Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Wormin | Universal remedy for combating various types of parasites |
2 | Vermox | Low risk of adverse reactions |
3 | Helmintox | Competent composition |
The best antiparasitic medicines for children and pregnant women |
1 | Piperazine | The cheapest pest control |
2 | Pirantel | The most effective pills for children from 6 months |
3 | Decaris | The best medicine for children over 3 years old |
1 | Troychatka Evalar | Best Anthelmintic Capsules |
2 | Intoxic | Efficient removal of decay products |
3 | Bactefort | The best drops from parasites |
4 | Biohelm Plus | Natural medicine of complex action |
5 | Libert complex | Effective antiparasitic sachets based on herbal ingredients |
1 | Nemozol | The fastest tool |
2 | Biltricide | Immunomodulatory antiparasitic drug |
3 | Mebendazole | The drug with the best tolerance |
4 | Helmindazole | Best value for money |
1 | Teucrium | The safest remedy |
2 | Transit | An effective immune booster |
3 | Silicea | The most convenient form of admission |
4 | Creosotum | Powerful homeopathic remedy |
5 | Stannum Metallicum | The most popular homeopathic remedy for parasites |
Read also:
Parasitic diseases are quite common. So, in the world, about 30% of Toxoplasma carriers with an asymptomatic course of the disease. Intestinal amoeba is diagnosed in 40-50% of people. Giardiasis is detected in approximately 12% of the population of our country, including children. The factors of the appearance of the disease are dirty hands, poorly washed products, polluted water, meat and fish that have not undergone proper heat treatment.
Experts insist that even in the absence of symptoms (intoxication, anemia, nervousness, sleep disturbance, rash and itching, weight loss, intestinal disorders, etc.), one should turn to anthelmintic therapy twice a year for preventive purposes. The danger of parasites lies in the toxic substances they release, which can serve as sources of infectious diseases and even oncological processes in the body.
We present to your attention the rating of the best drugs for parasites in the human body. When distributing positions in the TOP, recommendations of specialists, user reviews, and the cost of drugs were taken into account.
Please note that the information below is for informational purposes only. introductory nature and is not a guide to the purchase and use of the drug.
The best manufacturers of pesticides
Before getting acquainted with the top participants, we suggest referring to the topic of manufacturers of specialized drugs. Among the best were domestic and foreign representatives:
Polpharma is a Polish pharmaceutical company based in Starogard Gdański. It has been on the market since 1935.
INNOTECH LLC is a Russian concern, which is part of the Innotera group of companies (France). Specializes in the production of medicines and medical products.
Evalar is the first Russian manufacturer producing natural medicines according to the original international GMP quality standard.
OOO "Doctor N" is a Russian manufacturer of homeopathic remedies. Works on the market since 1995.
How to choose the best pest control?
When choosing an effective remedy for parasites, it is worth taking into account the traditional list of criteria:
Exciter type. The most “convenient” in this regard are broad-spectrum drugs that are effective against a set of microorganisms.
Age and condition of the patient. For children, pregnant and lactating women, special medications are provided with a limited dosage of the active ingredient.
Release form. Antiparasitic agents are produced in the form of tablets, capsules, syrup, teas, etc. The most popular of them is tableted.
Features of the human body. We are talking about the tolerance of individual components of the funds and the possibility of their combination with other drugs that a person takes.
Best Broad Spectrum Parasite Remedies
Broad-spectrum agents are recommended if it is not possible to conduct a complete diagnosis of the patient in order to establish the variety of helminths. They are also used in the detection of mixed parasitic invasions.
3 Helmintox
Country: France
Average price: 291 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
An effective remedy for combating various types of parasites that have settled in the human body. It is produced in the form of tablets and suspensions. After the drug begins to act, nerve signals are blocked in the muscle tissues of unwanted guests. As a result, they are paralyzed, the parasites are detached from the intestines and die. The drug has few side effects, which suits most buyers. The tool is available for purchase in almost any pharmacy in the country.
Pyrantel embonate is the main active ingredient of Helmintox. Various types of parasites are sensitive to it, so tablets are prescribed for: enterobiasis, ascariasis, hookworm and other types of the disease. Numerous positive reviews about the drug allow you to trust Helmintox. Buyers are satisfied with almost everything. It is only worth noting that the components of the composition do not affect the eggs laid by the "guests", so doctors advise repeating the course in a few weeks.
2 Vermox
Country: Hungary
Average price: 170 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Anthelmintic agent Vermox is a representative of broad-spectrum drugs. This means that its therapeutic effect extends to patients with mixed helminthiases, enterobiasis, ascariasis and other types of invasions. Experts note the highest performance in the fight against pinworms and whipworm. 100 mg tablets are available in packs of 6.
Contraindications include Crohn's disease, liver dysfunction, ulcerative colitis, pregnancy and lactation, hypersensitivity, and children under 2 years of age.Users speak positively about this anthelmintic drug, calling it highly effective. Adverse reactions, judging by the survey, are unlikely.
1 Wormin
Country: India
Average price: 133 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Wormin is a broad-spectrum prescription anthelmintic drug that is most effective in controlling pinworms. Release form - 24 tablets of 100 mg. The drug is contraindicated in case of violations of the liver, during pregnancy and lactation, in the treatment of children under 2 years of age, as well as in the presence of intolerance to the components of the drug.
Users note a convenient single dose regimen. Doctors strongly recommend that all family members be treated at the same time to increase effectiveness and prevent re-infection with helminths. Side effects are observed, judging by the reviews, extremely rare. In general, the tool is well tolerated and copes well with the function assigned to it.
The best antiparasitic medicines for children and pregnant women
Most anthelmintic drugs are prohibited for use during pregnancy and lactation. Another common contraindication is childhood. In the case when herbal medicine does not bring proper results, specialists prescribe drugs presented in this category.
3 Decaris
Country: Hungary
Average price: 83 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Decaris is an effective drug designed to remove parasites from the human body. The instructions indicate that this remedy is prescribed for adults and children over 3 years old.At the discretion of the doctor, the medicine can be used to treat children after six months. In the reviews, as the main distinguishing feature of the tablets, they indicate a single dose of the drug.
The release form is represented by two variations - 50 and 150 mg each. The package contains 1 or 2 tablets. The product is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. Users note that with normal intestinal motility, cleansing from round helminths, ascaris in particular, occurs within a day.
2 Pirantel
Country: Poland
Average price: 171 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Pirantel is a popular helminth drug for adults and children. This is the best remedy for young children: its use, according to the instructions, is permissible from 6 months. Indications for the appointment of tablets are: enterobiasis, ascariasis, hookworm and necatoriasis. Among the contraindications are hypersensitivity to the components, pregnancy and lactation.
The dosage of the remedy is prescribed by the attending physician strictly individually, since not only the weight and age of the patient, but also the type of helminths are taken into account. Anthelmintic medicine is suitable for treatment and use as a prophylactic. In the reviews, users note that the drug does not cause adverse reactions and effectively copes with the task.
1 Piperazine
Country: Russia
Average price: 21 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Piperazine is the most popular medicine for the fight against roundworms and pinworms during pregnancy. Doctors recognize it as the least toxic among other rating nominees.Competitive advantages - a high rate of excretion from the body, and most importantly - no harm to the fetus. Another outstanding advantage that catches the eye, which is mentioned in the reviews by users, is the frankly low cost.
Domestic tablets are available in dosages of 200 and 500 mg, and packages include 6 or 10 pieces. Their effectiveness, according to studies, reaches 90-95% deworming of the human body at the first application, and 100% at the second application. The remedy is contraindicated for children under the age of 3 years, as well as for hypersensitivity to the components, diseases of the central nervous system and renal failure.
The best herbal remedies for parasites
A distinctive feature of herbal remedies is a predominantly natural composition. The drugs listed in this category, in addition to direct anthelmintic effects, have a tonic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and other effects on the body.
5 Libert complex

Country: Republic of Belarus
Average price: 499 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
The Libert complex is deservedly considered the best dietary supplement for the removal of parasites from the body. This complex is able to destroy various types of helminths without harming humans. This is due to the qualitative composition of the product - there are only natural ingredients. In the antihelminthic complex, the active ingredients are wormwood, cloves, artichoke, senna leaves, yarrow extract and black walnut leaves.
In addition to its main action, the drug helps the digestive system, replenishes the deficiency of enzymes and improves the skeletal system.The duration of the treatment course is 30 days. The drug is produced in a gel-like consistency, which is packaged in a sachet. The Libert complex is safe, however, not everyone should take it. The dietary supplement is not recommended for people with allergies, children under 3 years of age, and pregnant women.
4 Biohelm Plus
Country: Russia
Average price: 990 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Biohelm plus drops are a natural preparation that combines the fruits of modern and traditional medicine. The medicine includes only herbal ingredients that effectively fight parasites. In addition, natural components have a beneficial effect on the body, cleansing it of toxins and toxins, and also contribute to the saturation of cells with useful microelements.
Such a complex effect is ensured by the perfect combination of herbs in the composition of the drops. Rosemary extract has an effect on dead skin cells, softening them. Thistle restores cells damaged by helminths. A limited list of contraindications is one of the main advantages of the representative. When taken correctly, the drug prevents re-infection with helminths, as it “kills” not only parasites, but also their eggs. The manufacturer promises that the product will get rid of helminths in one course of admission.
3 Bactefort
Country: Russia
Average price: 990 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Anthelmintic agent Baktefort is a dietary supplement, which is available in the form of drops in a 10 ml vial. The drug consists exclusively of natural ingredients - leaves, roots, inflorescences and extracts of medicinal plants.Users confirm that the medicine fights the symptoms of helminths and effectively cleanses the human body of them.
Contraindications are intolerance to the components, the period of pregnancy and lactation, children's age. Doctors emphasize that the remedy is undesirable for the treatment of elderly people. The reviews say about the absence of adverse reactions and good tolerability of the composition. Most buyers consider the price of a natural drug to be too high.
2 Intoxic
Country: India
Average price: 990 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Intoxic is a herbal anthelmintic drug that is gaining popularity, which contributes to the destruction of not only adult invasions, but also their larvae at home. A distinctive feature of the remedy is the qualitative removal of parasite decay products, which provides an operational therapeutic effect and accelerates recovery in general.
The medicine is intended for the treatment and prevention of diseases in adults. Children under three years of age should not be intoxicated. Contraindications also include the period of expectation of the child and breastfeeding, individual intolerance to the components of the remedy. The reviews mention the pleasant taste and aroma of the drug. Significant advantages of the choice are clinical trials, the availability of quality and safety certificates, the minus is the high cost of the favorite.
1 Troychatka Evalar
Country: Russia
Average price: 355 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Troychatka from Evalar is a dietary supplement with anthelmintic effects. Release form - capsules with a volume of 400 mg, 40 pieces in one package. The composition of the herbal remedy is represented by a trio of useful plants - tansy, wormwood and cloves.Calcium stearate acts as an auxiliary component. The drug is contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance and diseases of the digestive system.
The anthelmintic effect of the drug, coupled with a choleretic effect, is indicated for giardiasis, enterobiasis and ascariasis. In addition, this dietary supplement has an additional antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, which users certainly mention in their reviews. Other benefits include an increase in the tone of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulation of the secretion of gastric juice, increased separation of bile, and prevention of the formation of stones.
Best Synthetic Parasite Remedies
This category of drugs for parasites is synthesized in the laboratory on the basis of chemicals that are effective against cellular and extracellular forms of microorganisms. Representatives differ in the selectivity of their action and the spectrum of activity.
4 Helmindazole
Country: Russia
Average price: 84 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
Helmindazole is an inexpensive modern drug for the treatment of parasitic infections. The active substance is mebendazole. The package contains six tablets. It is sometimes quite enough for the course of treatment of several people. The method of application depends on the infection. For some diseases, a single dose of one tablet is enough. With mixed parasitic infections, the number of tablets will have to be increased to a couple per day. In this regard, it is worth consulting with your doctor.
Judging by the numerous customer reviews, the positive effect of taking the drug can be seen in a day.The components of the remedy are not suitable for everyone - there is a fairly large list of contraindications. However, most people talk about the good tolerance of an inexpensive drug by the body, do not notice any "side effects". Most buyers consider the medicine to be the best in the price / quality category.
3 Mebendazole
Country: Latvia
Average price: 150 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
One of the best inexpensive medicines for parasitizing worms in the human body. It copes with its task for about 40 years - Mebendazole was invented in 1971. The tool is very effective in the fight against round worms. With tape, the situation is a little more complicated, however, tablets cope with them. The medicine treats most infections, especially effective for trichuriasis - a settlement in the body of a pathogen called whipworm.
Helminths are put to the real test when the action of the most basic component of the drug, mebendazole, begins in the intestines. The tissues of parasites are depleted, irreversible changes begin to occur in their body, they die. Buyers notice that the drug has few side effects, and the effectiveness of the drug is at its best. For these and other reasons, mebendazole is recommended for use by many doctors. However, contacting a parasitologist before using the medication will not be superfluous.
2 Biltricide
Country: Germany
Average price: 324 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
An immunomodulator and simply the best remedy for treating infections that have arisen due to the appearance of uninvited "guests" in the gastrointestinal tract, which literally poison a person and worsen his life process.Tablets of an oblong shape, being absorbed into the walls of the stomach, affect the tissues of the cells of various types of worms. The result after the course prescribed by the doctor will not keep you waiting - the parasites will die in a matter of days. Due to the penetration of calcium into their cell membranes, the ability to reproduce organisms disappears.
The composition of the tool is multicomponent. It contains the best substances, such as: magnesium stearate, sodium lauryl sulfate, corn starch, praziquantel and others. The last of these components is toxic - it affects the activity of helminths. The drug eliminates pinworms, roundworms, giardia, toxocara and the like. Biltricide is approved for children over 4 years of age. Patients are advised to carefully select the dose of the drug, as in case of an overdose, health problems may occur.
1 Nemozol
Country: India
Average price: 679 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
A fairly common medication among people who are faced with the problem of the settlement of worms in the intestines. It belongs to fast-acting drugs, has an effect on the larvae and adults of the parasites. Nemozol is able to disrupt their biochemical processes, destroy the protective shell and inhibit the motor function of parasites. The most effective remedy will be at the initial stage of the disease - at a time when a large number of larvae and a small number of helminths themselves are present in the body.
The main component of the tool helps to get rid of the problem in a short time. Albendazole acts as the main substance, the rest (talc, silicon dioxide, sodium glyconate and others) contribute to better absorption of the drug. The list of diseases for which the drug is prescribed is quite long.The medicine can be taken by children from 3 years of age. Parasitologists actively recommend Nemozol to patients, noting only a considerable list of contraindications.
The best homeopathic remedies for parasites
Homeopathic remedies contain a minimum amount of active ingredients. Such drugs often have a complex effect. One of the basic advantages of representatives is the natural composition, which means absolute harmlessness to the human body.
5 Stannum Metallicum
Country: Russia
Average price: 200 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
The multi-component homeopathic remedy Stannum Metallicum is used more often than other homeopathic medicines in the fight against parasites. However, it not only copes well with helminths, but also has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. The drug is a tin derivative. It is made from trituration of pure metal. In homeopathy, this drug has found wide application in the fight against various diseases. It can be safely used in combination with other medicines.
The homeopathic preparation Stannum is not recommended for use by women during pregnancy. It is also worth excluding the remedy during breastfeeding. It is better to avoid pill therapy for people prone to allergies. You can buy the drug in pharmacies of our country without a prescription. The price of a homeopathic remedy is democratic, which is good news.
4 Creosotum
Country: Russia
Average price: 200 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
A powerful homeopathic remedy from the Russian manufacturer Homeopharm. He successfully copes with any type of worms. Creosotum itself is a distillation product of wood tar.It is worth noting that some people may have intolerance to the main component. However, this is quite rare. At the same time, an inexpensive medicine has no side effects, which allows the use of a homeopathic preparation for pregnant and lactating women, as well as in the treatment of children older than 3 years.
You can buy dietary supplements in pharmacies of our country without a prescription. The handy jar contains small granules. They should be dissolved under the tongue. The granules are quite pleasant in taste, without a strong odor. The method of application is simple - 8 granules must be taken 3-4 times a day. The treatment course takes from 3 weeks to a month. The homeopathic preparation is well tolerated by the human body and in combination with other medicines.
3 Silicea
Country: Russia
Average price: 625 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Relatively inexpensive drug with a wide spectrum of action. It is recommended to take with a variety of diseases. It is especially effective in detecting many individuals of worms and other unwanted "settlers" in the human body. After the course, metabolic processes in the body are established, due to which the parasites are not able to exist in the intestines. The medicine is produced in the form of a solution. It is convenient to apply. Buyers comment inconsistently on the effect of taking the product, but most of them are satisfied with the result.
Silicic acid in the composition of the homeopathic preparation contributes to the paralysis of the vital activity of round and tapeworms. A person feels a surge of strength almost immediately after using Silicea. However, the likelihood of side effects confuses many buyers. Proper use of the drug with the approval of the doctor will avoid unpleasant consequences.
2 Transit
Country: Russia
Average price: 198 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
A safe medicine for humans and deadly for the "harmful" inhabitants of the human body. Transit actively fights round and flatworms. An inexpensive drug demonstrates the best therapeutic effect within a few days after the start of the course. It is sold without a prescription from a doctor, it is better to buy it on the Internet - you can not find it in pharmacies. The antiseptic and immunomodulatory properties of the drug put in order the health of a person and improve his general condition.
The exclusively natural composition allows you to be sure of the safety of the drug. The most detrimental effect on parasites has an extract of walnut leaves. The destruction of bacteria and eggs occurs due to the flower buds of the carnation. Wormwood extract helps to paralyze the vital activity of helminths. The complex action of the components of the drug leads to a positive result - the body is cleansed, and the immune system is strengthened.
1 Teucrium
Country: Russia
Average price: 124 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
All types of nematodes are subject to medicine: roundworms, pinworms and others. In addition to helping in the process of getting rid of parasites, Teukrium helps to increase immunity and general tone of the body, adding strength and energy to it. After a full course, protein compounds are produced - antibodies that eliminate the effects of invasion. The medication should be used four times a day. Irritation and itching will disappear in a short time. Homeopathic doctors actively prescribe the remedy to patients, who, in turn, are satisfied with the result.
Thanks to the herbal composition, Teukrium is absolutely safe. It is based on elements of the real Dubrovnik.The essential oils in the medicine, in addition to acting on helminths, help to cope with problems associated with the respiratory tract. A huge number of useful properties of the drug allows millions of patients to trust it. Reviews are contradictory - some refuse to believe in the effectiveness of homeopathy, but for the most part people positively evaluate the result of plant therapy.