Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | NatraBio, bioAllers | Efficiency and versatility |
2 | child life | most popular drug |
3 | Similasan | The best ratio of price and quality |
4 | Forces of Nature | 100% natural composition |
5 | Boiron, Single Remedies | safe homeopathic remedy |
6 | MediNatura, ClearLife | Convenient way to use |
7 | Sinol, SinolM, All-Natural Nasal Spray | Convenient way to use |
8 | Vitables | Best price |
9 | Boericke & Tafel | Rapid relief of allergy symptoms |
10 | Solaray, Butterbur Root Extract | Prevention of seasonal allergies |
Allergies are common. It can develop on anything - on pollen during flowering plants, on household dust, food and cosmetics. Most antihistamines for the treatment of allergic reactions have very unpleasant side effects - drowsiness, fatigue, weakness. To avoid them, it is worth trying natural remedies with IHerb. The assortment of the store has effective drugs for children and adults, treatment of even severe allergies. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the rating of the best of them right now.
Top 10 Best Allergy Remedies with iHerb
10 Solaray, Butterbur Root Extract
Price for iHerb: from 1154 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.5
This remedy is not a special antihistamine, but is quite often used to treat allergies. The product is completely natural, vegetable, available in capsules. For people prone to allergies, it is better to take it prophylactically, one piece twice a day for a rather long course. Butterbur root extract is unlikely to cope with severe allergy symptoms, but will help prevent their occurrence.
IHerb customers order this dietary supplement for a variety of purposes. For example, it is often used to treat resistant migraines. But some reviews also mention the effect on allergies. With prolonged use, adverse reactions occur less frequently and are not as pronounced.
9 Boericke & Tafel
Price for iHerb: from 668 rubles
Rating (2021): 4.6
A homeopathic remedy in the form of lozenges is not designed to treat severe allergies, but it can relieve symptoms - itchy skin and eyes, sneezing, runny nose, tearing, sore throat. The drug will be useful in reactions to most common allergens - dust, pollen, six pets, mold. As a prophylactic during the season of increased likelihood of developing allergies, it is recommended to take one tablet three times a day. To relieve severe symptoms, repeat the dose every hour.
This is one of the few natural products that IHerb buyers report that it really helps with all allergy symptoms. It quickly eliminates hives, nasal congestion, itchy skin. But it still does not cope with some types of allergies.Another drawback of the product is the high consumption of tablets, the packaging does not last long, so the cost is quite high.
8 Vitables
Price for iHerb: from 411 rubles
Rating (2021): 4.6
Inexpensive herbal allergy supplement for children is safe and has a pleasant grape flavor. It contains an extract of elderberry, grape seeds and skin, bromelain, zinc and some other substances. The syrup does not contain alcohol, has a natural composition, therefore it is approved for use by children from one year old. For the prevention and treatment of seasonal allergies, a child should be given a teaspoon of the remedy daily.
Parents who purchased this inexpensive drug at Eicherb for their children believe that it will not help with severe allergies, but it will alleviate the condition a little. They find the composition excellent, useful for strengthening immunity. And the pleasant taste of the syrup simplifies the treatment of young children.
7 Sinol, SinolM, All-Natural Nasal Spray
Price for iHerb: from 778 rubles
Rating (2021): 4.7
Nasal spray will quickly help with such manifestations of allergies as nasal congestion, sneezing, tearing. It contains eucalyptus oil, sea salt, aloe extract and rosemary. The tool should be used as needed. Relief of breathing comes in just a few minutes. If the desired effect is not achieved, the injection of the drug can be repeated.
The spray is convenient in the sense that it can be carried with you. Unlike medicinal antihistamines, it does not cause drowsiness, but at the same time it noticeably smoothes out the manifestations of allergies.Buyers from IHerb share their opinion in the reviews - the spray really helps, but immediately after injection it causes a rather strong burning sensation, which, however, quickly passes. After a few minutes, the congestion disappears, breathing becomes easier.
6 MediNatura, ClearLife
Price for iHerb: from 742 rubles
Rating (2021): 4.7
The nasal spray contains a complex of substances that together quickly alleviate allergy symptoms. Sneezing, tearing, runny nose, itchy skin - all these are unpleasante phenomena weaken on the first day of using the remedy. No side effects - not drowsiness, irritability, weakness, dry mucous membranes. Due to the safe composition, the spray is suitable for children over 4 years old. In the case of treating a young child, it is necessary to consult a doctor first.
Buyers with iHerb find this spray especially good for pollen allergies during spring flowering. It quite quickly, although not completely, copes with nasal congestion, makes breathing easier. But with a severe allergy on his own, without the use of additional funds, he will not cope.
5 Boiron, Single Remedies
Price for iHerb: from 529 rubles
Rating (2021): 4.8
A homeopathic preparation based on histamine hydrochloride is a natural remedy for allergies. It is used to alleviate or completely eliminate symptoms such as cough, itchy skin, sore throat, nasal congestion, watery eyes. Effective against allergies caused by a wide variety of irritants.The product is produced in the form of small granules for resorption. For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to take 5 pieces three times a day until a steady improvement occurs.
According to user reviews, Iherb is a reliable and inexpensive drug that helps out during periods of seasonal allergies. The result from the reception appears quickly - the very next day breathing is noticeably easier, nasal congestion disappears. With the rapid development of an allergic reaction to any products or means, it also helps well.
4 Forces of Nature
Price for iHerb: from 1098 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.8
The natural preparation contains nettle, marshmallow and some other plant extracts. In combination, they effectively eliminate the manifestations of allergies - nasal congestion, skin rashes, a feeling of sand in the eyes, tearing, sore throat. It is produced in liquid form. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to take 5-10 drops daily. In the case of an allergy, the same dose is taken every 15 minutes until the symptoms disappear.
Reviews on iHerb very little about the drug. The only thing that can be learned from them is that drops are taken easily, some users consider the product to be good, they are going to order it again. And this already suggests that the medicine still has some effect.
3 Similasan
Price for iHerb: from 495 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.9
An effective, inexpensive, natural, and easy-to-use allergy remedy to help fight sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, and cough caused by various irritants.A spray based on plant extracts helps well with reactions to animal hair, pollen during the flowering period, and dust. The drug does not cause drowsiness, does not give side effects, it is convenient to take it with you on the road, for a walk or to work.
The description of the product is very good, but in fact, not all buyers with Iherb have noticed a pronounced effect. Many consider it insufficiently effective for severe allergies. But some users claim that the spray quickly relieves such unpleasant sensations as nasal congestion, tickling in the throat. Perhaps such contradictions in the reviews may be related to the type of stimulus.
2 child life
Price for iHerb: from 756 rubles
Rating (2021): 4.9
Herbal preparation with vitamin C and zinc is intended for children prone to seasonal allergies. It increases the body's resistance to allergens. The composition of the product includes a concentrate of elderberry, amla berries, bromelain, grape seed and skin extract. Drops are safe, so you can give them to children from the age of one. Pleasant grape flavor makes it easy to take. To achieve a pronounced, sustainable result, a full course of treatment is needed.
Reviews on iHerb about the preparation are very good. Parents believe that this is a safe, but at the same time a strong remedy that really reduces the manifestations of allergies and does not give any side effects. They also noticed that during treatment immunity increases, colds are much easier. But in some cases, buyers with Iherb did not notice a pronounced result from the reception.
1 NatraBio, bioAllers
Price for iHerb: from 673 rub.
Rating (2021): 5.0
A natural remedy relieves all common manifestations of allergies - eliminates nasal congestion, sneezing, tearing, shortness of breath, skin rashes. The drug is based on plant components in combination with microdoses of allergens. Homeopathic remedy, safe, suitable for children from two years of age and adults. Available in the form of drops, the dosage depends on the age and characteristics of the patient.
As is the case with most homeopathic remedies, user reviews on Iherb are also controversial about these drops. Some do not notice any effect from the application, others claim that they help after the first dose, and the course helps to completely block the manifestations of allergies to house dust, pollen during the flowering of plants, food, fresh leaves and much more. The disadvantage can be called an unpleasant taste, which complicates the treatment of children.