Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
The best weed control for small areas: budget up to 100 rubles |
1 | August "Miura" | Maximum delicacy of exposure |
2 | Your farm "Chistogryad" | The most useful tool for the garden |
3 | August "Tornado" | Additional loosening effect |
4 | Keminova A/S "Glifos" | The best cost of the drug for flower beds and lawns |
5 | Green pharmacy gardener "Lintur" | Full compliance of the composition with GOSTs, compact packaging |
The best weed control for large areas: a budget over 100 rubles |
1 | "Roundup" | Consumer Demand Leader |
2 | Syngenta "Hurricane Forte" | Increased moisture resistance |
3 | August "Agrokiller" | The best choice for hard-to-kill weeds |
4 | TechnoExport "Ground" | The optimal combination of quality and price |
5 | "Lapis lazuli" | Ideal solution for potatoes and tomatoes |
We are constantly faced with the problem of weeds: when cultivating a garden plot, a kitchen garden, when caring for flowers in a front garden, a greenhouse, visiting cemeteries, etc. If agrotechnical methods of influencing the outer and root parts of pest plants do not give the desired result, then it remains to resort to specific herbicides.
Chemicals have a number of advantages:
- they are easy to find in stores;
- they are completely ready for use, do not require additional actions on your part, except for dilution in water;
- are in small convenient containers that are easy to use;
- a wide range, thanks to which you can choose the most effective preparation in terms of composition, depending on the size, degree of contamination of the territory, types of grass.
To combat annual, perennial plants and shrubs that damage the yield, appearance of a summer cottage or other land area, systemic or contact type chemistry is usually used. In the first case, the entire weed is destroyed from the inside when the agent hits any part of it. In the second - due to a burn when applying the drug against the grass on the leaves or stems. The ranking contains the best herbicides in their category.
The best weed control for small areas: budget up to 100 rubles
5 Green pharmacy gardener "Lintur"

Country: Russia
Average price: 25 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
If you are an aesthete and a fan of manicured lawns, then this agrochemical is sure to grab attention. The drug is reliable in the elimination of weeds, which in large numbers and variety can be found not only in vegetable gardens and front gardens, but also in parks, in personal plots. The package contains only 1.8 grams of the product, and in a diluted state it is able to eliminate parasitic plants in an area equal to 1 weave.
Among the advantages in the reviews, lawn owners point to the ease of use of the herbicide, its selective nature of the impact, due to which the green carpet itself does not receive damage, does not change its color. Such a composition can be applied during the entire growing season of plants - from spring to autumn.The drawback found in the drug is characteristic of the entire family of agrochemicals - the prepared aqueous solution cannot be stored, it is used only immediately.
4 Keminova A/S "Glifos"

Country: Denmark
Average price: 11 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
This drug can be found on sale in 50 countries around the world. Long presence on the market confirms its effectiveness when used against weeds. The main active ingredient of the herbicide is acid glyphosate, which easily destroys the root system and shoots of dandelion, ragweed, nettle and other plants often found in summer cottages, flower beds and lawns.
The drug is considered safe for bees and other protozoa, as it belongs to the 3rd class of toxicity. At the same time, it is characterized as one of the most effective continuous means. Complete elimination of weeds occurs in 3-4 weeks. Among the advantages, gardeners include the versatility of the drug, the possibility of use in the development of sites, the shelf life of the undiluted composition is 5 years.
3 August "Tornado"

Country: Russia
Average price: 12 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
For weed control of garden paths, planting soil, trees and shrubs, this small package (5 ml) of a preparation made on the basis of glyphosate will be enough for you. It is active in the fight against 155 types of weeds, so you can be sure that cow parsnip, wheatgrass, bindweed, thistle will remain in the past, regardless of the structure, type of soil. Moreover, the summer assistant shows a good result in different climatic conditions, as it ideally tolerates a wide range of temperatures.
The only condition is that the spraying of the product diluted with water should not be done in rainy weather. After 6-8 hours, when the composition has time to be absorbed by the leaves and stems of the plant, this requirement loses its significance. Consumers, according to reviews, note as advantages the high penetrating power of the herbicide, the death of grassy weeds within 2 weeks, shrub weeds - 2 months. In addition, very weedy soils get the effect of loosening: the cavities formed from the destroyed roots perfectly ventilate the ground, allow you to accumulate and absorb moisture faster. The disadvantage of agrochemical treatment is the need to protect neighboring useful plants with a film at the time of spraying "Tornado".
2 Your farm "Chistogryad"

Country: Russia
Average price: 20 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Using this tool, you can qualitatively secure tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes and other plantings, including flowers, lawns, without fear of destroying them during the weeding period. The drug acts at the system level, and almost all pest plants known to gardeners become its “victims”. For their complete elimination, the spraying of the composition diluted with water is carried out in dry weather.
The advantage of "Chistogryad" is its neutral nature of influence on the soil itself. The unique phenomenon is explained by the fact that after hitting the ground, the composition breaks down into harmless elements. For summer residents, it is convenient to use an aqueous solution not only 10-20 days before planting useful crops, but also in the post-harvest period. The herbicide sachet has an optimal packing of 10 ml.
1 August "Miura"

Country: Russia
Average price: 20 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
This protector of vegetables and legumes belongs to the herbicides of the fighting family. Therefore, its effectiveness in the fight against all annual and perennial parasitic plants is confirmed not only by its strong composition, but also by the positive feedback from summer residents. A small sachet with a volume of 4 ml after dilution with water is enough to treat an area equal to one hundred square meters. Characteristically, after application, the drug is quickly absorbed by the ground part of the plants and passes into the root system without affecting the seeds.
The complete destruction of unwanted grass, regardless of the stage of its development, occurs within 1-3 weeks. Getting the best result depends on the weather at the time of spraying the chemical. It is worth choosing morning or evening hours on a calm day. The advantages of gardeners include the absence of a negative impact on useful crops. It is important that the drug can be used in mixtures with antidicotyledonous herbicides.
The best weed control for large areas: a budget over 100 rubles
5 "Lapis lazuli"

Country: Russia
Average price: 100 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
If you grow potatoes or tomatoes on your own, then this agrochemical will become indispensable in the fight against the eternal enemies of useful crops in the household - weeds. Gardeners call a long list of plants that can destroy a drug made on the basis of metribuzin. The mechanism of its action is bidirectional - through the leaves and directly to the root. It can be used even at the pre-emergence stage.
What is usually distinguished among the advantages: compatibility with other similar substances, the possibility of re-treatment of a previously sprayed area, the optimal consumption of the prepared solution (3 liters per 100 sq. M). The sealed bag contains 20 grams of the active ingredient, which is convenient for owners of a medium-sized garden. The maximum effect is achieved when spraying on weeds within 10-20 days after their emergence. At the same time, no harm is done to the sprouts of potatoes and tomatoes. Beneficial results last an average of 1-2 months.
4 TechnoExport "Ground"

Country: Russia
Average price: 230 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
The 250 ml bottle has a bright appearance, a tight-fitting lid, and the contents are in an effective concentration. It is recommended for use in horticulture and viticulture, as well as for overgrown non-sown areas. With this substance, you can process up to 300 square meters. m. However, it should be remembered that the drug can not be combined with other herbicides.
The systemic nature of the impact makes it possible to achieve the elimination of weeds in the range of 15-25 days. The work is usually carried out when the weeds are flowering, it is also allowed to spray the diluted solution on the fields in the post-harvest period. Land owners point to the unequal effect of the drug on different parasitic plants. Therefore, to obtain the best effect, before adding water to the concentrate, you must carefully study the attached instructions and strictly adhere to the proportions.
3 August "Agrokiller"
Country: Russia
Average price: 110 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
The drug is made on the basis of glyphosatic acid, which is considered one of the potent components for the elimination of cow parsnip, thistle, plantain, field loach, shrub. Due to the high concentration of the product, a 40 ml bottle is enough to treat large areas. Even on virgin soils, the appearance of unwanted plants is not observed for a long time. Versatility allows the use of "Agrokiller" in garden plots, and in greenhouses, flower beds, in the preparation of lawns.
The herbicide is recommended to be sprayed 2 weeks before sowing useful crops. The flow rate of the prepared liquid is 3 liters per 100 square meters. m. When processing green spaces, it is necessary to protect the respiratory organs, since the solution is moderately toxic. However, the bees tolerate the drug without lethal outcome. In the reviews, consumers attribute the opportunity to purchase bottles in packaging not only 40 ml, but also 90 or 500 ml to the pluses.
2 Syngenta "Hurricane Forte"

Country: Switzerland
Average price: 115 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
A moderately hazardous substance of the 3rd class is a potassium salt, which in the form of an aqueous solution shows a good result in the fight against hogweed, dandelion, thistle thistle and other pests that are not the most easily destroyed. A concentrated product can be applied to shoots 10-15 cm high throughout the growing season. The composition quickly reaches the roots, slowing down their growth and destroying. After 2-3 weeks after application, it is already allowed to plant cultivated plants.
The advantage of this preparation is its resistance to moisture, which occurs 3 hours after the treatment of the herb. At the same time, the seeds of useful crops germinate without delay, the soil is not polluted.The 50 ml bottle is used sparingly even when spraying heavily overgrown areas. The composition of the drug allows it to be used on lawns, along fences, on paths, near buildings.
1 "Roundup"

Country: Russia
Average price: 150 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
The most popular weed killer among summer residents attracts buyers primarily with the optimal volume of the bottle (50 ml), which allows processing up to 125 sq. m. A Russian manufacturer with extensive experience in creating agrochemicals offers a development that has a wide spectrum of action. The drug systematically destroys one-, perennial cereal and dicotyledonous weeds both in areas not intended for sowing and used for vegetable crops, melons, oilseeds and technical ones.
A qualitative result is obtained after spraying in places where annual flowers, fruits, and vineyards are grown. Before diluting the composition in water, it is imperative to read the instructions, since an individual dosage is intended for different cases. A single spraying of an effective preparation is enough for a season to preserve the entire crop of useful crops.