Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Bilobil Intense 120 KRKA | The best drug for tinnitus, improve memory and attention |
2 | "Vazobral" Cheisi | Caffeine-based remedy for drowsiness and fatigue |
3 | "Ateroklefit BIO" Evalar | Efficacy in atherosclerosis, convenient form of release |
4 | "Master hearing" Sashera-Med | The best ear drops, 100% natural composition without alcohol |
5 | "Betahistine" Rafarma | Tinnitus suppression, elimination of other vestibular disorders |
6 | Preductal MR Les Laboratoires Servier Industrie | The fastest result, prolonged action of the drug |
7 | "Cinnarizine" Ozone | The best price, effectiveness in cerebrovascular accident |
8 | "Tanakan" IPSEN | High bioavailability, vegetable base |
9 | Vinpocetine Izvarino Pharma | Improving cerebral circulation, increasing concentration |
10 | "Aminazin" Valenta Pharm | Relief of psychomotor agitation, different release formats |
About 40% of adults periodically hear tinnitus. This is a serious problem that prevents them from living and working normally. Tinnitus occurs suddenly, lasts more than 5-7 minutes. In especially difficult situations, it is accompanied by ringing, whistling or hum. In most cases, tinnitus is one of the signs of an underlying disease (for example, hypertension or atherosclerosis). To eliminate tinnitus, see the TOP 10 of the best drugs in the form of tablets, ampoules and drops.
TOP 10 best drugs for tinnitus
10 "Aminazin" Valenta Pharm
Country: Russia
Average price: 139 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.1
"Aminazine" is a neuroleptic from the group of phenothiazine derivatives. It has a sedative effect, stops psychomotor agitation. Has a wide range of indications including tinnitus and Meniere's disease. The drug reduces anxiety and anxiety, reduces motor activity. Its mechanism of action has not been fully elucidated.
The drug is available in ampoules and tablets. It is prescribed very rarely and in small doses. It has many contraindications, including severe disorders of the functions of internal organs. When taking the drug, special instructions must be taken into account (for example, the need to completely refrain from drinking alcohol during the entire therapeutic course). Pros: affordable price, different release formats, a wide range of activities. Cons: used exclusively in complex therapy, dispensed by prescription.
9 Vinpocetine Izvarino Pharma
Country: Russia
Average price: 199 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.2
The main feature of the drug "Vinpocetine" is an effective mechanism of action. It not only improves cerebral blood supply, but also stimulates metabolism. The drug has a beneficial effect on the rheological properties of the blood. It is indicated for hearing loss, tinnitus and Meniere's disease. The drug improves memory, attention and concentration. The reviews write that it is not inferior in effectiveness to the Mexidol drug, the cost of which is 3-4 times higher.
The duration of therapy and the dosage of the drug are determined by the doctor.Usually the daily dose is 15 mg, the maximum is 30 mg. Many with long-term use experience side effects: dry mouth, headaches. Pros: affordable cost, proven effectiveness. Available in packs of 30 tablets. Cons: contraindicated under 18 years old, not suitable for low blood pressure.
8 "Tanakan" IPSEN
Country: France
Average price: 527 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.3
If you are concerned about tinnitus, memory impairment and impaired attention, then choose the herbal preparation "Tanakan". It contains ginkgo biloba extract, therefore it improves the supply of oxygen and glucose to the brain. The tool accelerates metabolic processes, normalizes the tone of the arteries and improves microcirculation.
The main advantage of this drug is its bioavailability, which is from 80 to 90%. It is necessary to take it 1 tablet 3 times a day with meals. Be sure to drink the medicine with at least ½ glass of water. The course of treatment is quite long and is at least 3 months. Then the doctor determines the need to continue taking. Pros: improvement after 1 month of therapy, convenient tablet form (easy to swallow), vegetable base. Cons: contraindicated under 18 years of age, long course of administration.
7 "Cinnarizine" Ozone

Country: Russia
Average price: 53 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.4
"Cinnarizine" is an effective, but at the same time inexpensive remedy for eliminating tinnitus. The effect of this drug is that it has a pronounced effect on the vessels of the brain, improves blood circulation and reduces the excitability of the vestibular apparatus.This medicine is recommended for disorders of cerebral circulation and Meniere's disease. In both cases, patients are disturbed by ringing and tinnitus.
The maximum daily dose is 225 mg (9 tablets). Take 1 tablet 3 times daily after meals. The first improvements will be noticeable after 1-2 weeks of therapy. Please note that the drug is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation. Can be given to children from 6 years old, but only 1-2 tablets per day. Pros: best price, complex therapy for tinnitus and mental fatigue, improved memory and ability to concentrate. Minus - when taking, side effects are possible in the form of drowsiness and dry mouth.
6 Preductal MR Les Laboratoires Servier Industrie
Country: France
Average price: 800 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5
One of the most effective drugs for tinnitus are Preductal MR tablets. However, its significant disadvantage is the high price. The medicine is produced by a pharmaceutical company in France, therefore, not all pharmacies in Russia are represented. The main active ingredient of the drug is trimetazidine dihydrochloride, and the designation "MR" means its prolonged action. Available in 60 tablets.
Preductal MR should only be taken with a doctor's prescription. It determines the dosage, as well as the number of doses and duration of therapy. The reviews write that the first result is noted after 2-3 days of use. The drug stabilizes energy metabolism in cells and restores cerebral blood supply. Pros: efficiency, prolonged effect, quick result. Cons: high price, not sold in all pharmacies.
5 "Betahistine" Rafarma
Country: Russia
Average price: 182 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
Betahistine is a histamine receptor blocker that modulates the transmission of histamine and serotonin. That is why it is effective not only for tinnitus, but also for other vestibular disorders (for example, dizziness, nausea and vomiting). Available in packs of 30 and 60 tablets. The drug does not have a sedative effect, so it does not interfere with the performance of professional activities or driving.
Betahistine should be taken with food. Release form - tablets 8, 16 or 24 mg. The course of admission is determined individually. The first symptoms of improvement are observed already at the beginning of therapy, but a lasting effect will come only after two weeks of treatment. The therapy is long. Possible side effects in the form of an allergic reaction and nausea. Pros: fast effect, increasing action, affordable cost. Minus - a lot of contraindications.
4 "Master hearing" Sashera-Med
Country: Russia
Average price: 540 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Organic ear drops "Master-hearing" have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action. One of the indications for their use is tinnitus that occurs with otitis externa and otitis media, internal inflammation, or for other reasons. The product is 100% natural extracts and does not cause side effects when applied. The volume of one package is 10 ml. The product is available in a glass bottle with a convenient pipette.
Drops restore blood circulation in the brain and provide accurate transmission of sound impulses. Judging by the reviews, this tool is easy to use.It is often used as a prophylactic treatment for hearing loss in people who work in high noise environments (greater than 3 dB). It is necessary to apply the remedy 1-2 drops in each ear 3 times a day. The recommended course is 7 days. Pros: ease of use, pleasant smell, effectiveness, organic formula with propolis.
3 "Ateroklefit BIO" Evalar
Country: Russia
Average price: 416 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
If the cause of tinnitus is atherosclerosis, then the best solution would be to take the drug "Atheroclefit BIO". It fights constant or episodic tinnitus and head noise. The main advantage of the product is its natural composition. It contains dioscorea and red clover, which maintains optimal cholesterol levels.
The drug is available in capsule format, 30 or 60 pcs. packaged. In addition to eliminating noise in the ears and head, it improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and also protects them from irreversible changes in atherosclerosis. It is recommended to take 1-2 capsules per day 2 times with meals. The duration of the course is 1 month, after which it is necessary to take a break for 10 days. Contraindications include pregnancy and lactation. Pros: natural, safe and effective drug, as well as a convenient form of release.
2 "Vazobral" Cheisi
Country: Spain
Average price: RUB 1,037
Rating (2022): 4.9
One of the main active components of the drug "Vazobral" is caffeine (40 mg).Together with excipients, it reduces vascular permeability, improves blood circulation and metabolic processes that occur in the brain. Caffeine has a psychostimulant effect, so it suppresses the resulting tinnitus, drowsiness and fatigue. Not recommended during pregnancy and lactation.
"Vazobral" is great if tinnitus occurs sporadically (for example, during the working day). Due to caffeine, it does not have a sedative effect, so you can continue to perform work duties. It is necessary to take the tablets orally during meals with a small amount of liquid. The course of treatment is 1-2 months. If necessary, it can be repeated, but not more than 2 times a year. Pros: increased mental and physical performance, effective suppression of tinnitus. Minus - high cost.
1 Bilobil Intense 120 KRKA
Country: Russia
Average price: 436 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
The best remedy for tinnitus is Bilobil Intense. The drug contains 120 mg of ginkgo biloba extract, which dilates blood vessels and improves blood circulation in the brain. Regular intake of this medicine not only fights tinnitus, but also improves cognitive functions: memory, attention, intellectual abilities.
It is recommended to take the medicine "Bilobil Intense" 1 capsule 2 times a day. The daily dose of the drug (according to the WHO and ESCOP monograph) is 240 mg. The first symptoms of improvement usually appear after 2-3 weeks of regular use. To achieve a stable and long-term result, it is necessary to take the drug for at least 3 months.For further treatment, you should consult with a specialist. The drug is available in capsule format, 20 pcs. packaged. Released without a prescription. Pros: better efficiency, natural extract in the composition, ease of use, no side effects.