Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Startul ST9302 | The best ratio of price and quality |
2 | Sparta 773155 | most popular set |
3 | STAYER 28012-H20 | Best price |
4 | Sibrtech 77307 | The most reliable tool |
5 | Sturm 1065-03-S24 | High cutting precision |
6 | BISON 28119-H110_z01 | The most complete set |
7 | TECHRIM T030004 | The best choice |
8 | Ombra OMT40S | Compact Form Factor |
9 | JTC AUTO TOOLS JTC-5214 | Professional set |
10 | FIT 70780 | Basic set of home master |
Threaded connections are used to fasten parts under load. In this regard, they often fail, and if it is easier to replace with bolts or nuts, then it is much more difficult to do this with studs and couplings. Taps will come to the rescue, which are used for cutting internal threads, and dies that cut threads from the outside.
Buying them separately, creating a set of different-sized tools is long and expensive, so manufacturers produce ready-made kits that include taps and dies of different diameters and pitches. We have carefully studied this market, and found the top 10 sets that meet a number of requirements:
- quality;
- the breadth of the set;
- convenience of a complete set;
- price component.
In practice, it will not be possible to evaluate all sets, therefore, reviews of real users were used as an additional equivalent for selection. As it turned out, not all sets can boast of the quality of the product, and often taps and dies quickly fail, but there are no such sets in our rating. It includes only the most reliable options, awarded positive comments.
TOP 10 best sets of taps and dies
10 FIT 70780
Country: Canada (made in China)
Average price: 1 550 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.3
If you need a tool kit exclusively for the home, and you do not plan to cut threads on products larger than 20 millimeters in diameter, then this option will be a great solution for you. It has everything you need, including holders. The tool is made of alloy steel and is not afraid of loads. Dies range from M3 to M12 and are the most common set for most household chores.
With its technical parameters, the price is quite adequate, although the set cannot be called cheap. But this is the best option, in which you do not have to buy anything separately. But the storage case leaves much to be desired. It would be more correct to even call it not a case, but an ordinary package. If you decide to take this kit, take care of where you will store it.
Country: Taiwan
Average price: 19 200 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.3
If you are a professional and often face the need to cut internal or external threads, you need a special tool.The most durable and reliable. It is he who is in front of us now. This is a set for those who exploit taps and dies to the fullest. The set is very extensive. The maximum die diameter reaches M22. The tool is made of 9XC tool steel. Chromium and silicon are added to it for strength, while the product remains ductile enough not to break under stress.
Such a set could well take first place in the ranking, if not for its price. For a professional tool, it is quite acceptable, but there is hardly a home master who is ready to spend almost 20 thousand rubles on taps. Yes, and there is no need for it. In everyday life, there are rarely moments when you need to cut threads of such a large diameter.
8 Ombra OMT40S
Country: Russia (made in Taiwan)
Average price: 3 300 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.4
The home master's arsenal sooner or later reaches critical dimensions, and the form factor of future purchases comes first. Before us is the most compact set, consisting of 40 modules, including one universal holder that clamps both taps and dies, as well as auxiliary elements. And all this in a small plastic suitcase that does not take up much space.
However, this is where the advantages end and the disadvantages begin, which also need to be mentioned. For example, the steel grade from which the set is made. Here it is CV, which is not the worst option, but it cannot boast of high quality and durability. Simply put, this is a set for the home master, and you should not use it in the professional field.But the price is quite attractive, which allowed us to place this set in our rating.
7 TECHRIM T030004
Country: Russia
Average price: 10 300 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5
TechRim has a long history and is one of the best manufacturers of specialized tools in our country. In her arsenal there are many sets of various taps and dies, but we took the most expensive and complete version of them. It consists of 110 elements, and allows you to cut threads from M3 to M18, in increments of 0.4 to 1.25 mm.
An excellent option for professional use, where 9XC steel is used, which already indicates the high quality of the product, and it makes no sense to even look at the reviews, and it should be noted that there are a lot of them, and most of them are positive. Also included is a handy storage case. Metal, not plastic, as in many other cases. For its safety during transportation, you can not worry.
6 BISON 28119-H110_z01
Country: Russia
Average price: 10 000 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
In most cases, sets of taps and dies consist of 30-40 items, and allow you to cut threads up to and including M12. But this is not always enough, and if you need more tools, then be sure to pay attention to this option. This is the best set in terms of the number of items, of which there are already 110 pieces.
The maximum diameter of the thread to be cut, both internal and external, is M20, and the minimum is M3. Thread pitch - from 0.4 to 1.25 mm and 4 holders of different sizes at once for ease of use. We also note a convenient suitcase for storage. Very narrow, which is convenient, but at the same time containing everything you need.The metal from which the tools are made is 9XC, and this is the best option for such products, being the most durable and reliable. But the price will scare many, but given the other positive aspects, as well as a large number of positive reviews, it is fully justified.
5 Sturm 1065-03-S24
Country: Russia (made in China)
Average price: 1 400 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Before us is a tool that has received a huge number of reviews, in which it is often called the best and awarded with other flattering epithets. Moreover, most of these reviews are left by professional craftsmen, who note the high accuracy of the thread being cut. Well, let's pay tribute to this manufacturer, but it should be noted that only completely useless kits differ in low accuracy, and they did not get into our rating, so this product could not rise above its place in the TOP.
Either way, this is a decent set made from CV steel. Yes, this is not 9XC, from which such instruments are most often made. But we managed to significantly reduce the price, and it can be safely called the best, especially considering 24 items, a convenient storage case and a large number of positive comments.
4 Sibrtech 77307
Country: Russia
Average price: 1 400 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
The older generation likes to remember how high-quality and reliable the tool was in the Soviet Union, and how much the quality of modern products has fallen. But it's not. If you're looking for the most durable set, this is the one for you. A product of a Russian enterprise that goes back decades. There are no fancy packaging or other marketing gimmicks here.Everything is concise and simple, but very reliable. These are taps and dies made of real tool steel, which has undergone several degrees of processing.
Such a set will last for many years and will be inherited by your children and grandchildren. True, the equipment is not the largest, but the most necessary modules are here. The dies range from M3 to M10, and the maximum thread pitch of the taps is 1.5 mm. All this is packed into a strong metal case. No plastic or other fragile materials, everything is as serious and severe as possible.
3 STAYER 28012-H20
Country: Germany (made in China)
Average price: 950 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
The company Steyer, which has German roots, has actually been a Chinese brand for a long time, producing medium quality tools, but with the most attractive prices. So it happened with taps and a die. Frankly, the set lacks stars from the sky, and it cannot boast of completeness. There are only 20 items here, and this is together with holders, that is, one should not expect a large variety.
But the set is very compact and will easily find its place in the tool box. Yes, don't expect too much from this product. This is more of a tool from the arsenal of a home master, rather than a professional, but it is very affordable, and for such a set this is the best price, and given the large number of positive and simply neutral reviews, we could not pass it by and put the Stayer in our TOP.
2 Sparta 773155
Country: Germany (made in China)
Average price: 1 500 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
To get the most out of taps and dies, you need to have a lot of experience using them, so the most effective way to find the best set is to read the reviews of people who have already used the tool. Now we have the most popular kit, which has collected a lot of comments. Most of them are positive, but there is also a negative, concerning to a greater extent the marriage found in the manufacturer.
As for the quality, this is quite a reliable tool made of XC9 steel. It is an alloyed tool steel with the addition of chromium and silicon. It is characterized by high strength and sufficient ductility so as not to break during operation. Pleased with the set itself. It contains 40 items, including 15 dies of various diameters and taps with different thread pitches. A great set for both home and professional craftsmen. True, the case is plastic and is unlikely to last long.
1 Startul ST9302
Country: Cyprus
Average price: 2 100 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
The best set of 32 items. The taps from the kit have a thread pitch from 1.25 to 0.5 mm, and the dies range from M3 to M12. In fact, this is all that a home craftsman and even a professional needs, since large diameters are a completely different story. The entire tool is made of high-alloy steel and is characterized by excellent strength and reliability. This is confirmed by the reviews of real users left on popular trading platforms.
A separate advantage is the metal case in which the set is stored. It is really steel, not plastic, as is often the case. At the same time, the price tag is not shocking.2 thousand - rubles is quite an adequate price for such a large set, which also includes holders and auxiliary modules. Each part has its own place in the case and nothing will rattle and roll while being carried.