Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Verrukacid | Better efficiency and safety |
2 | DEZPAPILON | The widest range of action |
3 | Vartozin | Effective and safe remedy |
4 | Antipapilloma | An effective tool at an affordable price |
5 | Clareol | The best tool according to users |
6 | Solcoderm | The most powerful drug |
7 | CryoPharma | Soft action, efficiency |
8 | Kollomak | From warts, dry corns and corns |
9 | Vartoks | Safe wart remover |
10 | super celandine | Fast action and low price |
Warts and papillomas are an unpleasant phenomenon. They especially give a lot of experience to women. The reduction of these formations in the salons is not cheap, and there is no guarantee that they will not appear again. But it is possible to fight them at home - for this you can use various pharmaceutical and cosmetic products. With papillomas, it is a little more complicated, since they can be caused by different types of virus, and a doctor's consultation is desirable here. The choice of various drugs in pharmacies and cosmetic stores is quite wide. In the ranking, we have collected only the best remedies for combating papillomas and warts.
Top 10 best remedy for papillomas and warts
10 super celandine
Country: Russia
Average price: 35 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5
A cheap but effective remedy consists of sodium hydroxide with the addition of extracts of celandine, cedar, thyme, tea tree and other plant components. But the action of the solution is still due to the presence of alkali. Upon contact with the affected tissue, the "Super Cleaner" destroys it, after a while the papilloma or wart simply disappears. Depending on the severity of the problem, the procedure will need to be carried out from one to five times.
Users in the reviews confirm that the tool is really very effective - the growths disappear after a few days. Pleasantly pleased with the very low cost, especially compared to other means. But there are also disadvantages - the aggressive composition and the pain of the procedure.
9 Vartoks
Country: Russia
Average price: 207 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
This cream does not help with papillomas, but it does an excellent job with palmar and plantar warts. It acts gently and gently, without causing any discomfort. The main active ingredients are glycyrrhizic acid and carbamide. Cream paste is applied to the wart in a thick enough layer and fixed with a patch for a day. If necessary, the procedure is repeated as many times as necessary, depending on the size of the formation. A softened wart is easily removed with a pumice stone. And glycyrrhizic acid has a pronounced antiviral effect, prevents the recurrence of the problem.
Reviews about this tool are different - some consider it effective, others are dissatisfied with the result. But those users who managed to cope with the problem with the help of Vartoks cream believe that you just need to be patient.It does not act as quickly as other means, but it is safe and painless. Warts disappear - you just need to apply the drug not once, but as many times as needed.
8 Kollomak
Country: Germany
Average price: 297 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
The composition of the product includes lauromacrogol, lactic and salicylic acid. In combination, they have a keratolic effect - they contribute to the rejection of the stratum corneum of the skin. It is used to remove common and plantar warts, with dry calluses, keratinization of the skin, hyperkeratosis and genital warts. The agent is applied pointwise to the affected area up to two times a day, until the desired result is obtained. Since the composition includes acids, the appearance of local irritation and redness is not excluded.
Users like that the treatment does not cause unpleasant and painful sensations. Regular application to the problem area leads to the fact that the wart begins to darken, and then disappears. Dry corns also quickly begin to exfoliate. It is convenient that the drug is economically consumed and has a long shelf life - if necessary, it can be used again. The applicator for application is convenient, the cost is low. The only downside is the pungent odor and, in some cases, a rather long treatment - warts sometimes disappear far from immediately.
7 CryoPharma
Country: Netherlands
Average price: 828 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
CryoPharma is available as a spray and has a very simple composition - a mixture of propane and demethyl ether.The action is based on the method of cryotherapy, the drug freezes the growth from the first time, re-use is usually not required, after one to two weeks there will be no trace of it. In addition to a bottle with a freezing mixture, the composition includes 12 disposable applicators and a holder for them. It takes no more than 20 seconds to process one wart, the instructions describe in detail the sequence of the procedure.
There are negative reviews about this tool, but the eyes are most often associated with non-compliance with the instructions for use. However, in particularly difficult cases, a second procedure may still be required. Users think that CryoPharma – a great solution for those who need to remove a couple of warts. If there are a lot of them, then home treatment will turn out to be expensive and unprofitable - there are only 12 applicators in the kit, they cannot be reused. The advantages include efficiency, the absence of pronounced painful and unpleasant sensations.
6 Solcoderm
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 1171 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
The Swiss drug "Solcoderm" is valued by users for its powerful action and always predictable result - after its use there will not be a single wart, papillomas, condylomas. The basis of the drug is a complex of acids - lactic, acetic, nitric and oxalic, as well as copper nitrate. When the solution is applied to the problem area, mummification of the pathologically altered tissue occurs, the growth shrinks, dries up and disappears after a few days. Due to the aggressive composition, the drug must be used strictly locally, avoiding contact with healthy skin.
Users confirm that this is indeed a very powerful drug that leaves no chance for warts and papillomas. With strict adherence to the instructions, it is possible to get rid of this cosmetic problem without resorting to the services of specialists. It is convenient that the solution is sold in ordinary pharmacies - there is no need to search and order it on the Internet. True, in some cases, users complain of redness and soreness of the skin, which may be due to inaccurate application or individual intolerance to one of the components.
5 Clareol
Country: Russia
Average price: 1500 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
The gel not only eliminates unpleasant neoplasms, but also contributes to the active restoration of the skin. The main active ingredient is alkali - it destroys the cells of papillomas or warts, disinfects and kills the viruses that have multiplied in them. Panthenol softens the action, making the removal procedure as painless as possible. Clareol is available in a convenient tube with a narrow spout for point application of the gel to the affected area. After a while, papillomas simply fall off. The lower layers of the epidermis are not damaged, so there is no scarring. It is recommended to apply the product several times a day until the desired result is obtained.
Most people who have used the gel consider it one of the best, despite the high cost. Compared to other similar products, it also removes warts well, but is less aggressive. They also like a wide range of actions - papillomas, warts, dry calluses, a very rough cuticle.If you use the gel according to the instructions, you can get rid of all these problems with minimal discomfort. In rare cases, users complain that they did not notice any effect from the use of the product, which suggests the existence of fakes.
4 Antipapilloma
Country: Russia
Average price: 157 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Antipapillom gel has an extremely simple composition - it includes distilled water, sodium or potassium hydroxide and a gelling agent. The main active substance has an exfoliating effect, it is mild enough to be used at home. Problem areas are processed pointwise, several times until the desired result is achieved. There are no special contraindications for use, but you need to act carefully, avoid contact with healthy skin. It is undesirable to use for removing neoplasms on the face.
In the reviews, users write that this is an inexpensive and effective tool that really does the job. It stings a little when applied, but the discomfort passes quickly. It acts almost instantly - warts and papillomas begin to turn black and deflate, after a few days they fall off completely. But users are advised to treat healthy skin with a greasy cream before applying to avoid burns. There is a small drawback - the wounds heal for a long time, but pass without a trace. So this gel is one of the best analogues of expensive salon procedures.
3 Vartozin
Country: India
Average price: 350 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Ayurvedic remedy of Indian production in just a few days will help get rid of papillomas, warts, hanging moles.The tool is safe, so it can even be used to remove these neoplasms on the face. The drug is an emulsion without an unpleasant odor, with a natural composition. It must be applied locally to the problem area with a wooden stick. According to the instructions, no more than four warts can be cauterized at the same time.
There are no honest negative reviews about this tool. Most users agree that it is really effective - after a few days, there is no trace of papillomas and warts. It is easy to use, the emulsion has a pleasant non-medicinal smell, it is inexpensive, so at the moment it is one of the best products for home use. A small drawback is that it is rarely sold in ordinary pharmacies, usually it has to be ordered on specialized Ayurvedic sites.
Country: Russia
Average price: 390 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
A completely natural complex is fundamentally different from other means. Usually, when one papilloma is removed, others may soon appear nearby. This tool has a directed action to solve the problem, and not temporarily eliminate its symptoms. This is a natural product, which is a three-phase amphiphilic formula of micelles of native plant oils, diatoms, and biogenic plant concentrates. The drug is used simultaneously inside and out. The active substances of the agent act directly on human papillomavirus strains.
The drug is used in courses, clearing the skin of warts, preventing their reappearance.Some users are distrustful of such drugs, but this one really works - judging by the reviews, papillomas disappear and do not appear again. This is an excellent, effective remedy that not only eliminates the main problem, but also generally has a positive effect on the body. A small minus - the course will require more than one bottle, so the cost is quite high.
1 Verrukacid
Country: Russia
Average price: 225 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
Verrukacid is a solution for external use, which is used as a cauterizing agent to get rid of various types of warts, dry corns, papillomas. The solution consists of phenol and metacresol, applied locally to the wart or papilloma without contact with healthy tissues. The tool can not be used for moles, treatment of mucous membranes and large areas of the skin.
This is one of the most common and popular remedies due to the fact that it can be used fearlessly to remove papillomas. According to user reviews, the solution is really very effective, but it must be applied carefully - due to the liquid consistency, contact with healthy skin is not excluded. If the instructions are followed, there is no trace of papillomas. With the same success, it can be used to combat warts. Users attribute the pungent odor and uncomfortable applicator to the disadvantages of the product.