Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Rubit | The best way to influence |
2 | Grizzly | Lures parasites to poison |
3 | Bio garden | The best biological agent |
4 | Ecokiller | The safest formula |
5 | cozy garden | Easiest to use |
6 | ExtraFlor | Effectively repels the bear, does not harm people and animals |
7 | Medvetoks | Long lasting pest control |
8 | Metarizin | Triple action against the bear |
9 | Terradox | Comprehensive protection against all pests |
10 | Thunder | The best slow acting remedy |
Summer residents have heard about such an insect as a bear. She settles in holes and infrequently creeps out to the surface. Breaking through entire systems in the ground, the pest remains inside, breaking the roots of plants. Seedlings in the garden, which have not yet had time to gain a foothold, are especially affected. Often the damage is fatal, and if you do not take action, the bear will gladly destroy a huge part of the crop.
Although the parasite lives in the ground, it flies well, can travel long distances, even break through water barriers. This mobility allows you to quickly find new areas with food, choose the best options for building nests. She quickly adapts to chemicals, the same insecticides do not help. Therefore, a huge number of drugs have been collected on the shelves to combat the bear. Most of them simultaneously kill other pests: beetles, wireworms, ants. We have compiled the top 10 options that buyers found effective.
Top 10 best remedies for Medvedka
10 Thunder

Country: Russia
Average price: 27 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.2
Grom is based on diazinon. He calls slow the death of the bear, the maximum effect is achieved on the 5th day. The agent comes in the form of microgranules, which must be poured into the passages of the insect. One package is enough for an area of up to 7 sq.m., it comes out economically. To attract pests, the granules have a pronounced odor. Buyers warn that the formula has different uses depending on the conditions: application in the ground, greenhouses and open gardens is different. The poison has a third class of danger, you need to wear gloves.
The manufacturer recommends pre-treatment a week before sowing seeds. If the garden is heavily infested with pests, you can re-add the drug to the ground. The period of protective action is 14 days, the composition is very afraid of heavy rains. Buyers talk about uptime. After a couple of days, no parasites remain on the site, although the effect is not immediately visible.
9 Terradox

Country: Russia
Average price: 41 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.3
Terradox is not only aimed at the mole cricket, it offers comprehensive long-term protection against most common pests. This method of struggle is the best with a strong infection, it comes out economical. The formula has a unique effect at different times of the year, depending on the temperature, but the effectiveness decreases slightly. It is ideal in cases where it is difficult to determine the source of the problem. If the poison comes into contact with pests, they die. The manufacturer says that it takes up to 2 weeks to exterminate the bear.
Judging by the reviews, buyers are actively using the drug to protect fruit, flower, vegetable and berry crops. This version has an improved formula, comes in the form of granules. They should be scattered around the plant for maximum protection. The formula does not affect fertility, does not affect microorganisms in the soil. After decomposition, no toxic impurities are formed. Pleased with low toxicity.
8 Metarizin

Country: Russia
Average price: 350 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.3
Metarizin is the most complex drug in the ranking. It is considered effective against insects, larvae and even eggs. It is not a poison or a repellent. Metarizin is a special mushroom that moves to the depth. It reaches the place where the pests live and begins to multiply. Spores are introduced into the bear, germinating in it. The remedy is best for severe infestations, it is excellent at reducing the population. It acts both on the intestines and on the skin. Mushrooms produce toxins that are poisonous to insects. The product is absolutely natural, safe for people.
The manufacturer claims that Metarizin increases yield and improves plant growth. Customers like the ability to reduce the frequency of chemical use, switch to a biological formula. Mushrooms remain in the soil for a long time, protecting the garden for many months. Even if the bear decided to spend the winter, by the summer she will come out weakened. Such insects do not reproduce, they are much easier to eliminate.
7 Medvetoks

Country: Russia
Average price: 65 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.4
Medvetox enters the intestines of insects, killing pests from the inside. The formula consists of diazinon, flavoring and aromatic additives. The latter lure the bear.The advantage of the drug is a quick action, the insect's body reacts very sharply to the poison. To fully protect the garden, you need to dig furrows in the path of the bear. Re-treatment is recommended in a month. Medvetoks has no effect on larvae. The manufacturer does not recommend adding the product to the soil if it is less than 2 months before the harvest.
The reviews compare the drug with cat food, most buyers noted a strong unpleasant odor. He is tolerated for the sake of stopping attacks on plants, the poison quickly cracks down on the problem. This tool requires the most careful use, it harms a person. There are comments from poisoned people. Along the way, ants and aphids die along with the bear.
6 ExtraFlor

Country: Russia
Average price: 55 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5
ExtraFlor, unlike most rating tools, does not kill the bear, but scares it away. Based on natural minerals, which are filled with essential oils. They emit odors for 40 days after being placed in the ground. Medvedka really does not like this way of dealing with her and leaves the site. The composition does not contain chemicals, the drug does not harm nature, people, animals. The formula does not accumulate in the soil, when the oils are exhaled, a simple pebble remains. It does not affect the leaves and roots of plants.
ExtraFlor has the most pronounced effect during planting. It is enough to add a little money to each hole, sprinkle it with earth. Buyers recommend processing the garden around the perimeter, then the bear will not fit it. A pleasant side effect is the repelling of moles. The protective action is enough for a month, the results are visible after 2 hours.The only negative is the dependence on temperature, in the heat the effect disappears faster.
5 cozy garden

Country: Russia
Average price: 130 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
The Cozy Garden is one of the most curious poisons in the ranking. It consists of bottom marine sediments that kill the bear on contact with it. The insect becomes dehydrated within a few hours. Contains no toxins or pesticides. Easy to use is considered a big advantage: just turn the bottle upside down, point the nose at the affected areas and spray the formula. The drug works in dry calm weather. He is very afraid of moisture, loses effectiveness in the heat.
Customers like this way of dealing with insects, one pack is enough for a large garden. The result is not long in coming, the bears die in a few hours. Judging by the reviews, many annually treat plants with this remedy, it is not addictive. Although the cost is high, the formula is economical. The poison has a red and green color, has a very specific smell. According to the manufacturer, the latter attracts insects.
4 Ecokiller

Country: Russia
Average price: 370 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Ecokiller, despite its rather gentle formula, is one of the most effective. It is not dangerous for plants, humans, animals, land and water. The formula is based on fossilized shells of algae. They get on the bear, scratching its chitin. As a result, moisture evaporates, which leads to the death of the insect. The best result appears after a few hours. An important advantage buyers consider the absence of a chemical smell. Insects do not get used to a natural remedy.It does not cause allergies in humans.
The reviews note the absence of pesticides, the drug is approved by Rospotrebnadzor. He fights not only with the bear, affecting most common pests. It is used both in crop production and in agriculture. Natural substances can improve the storage of root crops in large warehouses. They kill mold and reduce moisture. The formula gives the best results when planting.
3 Bio garden

Country: Russia
Average price: 180 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Bio garden is the best representative of the biological repeller rating. There are no toxic or poisonous components in the composition, the basis is made up of essential oils, which parasites do not like so much. The formula is safe for humans and animals. The smell of the product is unbearable for the bear, it flies to another place. A small bag is enough for a large garden. Protection remains effective for a month, then the procedure can be repeated. Since the formula does not kill pests, it is not addictive. The drug is used during planting, not suitable for prophylaxis.
Buyers in the reviews do not recommend scattering the product throughout the garden. They say that to deal with the bear, it is enough to process the damaged plants and the ground around them. If insects are found again, repeat the procedure. Where the formula falls, they no longer appear. The immediate result pleases: entire colonies crawl out of the ground and fly away.
2 Grizzly

Country: Russia
Average price: 29 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
A grizzly is the best bait for a bear if it spoils vegetables, flowers and potatoes in the garden. The effect lasts up to 4 weeks, while the poison does not accumulate in the soil, it is safe for people.It is equally effective against adult insects and their larvae, the results are visible a few days after treatment. Buyers note a convenient granular form, the drug is easy to scatter over the area. Special flavoring additives increase the attractiveness for the parasite. For the best effect, it is recommended to cultivate the land before planting. It is enough to add a granule to each well.
This method of struggle is one of the cheapest, packs of 100 grams are enough for a huge garden. The undoubted advantage is the absence of a pungent odor. However, the formula does not help against insects flying from neighbors. Experienced gardeners advise repeating the treatment once a month to avoid a recurrence of the problem.
1 Rubit

Country: Russia
Average price: 40 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
Rubit offers the best way to fight parasites as it uses the state-of-the-art fipronil. It is quite powerful, but safe enough for people, animals, plants. The granules are colored red and green, they lure the bear. The composition is enriched with the most attractive flavors for insects. This increases the palatability of chemicals. The manufacturer advises to bury the pellets in the ground, then pets will not swallow them.
According to the instructions, one treatment of the garden is enough for several weeks. Granules show the best effect before planting and during the growing season, although they can also be used for prevention. When it hits the ground, the poison quickly decomposes into harmless substances. It does not accumulate in the soil and fruits, it is not dangerous for rivers and beneficial insects. The first results appear after a few hours: the bear crawls out of the holes, weakened, then dies. The substance does not affect the larvae.