Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Confidor Extra | Best efficiency with low toxicity |
2 | Decis Profi | Easy to use, safe for plants |
3 | Green soap | Best in the early stages of infection |
4 | Sumi Alpha | Not afraid of rain, high temperatures |
5 | Inta-vir | Kills pests quickly |
1 | Biotlin | Best protection duration |
2 | Fufanon-nova | The best slow acting drug |
3 | Karbofos | High concentration of toxins |
4 | Chlorophos | most famous drug |
5 | Actellik | Suitable for treating large areas |
1 | tanrec | Destroys both adults and larvae |
2 | Spark Golden Protection | Modern safe drug |
3 | Aktara | Best for small areas |
4 | Commander | High biological efficiency |
5 | Confidelin | Low risk of drug addiction |
Aphids do not disdain most plants, causing enormous damage to gardens and orchards. The difficulty lies in the huge number of pest species that prefer currants, potatoes, strawberries, and salads. In this case, the symptoms of the lesion are very similar. The leaves are deformed and twisted, the buds wither, do not open. Some species of aphids follow a mono-diet, others do not disdain all the plants they can get to. Therefore, it is almost impossible to completely get rid of it, but there are effective ways to protect your garden from harm.
We have collected 15 of the best chemicals with different active ingredients.It is the latter that determines the effectiveness against aphids. Since, according to the principle of influence, the funds are divided into 3 types, we have made 3 groups. The preparations have earned positive customer reviews, proving their effectiveness against pests.
The best means of contact action
Means of contact action kill pests on contact. They are considered the best for quickly getting rid of aphids, giving an instant effect.
5 Inta-vir
Country: Russia
Average price: 20 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.4
The basis of the drug Inta-vir is cypermethrin, which causes instant death of aphids. The drug is indicated for any insect that gnaws leaves. One course consists of 3 treatments. The tool is not suitable for prevention, only with severe infections. Due to the aggressive formula, it harms not only aphids, but also beneficial insects. The drug is toxic to fish, so it is forbidden to use it near water bodies. During operation, wear gloves, boots, a respirator and goggles. The formula can be used at home if the room is well ventilated.
Buyers write about getting rid of aphids from the first application. Before dissolving the tablet, it is advised to grind it, otherwise it will not disperse to the end. Inta-vir is allowed to be mixed with other pesticides if they do not have an alkaline reaction. Currants, roses and other plants are protected from pests for 15 days. Spraying is carried out before or after flowering / harvesting.
4 Sumi Alpha
Country: Russia
Average price: 1 000 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5
Sumi-Alpha is able to protect plants from the most annoying insects. He is not afraid of high temperatures, bad weather conditions.A very small amount of the composition is enough to destroy aphid colonies. The drug is recognized worldwide, has been tested on trees, bushes and flowers. The best results were obtained on citrus fruits, cabbage, tomatoes, roses. Upon contact with a pest, it has an instant lethal effect. It is considered an effective paralyzing drug.
The product is available in the form of an emulsion, the main active substance is esfenvalerate. The reviews note ease of use, a visible effect. There are comments from users who found entire colonies of dead insects under the trees. However, the formula is poisonous, it is harmful to bees, animals, people. It is not recommended to spray indoors, or you will have to leave the room to ventilate for the whole day.
3 Green soap
Country: Russia
Average price: 158 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Insecticide Green soap is considered the most effective in the initial stages of infection. The formula is based on animal fats supplemented with potassium salts and oils. It works well on its own and goes well with other pesticides. There are no preservatives in the composition, it does not spoil the environment, it is safe for people and animals. The drug is completely decomposed to simple substances, suitable for most trees and bushes, not afraid of bad weather conditions. After spraying, a film appears on the leaves, preventing the emergence of new eggs.
Buyers advise the remedy as a preventive measure, noting that the lack of chemistry reduces its effectiveness. They are sprayed on plants in the early stages of infection. Processing takes place in dry, cool weather, there must be at least 5 days before harvest. The formula is not made for spraying roots.After the first use, the aphid does not return during the season.
2 Decis Profi
Country: Germany
Average price: 38 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Decis Profi comes into contact with the foliage of trees and plants, getting on aphids and quickly killing them. Chemical compounds disrupt the nervous system of insects, they cannot move and eat. The drug repels pests for a long time. It is considered the safest for humans, animals and plants. The formula does not accumulate in the ground, does not affect vegetables and fruits. It is also suitable for prevention so that aphids do not lay eggs.
Buyers are advised to take care of protective equipment before using the drug. You will need goggles and a gauze bandage. For processing, the simplest sprayer is suitable. For the best effect, it is recommended to walk on the affected trees and plants twice with a break of 10 days. It is forbidden to spray currants and other fruit-bearing bushes a month before harvesting. The composition can get into drinking water, it slowly decomposes. This explains the long time of protection against pests after use.
1 Confidor Extra
Country: Germany
Average price: 65 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
Confidor Extra has the best efficiency with low toxicity. It helps against several dozen types of pests and offers long-lasting protection. Insects are not addictive. The manufacturer claims that the aphid dies immediately after processing, and then does not return for a whole season.current. The tool is excellent for prevention, it kills the larvae. Best of all copes with aphids on potatoes, roses, cucumbers and tomatoes.If spraying occurs at home, you need to ventilate the room well.
Buyers note ease of use. The drug comes in ampoules with a break-off top, the formula immediately dissolves in water. When it hits a plant, Confidor not only destroys aphids, but also remains on the leaves, preventing re-infection. At the same time, the composition does not penetrate into the fetus. The product is not afraid of rain, combined with mineral fertilizers. Mixing several types of chemicals is a great time saver.
Best Intestinal Remedies
Means of intestinal action enter the digestive system of pests, poisoning insects. They act more slowly than contact ones, but have a low risk of reinfection.
5 Actellik
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 4 228 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5
Actellik is sold in impressive containers for processing large gardens and summer cottages. The drug effectively protects crops, flowers. It is often used to process warehouses, grain stocks. The formula adheres well to an inert surface, the effect lasts for several weeks. A nice bonus is the short waiting time between spraying and harvesting. The composition does not penetrate into vegetables and fruits, does not remain in the soil.
The reviews talk about Aktellik's compatibility with most insecticides and fungicides. However, it is advised to check each case. The drug has the best effect at the initial stage, one course is 2 sprays with a difference of 5-7 days. Then you can forget about aphids for several seasons. Buyers warn of a strong chemical smell, it makes you dizzy. Because of this, it is not suitable for processing residential premises.The tool is sold in large containers, not everyone needs so much.
4 Chlorophos
Country: Russia
Average price: 880 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
Chlorophos is the best known drug from this group, it paralyzes aphids. She dies a few hours later. The formula is absorbed through the intestines and mucous membranes. It comes in the form of a powder, mixed with water. Due to the harsh chemicals in the composition, precautions must be taken. The stage of development of parasites does not matter, the formula is effective against larvae and adults. The concentration depends on the severity of the problem, Chlorophos copes with any frequency of infection.
The reviews warn of inconvenient application. For example, to process a currant bush, you will have to brush each leaf with a brush. Among the advantages stand out rapid destruction, effectiveness against all types of aphids, resistance to high temperatures, precipitation. However, the formula is extremely harmful, it is recommended to leave the area for several hours after treatment. Chlorophos is enough for 2-3 days, modern drugs protect longer.
3 Karbofos
Country: Russia
Average price: 41 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Karbofos has the widest spectrum of action, covering most of the known pests. The active substance is an organophosphorus compound used for gardening. The basis is the toxic component malathion, it quickly kills pests. The manufacturer recommends carefully processing trees, the formula is valid only on areas completely covered with the composition. The drug is very afraid of sunlight, rain, wind.
Karbofos is highly discouraged from spraying at home, it has a rather corrosive, chemical smell.The network has reviews of users who ventilated the room for several months. With regular use against aphids, it develops addiction. This can be avoided by treating pests with a mixture of several products. Karbofos does not act on parasite eggs; it is not designed for prevention. The drug is recommended for the most severe lesions, one course is 3 sprays.
2 Fufanon-nova
Country: Russia
Average price: 29 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Most of the Fufanon-nova is talathion, which covers the stems and foliage, protecting it from pests. The substance remains in the air for a while, scaring off unwanted neighbors. The drug kills all insects that eat grass and bark. However, the formula is very afraid of rain, it quickly disintegrates into simple particles. On the other hand, low aggressiveness makes it the safest for vegetables, animals and children. Protection lasts from 10 days, pests die after a few days.
Buyers are advised to combine Fufanon-nova with more chemical drugs to combat serious infections. They talk about effective disposal of aphids. Many are pleased with the low price and availability in most stores. The solution is prepared elementarily, any bottle is suitable for spraying. The course is only one spray.
1 Biotlin
Country: Russia
Average price: 60 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Biotlin outperforms competitors in terms of duration of action. It is based on the substance imadacloprid, which has acaricidal and insecticidal properties. It enters the body of the pest, paralyzes the respiratory tract and digestive tract. The aphid dies within a few hours.The drug is the best for a complex effect on adults, larvae and eggs. Parasites that have moved from other trees die within a few days. Then they are shaken off the leaves by wind and rain.
The tool is the most effective due to the lack of addiction in insects. Biotlin can be alternated with other chemicals. However, mixing it is not recommended. The result lasts up to 3 weeks, during which time the aphid eggs are eliminated. A nice bonus is getting rid of the ants, they lose their main source of food. Spraying currant leaves and other bushes is carried out in calm weather in the morning or evening.
The best means of systemic action
Systemic drugs penetrate plants, making them poisonous to pests. They are suitable for processing bushes and tall trees, especially when a person cannot reach the upper branches. The difference from competitors is fast absorption, the products are not afraid of rain. However, it takes several weeks to wait for the result.
5 Confidelin
Country: Russia
Average price: 85 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5
Confidelin quickly removes aphids from vegetables, flowers and other crops. It protects plants for 14 days, does not decompose under the action of sunlight. The formula is resistant to humid air, does not wash off when watering. The composition is not phytotoxic, it does not harm the environment. With the correct dosage of the product, it is not dangerous for people, animals and good insects. Confidelin is useful against most aphid species. It is allowed to mix with other drugs.
Buyers note the rapid action of the product and the low risk of addiction. Plants are said to get rid of the problem from the first spray.However, you need to work through each leaf, it takes a lot of solution. The maximum efficiency comes on the 3rd day. The formula copes with any degree of infection, the action varies by concentration in water. It has two active substances, therefore it affects a larger (compared to competitors) number of pests.
4 Commander
Country: Russia
Average price: 110 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
The commander is sent to get rid of garden pests. The basis is a strong organic poison imidacloprid. Its added 200 grams per liter. The drug comes in ampoules with different volumes, there are options for home plants and a large garden. It does not lose efficiency even at very high temperatures. It quickly dissolves in water, turning into a stable suspension. Aphids do not get used to the formula, it works for several seasons. Low toxicity does not harm nature.
The Commander has the smallest consumption and affordable price. The substance is resistant to washing off, one treatment is enough for the season. The formula is stored for a month in the cells of trees and bushes. Buyers call it the most effective in early treatments in the spring. For example, when roses have their first leaves. The result is visible after 3 days, at first it seems that there is no effect. However, the Commander will not cope with large-scale infections alone.
3 Aktara
Country: Russia
Average price: 46 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Aktara belongs to neonicotinoids, it affects the receptors of the nervous system. The main active ingredient thiamethoxam penetrates into plants, but practically does not affect the fruits. When watering shrubs and trees, the formula takes up to 3 days to reach the top stems.Aktara is not afraid of high temperatures, does not lose efficiency in the rain. Protection lasts up to a month in leaves and up to 60 days in soil. However, there is a risk of getting used to aphids, which is why repeated infections are possible. The drug acts only on the larvae, it is recommended to alternate it with other chemicals. It is compatible with most insecticides and fungicides.
Customers say the formula is dangerous to bees and beneficial insects. Aktar should be sprayed in calm weather. The tool is quickly spent, the earth must be wet. The plant is abundantly watered with a solution. Within a week, you need to monitor the situation, aphids may return. It is not recommended to use Aktara near water bodies.
2 Spark Golden Protection
Country: Russia
Average price: 20 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Iskra Golden Protection is one of the latest developments based on imidacloprid. It is popular all over the world, tested on 140 crops. The formula protects against most annoying pests and their larvae. The best results were obtained on potatoes, currants, ornamental crops. The product has a long-lasting effect, quickly absorbed into the leaves. The composition spreads over the ground part of the plant, lingering for a month. It helps against aphids that have adapted to other chemistry.
Customers report excellent performance in hot weather, Spark makes it easier to care for plants in warm regions. It does not pose a danger to humans, animals, fish and beneficial insects. And pests die from "nervous excitement", the weakest fall off immediately. The formula is recommended for general use at any stage of infection. It is allowed to spray the product at home, but it is advisable to ventilate the room well.
1 tanrec
Country: Russia
Average price: 15 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
Tanrek is effective against adult aphids and larvae. It is indicated when FOS and pyrethroids fail. The agent protects the treated plants for several weeks. It is not afraid of high temperatures, rain. The best results are obtained on apple trees, roses and flower crops, currants, tomatoes and cucumbers. The formula penetrates stems, leaves and roots. It blocks the nervous system, the aphid dies within a day. The tool is not as effective for prevention, only when mixed with other chemicals.
In the main advantages, buyers attributed a single application, destroying the entire population at once. The formula has an increased level of danger, has a bad effect on humans and animals. But it does not suppress the growth of plants, does not spoil the fruits. The product should not be used near water bodies, it poisons fish. Spraying should be carried out in calm weather. For safety, it is recommended to use a respirator, protective clothing and goggles.