15 best hydrangea varieties



Characteristic in the rating

The best tree varieties of hydrangeas

1 Invincibelle Spirit Best Features
2 Annabelle High viability
3 Hillsof Snow The most unpretentious variety
4 white dome High frost resistance
5 Pink Pincushion Lots of escapes

The best panicled hydrangea varieties

1 Vanille Fraise Renhy Most sought after variety
2 Phantom Grows on any soil
3 Grandiflora Excellent external performance
4 Weems Red Best Smell
5 polar bear Huge inflorescences

The best large-leaved hydrangea varieties

1 Cotton Candy Best properties and beauty
2 Nikko Blue Growing fast. Has a dense crown
3 spike Strong immunity. Has two shades
4 Tricolor decorative appearance
5 blueberry cheesecake Best price. pest resistant

A beautiful garden cannot be imagined without flowers. They add brightness and grace to the courtyard, and also delight the eyes of passers-by. One of the most famous plants for decorating the backyard is the hydrangea. This ornamental shrub is easy to grow. It does not need special care, but during flowering it will not leave anyone indifferent. There are many varieties of flowers, the most popular of them are large-leaved, tree-like and paniculate.

Hydrangeas differ from other beautiful plants in their incredible splendor. They can be seen from a distance. Large inflorescences are called truly beautiful. Their colors are different, depending on the variety.Each gardener can easily choose the right one and surprise the household and guests with the best interior of the garden. Our rating presents the most popular types of hydrangeas, which have earned praise from experienced gardeners.

The best tree varieties of hydrangeas

Varieties are famous for better frost resistance compared to other species. All of them bloom on current shoots and have only light colors.

5 Pink Pincushion

Lots of escapes
Average price: 350 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

4 white dome

High frost resistance
Average price: 299 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

3 Hillsof Snow

The most unpretentious variety
Average price: 840 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

2 Annabelle

High viability
Average price: 350 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

1 Invincibelle Spirit

Best Features
Average price: 660 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0

The best panicled hydrangea varieties

A type of hydrangea that has large and dense branches. In comparison with their counterparts, paniculate varieties grow a little faster and feel good in the shade. They are preferred by most gardeners.

5 polar bear

Huge inflorescences
Average price: 299 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6

4 Weems Red

Best Smell
Average price: 350 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

3 Grandiflora

Excellent external performance
Average price: 284 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

2 Phantom

Grows on any soil
Average price: 275 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

1 Vanille Fraise Renhy

Most sought after variety
Average price: 349 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0

The best large-leaved hydrangea varieties

Inflorescences of this category attract the attention of all gardeners. Varieties are distinguished by the special beauty of large bright green leaves.

5 blueberry cheesecake

Best price. pest resistant
Average price: 250 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

4 Tricolor

decorative appearance
Average price: 336 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

3 spike

Strong immunity. Has two shades
Average price: 398 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

2 Nikko Blue

Growing fast. Has a dense crown
Average price: 1 800 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

1 Cotton Candy

Best properties and beauty
Average price: 1 600 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0

Popular vote - what kind of hydrangea do you think is the best?
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Attention! The above information is not a buying guide. For any advice, you should contact the experts!

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