Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Spazmalgon | Combined action |
2 | No-shpa | Fast action |
3 | Papaverine | Good value for money |
4 | Spazgan | Triple Action Against Headache |
5 | Drotaverine | An analogue of the famous tablets No-shpa |
1 | Pentalgin | Powerful effect |
2 | ibuprofen | Wide scope |
3 | Analgin | The most affordable pills |
4 | Citramon | Best price |
5 | Aspirin | Better digestibility |
1 | Kofitsil-Plus | The cheapest and most effective remedy for severe pain |
2 | Andipal | The 4 Best Ingredients for Headaches |
3 | Relpax | Quick relief for migraine headaches |
4 | Sedalgin Plus | Complex action on the vessels of the brain |
5 | Sumatriptan | Strong remedy for migraine |
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Headache is one of the most common ailments in everyday life. It distracts from important activities and causes severe discomfort. To quickly get rid of a migraine, medicine offers many remedies.Each acts in its own way and has individual indications for use.
There are times when the most expensive and effective (according to the manufacturer) medicines are ineffective. To achieve the desired effect, it is first necessary to determine the source, nature and symptoms of pain. So:
- If the pain sensations have a clear localization (whiskey or forehead, part of the head), then it is better to purchase means of a calming effect.
- If it arose against the background of vasospasm, it is worth giving preference to drugs that include caffeine or analgin.
- No-shpa or paracetamol is allowed to be used by pregnant and lactating women.
- With increased pressure, citramon is often used to eliminate pain.
- Migraine is considered a serious illness. Therapy is determined individually.
Do not forget that these characteristics allow you to choose pills to relieve a single pain symptom. In the event that you are worried about a regular headache, you should consult a doctor. He will prescribe the appropriate treatment. It is impossible to say unequivocally which drugs are better. However, in the ranking we have collected the most prescribed medicines that have positive ratings from ordinary people and are recommended by most experts.
The best antispasmodics for headaches
Tablets belonging to this group reduce the tone of blood vessels, muscles and internal organs, thereby eliminating spasm. With prolonged pain, they can be used for several days in a row.
5 Drotaverine
Country: Russia
Average price: 63 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
The drug relieves spasms of muscles and smooth muscles of blood vessels, so it helps well with mild headaches.Just one tablet is enough to reduce unpleasant symptoms. Best of all, Drotaverine helps with tension headaches, with pain syndrome against the background of tonic spasm of the neck muscles, for example, during prolonged sedentary work.
Although the composition of the tablets is similar to No-shpe, some people notice a difference in action not in favor of the domestic generic. Therefore, with intense pain, it is better to choose other drugs, preferably with the presence of an analgesic in the composition.
4 Spazgan
Country: India
Average price: 138 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Headache pills contain two antispasmodic components at once in combination with an analgesic, so they quickly cope with a painful symptom. The medicine has a long-lasting effect, often after one tablet the pain no longer returns. However, the effect does not occur in all patients, which may be due to different underlying causes of the pain syndrome.
Buyers say that the tablets are quite effective and do not cause adverse reactions. At the same time, the manufacturer warns that if used incorrectly, adverse reactions from the kidneys, liver, and cardiovascular system are possible. Spazgan should not be taken by hypotensive patients, since it can further reduce blood pressure.
3 Papaverine
Country: Russia
Average price: 50 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
An inexpensive and effective antispasmodic dilates blood vessels and improves blood flow, so that headaches disappear. It helps well with high blood pressure, acts quickly and has a minimum of side effects. Due to the low price and availability in many pharmacies, the product has become popular among buyers.
Doctors also speak positively about the drug and advise it for symptomatic treatment, but they remind you that it is not allowed to take pills too often, otherwise adverse reactions cannot be avoided. Papaverine is suitable for the relief of mild to moderate headaches, it does not cope well with severe symptoms.
2 No-shpa
Country: Hungary
Average price: 123 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
A well-known and time-tested drug. The active ingredient is drotaverine. It is able to be quickly absorbed and dissolved, so the analgesic effect is not long in coming. The first signs of relief are observed after 10 minutes, the maximum effect is reached after half an hour. Relieves spasm, relaxes muscles. It is often prescribed by specialists for cephalalgia of a different nature, however, it will not help in the fight against migraine.
Reviews of the tablets are positive. High efficiency, versatility, acceptable price category and safety are noted. Can be used during pregnancy and lactation. No-shpa is excellent for headaches provoked by stress, muscle strain, neurological and psychological difficulties.
1 Spazmalgon
Country: Bulgaria
Average price: 196 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
Effective pills that are often prescribed by doctors. They act in three directions: eliminate pain, relax muscles and relieve inflammation. Recommended for cramping pains. Differ in a wide range of application and reasonable price. The result is achieved in a short time.
Buyers praise Spazmalgon for the combined effect and prompt help. It has been proven that it easily copes with headaches of various origins.It has many contraindications. Long-term use is not allowed. It is not compatible with alcohol, so it is not suitable as a hangover remedy. In general, this is a good drug for little money.
The best analgesics for headaches
This group contains the best drugs that have a direct analgesic effect. They belong to the category of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), they help well with different types of headaches, but are considered only as a symptomatic remedy. A pill can be taken to alleviate the condition, and with frequent recurrence of symptoms, it is worth contacting a doctor to find out the cause of the problem.
5 Aspirin

Country: Germany
Average price: 296 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
A widely used medicine in our country. Has a long history. It has always been highly efficient. Modern Aspirin for headaches is available in the form of effervescent tablets for easier use and faster absorption. Helps with migraines, sinusitis, hangovers, and other squeezing sensations. Acetylsalicylic acid in the base promotes blood thinning, thereby blocking pain receptors and eliminating inflammation.
An additional advantage of Aspirin, according to experts, is that it prevents the formation of blood clots. This is especially important when headaches are provoked by vascular pathology or arterial hypertension. Despite its effectiveness, the tool has many limitations. Before taking it is better to consult a doctor.
4 Citramon
Country: Russia
Average price: 18 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Citramon - "old man" rating of the best.It has been on the market for a long time, but it does not lose its position due to the budget cost and high performance. This is the most affordable medicine for the general population of the Russian Federation. Contains aspirin, which eliminates pain and inflammation, paracetamol, which reduces fever, and caffeine, which improves the functionality of blood vessels. It is prescribed against common types of pain, including: muscle, headache, toothache and migraine.
Refers to non-narcotic drugs. It gives an excellent therapeutic result, but has many limitations and adverse reactions. It is not recommended to take in tandem with alcohol and more than three days. Citramon is often prescribed by doctors for low-intensity pain symptoms as part of the main therapy for colds.
3 Analgin
Country: Russia
Average price: 63 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
One of the best cheap tablets. They are widely known among a large number of buyers. They help with strong and weak headaches, have all the properties characteristic of analgesics. The advantages are low cost and lack of drug dependence. Also, the drug belongs to the category of non-narcotic. This gives him an added advantage.
Along with a positive effect, there are contraindications and side reactions. In the reviews, buyers note that the positive effect of Analgin occurs 20 minutes after application. However, it does not last long, only 2 hours. The tool more acts as the simplest and most accessible for emergency cases.
2 ibuprofen
Country: Russia, Serbia, Poland
Average price: 72 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
A powerful drug, the main substance of which is ibuprofen.It is prescribed for migraine, pain caused by overexertion. Has a prolonged effect. Distinctive feature: wide range of action. Helps not only with headaches, but also with sciatica, arthritis. The first signs of improvement in the general condition are observed 10 minutes after application.
Well tolerated, sometimes causes side effects such as nausea, vomiting. This is reflected in consumer reviews. Many use Ibuprofen as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic at the same time. This is a cheap, multifunctional medicine for all occasions for any type of pain.
1 Pentalgin
Country: Russia, Belarus
Average price: 116 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
One of the best and most common drugs that can quickly cope with a headache. The complex of the main components contains codeine, caffeine and analgin. They act on the nerve nodes, preventing the formation of pain hormones. Pentalgin relieves fever and inflammation. The result is achieved within a few minutes after administration.
Tablets have many positive reviews. Both doctors and patients give them the highest marks. Although there are serious contraindications (dependence, incompatibility with coffee, adverse reactions), the remedy does its job perfectly. Many take Pentalgin for colds to eliminate symptoms, including against the manifestations of fever.
The best vasoactive drugs for headaches
Headaches are often associated with pathological expansion or spasm of cerebral vessels, which disrupts cerebral blood flow. Medicines from this category help to cope with vascular pathologies, affect the cause of the headache and remove the symptoms.Do not forget that in the section there are potent drugs, before taking which it is necessary to consult a doctor and obtain an official prescription.
5 Sumatriptan
Country: Russia
Average price: 108 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5
A good tool for eliminating migraine attacks, which, according to the principle of action, resembles other well-known Relpax tablets, moreover, it costs several times cheaper. Buyers note a quick and strong effect, headaches go away gradually within 1-2 hours. It should be borne in mind that the drug has a diuretic effect, and usually a migraine attack is relieved after urination.
Unfortunately, Sumatriptan does not help all migraine patients. If there was no analgesic effect from the first dose, it makes no sense to take pills again with the same attack. This is a prescription drug that is prescribed only by a doctor after examining the patient.
4 Sedalgin Plus
Country: Bulgaria
Average price: 138 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
The tablets contain caffeine, which narrows blood vessels, and thiamine (vitamin B1), which has a beneficial effect on the brain. Working together, these components eliminate the cause of the headache and quickly eliminate discomfort. The tool is enhanced with an analgesic, so the buyer can count on a quick and strong analgesic effect.
In addition, Sedalgin Plus does not increase blood pressure, therefore it is suitable for both hypertensive and hypotensive patients. The medicine can be drunk both for ordinary headaches and for migraines. Another use is to relieve headaches and muscle aches with a typical “cold syndrome”: tablets quickly eliminate symptoms and alleviate the disease.However, the remedy has a long list of contraindications that must be observed in order not to encounter side effects.
3 Relpax
Country: USA
Average price: 605 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
A special remedy for migraine pains has a targeted effect on the cerebral vessels: it narrows them and reduces blood flow, thereby relieving a person from painful attacks of the disease. This is a specific drug that must be taken as prescribed by a doctor and strictly follow the dosages. It is important to bear in mind that exceeding the number of tablets does not increase the effect, but only increases the risk of adverse reactions.
Many migraine patients who have been treated with Relpax claim that these are the best pills for relieving the symptoms of the disease. According to buyers, the pain begins to subside after 15 minutes, and a migraine attack is no longer a reason to "fall out" from active life for several days. The disadvantage is the high price, but people are willing to pay for a good effect and a premium pharmaceutical brand.
2 Andipal
Country: Russia
Average price: 18 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
The manufacturer uses several components that quickly relieve spasm of cerebral vessels, improve blood flow and reduce headache symptoms. The composition contains a direct analgesic so that a person feels the effect as quickly as possible. Andipal helps well with headaches in hypertensive patients: it reduces pressure and normalizes well-being.
Buyers highly appreciate the effect of the pills, after taking them, the headache quickly goes away, and the effect lasts quite a long time. Andipal lowers blood pressure well, helps with symptoms against the backdrop of a change in weather.However, the composition contains components that are strong in action, so you should not abuse the medicine. It is important to strictly follow the manufacturer's recommended dose.
1 Kofitsil-Plus
Country: Russia
Average price: 17 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
The combined drug includes the vasoactive component caffeine in combination with analgesics from the NSAID group. It quickly tones the vessels of the brain and improves blood flow in them, which means it acts on the root causes of headaches. Cofitsil-Plus is used for quick relief with severe pain, starts working after 10-15 minutes and has a prolonged effect.
Most buyers consider pills to be the best because they are cheap, effective, and available for purchase in almost every pharmacy. Like other potent drugs, Cofitsil-Plus has contraindications and side reactions, so you need to carefully read the instructions before taking it. Self-raising the dose is not allowed, this is fraught with serious problems with the liver.