Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Pipolfen | The best antihistamine and sedative effect |
2 | Zyrtec | Has anti-exudative action |
3 | Fenistil | Approved for the treatment of children from 1 month |
4 | Tsetrin | Eliminates an allergic reaction at a late stage of the disease |
5 | Diazolin | Has a mild anesthetic effect |
1 | Cortisone acetate | Best quality. Enhances the effect of anticoagulants |
2 | Mometasone | Effective in the fight against chronic eczema |
3 | Prednisolone | High efficiency, time-tested |
4 | Hydrocortisone | Pronounced antitoxic effect |
5 | Thyroidin | Reduces thyroid and pituitary function |
1 | Novopassit | The best remedy for fear and anxiety |
2 | Persen | Has an antispasmodic effect |
3 | Seduxen | Has an anticonvulsant effect |
4 | Afobazole | Permissible long-term use of the drug |
5 | Motherwort tincture | Best price. Effectively relieves hyperexcitability |
Not only women, but also representatives of the stronger sex take care of the beauty and purity of the skin. Even minor defects bring anxiety. When a large area of \u200b\u200bthe skin is affected, then the matter does not end with ordinary anxiety. A person quickly goes to the hospital so that the doctor can determine the cause and choose the treatment. One of these unpleasant diseases is called eczema. There are many reasons for its occurrence, it can manifest itself already in childhood.It is believed that skin disease is a response of the body to an external or internal stimulus. At some point, the immune system begins to react to ordinary things atypically, and dermatitis occurs on the legs, arms, torso, head.
The main reasons are: contact with substances that cause allergies, untreated chronic infections, violation of the daily routine, thermal burns. Outwardly, dermatitis is a blisters that eventually turn into a weeping crust, itchy, flaky. The action of all drugs is aimed at relieving itching, redness, and eliminating the irritant. For effective treatment, an integrated approach is used. Below are the best remedies in the fight against the disease.
Best antihistamines for eczema
The first thing the patient wants to get rid of is itching. Therefore, anti-allergic drugs are prescribed for any degree of damage. They help correct the body's immune response, reduce rashes, and soothe the skin. They can be used in various forms - ointments, suspensions, creams, syrups, tablets, drops. The mechanism of their action on the body is the same, the difference is only in the main active substance. All of them not only relieve irritation, but also have soothing, decongestant properties.
5 Diazolin
Country: Russia
Average price: 46 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
The use of the drug relieves swelling, reduces the effect of histamine on muscle organs, and stops itching. Drowsiness and lethargy during use are absent or slightly expressed.Diazolin is allowed for preventive purposes to prevent eczema, urticaria, laryngeal edema, dermatitis, neurodermatitis. The tool has a slight anesthetic property. It is forbidden to drink alcohol during treatment. The drug in combination with sedatives enhances their effect.
Take it orally, during the meal or immediately after. Dragee is not chewed. Absorbed rapidly, the highest concentration is reached 1-2 hours after ingestion and maintained at this level for up to 24 hours. At one time, 100 mg of the drug is recommended for people over 12 years of age. Take 1-3 times a day. In difficult cases, the dose is increased by agreement with the doctor up to 300 mg once or up to 600 mg per day. The duration of treatment is predicted by the doctor depending on the severity of the course of the disease and responsiveness to drug therapy. Excreted by the kidneys. Not recommended for use by pregnant women.
4 Tsetrin
Country: India
Average price: 224 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
It is produced in the form of white film-coated tablets. The main component is cetirizine. Additional substances in the composition - lactose, corn starch, Mg stearate. Facilitates the manifestations of eczema - eliminates itching and burning, reduces the release of exudate, reduces the movement of eosinophils. At the same time, the edema disappears, spasmodic manifestations in the muscles disappear. The drug is prescribed for conjunctivitis, urticaria, neurodermatitis, Quincke's edema.
During pregnancy, lactation, children's preschool age and intolerance, the drug is prohibited. Children are allowed to use the medicine in the form of a syrup. Doses are calculated by the attending physician. Tablets are drunk without chewing, drinking plenty of water.Adults are recommended to drink 5 mg 2 times a day or 10 mg 1 time. For children over 6 years old, one dose per day is sufficient. The treatment is tolerated without complications, but increased drowsiness, fatigue and dryness of the mucous membranes are possible.
3 Fenistil
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 370 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Antiallergic drug of the 1st generation. It has an effective effect against any manifestations - skin redness, capillary ruptures, swelling, itching, peeling. The drug has a slight sedative effect. Available in the form of a gel, cream, emulsion, tablets. The first three of them have a local anti-inflammatory, antipruritic effect. Does not cause drowsiness and addiction. When applied to the skin, a feeling of coolness is created, which gives light anesthesia at the site of application of Fenistil.
The drug quickly and deeply enters the tissues, a sufficient concentration is reached after 45 minutes. It is recommended to apply after insect bites in order to relieve pain, relieve inflammation and itching at the site of skin lesions. It is considered the best antihistamine for children from 1 month of age. Drops are taken immediately before meals. Toddlers are added to a bottle of water and drink before or during meals. Because of the pleasant taste, it is well received by children. The daily dose of adults and children over 12 years old is up to 120 drops, which are divided into three doses. Gel and emulsion lubricate the affected area up to 4 times a day. In order not to get your hands dirty, an applicator is attached to the medicine.
2 Zyrtec
Country: Italy
Average price: 317 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
The tool is available in two forms: drops and tablets.The main active ingredient in both cases is cetirizine. Drops are represented by a liquid without color, but with a pronounced smell of vinegar. Effectively eliminates itching, reduces vascular permeability, prevents the release of exudate, significantly alleviates the course of an allergic reaction. Taking medication helps reduce tissue swelling, relieve spasm of smooth muscles. The drug has a high absorption rate. The required concentration is found in the blood one hour after taking the drug.
The use of the drug for the treatment of eczema is prohibited for children of the first six months of life, as well as for pregnant and lactating women. With caution appoint elderly patients and in the presence of a history of chronic renal failure. The use of drops to relieve the symptoms of eczema is common. This dosage form is convenient for the treatment of young children. They are recommended a single daily intake of 5 drops. Starting from 1 year, the multiplicity increases to 2 times a day. For adults and children after 6 years, the dose is increased to 20 drops per day, divided into 2 doses.
1 Pipolfen
Country: Russia
Average price: 533 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
The active substance of the drug is promethazine. Additional components are ascorbic acid, sodium chloride. Available in three forms: tablets, injection and powder. It is considered one of the most powerful antiallergic and sedatives. It is also noted for its antiemetic properties and the ability to reduce body temperature during treatment. In addition to effectively fighting eczema, the drug helps with rheumatism, insect bites, hay fever, asthmatic manifestations and anaphylactic shock.Not recommended for use during pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance and childhood less than 3 months.
Long-term treatment can provoke tachycardia, increased anxiety, drowsiness, hypotension. Therefore, taking Pipolfen should not be started without consulting a doctor. The dosage is selected individually. In the absence of features, adults are prescribed 75-100 mg up to 4 times a day. The maximum allowed daily dose is not more than 500 mg. With injection therapy, the multiplicity is preserved, but a one-time injection is 1-2 ml. For children, the amount of medicine is selected by the doctor. In the process of using the drug, monitoring of blood and liver parameters is required.
The best hormonal remedies for eczema
Hormone-containing agents are used in cases where emergency care is needed for the patient or previous actions have not yielded the desired results. They are distinguished by a high speed of impact on the affected area, almost instantaneous removal of unpleasant symptoms, and an abrupt stop of the inflammatory process. Due to the high concentration of the active substance in their composition, if the dosage is incorrect, side effects in the form of strong addiction may occur. After such a reaction, it is difficult to select further treatment.
5 Thyroidin
Country: Russia
Average price: 140 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
Hormonal drug based on thyroxine and triiodothyronine. The drug is available in the form of tablets and powder. Scientists in the course of studying the drug noted improvements in the structure of damaged tissues. This property is used in the treatment of eczema, neurodermatitis, dermatitis, the root cause of which was endocrine disorders in the body.After the start of the reception for 2-3 days, the result becomes visible. The functionality of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland is reduced. Saturation of cells with oxygen becomes better, regenerative capacity increases, growth of new tissue accelerates, energy exchange normalizes.
The drug is taken orally, the dosage is calculated by the doctor depending on the disease, its severity and the individual characteristics of the patient. With standard treatment, adults are recommended to drink 0.05-0.2 g per day. The medication is continued until a stable improvement in the patient's condition. Children of the first year of life are advised to take the granular form of the drug. The recommended amount of the substance is mixed with 20-30 ml of water or liquid jelly.
4 Hydrocortisone
Country: Russia
Average price: 123 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
The hormone hydrocortisone is produced in the body by the adrenal cortex. Thanks to him, the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins is optimized. The synthesized hormone belongs to the medicinal group of glucocorticosteroids. Available in the form of drops, ointments, suspensions, creams and tablets. The active substance in them is hydrocortisone and its derivatives. Pronounced anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory action. The use of the drug quickly removes intoxication, starts the mechanism of inhibition of the immune system.
It is not recommended to use for the treatment of children under 2 years of age, people with individual immunity, pregnant women in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, as well as nursing mothers. Diabetes mellitus is considered a conditional contraindication to admission, it is used with the permission of the attending physician and for special indications. Intravenous administration is indicated for emergency care. Adults are administered from 100 to 1500 ml of solution.The ointment is smeared on the affected area with a thin layer no more than 4 times a day. Duration of application up to 21 days. The starting dose varies from 20 to 240 ml, subsequently it is reduced. Cancellation of the drug after long-term treatment should not be abrupt.
3 Prednisolone
Country: India
Average price: 22 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
The most famous hormonal drug belonging to the group of glucocorticosteroids. Effectively eliminates signs of eczema on hands, nails, feet. Available in the form of ointment, tablets, injection solution and drops. Its strong anti-inflammatory, anti-shock properties are noted. It completely or partially eliminates the high sensitivity of the body to the allergen, suppresses the immune system. It is prescribed not only for the treatment of eczema, but also for seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, lupus erythematosus and other diseases. The drug instantly stops itching, reduces vascular permeability, and inhibits the formation of exudate.
The injection of Prednisolone is due to the need to quickly eliminate the state of shock, stop the development of a severe form of the disease, relieve cerebral edema, an asthma attack. Tablets are recommended for long-term hormone therapy associated with rheumatoid arthritis, hepatitis, coma. Their reception is strictly regulated, and should fall on the time interval from 6 to 8 o'clock in the morning. Take during breakfast or after meals. Usually the daily dose is divided into 2-4 times, but most are taken in the morning. Start with a daily rate of 20-30 mg, then carry out maintenance therapy and consume no more than 10 mg per day. Cancellation of the drug is carried out according to the scheme developed by the doctor, and takes place under his control.
2 Mometasone
Country: Russia
Average price: 311 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
One of the best hormonal preparations for the treatment of skin diseases. Available in three forms - ointment, cream, spray. For the treatment of eczema and other dermatitis, the first two are used. The spray is suitable for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Eliminates inflammation, hyperemia, swelling and itching. The active ingredient is mometasone. Equally effective in the treatment of early and late stages of the disease. Within 12 hours after taking the patient's condition improves dramatically. Its effect on pregnancy has not been studied, so it is better to refrain from using it. It is known that mometasone freely crosses the placenta.
The dosage is calculated strictly according to the instructions, it is forbidden to overestimate it. If a nursing mother had to be treated with this remedy, then it is advised to stop feeding first. With eczema on the hands or feet, a small amount of cream is applied to the focus of inflammation 1 time per day. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease, the absence of a negative reaction and is 1-4 weeks. Doctors warn against drug overdose, especially in children. Their body is smaller than an adult, so the percentage of affected skin area to weight is higher. Non-compliance with the dosing of a hormonal drug may affect the growth and development of a young patient.
1 Cortisone acetate
Country: France
Average price: 967 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
It is used as a medicinal substance that eliminates itching, hyperemia of the skin and relieves inflammation from the damaged area.Cortisone - an inactive compound that enters the liver, is modified and converted into hydrocortisone. It has a direct effect on metabolism, inhibits the immune system. Independent and uncontrolled intake is strictly prohibited, since side effects occur in the form of muscle relaxation, increased anxiety, and kidney failure. Take with caution in diabetes mellitus, myocardial infarction, bone fragility, tuberculosis. Due to the ability to enhance the effect of anticoagulants, Cortisone is prohibited in the presence of bleeding gums.
The drug is taken orally. Usually, the daily dose is divided into two doses - in the morning they take 75% of the drug, in the evening - the remaining 25%. The first appointment is from 6:00 to 8:00, the second appointment is from 17:00 to 18:00. If a situation is expected during the day that requires great emotional experiences, then the daily dose is increased and divided by 3-4 times. The highest dose per day is 300 mg, a single dose is 150 mg. For children, all adult norms are halved.
The best sedatives for eczema
Any degree of manifestation of eczema of the hands, nails or feet is accompanied by severe itching at the sites of skin lesions. This leads to increased nervousness, reduces self-esteem, causes a depressive state in the patient. All these conditions reduce the quality of life, which leads to the low effectiveness of the chosen treatment. To stabilize the emotional state, the patient is prescribed sedatives. They calm, a person immediately looks at the situation more clearly, approaches the problem more responsibly, so the effective effect of therapy increases dramatically.
5 Motherwort tincture
Country: Russia
Average price: 26 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
It is considered one of the best sedatives of plant origin. Outwardly, it is a dark brown liquid with a greenish tint and a slight odor. A strong effect on the nervous system is due to the presence of two types of grass in the composition - hairy Motherwort and Common Motherwort. When taking the tincture, hypotensive, sedative and cardiotonic effects are observed. This is facilitated by substances found in the plant: saponins, alkaloids, glycosides and others. A remedy is prescribed for pronounced anxiety, neurosis, itching, resulting in tachycardia, sleep disturbance, hypertension. The effect of the treatment becomes noticeable after 2-3 weeks.
Treatment with tincture is the simplest, not requiring complex schemes. But without the consent of the doctor, you should not take the drug, since there are contraindications - an allergy to herbs, hypotension, alcoholism, a tendency to bleed. In the absence of pathological conditions, oral administration of 5 ml 3-4 times a day is prescribed. For 1 liter of tincture, there are 200 g of dry grass and 70% concentration of ethyl alcohol.
4 Afobazole
Country: Russia
Average price: 418 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Belongs to the group of axiolytics, eliminating the feeling of restlessness and anxiety. The active ingredient is afobazole. Reception for a long period is not addictive. There is no withdrawal syndrome. Studies show that Afobazole effectively improves memory and concentration. The result of exposure is manifested on the 5th-7th day of admission, the maximum content in the blood is detected on the 21st-28th day and persists for 10-15 days. It is prescribed for suspicious patients who cannot control their overexcitation and neuroses.It is quickly absorbed in the intestines and combines with proteins, which accelerates its excretion from the body. For this reason, drug overdose is rarely observed.
Consume orally after meals. All schemes are developed by the doctor depending on the complexity of the patient's condition. Per day at the initial intake, use no more than 10 mg, later - 30 mg. In special cases, the dose can be increased to 60 mg.
With intolerance to milk protein, pregnancy, lactation and the age of up to 18 years, the use of the drug is strictly prohibited. Alcohol intake minimizes the effectiveness of treatment.
3 Seduxen
Country: Hungary
Average price: 550 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Belongs to the group of tranquilizers with a pronounced sedative, anticonvulsant effect. Taking the drug is accompanied by muscle relaxation, anxiety relief. Available in tablet or liquid form. The solution is administered intravenously or intramuscularly in cases of emergency. Tablets are intended for longer use. The active substance in both forms is diazepam in the amount of 5 mg. A medicine is prescribed for excessive anxiety, muscle restlessness, neurosis, in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy with muscle spasm. Cancellation of the drug only with the consent of the doctor.
The dose is calculated individually. The total amount is divided into 3-4 times, 2/3 of the drug is taken before evening sleep. Patients with eczema are prescribed as part of complex therapy in an amount of 20-40 mg per day at the initial stage, later for a maintenance effect - 5-20 mg per day. Children under 6 years of age are prohibited, and at an older age it is determined only by a doctor. The rate of administration of the solution should not exceed 1 ml per minute for adults.It is strictly forbidden to deviate from the treatment regimen.
2 Persen
Country: Slovenia
Average price: 530 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
The main components are myta pepper, lemon balm and valerian. A drug with a pronounced sedative and antispasmodic effect. Produced in the form of capsules, inside which are granules with the active substance. Indications for use are overexcitation, nervous tension, spasms against the background of stress, anxiety. The tool is able to sharply lower the pressure, so it is forbidden to use hypotensive patients. Not recommended for use as a sedative during pregnancy.
Reception can provoke an allergy to the substances that make up the composition. With eczema, it is recommended as a stabilizer of the emotional state, since itching, burning puts a person out of balance. The dosage is agreed with the doctor. Self-medication is prohibited. Designed for persons over 12 years of age. 1-2 pieces up to 3 times a day. When patients complain of restless sleep, Persen is prescribed 1-2 pieces 1 hour before bedtime. The best regimen with a treatment duration of 2-4 weeks. It can be changed, but not more than 4 weeks from the start of admission.
1 Novopassit
Country: Czech
Average price: 683 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
It is considered a drug of combined action. The sedative effect is provided by the influence of plant materials in the composition. Guaifenesin is responsible for the fastest removal of anxiety and fear. The medicine can reduce the psychological burden on the body in chronic diseases, everyday stress, strong excitement.The drug is especially recommended for headaches, migraines, severe itching, menopausal neurasthenia, accompanied by anxiety, disturbed sleep and rest. It is not recommended to take the drug for children under 12 years of age, people with alcohol dependence, hypotension, lactating women.
Available in two forms - tablets and solution. When prescribing the second version of the drug, dosing is carried out using a measuring cap, according to the treatment regimens. As a standard, take 1 teaspoon before meals 3 times a day. The maximum allowable dose may be doubled in consultation with the attending physician. To increase the effectiveness, you need to adhere to the interval between taking the drug from 4 to 6 hours.