Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Omnitus | The best antitussive tablets of central action |
2 | Codelac Neo | Popular drug for dry cough |
3 | Libeksin | The fastest action |
4 | Panatus forte | Optimal combination of price and quality |
5 | Rengalin | Natural and safe homeopathic remedy |
1 | Mukaltin | Best price. Safe composition |
2 | ACC | most popular drug |
3 | Fluimucil | Mucus thinning and expectorant action |
4 | Ascoril | Combined means of complex action |
5 | Ambrohexal | Inexpensive but effective |
Cough preparations are available in different forms - syrups, drops, tablets, capsules. The effectiveness of all is approximately the same, so the choice here mainly depends on the preferences of the user and the presence of one or another active substance in a certain form. The standard option is means in tablets. They are convenient to use, they can be taken with you to work or on the road, taken literally on the go. Tablets in most cases do not have a pronounced taste and smell, which can also be attributed to the pluses. And you will find a list of the best tablets for the treatment of dry and wet cough in this rating.
The best pills for dry cough
The onset of colds is usually accompanied by a dry cough concentrated in the upper respiratory tract. More often it is caused by irritation, sore throat or trachea.In such cases, not expectorants are used, but tablets that stop the cough reflex, bringing quick relief.
5 Rengalin
Country: Russia
Average price: 198 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
No matter how much doctors argue about homeopathic remedies, or express doubts about their effectiveness, some of them are sold in any pharmacy, often prescribed by doctors and actively purchased by buyers. "Rengalin" in the form of lozenges is quite common in the treatment of dry cough. The manufacturer claims a wide spectrum of action - antitussive, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antihistamine. Tablets can be taken by an adult and a child over three years old.
As with any homeopathic remedy, there are different reviews from users. Some consider Rengalin to be very effective, they assure that it begins to act immediately after the first tablet is absorbed. But many do not notice any improvement even after a few days of taking it, they call the drug a “dummy”. Therefore, it is included in the rating only because of its popularity and frequent prescription by doctors.
4 Panatus forte
Country: Slovenia
Average price: 229 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Not very common, but effective drug based on butamirate, which has a central effect, that is, it directly affects the cough center. Tablets do not dilute sputum, do not contribute to its discharge, but simply stop coughing attacks. Pharmacies sell many more popular and well-known products based on the same substance, but most of them are much more expensive.So these tablets can be called optimal in terms of price and quality. They are recommended for adults and children from 12 years of age. But giving them to a child without a pediatrician's appointment is not worth it, since in the presence of sputum, the drug can lead to its stagnation.
Users leave very good reviews about the tool. They consider the main advantage to be the rapid elimination of a debilitating dry cough. A noticeable improvement occurs on the first day of admission. Comparing it to similar but more expensive drugs, they don't see much of a difference.
3 Libeksin
Country: Hungary
Average price: 556 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Antitussive tablets of peripheral action can be compared in effectiveness with codeine, but unlike it, there is no dependence on the active active substance of the drug and there is no serious inhibition of the respiratory center. Taking this remedy is advisable for a suffocating, paroxysmal cough, which intensifies at night, interferes with sleep. "Libexin" quickly blocks the cough reflex, expands the bronchi, bringing long-awaited relief from a prolonged dry cough. In the form of tablets in childhood, the drug is used with caution, if possible, it is better for the child to choose another remedy.
Tablets are quite expensive compared to other cough options, but doctors leave very good reviews about them, which confirms their effectiveness. Users, in turn, assure that the tool quickly stops a very strong cough, making it possible to sleep peacefully or do work.
2 Codelac Neo
Country: Russia
Average price: 235 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Effective tablets of central action to suppress dry cough of any etiology. It is successfully used in medicine for acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and other diseases accompanied by a barking, superficial cough. The active ingredient of the drug is butamirate. It dilates the bronchi, affects the cough center, facilitates breathing. In this case, the tool acts quickly and does not lead to dependence. Tablets "Codelac Neo" at a dosage of 50 mg is used only for the treatment of adults. The child may be selected another form of release of the same drug.
In the reviews, doctors write that the remedy is very good, really effective, but you should not take it without a doctor's prescription. Tablets are prescribed only for dry cough, they can not be combined with expectorants and agents that depress the central nervous system. With a properly selected dose and compliance with the regimen, side effects do not occur.
1 Omnitus
Country: Serbia
Average price: 291 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
One of the best and most effective drugs in tablets for dry barking cough. This is a means of central action, which has a direct effect on the cough center, due to which it quickly brings relief to a sick person already on the first day of admission. In addition to suppressing cough, the drug has a moderate anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. Tablets are available in different dosages - 50 mg only for adults, 20 mg is allowed for children from 6 years of age.
Judging by the reviews of doctors and their patients, this is one of the most effective drugs for dry cough. It shows itself very well - it quickly alleviates the condition, does not give side effects, is well tolerated by adults and children.Due to the suppressive action, the remedy copes even with a strong cough caused by irritation in the upper respiratory tract.
Best wet cough pills
A wet cough is associated with sputum production. In these cases, the main task of the tablets is to thin it and improve discharge. Therefore, at the beginning of treatment, the cough may even intensify, but it will not be so severe. In pharmacies, you can now see a variety of drugs with mucolytic and expectorant effects. Many of them are actively prescribed by doctors and are popular among buyers.
5 Ambrohexal
Country: Germany
Average price: 111 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
Mucolytic agent is used to thin viscous sputum, has an expectorant effect. It is used for acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma and other diseases accompanied by a prolonged wet cough. Tablets are widely used in the treatment of adults and children over 6 years of age. To increase the effectiveness of the drug is combined with antiviral or antibacterial agents, depending on the nature of the disease.
Reviews about the drug are not bad, it has proven itself well thanks to its complex action aimed at the most natural sputum discharge. At the same time, it has a more affordable cost compared to many modern tools. It has no serious disadvantages, occasionally occurring negative reviews are due to the fact that users take it without a doctor's recommendation with a dry cough.
4 Ascoril
Country: India
Average price: 235 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
A complex drug that includes several active active ingredients at once - bromhexine, guaifenesin and salbutamol. Due to the composition of the tablets, they have a wide spectrum of action, have a pronounced mucolytic, bronchodilator, expectorant effect. Because of this feature, it is often used for quite severe diseases, such as obstructive bronchitis, pneumonia, that is, in cases where the sputum is viscous and difficult to separate.
Doctors in the reviews write that in ENT practice the drug proved to be very good. Tablets are often prescribed for a wet cough with difficult sputum discharge. It acts quickly enough, gives the maximum effect in the first days of application. But the remedy has a serious drawback - you often have to deal with side effects in the form of tachycardia, dry mouth, and increased sweating.
3 Fluimucil
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 469 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
An analogue of the drug ACC, well-known to Russian users. It is based on the same active ingredient, the product is also available in effervescent soluble tablets. But some doctors consider it even more effective due to its high quality. At the same time, the cost is much lower. Tablets dilute sputum, increase its volume, facilitate excretion and have an expectorant effect.
Judging by the reviews, the drug works very well, it really facilitates sputum discharge with a wet cough. He is praised by both doctors and their patients. Only, unlike its popular counterpart, the product is not sold in all pharmacies. Otherwise, he has no significant shortcomings - the tablets are of high quality and effective.
Country: Austria
Average price: 282 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
ACC is a popular water-soluble effervescent tablet used for wet coughs with heavy sputum production. This is an excellent medicine for bronchitis, pneumonia. It reduces the viscosity of sputum, in combination with expectorants, significantly alleviates the condition of sick people and speeds up their recovery. The drug in the form of tablets of 600 mg is intended for the treatment of adults and children over 14 years of age.
Doctors leave good reviews about the remedy, they believe that it greatly facilitates the discharge of sputum that is difficult to separate. But at the same time, they warn that it is impossible to take pills at night, as this can lead to stagnation in the lungs. It is also not worth combining it with other cough medicines on your own. Users to the pluses include fast action, efficiency, relatively low cost, availability in any pharmacy.
1 Mukaltin
Country: Russia
Average price: 10 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
A very well known herbal preparation. Available in the form of sour-tasting tablets with a grassy odor. The main active ingredient of the product is marshmallow root. It is a common medicine used in the treatment of adults and children with a wet, productive cough. The drug perfectly dilutes sputum and contributes to its better discharge.
At a penny cost, the remedy is quite effective and is often prescribed by doctors. They speak well of him, since the effectiveness of the tablets has been confirmed by many years of experience of their older generation colleagues. Buyers also leave positive feedback, believing that this is an inexpensive and good medicine. A small minus - the child may refuse to take the tablet dissolved in water due to the specific taste.