Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Drontal | The best anthelmintic according to user reviews |
2 | milbemax | A drug recommended by veterinarians |
3 | Prazitel | The most popular and affordable drug |
4 | Dironet | Ease of administration and fast action |
5 | Celandine Anthelmintic | Profitable price |
1 | Azinox plus | Top Reviews |
2 | Milprazon | The safest and most effective |
3 | Prazicide | A drug that has stood the test of time |
4 | Procox | Best option for puppies |
5 | Helminthal | For large and naughty dogs |
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Even if a dog or cat is kept in an apartment, veterinarians put a prerequisite - once every three months, pets should be given anthelmintic drugs to prevent helminthiasis. Worm eggs can be brought from the street on the shoes of the owners, and dogs often become infected with them while walking. The choice of anthelmintics for dogs and cats in veterinary pharmacies is large enough that an inexperienced pet owner may be confused. So it is better to buy drugs on the recommendation of a veterinarian, select them yourself, but taking into account the opinions of experienced breeders. Or just check out our ranking of the best anthelmintics for cats and dogs.
Best Anthelmintics for Cats
5 Celandine Anthelmintic

Country: Russia
Average price: 87 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
Due to the low cost, this drug can be called one of the most famous and popular. It is produced in the form of a suspension, according to the manufacturer, it has a sweet taste. Due to the convenience of dosage, the drug can be given even to kittens from the age of one and a half months. The tool has a wide spectrum of action, so it is often recommended by veterinarians precisely as a preventive measure, and not a treatment.
But, reading the reviews, you can see that many cat owners complain about the poor tolerance of the drug. It all starts with the appearance of foam at the mouth immediately after taking the remedy, often there is lethargy and vomiting. Therefore, some try to avoid reacquisition of funds. But, despite this, veterinarians call the remedy effective and recommend correctly calculating the dosage, taking into account the weight of the pet, and not giving the medicine to severely weakened animals.
4 Dironet
Country: Russia
Average price: 197 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
This tool is somewhat different from the rest of the drugs presented in the rating - it is a salmon flavored suspension. Because of the pleasant smell for cats, it is easier to deceive a pet, make him drink medicine. According to the spectrum of action, the remedy is quite standard - it is used for the prevention of dirofilariasis, nematodosis and cestodosis. The drug is completely safe for pets, does not cause allergic reactions and side effects in the form of lethargy, vomiting, loss of appetite or indigestion. But the remedy is intended only for adult cats older than one year.
According to cat owners, the drug is very effective, both in terms of prevention and treatment. If the pet had worms, it will be possible to get rid of them with a single dose of the remedy.Getting a cat to drink the drug in the form of a suspension is really easier compared to tablets. But many buyers assure that the taste of the remedy is probably not so pleasant - after taking it, cats begin to foam profusely from the mouth and often vomit.
3 Prazitel
Country: Russia
Average price: 85 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
An inexpensive but effective drug based on pyrantel and praziquantel. It has a complex effect - it is effective against nematodes, cestodes and with mixed invasions. For preventive purposes, it is given once. The product is suitable for adult cats of all breeds, can be given to healthy kittens at a dosage recommended by a veterinarian.
The drug is very popular, primarily because of the low cost. Veterinarians consider it effective, but cat owners find it difficult to give an answer - most give Prazitel for prophylactic purposes. But everyone writes that the tolerability of the remedy is good - there are no changes in the behavior and well-being of cats after taking the pills. The only drawback of the manufacturer is that the tablets are quite large, so it can be difficult for cats to swallow them. And an attempt to give the remedy in crushed form causes profuse salivation in pets.
2 milbemax

Country: Switzerland
Average price: 540 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Combined anthelmintic drug effective against nematodes and cestodes. Moreover, it affects not only adults, but also larvae and adults. Tablets are prescribed for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The main active ingredient is praziquantel.There are contraindications for use - individual intolerance, severe kidney and liver diseases. Do not give tablets to malnourished animals and kittens under one and a half months old. From all of the above, we can conclude that the tool is quite strong. It is often recommended by veterinarians, which further confirms its effectiveness.
Satisfied cat owners write that the remedy really helps. Some time after use, they are found in the excrement of dead parasites. At the same time, there are no signs of intoxication in animals - nausea, loss of appetite, weakness. Many buyers confirm that this drug was recommended to them by a veterinarian. A small drawback is that the cost is higher compared to other anthelmintic products for cats.
1 Drontal

Country: Germany
Average price: 313 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
According to users and veterinarians, this is one of the best anthelmintics for cats of all breeds and ages, active against tape and round worms. Available in the form of small tablets - cats swallow them without problems. Suitable for treatment and prophylaxis. One tablet is designed for 4 kg of animal weight. For preventive purposes, the drug should be given once, along with morning feeding. Suitable for kittens from 3 months of age.
The main praise of the remedy is that cats feel great after taking it, they do not have any signs of malaise. The drug has a wide spectrum of action, and, therefore, perfectly protects pets from helminthic invasion.
Best Anthelmintics for Dogs
5 Helminthal
Country: Germany
Average price: 269 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
It is often much more difficult for large dogs to feed the medicine than for a puppy or representatives of small breeds. Therefore, a medicine for 50% consisting of a creamy confectionery syrup appeared on sale. Even the most capricious pet will accept it with pleasure, without noticing the catch. At the same time, the drug belongs to the lowest hazard class and is effective against most helminths - round, tape, heart worms. And thanks to its safety, the product can also be used for puppies from three weeks of age.
And the owners of dogs confirm all the words of the manufacturer. Their pets really take the medicine without whims, they feel great - the buyers did not notice any side effects. Therefore, next time they choose the same drug as one of the best and safest.
4 Procox

Country: Germany
Average price: 538 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
An expensive, but very effective, broad-spectrum drug intended for categories of dogs that cannot use common anthelmintics - puppies, pregnant and lactating bitches. Also ideal for small breeds. The spectrum of action is very wide - the suspension protects pets not only from all types of worms, but also from protozoa. The composition includes two safe active ingredients - emodepsid and toltrazuril. Due to the absence of side effects, the mild action of the remedy can be used from two weeks of age.
The owners attribute the taste to the great advantages of the product - puppies and adult dogs really like it, they do not mind taking it at all.They also believe in effectiveness and safety, because they did not notice any side effects. Only the high cost does not please buyers, but given the fact that anthelmintic drugs should be given once every three months, they are ready to put up with it.
3 Prazicide

Country: Russia
Average price: 154 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
This drug is loved not only by dog owners, but also by breeders who, by virtue of their occupation, are simply obliged to know such remedies. It has a combined composition - for the breadth of the spectrum of action, it includes pyrantel pamoate, febantel and praziquantel. Due to this, the remedy is effective against all common helminths at any stage of development. Prazicide is a proven tool for excellent prevention and effective treatment.
This is what veterinarians say and dog owners say. A lot of reviews are left about the drug, which indicate good tolerance, the complete absence of side effects, ease of dosage. Despite the fact that the remedy is available in the form of a suspension, dogs drink it without much difficulty. Therefore, many dog owners have been using only this remedy for many years, believing in its safety and effectiveness. Affordable cost is an additional benefit.
2 Milprazon
Country: Slovenia
Average price: 387 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
The combined anthelmintic drug is effective and safe to use. The action of the drug is due to two active substances - milbemycin oxime and praziquantel. In combination, they have an effect on all types of helminths at any stage of development.That is why the quarterly use of the drug minimizes the likelihood of a dog developing a helminthic invasion. The manufacturer warns that you should not give the product to weakened dogs, and puppies of collie, sheltie, bobtail breeds should be anthelmintic under the supervision of a veterinarian.
Judging by the reviews, this anthelmintic can really be trusted - if the dosage is observed in dogs, there are no side effects. It is thanks to the safety and excellent tolerance that the product is very popular among breeders. Of the shortcomings, you can only find a higher cost compared to other popular anthelmintic drugs.
1 Azinox plus

Country: Russia
Average price: 157 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
A universal preparation suitable for dogs of all breeds, it is often recommended by veterinarians as a prophylactic. Available in the form of small tablets containing pyrantel and praziquantel. That is, the tool has a complex effect, it equally effectively affects tapeworms and roundworms, as well as their larvae. Especially often the remedy is used against nematodes.
In the reviews, users, in addition to the effectiveness of the remedy, note the convenience of dosage. To make it easier for owners to choose the optimal amount of the active substance, taking into account the weight of the dog, the drug is available in the form of small tablets. One tablet is taken per 10 kg of animal weight. But one of the most important features of the tool is that there is not a single negative review about it. The owners of the dogs did not notice any side effects and adverse events, which is why they call Azinox one of the best anthelmintic drugs.