Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Tikkurila Valtti Expert Base | The best preparation for painting |
2 | Pinotex Natural/Pinotex Natural | The most transparent impregnation |
3 | Dufa Wood Protect | Antiseptic with dirt-repellent effect |
4 | Pirilax-Lux | Antiseptic with fireproof protection |
5 | V33 Extreme Climate | The best tool for difficult conditions |
1 | NEOMID 400 | Maximum protection period |
2 | Senezh Ognebio Prof | Preservation of the structure of the tree, fire resistance |
3 | Belinka Lasur/Belinka Lazur | The widest range of colors |
4 | Veres Classic Lazura | The best impregnation for a bath |
5 | Aquatex Extra | Application versatility |
Despite the emergence of modern building materials, wood occupies one of the dominant places. To preserve all the best qualities of wood (even super-strong and elite), antiseptic treatment is required. Today in the domestic market there are different compositions, both domestic and foreign manufacturers.To choose the right impregnation for wood, you should consider a few recommendations from experts.
- First of all, you need to pay attention to the scope. Some compounds are intended for internal use, while others are designed for external processing.
- Impregnation should not only effectively repel water, but also repel insects and suppress the reproduction of microorganisms. And if manufacturers add harmful chemical compounds to the composition for external use, then a modern product for internal use is made without organic solvents.
- It is very profitable to buy compounds that provide comprehensive protection. For example, there are products that protect wood from biodegradation and from fire at the same time.
Our review includes the best wood preservatives. The rating was compiled taking into account the opinions of experts and feedback from Russian consumers.
The best antiseptics for outdoor work
To withstand the harsh Russian climate, wooden buildings must be impregnated with an antiseptic. Processing helps prevent such negative phenomena as rotting, darkening, the appearance of mold, fungi, bugs, etc. The compositions presented in the rating received high marks from experts and users.
5 V33 Extreme Climate
Country: France
Average price: 6405 rub. (9 l)
Rating (2022): 4.6
A universal protective agent designed for processing log and plank facades, as well as structures made of glued and profiled timber. The antiseptic is water-based, which allows it to be used indoors and outdoors.Thanks to Active-Protect Technology, active elements penetrate deeply into the structure of wood, emphasizing the natural beauty and providing reliable protection against ultraviolet radiation, temperature extremes and other negative factors.
In the reviews, users note the complete absence of smell and the convenience of applying an antiseptic. It is recommended to use a roller as a working tool - if you apply the product with a brush, streaks may remain on the surface. To get maximum protection, you will need to process the wood three times. It should be borne in mind that the cost of an antiseptic is quite high.
4 Pirilax-Lux
Country: Russia
Average price: 5450 rub. (10.5 kg)
Rating (2022): 4.7
Pirilax-Lux impregnation has a pronounced antiseptic effect. The product forms a fire-retardant film on the surface of the wood, which is not afraid of atmospheric influences. The composition of the product does not contain such toxic components as fluorides and methyl alcohol. However, despite the environmental friendliness, the scope is limited to external surfaces (walls, log cabins, fences), as well as attics, basements, hangars and garages. The material can be applied in several layers, so the consumption ranges from 180 to 280 g/sq. m. The manufacturer allows the use of an antiseptic even at low temperatures (up to -16 ° C).
There is a lot of controversy on the forums regarding the effectiveness of double tree protection with one preparation. Pirilax-Lux protects well from biodefeat, it has a fairly affordable price. However, it does not contain a UV filter. Because of this, the tree darkens in the sun, which is especially noticeable after 2-3 years.
3 Dufa Wood Protect
Country: Germany
Average price: 5590 rub. (10 l)
Rating (2022): 4.8
External surfaces made of wood are often exposed to negative factors such as moisture and dust. As a result, the beautiful base becomes dirty, after which laborious cleaning is required. To solve these problems, it is better to choose Dufa Wood Protect impregnation. It not only effectively fights fungi and mold, but also gives the wood decorative properties. The composition is made on an acrylic-alkyd basis, the addition of special additives made it possible to increase resistance to atmospheric influences and give the coating dirt-repellent qualities. Experts consider the product the best antiseptic for processing structures made of precious wood.
After studying the reviews on thematic forums, the strengths and weaknesses of the antiseptic clearly emerge. Users are satisfied with the lack of smell, hiding power, water repellency, preservation of the texture of the tree. The disadvantages include weak protection of the tree during single-layer processing.
2 Pinotex Natural/Pinotex Natural
Country: Estonia
Average price: 900 rub. (1 l)
Rating (2022): 4.8
Reliable wood protection is provided by Pinotex Natural antiseptic. Experts attribute weather resistance and transparency to the advantages of the product. Thanks to these properties, the natural beauty of the tree will be preserved for 2-3 years. The material is perfect for processing the walls of houses and baths, arbors, fences, etc. You can apply impregnation using various tools, from a brush to an airbrush.The use of the AWB binder allowed the manufacturer to create the best transparent antiseptic. Estimated material consumption is 8-12 liters per square meter. m.
On the construction forums about Pinotex Natural, you can read a lot of positive reviews. The product is easy to apply, forms a reliable film. The disadvantages of users include a pungent odor, a long drying time, the need to update every 3 years.
1 Tikkurila Valtti Expert Base
Country: Finland (produced in Russia)
Average price: 4402 rub. (9 l)
Rating (2022): 4.9
The well-known Finnish manufacturer of paints and varnishes Tikkurila pays great attention to protecting wood from various negative influences. Impregnation Valtti Expert Base not only forms a durable coating and reliable protection against rot, blue and mold. It is also a primer to prepare the surface for applying paint or varnish. The composition has a high penetrating ability, it is allowed to apply impregnation on wood with a moisture content of up to 40%. The use of the material helps to increase the adhesion of water and alkyd paints. The product dries quickly and does not smell.
On construction forums, professionals advise using the Valtti Expert Base antiseptic as a primer. In the future, it is recommended to apply Valtti Expert Akva to the surface. Impregnation in reviews is praised for its versatility and durability. Of the minuses, only the high price is noted.
The best antiseptics for interior work
When treating the interior with an antiseptic, the environmental friendliness of the product comes first.Almost all compounds have a smell, it is important that it quickly disappears and does not have a harmful effect on a person.
5 Aquatex Extra
Country: Russia
Average price: 4150 rub. (10 l)
Rating (2022): 4.6
Antiseptic Aquatex Extra protects wood and materials based on it from various negative influences. The coating is able to prevent the appearance of putrefactive bacteria, mold, fungus. Impregnation neutralizes the effects of sunlight, preserving the original color of the wood. The versatility of the product lies not only in the ability to apply it to indoor and outdoor substrates. It is allowed to treat both new and old structures with an antiseptic. High penetrating power allows you to protect even surfaces treated with linseed oil.
Like any universal composition, Aquatex Extra has its weaknesses. At construction forums, users do not advise using material for processing external surfaces. When used internally, there is an unpleasant odor and a long drying time. And experts consider the price of the product too high.
4 Veres Classic Lazura
Country: Serbia
Average price: 690 rub. (0.9 l)
Rating (2022): 4.7
Today in Russia there is a boom in baths. Since they are built from natural wood, and high humidity is created inside the premises, impregnation of the wood with an antiseptic will be an important step. The composition Veres Classic Lazura has the best properties. The colorless product perfectly withstands changes in temperature and humidity. Users use it to protect walls, floors, ceilings, seats. The tree retains its naturalness.The manufacturer packs the product in metal containers, which becomes an effective protection against counterfeiting. Impregnated wood for many years is not affected by rot and parasites. It is recommended to repeat the treatment after 8 years.
In the reviews, you can also find the disadvantages of the composition. It dries for a long time (more than a day), since the proportion of non-volatile substances reaches 30%. Before choosing an antiseptic, you should also select a special primer material.
3 Belinka Lasur/Belinka Lazur
Country: Slovenia
Average price: 755 rub. (1 l)
Rating (2022): 4.7
The well-known Slovenian manufacturer of paints and varnishes Belinka sells wood preservative Lasur on the domestic market. This series includes 17 products with different colors. Any shade will harmoniously look against the background of the natural structure of the tree. The coating can consist of 3 layers, while no visible film is formed on the surface. This is due to the deep penetration of the material, which provides high-quality protection of wood from diseases and pests.
The composition can be used not only inside buildings, but also outside. But first you need to apply a special Belinka Base. Perhaps some users do not know about this, who on the forums scold the product for its low weather resistance. The advantages include the environmental friendliness of the composition, although during processing it emits an unpleasant odor.
2 Senezh Ognebio Prof
Country: Russia
Average price: 1029 rub. (5 l)
Rating (2022): 4.9
One of the best ways to protect wooden bases in boiler rooms is to use the antiseptic Senezh Ognebio Prof.The product is good because it simultaneously prevents the appearance of microorganisms and gives the surface fire protection. Impregnation has proven itself in conditions of temperature and humidity differences. The antiseptic does not change the structure of the wood, preserving its natural beauty. The duration of bioprotection is at least 20 years. Impregnation of red color is supplied to the distribution network in plastic containers weighing 6, 12, 23 kg.
The antiseptic has received a lot of positive feedback on the forums. It perfectly combines an affordable price and high protective properties. The product is easy to use, the saline solution can be applied in any way from spraying to soaking. Users consider the high consumption of the drug to be the only drawback.
1 NEOMID 400
Country: Russia
Average price: 374 rub. (1 l)
Rating (2022): 4.9
A wide range of wood-based building materials can be treated with NEOMID 400 antiseptic. This includes natural wood, chipboard, fiberboard, etc. The product is water-based, it does not contain toxic chemical compounds. The environmental friendliness of the composition is perfectly combined with a long service life (up to 25 years). During all this time, the impregnation protects the wood from mold, fungi and insects. There is no biological destruction of wood, which slows down the aging process. The composition is intended only for indoor use, and it can be applied to the surface at temperatures above +5°C.
Users appreciate the domestic antiseptic NEOMID 400 for environmental friendliness and durability. It is used without fear in the kitchen and in children's rooms. The specific smell quickly disappears. The disadvantage of impregnation is the tinting of the tree.