Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Detralex | The most popular and effective drug |
2 | Phlebodia600 | Convenient packaging designed for a full course of treatment for hemorrhoids |
3 | Venarus | Best Generic Detralex |
4 | Aescusan | natural composition |
5 | Troxevasin | The most talked about drug |
1 | Procto-Glivenol | The best solution for external and internal hemorrhoids |
2 | Troxevasin Neo | As part of troxerutin + dexpanthenol + sodium heparin |
3 | Indovazin | The optimal combination of two active ingredients |
4 | Troxevasin | The most popular venotonic gel |
5 | Heparin ointment | Best price |
You can get rid of the delicate problem of hemorrhoids only with an integrated approach to the treatment of the disease. One of the conditions is the use of venotonics. These drugs help to effectively accelerate the recovery of vascular walls in case of damage, and then maintain their elasticity and tone, improve blood microcirculation and eliminate its stagnation.
Venotonics in the form of tablets, ointments, gels and suppositories are prescribed both for exacerbation of hemorrhoids and for its chronic course. Among the drugs in this group, there are both relatively inexpensive and above average prices. We have compiled a rating of the best venotonics, taking into account the reviews of doctors and ordinary people, the composition of the funds, their cost and other features.
The best venotonics for oral administration
Medicines with a venotonic effect in the form of tablets and drops for oral administration help to improve the condition of the veins and blood vessels in general, affecting the hemorrhoids. They allow for a few days to alleviate the condition in the acute stage of hemorrhoids, can be used as maintenance therapy in the chronic course of the disease.
5 Troxevasin
Country: Bulgaria
Average price: 493 rub. (50 tab. 300 mg)
Rating (2022): 4.4
Troxevasin is a drug based on troxerutin, the action of which is aimed at capillaries and veins, normalizing blood flow, relieving pain and inflammation, resolving hemorrhoidal bumps. It is recommended to take 2-3 tablets per day, the duration of the course is determined by the doctor, but usually it is at least 2 weeks. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, the tablet form of the drug is recommended to be combined with external agents - ointments, gels, suppositories.
Troxevasin has been known to doctors and patients for a long time, it is very popular. Some experts consider the drug outdated and ineffective, but there are a lot of good reviews about it. In pharmacies, you can buy drugs that cope with acute hemorrhoids faster and more efficiently.
4 Aescusan
Country: Germany
Average price: 206 rub. (20 ml)
Rating (2022): 4.5
The drug based on herbal ingredients Aescusan is indicated for venous circulation disorders, including varicose veins. As an active ingredient, it contains a dry extract of horse chestnut, which has anti-exudative and venotonic properties.The medicine is now available only in the format of a solution for oral administration, the recommended dosage is 12-15 drops 3 times a day.
The phytopreparation is completely safe, has no toxic effect on the body, does not cause side effects, except for rare cases of allergies. Many who took the remedy in their reviews say that it is much better tolerated than analogues with a different composition. Its effectiveness is also highly rated.
3 Venarus
Country: Russia
Average price: 930 rub. (30 tab. 1000 mg).
Rating (2022): 4.6
The drug Venarus is a more inexpensive analogue of the popular Detralex, a Russian-made generic. It is based on diosmin and hesperidin, which have a pronounced venotonic effect. As a result of the intake, the tone of blood vessels and capillaries increases, their fragility and permeability decrease, and microcirculation improves.
In acute hemorrhoids, the course of treatment with Venarus is designed for 7 days. During the first four days, it is recommended to take 3 tablets per day in 2-3 doses, then for another three days, 2 tablets per day in 1-2 doses. The recommendations concern the dosage of 1000 mg. Relief occurs after 2-3 days, which is confirmed by the reviews of people who took the drug. The best results can be achieved with a combination of Venarus and the use of external agents to relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids.
2 Phlebodia600
Country: France
Average price: 700 rub. (18 tab. 600 mg)
Rating (2022): 4.6
Venotonic Phlebodia 600 is produced on the basis of diosmin, which reduces the extensibility of veins, increases their tone and eliminates blood stasis.This helps to quickly remove the acute manifestations of hemorrhoids and alleviate the condition in just a few days. The course of therapy involves taking 2-3 tablets. within 7 days. In pharmacies, you can find medicine in a package of 18 tablets, which is just enough for treatment. The drug is original, its effectiveness has been proven by numerous clinical studies.
If you rely on reviews, the main disadvantage of Phlebodia600 is its price. There are no complaints about the effectiveness of treatment, including specialists with medical education. The development of side effects is possible, but they appear individually and not for everyone.
1 Detralex
Country: France
Average price: 898 rub. (18 tab. 1000 mg each)
Rating (2022): 4.7
Detralex is far from the most inexpensive drug, but it has proven its effectiveness and has earned trust. It contains two active ingredients - diosmin and hesperidin, which have a venotonic and venoprotective effect. They help to reduce the extensibility of the veins, relieve venous congestion. For the treatment of acute hemorrhoids, the manufacturer has provided a convenient package, in which there are only 18 tablets. This amount is just enough for the course of admission - the first four days, 3 tab. a day, then another three days, 2 tab. in a day. The tool is conditionally allowed for use during pregnancy, but only as prescribed by a doctor and under his control.
Detralex is an original drug, which once again confirms its high quality. There are many analogues based on diosmin, but it is Detralex that receives the best reviews.
The best venotonics for external use
For effective treatment of hemorrhoids, taking venotonics in the form of tablets or drops is sometimes not enough.The parallel use of topical preparations will help to increase the effectiveness of therapy, the action of which is aimed both at strengthening blood vessels in the long term and at relieving unpleasant symptoms here and now.
5 Heparin ointment
Country: Russia
Average price: 92 rub. (25 g)
Rating (2022): 4.4
Heparin ointment is a popular and well-known remedy with a venotonic effect, which is successfully used to get rid of hemorrhoids. It has pronounced anticoagulant properties, contains sodium heparin, benzocaine and benzyl nicotinate. In the treatment of hemorrhoids, the ointment is effective for both external and internal nodes. It can be simply applied to the skin, used as a compress, or used to soak tampons, which are then inserted into the anus.
Heparin ointment is inexpensive, and there are a lot of positive reviews about its use in the treatment of hemorrhoids. The first improvements will be noticeable within a couple of days after the start of use, and the full course will be 4-14 days.
4 Troxevasin
Country: Bulgaria
Average price: 241 rub. (40 g)
Rating (2022): 4.5
Troxevasin gel is known as a remedy for bruises, as well as fighting varicose veins on the legs, but can also be successfully used to treat hemorrhoids. As the main active ingredient, it contains troxerutin, which helps relieve swelling and inflammation, has antioxidant properties, and reduces capillary fragility and permeability. When using the gel, blood microcirculation improves, venous outflow accelerates, which allows you to first alleviate the condition, and then completely solve the problem.
Troxevasin will only help with hemorrhoids, which are not complicated by anal fissures, since it is forbidden to apply it to damaged areas of the skin. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, it is recommended to use the remedy in the form of a compress for several hours 2-3 times a day.
3 Indovazin
Country: Bulgaria
Average price: 275 rub. (45 g)
Rating (2022): 4.5
Gel Indovazin contains two substances - troxerutin and indomethacin. The drug acts on the main cause of hemorrhoids - venous insufficiency. It helps to narrow the pores of the walls of blood vessels, thereby increasing their strength and elasticity, eliminating swelling and improving blood microcirculation. The presence of indomethacin, which belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, guarantees a rapid reduction in swelling, elimination of burning sensation and discomfort.
You can use Indovazin only for external use, applying to hemorrhoids around the anus. In the presence of cracks and other damage to the skin, it is better to refuse its use. Reviews about the treatment of hemorrhoids with this gel sound positive, although the result is sometimes slow.
2 Troxevasin Neo
Country: Bulgaria
Average price: 337 rub. (40 g)
Rating (2022): 4.6
Troxevasin Neo is an improved formula of the classic Troxevasin gel. The composition, in addition to troxerutin, includes dexpanthenol and sodium heparin, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the drug. The gel has a tonic effect on blood vessels and capillaries, increases their elasticity and strength, improves blood microcirculation, has anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties.It is approved for use during pregnancy and receives good reviews in the fight against the manifestations of varicose veins during this period.
Troxevasin Neo for hemorrhoids is recommended to be combined with taking Troxevasin capsules or another venotonic. Using only the gel is effective only at the initial stage of the disease, manifested by minor nodes and swelling.
1 Procto-Glivenol
Country: Ireland
Average price: 484 rub. (10 suppositories)
Rating (2022): 4.7
The drug Procto-Glivenol is available in the format of a cream and rectal suppositories. The tribenosite included in its composition has a pronounced venotonic property, reduces the permeability of capillaries. Another substance is lidocaine, which has a local anesthetic effect and reduces pain. A convenient form of release allows the use of this medicine in the presence of both external and internal hemorrhoids.
It is acceptable to use Procto-Glivenol cream and suppositories in monotherapy, but the best results can be achieved when they are combined with venotonic drugs in tablet format. In their reviews, people who used the remedy note the rapid elimination of the pain syndrome, as well as a noticeable result in getting rid of hemorrhoids.