Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Invincibelle Spirit | Best Features |
2 | Annabelle | High viability |
3 | Hillsof Snow | The most unpretentious variety |
4 | white dome | High frost resistance |
5 | Pink Pincushion | Lots of escapes |
1 | Vanille Fraise Renhy | Most sought after variety |
2 | Phantom | Grows on any soil |
3 | Grandiflora | Excellent external performance |
4 | Weems Red | Best Smell |
5 | polar bear | Huge inflorescences |
1 | Cotton Candy | Best properties and beauty |
2 | Nikko Blue | Growing fast. Has a dense crown |
3 | spike | Strong immunity. Has two shades |
4 | Tricolor | decorative appearance |
5 | blueberry cheesecake | Best price. pest resistant |
A beautiful garden cannot be imagined without flowers. They add brightness and grace to the courtyard, and also delight the eyes of passers-by. One of the most famous plants for decorating the backyard is the hydrangea. This ornamental shrub is easy to grow. It does not need special care, but during flowering it will not leave anyone indifferent. There are many varieties of flowers, the most popular of them are large-leaved, tree-like and paniculate.
Hydrangeas differ from other beautiful plants in their incredible splendor. They can be seen from a distance. Large inflorescences are called truly beautiful. Their colors are different, depending on the variety.Each gardener can easily choose the right one and surprise the household and guests with the best interior of the garden. Our rating presents the most popular types of hydrangeas, which have earned praise from experienced gardeners.
The best tree varieties of hydrangeas
Varieties are famous for better frost resistance compared to other species. All of them bloom on current shoots and have only light colors.
5 Pink Pincushion

Average price: 350 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
The variety became famous due to the sprawling bush and a large number of shoots. Breeders, some time after the creation of Pink Pincushion, have ensured that it has become winter-hardy. Today, the plant survives frosts well down to -26 degrees. The height and width of the shrub is 1.3 meters. Inflorescences with a pinkish tint are round and flat, their diameter is about 15 centimeters. Hydrangea loves light, but develops well in partial shade. It looks great both in a group landing and on its own.
Recommendations of agricultural technicians for the care of Pink Pincushion are standard. It needs to be watered, periodically fed and trimmed. It will start flowering in June and continue until the end of August. Customer reviews of the variety are mostly positive. They note the ease of cultivation and the amazing result. Gardeners are advised to purchase this plant even for beginners. The best characteristics block the ability to notice flaws, so gardeners do not note significant disadvantages.
4 white dome

Average price: 299 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
The domed bush distinguishes the plant from its brethren.Its strong and thick branches do not allow lush and rather heavy flowers to outweigh and bend to the ground. The height of the White Dome is one and a half meters. Its frost resistance is high, so it is grown in the Moscow region. Flowering falls at the beginning of July and continues until the beginning of October. Hydrangea will endure any bad weather well. She is not afraid of the sun's rays and partial shade. With its help decorate park areas and flower beds of public streets.
Inflorescences of a light shade comely contrast with green, smooth to the touch leaves. A full-fledged image of the variety is impossible not to notice. It complements the garden area with its tenderness. Each flower resembles lace and barely perceptibly smells. In order for White Dome to bloom profusely, it must be fed and planted in fertile soil. It also needs regular watering. In general, the variety easily adapts to the environment and gives pleasure to households.
3 Hillsof Snow

Average price: 840 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
A picturesque shrub up to 1.5 meters high has won the respect of many gardeners. Thanks to the incredibly snow-white flowering balls, the variety fully justifies its name - Snow on the Hills. Inflorescences reach 15 centimeters in diameter. The hydrangea is quite resistant to frost. It is able to restore damaged areas after a harsh winter and continue to grow successfully. 3-4 years after planting, it begins to bloom more abundantly. The leaves of the plant are quite large - about 16 centimeters. They go well with white flowers, giving the bush a romantic appearance.
Hillsof Snow is unpretentious.It can adapt to various climatic conditions, for which it has fallen in love with many gardeners. It is recommended to plant it on fertile soil. It is also necessary to carefully water the plant. It is used as decoration of the yard or garden. In general, the variety has excellent characteristics and is suitable for growing in the Moscow region. One minus is noted, and that one is insignificant. The fragrance of Hillsof Snow is subtle.
2 Annabelle

Average price: 350 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
A domed shrub with long flowering is one of the most popular among gardeners - it inspires beginners and pleases experienced gardeners. The diameter of the variety can reach 3 meters, which makes it possible to call the bush immense. The plant is a little over a meter tall. Hydrangea leaves stand out due to their bright colors. In addition, they do not lose their original appearance all season. Annabelle begins to bloom at the end of June - the inflorescences acquire a delicate light green shade, which becomes snow-white over time.
The rapid growth of the variety allows him to add about 20 centimeters in height in a month. Most gardeners do not have difficulties with planting and growing, since Annabelle is not capricious in care. She rarely gets sick, which undeniably pleases gardeners. In addition, it is durable - it is viable for about 40 years. Buyers do not note shortcomings, except that frequent skips of watering can affect the abundance of flowering. The remaining characteristics suit summer residents.
1 Invincibelle Spirit

Average price: 660 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
A novelty that was relatively recently brought to Russia.Her appearance instantly captivates gardeners and makes her carefully monitor and care for the plant. Domestic breeders noted the incredible ability of hydrangeas to survive in severe frosty conditions. The variety was bred in the USA. It is distinguished by the best characteristics, which, to one degree or another, are the main criteria when choosing a flower. Unlike other trees, Invincibelle Spirit has graceful dark pink inflorescences with a diameter of 20 centimeters.
The average width and height of the shrub is 1.2 meters. The variety is recommended for planting in areas where low temperatures are noted. For example, in the Moscow region, Invincibelle Spirit will feel great and pleasantly surprise flower growers. In winters, with indicators on thermometers down to -37 degrees, hydrangea will absolutely suit. Thanks to these qualities, many gardeners are satisfied with the ornamental shrub and are advised to purchase it. However, it is selective in soils - an alkaline environment will contribute to the death of the plant.
The best panicled hydrangea varieties
A type of hydrangea that has large and dense branches. In comparison with their counterparts, paniculate varieties grow a little faster and feel good in the shade. They are preferred by most gardeners.
5 polar bear

Average price: 299 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
The variety loved by many was brought out quite recently. In a short period of its existence, the Polar Bear has won the respect of both amateurs and professionals in floriculture. It was created by breeders from Holland by crossing Limelight and Grandiflora.This made it possible to acquaint domestic gardeners with the cutest plant that can decorate squares, gardens, household plots and other territories. The height of the paniculate variety is one and a half meters. The diameter of the bush is approximately 1.4 meters.
A feature of the Polar Bear are huge conical inflorescences. Their length is approximately 40 centimeters. The bush looks compact and spherical. Its stems are strong enough to support massive clusters of flowers. The fluffiness of the variety delights all buyers, it looks like air. The color of the buds at the beginning of flowering is light with a pistachio tint, and as it blooms, it turns into snow-white. The polar bear has no obvious shortcomings.
4 Weems Red

Average price: 350 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
The variety is distinguished by the magnificence of flowering. It is undersized compared to other panicled species. But it's hard not to notice. Spreading shrub has incredibly beautiful inflorescences. At the beginning of flowering they are light, and by September they become pink with a marsal tint. The brushes are distinguished by a narrow pyramidal shape. Their diameter is 5-7 centimeters. Each flower has 4 petals, rarely 5. In appearance, the plant is compared with a huge lilac bush. Openwork inflorescences delight every passerby.
Bulky brushes with small flowers reach 40 centimeters in length. Gardeners note their unusually "delicious" aroma with hints of honey. The smell comes from a distance, which cannot but rejoice. The frost resistance of the culture is great - it will invincibly grow at temperatures up to -30 degrees.In the Moscow region, Weems Red does not need shelter, which all flower growers like. With such characteristics, it is impossible to note the shortcomings of the variety. Therefore, it is ideal for growing in any regions of Russia.
3 Grandiflora

Average price: 284 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
The variety is widely used in landscape design. Its external characteristics allow you to decorate the backyard territory and give it a touch of grace. Shrub in height can reach 2 meters. It has a spherical shape with a diameter of 3 meters. The inflorescences are a kind resembling a pyramid. 3-centimeter flowers change color during the entire flowering period - from white to pale pink. The plant will please the owners for 30 years. Ease of care noted by many gardeners.
4-5 years after planting, the shrub begins to admire the first flowers. They are decorated with park areas and private sector plots. The variety looks great in combination with other plants. In addition, alone, he is also able to attract attention. The aroma is gentle and pleasant, felt close. Hydrangea tolerates frost quite well and is practically not attacked by pests. Significant disadvantages of Grandiflora were not found.
2 Phantom

Average price: 275 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
The most adaptable hydrangea on the market today. She survives harsh conditions, adapting to them 100 percent. The variety tends to recover quickly after winter with frosts down to -25 degrees. Thanks to the colorful and abundant flowering, flower growers all over the world are conquered by the plant.The phantom is not capricious in the process of growing - it only needs standard procedures such as: watering, pruning, top dressing and other simple actions. A distinctive feature of the plant is the ability to take root on any soil.
The flower has a strong root system, which is very rarely exposed to disease. Propagating it is easy - divide the bush and move it to any convenient place. Phantom is in demand in the Moscow region. It thrives there and blooms profusely. Even inexperienced gardeners will be able to plant and grow a beautiful bush with large flowers that will draw the attention of any passer-by. Buyers characterize the plant in a positive way. It is recommended to plant it in partial shade and protect from the wind.
1 Vanille Fraise Renhy

Average price: 349 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
It is quite difficult to describe the beauty of this freesia. To understand how amazing it is, you need to look at the flower. The erect shoots of Vanille Fraise Renhy are maroon in color and pair well with bright green foliage. Inflorescences are able to change shades depending on the time of flowering. At first they are light, and then they become darker. Bush spherical, domed flowers. In July, they begin to bloom, and in early October they complete.
Panicled Vanille Fraise Renhy is liked by most growers. It is not capricious in care and resistant to pests. In addition, the culture tolerates frosts down to -27 degrees. By following simple rules in the process of planting and growing itself, you can achieve the best result - abundant flowering of large flowers.Numerous positive reviews about hydrangeas suggest that it is one of the most sought after among this subspecies. The variety is susceptible to chlorosis with insufficient fertilizers.
The best large-leaved hydrangea varieties
Inflorescences of this category attract the attention of all gardeners. Varieties are distinguished by the special beauty of large bright green leaves.
5 blueberry cheesecake

Average price: 250 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
A spectacular bush that captivates the eyes of the surrounding unusual color of inflorescences. A variety appeared in the USA and almost immediately became popular among experienced gardeners. Starting to bloom in June, Blueberry Cheesecake forms new shoots in mid-summer and completes these processes by October. In height and width, the hydrangea is small - 1.2 meters. The stems are highly branched, which gives the plant splendor. Dark green leaves perfectly complement the image of the bush and make it especially attractive. They are glossy and serrated.
The diameter of the brushes of the plant reaches 12-20 centimeters. The flat flowers are densely arranged in the inflorescence and give it an airy appearance. Their blueberry hue gives Blueberry Cheesecake an originality. Buyers are pleased with the abundance of flowering and excellent characteristics of the variety. It is quite resistant to pests and diseases, and is also not afraid of cold weather. It is often planted in central Russia and is content with the beauty of the garden. The disadvantages include a faint smell of flowers.
4 Tricolor

Average price: 336 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
A small bush has a decorative appearance. Gardeners appreciate the variety, calling it one of the best.Its feature is large colorful leaves of ovoid shape. The shoots of the plant are erect and quite strong. Spherical inflorescences in diameter reach 20-25 centimeters. The beginning of flowering falls at the end of July. Hydrangea looks good both in single and in group plantings. It successfully decorates areas of the private sector and public areas.
The edges of each small flower are painted in pale pink shades, and its middle is dark lilac. The border of the foliage is white, which gives expressiveness and showiness to the shrub. Judging by customer reviews, this large-leaved hydrangea is the most beautiful in its category. The plant stands out among the many planted crops with its brightness and splendor. The shortcomings of the variety include the need for Tricolor shelter during frosty winters. Otherwise, it shows the best qualities and does not take much time in the cultivation process.
3 spike

Average price: 398 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
One of the most pretty large-leaved hydrangeas, according to most gardeners. Flowers can be pink or blue in color - it depends on the acidity of the soil. Spike petals are characterized by wavy edges, so the flowers fit snugly together, leaving no voids and forming a large, neat ball. The bush grows up to 1.2 meters in length. In July, the buds open and bloom until September. An ornamental plant loved by millions. It is planted by both professionals and beginners.
The originality of the variety is that it can have two types of shades. In soil with high acidity, it is full of blue flowers, and with a lower indicator, it grows with pink inflorescences. Frost resistance in Spike is quite high.Pests are extremely rarely interested in her, in addition, she has a strong immunity to diseases characteristic of hydrangeas. The culture loves moisture very much, so it is imperative to monitor the timeliness of watering.
2 Nikko Blue

Average price: 1 800 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Flower growers rightly call Nikko Blue a star among blue hydrangeas. The bright green foliage blends perfectly with the flowers and gives the image a unique look. The bush has a fairly dense crown, its height is about one and a half meters. It grows very quickly and increases by about 20-25 centimeters per year. The variety belongs to the remontant and blooms several times per season. The decorativeness of the plant is given by large leaves, which densely cover the stems, preventing them from even being seen.
The high level of soil acidity allows the inflorescences to acquire a blue-blue color. If it is not enough, then the flowers are painted white. They differ in size and splendor. They emit a pleasant aroma, reminiscent of the smell of fruits. Nikko Blue can be grown in a vegetable garden or even in a pot at home. Flower growers speak well of this variety. The disadvantages include intolerance to low temperatures. Therefore, it should be planted in the southern regions.
1 Cotton Candy

Average price: 1 600 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
One of the most visible hydrangeas on the market today. It has become very popular among flower growers due to the best characteristics and superior external data. The hybrid variety has absorbed only the positive properties of the parents. Each small flower carries incredible beauty, and when combined almost together, they bring true admiration to others.The petals are pink at the edges and light green in the middle. Their "noses" are serrated - pointed to the tip. "Densely populated" shrub looks luxurious on any home garden or on public avenues.
The stems of the plant are very strong and branched. They steadfastly withstand the brush, not leaning to the ground. The variety belongs to the remontant, so it blooms in waves over the season. The ideality of the inflorescences is emphasized by straight shoots. Cotton Candy, thanks to its advantages, which were justified by experienced gardeners, has become the best option for growing in any of the territories of Russia. A large-leaved culture will allow you to beautifully decorate the garden and bring a touch of elegance to it. In general, it suits almost all buyers, so it has no obvious disadvantages.