Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Supradin Kids Mishki | High efficiency |
2 | Multi-Tabs Kid Chewable | The best vitamins for children from 1 to 4 years |
3 | VitaMishki immune plus Sea buckthorn | The most natural and delicious vitamins |
1 | Selmevit intensive | The best ratio of price and quality |
2 | Blagomax vitamin B complex | The most inexpensive and effective vitamins |
3 | Complivit | Low price and availability in pharmacies |
1 | Vitrum Prenatal | The best complex of vitamins during pregnancy |
2 | Elevit Pronatal | Best remedy for postpartum |
3 | Complivit mom | Domestic multivitamin complex for pregnant and lactating women |
1 | Alphabet 50+ | The best vitamins for people over 50 |
2 | Doppelherz active with magnesium and B vitamins | The fastest result after a month of taking |
3 | Vitrum Centuri | Balanced composition and pronounced effect |
1 | Man's formula MORE THAN A MULTIVITAMIN | The best multivitamin complex for men |
2 | Alphabet for men | Balanced three-tablet complex |
3 | Duovit For Men | The most popular vitamin complex |
1 | Vitamins for diabetics | Quality at an affordable price |
2 | Oligim Vitamins for Diabetes | Compensates for vitamin deficiency and normalizes sugar levels |
3 | Doppelgerz Active | The most popular vitamins among diabetics |
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Immunity is a natural mechanism for protecting the body from the action of hostile external influences - viruses and bacteria. Sometimes it can malfunction and a weakened body becomes vulnerable to various kinds of diseases. To maintain and strengthen the body's defenses, you need to periodically take concentrated and balanced vitamin complexes.
The choice of drugs for immunity is huge. What to focus on? Pay attention to what age and gender the drugs are designed for. The difference in composition and dosage is significant:
- children are shown vitamins for growth and the formation of the body's natural defenses; available as drops, syrups, powders or gummies; when buying, pay attention to the allowed age indicated on the package;
- for adults, preparations are produced with the inclusion of strengthening vitamins and microelements such as iodine, zinc or selenium;
- for the elderly - after 50 years, the protective functions of the body are reduced; At this age, it is especially important for the body to maintain strength to receive the daily allowance of all the necessary vitamins.
Vitamins will not provide a 100% result and an instant improvement in immunity. The presence of trace elements contributes to the normal functioning of the body and improves metabolism. It is worth remembering that thoughtless and uncontrolled use of drugs can harm a person. Therefore, vitamins should be consumed strictly following the indications in the instructions.
We present to your attention a rating of the best vitamins to increase and strengthen immunity in people of different ages and genders.The choice of winners was influenced by negative and positive feedback from consumers, as well as the opinion of doctors of various qualifications.
The best children's vitamins to strengthen immunity
The immune system requires stimulation from early childhood. Habitual foods cannot give a growing body all the necessary and useful microelements. The kid turns out to be defenseless when changing the usual environment: a placement in a kindergarten, school or a trip to a region with a different climate. So that the child does not lack useful substances, start giving him vitamin complexes for general strengthening of immunity.
3 VitaMishki immune plus Sea buckthorn

Country: Russia
Average price: 577 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
"VitaMishki" is a balanced vitamin and mineral complex for children from 3 years old. Chewing gummies contain sea buckthorn fruits, vitamins E and C, selenium and zinc. Daily intake of one plate helps prevent infectious diseases, as well as maintain immunity throughout the year. One package contains vitamins with orange, grape, peach and lemon flavors. The composition includes only natural ingredients - flavoring additives and dyes are not used.
Parents noted a significant immunostimulating effect. Even in frequently ill children after a course of VitaMishek, infections are tolerated more easily, without high fever and "two-week" snot. The complex is expensive, vitamins for a month are twice as expensive as unadvertised drugs. At the same time, the effect of the reception was not noticed in all children.Many parents are not happy with the scarcity of the composition, there are only 2 types of vitamins and 2 minerals on the list.
- a competent combination of useful substances;
- convenient reception;
- the presence of only natural ingredients.
- high price.
2 Multi-Tabs Kid Chewable

Country: Denmark
Average price: 468 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
"Multi-Tabs baby" a combined complex of vitamins, produced in Denmark. Pediatricians often recommend it for the prevention of beriberi. The composition of the drug includes vitamins A and D3, which are responsible for the normal formation of the skeleton. Vitamins are available in the form of chewable tablets with a raspberry flavor. Soft, easy to chew and do not need to be washed down. Parents love the detailed instructions. It describes how each of the vitamins acts on the children's body, indicates the consequences of the deficiencies of certain trace elements. Already after 2 weeks of admission, strengthening of immunity is noted.
Manufacturers spoiled a good vitamin composition with a high content of flavorings. A strong sweet smell of raspberries is felt immediately after opening the bottle. With caution, you need to take vitamins for children prone to allergies and with poor absorption of iron. There may be a liquid stool dark, even black.
- suitable for children from 1 year;
- can be bought at any pharmacy;
- has a strengthening effect on the body.
- causes allergies in some children;
- quite expensive.
1 Supradin Kids Mishki

Country: Germany
Average price: 679 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
Vitamins are available in the form of jelly bear figures. The complex is recommended for children from 3 years.Vitamins A, E C B7, B9 B6, B12, D3 provide the body with the daily intake of essential nutrients, and vitamin PP or B3 contributes to the normalization of metabolism and energy production. Supradin Kids has a convenient dosage - one plate a day, it is recommended to give it to a child in the morning during breakfast. Bear cubs in three flavors: raspberry, lemon, and orange. It is not recommended to use simultaneously with other fat-containing vitamins. In case of an overdose, a rash and staining of urine in a bright yellow color are observed. It rarely causes an allergy, but if it does, it is serious, the rash may not go away for several months. Parents' dissatisfaction is also caused by a large amount of sugar: for 100 g of vitamins, 2 g of sugar.
Parents note the remarkable effect of vitamins. Already after 10 days of taking the symptoms of seasonal beriberi disappear: cracks in the skin of the hands, apathy and inactivity.
- convenient dosage;
- noticeable effect;
- variety of tastes.
- the possibility of an overdose;
- high sugar content.
The Best Vitamins to Boost Immunity in Adults
The human body after 20 years needs constant measures to strengthen the body. Stress at work, school, unfavorable environment - all this reduces the body's resistance to infections and other diseases. Weakened immunity affects the ability to work, activity and mental activity. A balanced intake of vitamins will give strength and help resist diseases.
3 Complivit

Country: Russia
Average price: 170 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
The complex includes 11 vitamins and 7 minerals for a balanced enrichment of the body with nutrients, strengthening its defenses, and resisting viruses in the off-season. As a useful supplement, "Complivit" is recommended to be taken with a general weakening of the body, during periods of overwhelming mental and physical stress, with diets. A common dosage for maintaining immunity and as a prevention of viral diseases is 1 tablet per day, in a state of severe beriberi, the dose increases to two tablets. It is not recommended to take it simultaneously with some antibiotics (vitamins weaken their effect) and diuretics.
Despite the fact that vitamins are very inexpensive, users leave good reviews about them. After a course of taking, many manage to avoid seasonal colds, autumn weakening of the immune system, and hair loss. The effect becomes noticeable after a couple of weeks from the beginning of the course. Although there are also negative reviews - some users consider these vitamins useless and ineffective.
- low price;
- availability in any pharmacy;
- convenient form in the form of tablets;
- noticeable result.
- sometimes cause nausea;
- should not be taken on an empty stomach.
2 Blagomax vitamin B complex

Country: Russia
Average price: 334 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Vitamins B2, B3, B6, B8 promote metabolism in the body, reduce cholesterol and improve blood microcirculation. All the nutrients are contained in 1 capsule, while other brands offer to compensate for the lack of vitamins by taking several tablets.Daily intake of vitamin B complex “sets up” the body for active and proper work. Available in the form of capsules. Reception period 4-6 weeks, 1 capsule 1 time per day with meals. A second course is possible in a year. Cheaper than drugs with the same composition by 30–35%.
According to people's reviews, the effect is noticeable after 1.5-2 weeks of admission. There is a surge of energy, reduced irritability and fatigue at the end of the day. Discomfort from the reception is not observed. Recommended for people with high physical and mental stress. Confuses only the form of release of the vitamin. Not everyone is comfortable with capsules, many consumers poured out the contents and consumed separately with water.
- low price;
- compensate for the lack of all vitamins of the group
- no other vitamins except B.
1 Selmevit intensive

Country: Russia
Average price: 393 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Multivitamin is intended for the prevention and replenishment of vitamins and micro- and macroelements. The complex contains vitamin E, which has a positive effect on the tone of the nervous and muscle tissue, contributes to the normalization of blood sugar. Helps with chronic fatigue syndrome. The complex includes 7 vitamins and 15 minerals. At the same time, the price is lower than drugs with a similar composition. Dosage - 1 tablet per day, it is not recommended to exceed the dosage. It should be taken in the morning with meals, nausea may occur on an empty stomach. Consumers note an improvement in the condition of the skin, hair falls out less, drowsiness disappears, and nails become stronger. The effect is not immediately noticeable, after 2-3 weeks of admission. In addition, people noticed that after sleep they feel fresh and well-rested.
It has a "specific" vitamin aroma. Not suitable for pregnant and lactating mothers. Individual intolerance is expressed by a rash on the face and the appearance of subcutaneous acne. When taken according to the instructions, there are no negative effects.
- affordable price;
- balanced composition;
- noticeable effect.
- not suitable for everyone, individual intolerance is possible.
The best vitamins to boost immunity during pregnancy
With a responsible approach to planning an addition to the family, a woman must prepare her body for pregnancy in advance. And then to maintain your health and the health of the unborn baby. Vitamin complexes will help to fill the lack of all the necessary substances, micro and macro elements.
3 Complivit mom

Country: Russia
Average price: 318 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
The complex contains 7 vitamins and 11 trace elements. The drug is produced by a Russian company; when choosing vitamins, the climatic features of our country are taken into account. Tablets and yellow or yellow-brown. Normalizes hemoglobin, regular intake prevents the development of anemia. Supports the strength of the body during pregnancy. The dosage is strictly 1 tablet per day. Popular even among non-pregnant women. In the process of taking, it is possible to stain urine in a dark yellow color due to vitamin B. Between courses, you need to take breaks for at least 2 months.
Contraindications: urolithiasis, high calcium content in the body. Consumers are not satisfied with the absence of iodine in the composition, they will have to take it separately. The dosage of vitamin A is unreasonably high.In some women, the drug causes bouts of nausea.
- designed specifically for Russian women;
- improves the condition of nails and hair;
- recommended by gynecologists.
- lack of iodine.
2 Elevit Pronatal

Country: Russia
Average price: 1854 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Advertised drug of Russian production. Contains vitamins A, D, C, E, PP, H, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc. Compensates for the lack of vitamins, promotes conception and development of the fetus. Helps fight nausea, dizziness and vomiting in early pregnancy. The complex is recommended for use in the period of preparation for conception, during pregnancy and lactation. Take 1 tablet 1 time per day 15 minutes after meals. On sale there are packages of 30 and 100 tablets. They do not have any smell that can be unpleasant during pregnancy. After 2 weeks of taking women, there is an improvement in the condition of hair and nails. Allows you to avoid problems with teeth and hair throughout pregnancy.
The use of "Elevit" should be discussed with a gynecologist. Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to vitamin A and B. Expectant mothers are dissatisfied with too large tablets that are difficult to swallow. A multivitamin is allowed while breastfeeding.
- effective during pregnancy and lactation;
- contains all the necessary elements.
- may cause nausea and dizziness.
1 Vitrum Prenatal

Country: USA
Average price: 1200 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
A combination multivitamin made in the USA and intended specifically for pregnant women.Contains the daily norm of vitamins for the normal development of the fetus and the maintenance of the mother's strength. This drug is sometimes given free of charge in the antenatal clinic. Vitamins increase acquired immunity, remove toxins from the body. And folic acid contributes to the normal development of the fetal nervous system in the early stages. Are issued in the form of tablets with a cover. On sale there are bottles of 30, 60, 75 and 90 tablets. The daily dose is 1 tablet to be swallowed without chewing.
Strictly contraindicated in patients with pernicious anemia. If the daily norm is exceeded, an overdose is possible: itching and urticaria appear. Concern is the increased content of retinol. In large quantities, this substance is dangerous to the fetus. Women are also not satisfied with the small dose of magnesium, so necessary during pregnancy.
- contains all the necessary vitamins for pregnant women;
- convenient reception;
- a large list of funds that are incompatible with Vitrum;
- dyes are present in small quantities.
The Best Vitamins to Boost Immunity in Seniors Over 50
In old age, many processes in the body slow down, the body's resistance to viruses and diseases decreases. To maintain vitality and energy for a person after 50 years, it is not enough just to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right. The intake of concentrated and balanced vitamin complexes is required.
3 Vitrum Centuri
Country: USA
Average price: 545 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
It is a complex of vitamins and minerals specially selected taking into account age characteristics.When taken as a course, it helps to avoid seasonal colds, keep skin and hair youthful for longer, increases resistance to stress, physical and mental stress, and reduces the likelihood of developing cancer. Due to the content of calcium in the composition, the early development of osteoporosis is prevented. To achieve a pronounced effect, the vitamin must be taken for a long course of up to three to four months, then take a break.
It is recommended to take one tablet per day, strictly after meals. It is impossible to increase the dose without the appointment of a therapist - an allergic reaction, side effects may occur. Judging by the reviews, the drug is quite good, a noticeable effect appears within a few weeks after administration. Users note that with regular repetition of courses, the frequency of colds decreases, strength appears, and insomnia disappears. Waking up in the morning becomes easier.
- availability in pharmacies;
- balanced composition;
- efficiency.
- high price;
- the need for long-term use.
2 Doppelherz active with magnesium and B vitamins

Country: Germany
Average price: 401 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
The complex contains magnesium, Vitamin B1, 6, 12, folic acid and magnesium necessary for the elderly. Stabilizes the work of the cardiovascular system. Often prescribed in combination with drugs for heart disease and neurological disorders.
Conveniently, the daily dose of magnesium is contained in one tablet. It is taken 1 tablet, without chewing, for a course of at least 2 months. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions for use, with an overdose, side effects occur.Some believe that the amount of vitamin E in the preparation is too high. "Doppelhertz" compensates for the lack of magnesium and other vital trace elements responsible for metabolic processes in the body. Helps with depression and insomnia.
- compensates for the lack of magnesium;
- has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system;
- increases the body's defenses.
- high price;
- too much vitamin E.
1 Alphabet 50+

Country: Russia
Average price: 324 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
The drug contains a precisely verified amount of vitamins needed by a person after 50 years. Vitamins D3, A, C, E and useful minerals zinc, copper, manganese, selenium - ensure the normal functioning of the body. In the package you can see tablets of three different colors, each of which contains a certain set of vitamins and minerals. This separation avoids the intake of incompatible substances.
The packages are large - 60 and 120 pieces each, they are enough for 2-3 courses. Dosage - 1 tablet once a day in any sequence. Experienced consumers recommend taking a white calcium tablet at night, and a pink one with Vitamin C in the morning. In rare cases, the remedy causes a white coating on the tongue, diarrhea, or dry skin. According to reviews, many do not like the large size of the tablets. But the effect is tangible, people notice a surge of strength, resistance to infections improves in the cold season. Women during menopause are helped to survive stress and hot flashes.
- convenient form of consumption;
- enhanced composition of vitamins and microelements;
- visible result.
- the possibility of side effects.
The best vitamins for men
Men and women have different needs for vitamins, so doctors have developed separate formulations, taking into account the characteristics of the body of the stronger sex. Regular intake of full courses helps not only to increase immunity, avoid seasonal diseases, but also strengthen men's health.
3 Duovit For Men

Country: Slovenia
Average price: 541 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Men like Duovit vitamins because of the balanced composition with an optimal set of vitamins and minerals. In combination, they protect the body from the adverse effects of the environment, increase and strengthen the immune system, and reduce the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases. The drug is indicated for use in the off-season to protect against viruses and infections, to increase the overall tone of the body, stress resistance, and improve physical and mental performance. The complex is recommended to be taken in a course of one tablet per day at the same time as meals for a month.
Among the male population of the country, this drug is quite popular due to its effectiveness and reasonable cost. After completing the course, many notice noticeable improvements in terms of health and appearance - the frequency of colds decreases, the quality of sleep improves, hair loss stops, and strength is added. In some cases, buyers point to such a plus as an increased amount of zinc in the composition, which has a positive effect on the sexual sphere.
- moderate price;
- noticeable effect after the first course;
- complex effect on the body.
No deficiencies were found based on reviews.
2 Alphabet for men

Country: Russia
Average price: 470 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
A balanced complex contains valuable substances to maintain vitality, strengthen immunity, increase stress resistance and endurance. The drug is recommended to be taken daily at the same time. The daily norm consists of three tablets of different colors - morning with Siberian ginseng, day with carotenoids and evening with L-carnitine. All of them must be taken during the day every 5 hours. During this time, the components of the first tablet will be completely absorbed by the body, and will not interact with the substances of the next.
The drug is dominated by mostly good reviews. Many men notice that after taking the vitamin complex, immunity is strengthened, vigor and energy appear, fatigue decreases, and efficiency increases. But you need to take into account contraindications, since some users have increased blood pressure while taking the drug.
- good composition;
- acceptable cost;
- pronounced effect after the course of administration;
- designed specifically for men.
- may cause an increase in pressure.

Country: Canada
Average price: 714 rubles
Rating (2022): 5.0
The composition of the multivitamin complex specially designed for the male sex includes 20 vitamins, 11 minerals and extracts of medicinal plants. Together, all these substances help to increase immunity, improve potency. With a daily intake of the vitamin, men feel more confident, vigorous and resilient. The complex is recommended to be taken as a prophylactic in the off-season to increase immunity, with frequent colds, increased mental and physical stress.
Take the drug in courses twice a day, one capsule after meals. The effectiveness of the complex is confirmed by numerous reviews. Many write that they did not believe in the effectiveness of vitamin products before, they considered their advertising to be another marketing ploy, but after taking this product, they radically changed their minds. After the course, strength really increases, viral diseases are bypassed, cheerfulness appears, and the quality of sleep improves. According to men, this is the best multivitamin preparation that really works.
- high efficiency;
- strengthening immunity;
- improving men's health;
- unique composition.
- high price
The best vitamins for diabetics
Regular vitamins are often contraindicated for diabetics due to the possible content of sugars and gluten in them. Therefore, pharmaceutical companies have developed special preparations for them, which equally effectively compensate for vitamin deficiencies, enhance immunity and increase the body's resistance to viruses.
3 Doppelgerz Active

Country: Germany
Average price: 217 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
The vitamin complex in the form of effervescent tablets from a well-known German company quickly compensates for the deficiency of vitamins and trace elements in people with diabetes. In addition to saturating the body with essential substances, the drug has a positive effect on metabolism, thereby improving the general condition of the patient. Compensation for the lack of vitamins helps to increase immunity, helps to resist seasonal viral and infectious diseases.For a pronounced effect, it is recommended to drink the full course for a month, taking one effervescent tablet per day with meals. Also, the drug is available in the form of conventional tablets.
The company is very famous, popular, users trust German quality and invariably leave positive feedback about this vitamin complex. Many note a decrease in the frequency of colds, an increase in working capacity, and a general improvement in health.
- the drug is designed specifically for diabetics;
- efficiency proven over the years;
- many positive reviews.
No deficiencies were found in the reviews of users and pharmacists.
2 Oligim Vitamins for Diabetes
Country: Russia
Average price: 230 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Vitamin complex from the well-known company "Evalar" is designed specifically for people suffering from diabetes. The composition includes 11 vitamins and 8 minerals supplemented with taurine. Due to impaired metabolism, diabetics often experience a deficiency of vitamins in the body - they are poorly absorbed, do not accumulate, therefore, with this disease, doctors recommend drinking special supplements all the time. The composition of this vitamin complex is designed taking into account all the characteristics of the body of diabetics. Its long-term use leads to an improvement in the condition of patients, an increase in the immune status, and a decrease in the risk of complications. The complex is recommended to be taken by children over 14 years of age and adults in monthly courses 3-4 times a year.
Users respond very well to this tool. Many write that in addition to replenishing the deficiency of vitamins in the body, it helps to normalize blood sugar levels, discourages cravings for flour and sweets.Some have noticed a slight weight loss while taking the drug.
- saturates the body with vitamins;
- reduces cravings for sweets;
- normalizes sugar levels;
- contributes to weight loss with its excess.
- some users find it not effective enough.
1 Vitamins for diabetics

Country: Germany
Average price: 529 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
The vitamin complex is produced under such an uncomplicated name. It is produced by the German pharmaceutical company Worwag Pharma. When studying the composition, you can see in it all the vitamins and minerals necessary to strengthen the immune system, plus additional components aimed at improving the health and well-being of diabetics. The recommended duration of the course is 1 month, one tablet per day with meals.
The drug cannot be called the most common and popular - it is far from always available in pharmacies, especially when it comes to small towns. Therefore, many write it out on the Internet. But analyzing the composition and reviews of those who have already taken the vitamin complex, we can conclude that it is balanced and effective. The well-being of patients with diabetes mellitus after a course of treatment really improves, they manage to avoid seasonal viral and infectious diseases. Users note that it is very profitable to purchase a large package of 90 pieces - it is enough for a full three-month course.
- optimal composition for diabetic patients;
- noticeable improvement in well-being;
- pronounced strengthening of immunity;
- low price.
- insufficient prevalence in pharmacies.