Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Ketorol | The best pain relief |
2 | Ketanov | The best ratio of price and quality |
3 | Flamidez | good composition |
4 | Ibuklin | Long lasting result |
1 | Tempalgin | Safe for the gastrointestinal tract |
2 | Deksalgin 25 | Fast action |
3 | Fanigan | Combined action |
4 | Paracetamol | Most Popular Pills |
5 | Nimesulide | Best price |
6 | Meloxicam | Particularly effective for inflammation |
There is no person who has never experienced a toothache in their life. It is believed that this is one of the strongest symptoms that can cause unbearable suffering. Of course, in such cases it is necessary to consult a dentist. It is not always possible to get an appointment “here and now”, then painkillers from the home first aid kit come to the rescue.
It is worth noting that it is impossible to cure teeth with pills. They only temporarily relieve pain. Since the causes of the disease can be different: pulpitis, caries, periodontitis, the therapy should be performed by a specialist.When taking medications on your own, it is important not to ignore contraindications and follow the instructions clearly.
Medicines that relieve toothache are called analgesics. All drugs that help relieve pain can be divided into two groups - new generation drugs for unbearable pain and drugs that reduce mild or moderate manifestations of dentalgia.
The impact of drugs on a particular person is individual. What doesn't work for one shows great results for another. So, when choosing painkillers, you need to consider the following:
- Features of the body (allergic reactions and intolerance to components).
- The nature of the pain and its intensity. With weak aching manifestations, antispasmodics will help, with intolerable ones - narcotic drugs (available only by prescription).
- The presence of signs of an inflammatory process. To relieve spasms accompanied by inflammation is within the power of drugs belonging to the NVPS group. Analgesics are used to relieve the symptom. They block the centers of the brain, stopping the transmission of the pain impulse.
- Additional pathologies. Many medicines are contraindicated for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, kidneys.
Market leaders in toothache tablets
Experts advise starting the search for an effective medicine by getting to know reliable, time-tested pharmaceutical campaigns. This ranking of the best toothache pills represents the products of several manufacturers.
Dr. Reddy's Laboratories - the company was founded in 1984 in India and is a research and production association, including 9 factories and a research center.
Renewal - Since 1997, the company has been developing and manufacturing modern and inexpensive medicines. The production and research complex is located in Novosibirsk and Suzun.
Berlin-Chemie AG is a German company, part of the Italian pharmaceutical company Menarini. Star of production activity - 1927
VERTEX - Russian pharmaceutical company founded in 1999 in St. Petersburg. Received the first license for the production of medicines in 2003 and immediately launched production.
It is impossible to name the best pills unambiguously. However, it is possible to single out the most effective drugs according to consumers and dentists. Their list is given below, in the ranking.
best pills for severe toothache
To eliminate strong prolonged spasms, new generation drugs have been created. They are safe and highly efficient. Contraindicated in people with liver and blood problems, as well as pregnant and lactating women. The main rules are strict observance of the instructions, prevention of overdose.
4 Ibuklin
Country: India
Average price: 127 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Ibuklin is widely used by many specialists to relieve pain (before and after dental procedures), in the treatment and removal of complex teeth. It acts quickly and for a long time (up to 8 hours). The structure of the drug contains paracetamol and ibuprofen. The first qualitatively anesthetizes and reduces the temperature, the second - relieves inflammation. It has been clinically proven that the combination of these components can lead to greater effectiveness of the drug.
Ibuklin is one of the best medicines for toothache, according to consumers.The reviews note high performance, immediate impact, acceptable cost. I like that it can be used as a universal remedy for spasmodic symptoms of various etiologies.
3 Flamidez
Country: India
Average price: 90 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Popular tablets belong to the group of combined NVPS. The active substances are paracetamol and diclofenac (analgesics), as well as decongestant serratiopeptidase. Effective for purulent inflammation and alveolar abscesses after tooth extraction. It has a powerful antipyretic, analgesic, analgesic and antirheumatic effect.
Flamidez has earned a lot of positive feedback from specialists and ordinary patients. Widely used in dental practice. The ideal combination of the components included in the composition allows you to achieve the maximum positive result. The medication can be taken independently strictly according to the instructions, but do not forget that the best solution is to go to the doctor for an individual prescription.
2 Ketanov
Country: India
Average price: 53 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
A potent drug based on ketorolac. It blocks the formation of pain enzymes (prostaglandins), due to which a powerful analgesic result is achieved. Refers to NVPS, therefore, lowers the temperature and stops inflammation. It is recommended for diseases of pulpitis, periodontitis, dental injuries, in the postoperative period.
It has many contraindications, including kidney failure, stomach ulcers, children under 16, pregnancy. Cannot be used for asthma.The positive effect is achieved after a maximum of 60 minutes and lasts for about 6 hours. No more than 2 tablets are allowed per day. Ketanov is very popular among patients. The price in relation to the result makes it widely demanded.
1 Ketorol
Country: India
Average price: 39 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
One of the best, according to consumers, is Ketorol. It has a pronounced analgesic effect. Refers to NVPS, not compatible with other drugs of the same group and paracetamol. Helps with severe toothaches, with abscesses and the presence of a bare nerve. Effective for 40 minutes, the result lasts up to 7 hours.
It is strictly contraindicated in children and pregnant women. Exceeding the allowable dosage can lead to serious disruption of the respiratory tract, digestive system and kidneys. For maximum effectiveness, doctors advise drinking Ketorol with plenty of liquid. It is allowed to take up to 3 tablets per day with an interval of 4 hours. Since the medicine is strong, adverse reactions in the form of allergies, dizziness, drowsiness, sweating are not excluded.
The best pills for mild to moderate toothache
In the event of mild or moderate manifestations of dentalgia, remedies are used that help alleviate the condition for several hours. They perfectly relieve an attack with caries, pulpitis and inflammation of the gums.
6 Meloxicam
Country: Russia
Average price: 184 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, which is especially often used in dentistry for periodontal diseases.It has a pronounced analgesic effect, tablets are prescribed to relieve symptoms of inflammation, including fever, local swelling and redness of the soft tissues of the oral cavity.
Contraindications to the drug are quite typical: intolerance to the components, severe damage to the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys. Meloxicam is not prescribed for pregnant women, lactating women and children under 12 years of age. To guarantee the expected result, it is recommended not to exceed the allowable dosage of the tablets.
5 Nimesulide
Country: Macedonia
Average price: 29 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
The action of Nimesulide is aimed mainly at relieving inflammation and associated symptoms. It is often used in dentistry. Efficiency depends on the causes of dentalgia. Helps with toothache of moderate intensity, with severe pathologies - powerless. It has a direct effect on pain receptors.
It is very popular among the general population of the Russian Federation. The budgetary cost allows a large number of elderly patients to purchase the drug. Of course, there are contraindications. The most serious are ulcers, arterial hypertension and kidney failure. It is extremely important to avoid overdose. Otherwise, you may experience: vomiting, drowsiness, abdominal pain.
4 Paracetamol
Country: Russia
Average price: 13 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Belongs to the group of analgesics. Able to cope with mild aching toothache. Acts quickly, but the effect is short-lived. Its advantages are safety and low cost. It acts on the nervous system without touching the centers of the brain. Does not depress the work of the heart and respiratory organs.Adverse reactions are practically absent, with the exception of individual intolerance.
Excellent remedy for caries. It is often prescribed for teething in young children or after extraction for residual pain. Quickly relieves spasm and reduces temperature. You should not take it for more than 3 days in a row, as this is not a treatment at all, but only a temporary relief. Paracetamol is a fairly old proven remedy. Sold in every pharmacy and costs a penny. Thanks to these characteristics, it remains in demand today.
3 Fanigan
Country: India
Average price: 250 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Fanigan consists of two active ingredients: diclofenac and paracetamol, therefore it is referred to as combined analgesics. It has a good analgesic effect. In addition, it relieves swelling that occurs against the background of dentalgia. Destroys fibrin and collagen fibers during inflammation. Often it is prescribed for the eruption of "wisdom teeth", accompanied by sore throat and swollen lymph nodes.
High performance always stands next to adverse reactions. The drug should not be taken on an empty stomach, as it irritates the gastrointestinal mucosa. Judging by the reviews, Fanigan is widely known as an effective medicine for various types of pain, including toothache. With self-administration, the main thing is to clearly follow the instructions. Then a positive action will not be long in coming.
2 Deksalgin 25
Country: Spain
Average price: 303 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
The main advantage is the rapid anesthetic effect. The main component is ketoprofen, which has a strong anti-inflammatory property. As with similar analgesics, the effect does not last long.Belongs to the NVPS group, often prescribed by doctors in the complex therapy of various diseases.
Has proven itself on the positive side. Within 30 minutes helps to cope with a toothache. The duration of action sometimes reaches 6 hours. Do not use it for more than 5 days in a row. May cause severe adverse reactions. Not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, people with intestinal ulcers. It is widely available, but it is not recommended to rely on self-treatment with Dexalgin, it is better to consult a dentist as soon as possible.
1 Tempalgin
Country: Bulgaria
Average price: 130 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
Tempalgin is one of the most common drugs for mild to moderate toothache. Quickly relieves an attack due to the analgesic in the composition, while it has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. Soothes due to the tranquilizer tempidone contained in the structure.
The drug is gentle on the body. Does not irritate the gastric mucosa and does not adversely affect the water-salt balance. Safe for people with gastrointestinal diseases. Especially recommended for elderly patients. Reviews about Tempalgin are positive. Attracts an affordable price and a calming effect that helps to quickly fall asleep after debilitating pain spasms.