 g of sugar. For vegetable protein, this is a very good indicator. The product is not the cheapest, but high quality and effective. Customers are offered several different flavors to choose from.

Buyers with IHerb like the natural composition of the protein powder, the absence of synthetic additives and flavors. It shows itself well in action, but it can only be consumed with additional additives in the form of yoghurts and fruits due to its grainy texture and specific taste. It is the taste of the product that most often underlies negative reviews.

Best Egg Proteins with iHerb

Egg white is one of the highest quality proteins for sports nutrition. It contains practically no fats and carbohydrates, it is easily and quickly absorbed by the body, saturated with sulfur-containing amino acids. Egg proteins are recommended to be taken before and after training. On IHerb, we were able to find some decent protein shake options.

3 Gaspari Nutrition Proven Egg

The optimum ratio of price and quality
Price for iHerb: from $47.99
Rating (2021): 4.5

A good low calorie protein supplement for those who are lactose intolerant. The supplement contains 25 g of highly purified egg white. Comes with iHerb in two versions - with the aroma of chocolate and salted caramel. Both have the best palatability and are characterized by a complete amino acid profile. The supplement is easily digested, gives a feeling of fullness and contains a rich complex of minerals. This product practically does not bind fluid in the body, which reduces the load on the kidneys.

The low rate of absorption contributes to the reduction of catabolic factors. There are also disadvantages - some consider the protein too sweet. There are references that the powder does not dissolve well in cold water, it can form lumps. However, if you prepare cocktails in a shaker, this problem does not arise. It is recommended to take egg protein to nourish the body during the day.

2 Julian Bakery

The richest taste and aroma
Price for iHerb: from $49.99
Rating (2021): 4.7

A good egg protein with a full complex of essential amino acids, fortified with probiotics and sweetened with stevia. One serving (30 g) contains 25 g of protein and only 112 calories. Using a cocktail in conjunction with strength training, you can build muscle mass much faster and minimize pain. With low-calorie diets, it is recommended to drink a cocktail between meals to reduce the feeling of hunger. In total, the manufacturer offers three flavors - natural without additives, chocolate and vanilla.

Buyers with iHerb think that this is a very good but expensive egg white. They call its main advantage excellent taste qualities - a pleasant texture, rich aroma. It can be diluted with milk or water - it dissolves well and is easy to drink. Minus - some have problems with digestion.


The best egg protein
Price for iHerb: from $41.99
Rating (2021): 4.8

High-quality protein, 100% composed of egg whites. One serving of powder (33 g) contains 23 g of protein and 2 g of carbohydrates. There are no fats and sugars in the composition, but the content of amino acids is high. The product is made without artificial flavors, stevia is used as a sweetener.It is easily absorbed by the body, providing invaluable assistance to athletes who need to increase the effectiveness of training, quickly gain muscle mass.

IHerb customers find this protein shake to be a great alternative to whey protein. The finished drink has no egg taste, the consistency is uniform, airy, quite pleasant. It shows itself well in business - it increases stamina, is easily digested, without causing digestive problems. The only downside is the overly sweet taste.

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