№ |
Name |
Rating |
Nomination |
1 | meyer lilac | 4.72 | The most affordable option |
2 | Tuya Smaragd | 4.69 | The best volatile properties |
3 | hawthorn blood red | 4.58 | High security |
4 | Linden small-leaved | 4.55 | Best scent in bloom |
5 | Mock orange crown | 4.45 | |
1 | Barberry Thunberg | 4.95 | The most beautiful fence |
2 | chokeberry | 4.83 | Rapidly propagated by shoots and cuttings |
3 | Vesicle viburnum | 4.75 | Better adaptation to all types of climate |
4 | Goof silver | 4.58 | |
5 | Juniper Cossack | 4.45 | An excellent coniferous shrub for a low hedge |
The fence of trees and shrubs attracts the eye. This solution looks very good, especially if the plant is flowering. In addition, hedges perfectly protect against wind, dust and external noise. The only drawback is that it takes a lot of time to create a good and high-quality fence. Depending on the plant chosen, this may take more than one year.
Hedges are divided into high and low. This is one of the main criteria for choosing a plant, so we divided our selection into two categories.In addition to height, the complexity of care should be assessed, how often a haircut, top dressing and watering will be required. Many trees and shrubs do not grow in certain soils and climates. We reviewed Otzovik, IRecommend, Web Garden, GreenInfo, and Gardener for feedback from real customers and selected the most popular plant options to form beautiful hedges.
The best plants for high hedges
Creating a hedge is a painstaking business. When choosing a plant, you should consider the height of the planned fence. In this category, we have collected trees and shrubs suitable for planting when forming a hedge from 2 meters.
Top 5. Mock orange crown
- Price: from 600 rubles / seedling
- Height: up to 3 meters
- Type: deciduous shrub
- Climate: middle lane
- Soil: light fertile soil
Mock orange is suitable for hedges with high decorative appeal. The shrub is relatively narrow, but with proper pruning is quite dense. By the way, the plant tolerates the latter very well and quickly recovers even with a strong loss. Among all the varieties presented, gardeners prefer the crowned mock orange. It pleases with bright green foliage and abundant flowering. Before planting a shrub, it is necessary to take into account some nuances: the plant is photophilous and sensitive to soil density. Also, the bush will not feel very good in conditions of high humidity. Despite frost resistance, the shrub is not suitable for Siberia, this is an option for the Moscow region.
- Bright green foliage, abundant blooms
- Relatively small width, height up to 3 meters
- Tolerates pruning well, recovers quickly
- frost-resistant
- Requires a lot of light
- Sensitive to soil density and excess moisture
- The high cost of seedlings
Top 4. Linden small-leaved
A linden hedge is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also smells amazing during the flowering period. And the inflorescences can be used to brew a delicious drink.
- Price: from 700 rubles / seedling
- Height: from 4 meters
- Type: deciduous tree
- Climate: temperate
- Soil: fertile, neutral
Small-leaved linden is an incredibly beautiful tree with a dense, highly arched crown. The heart-shaped leaves have a velvety texture, delighting with an even yellow color in autumn. Linden blooms profusely, its inflorescences are honey-bearing, they are highly fragrant and have a very pleasant sweet aroma. Small-leaved linden is unpretentious to the quality of the soil, resistant to bad weather. Such a fence will protect well from wind, external dust and noise. The tree perfectly tolerates crown molding. It grows quite quickly and at first requires participation, regular pruning is necessary. Small-leaved linden is perfect for forming a hedge in the middle lane. Good not only for the Moscow region, the tree grows well in Siberia.
- Durable hedge (grows up to 400 years)
- Shade tolerant and frost resistant
- Undemanding to soils
- High decorative appeal
- The high cost of bushes
- Requires a lot of attention during the formation of bushes
Top 3. hawthorn blood red
Hawthorn has thorns and over time forms a fairly dense, impenetrable fence. Neither people nor large animals will get through it.
- Price: from 300 rubles / seedling
- Height: up to 4 meters
- Type: deciduous tree
- Climate: for Siberia
- Soil: sandy-pebble
For the formation of a hedge in Siberia, hawthorn is perfect. The blood-red variety is especially popular. The shrub blooms with large inflorescences in spring, then berries add attractiveness, which at different periods of maturity have a yellow to bright red hue. Over time, the trees form a dense, impenetrable fence. Additional security is provided by sharp thorns on the branches of the blood-red hawthorn. Gardeners indicate the need for regular pruning as a disadvantage. But without it, the lower part of the tree is exposed, which has a bad effect on the properties of the hawthorn as a hedge.
- Long sharp spikes up to 3 cm
- Has long lasting decorative appeal
- Resistant to adverse conditions
- Forms a dense, impenetrable fence over time
- Regular haircut required
- It takes a long time to grow to the right size.
Top 2. Tuya Smaragd
Thuja will not just form a beautiful hedge. It releases useful essential oils and perfectly cleans the air from unwanted impurities.
- Price: from 400 rubles / seedling
- Height: up to 3 meters
- Type: coniferous, evergreen
- Climate: temperate
- Soil: porous, moderately moist
Thuja Smaragd is one of the most popular hedge plants. Shrub in the middle lane reaches 3 meters in height. A completely undemanding plant, feels good in the shade, does not die from heat or frost. Thuja grows well in urban environments, moreover, it will protect the territory from gas pollution and dust, and has phytoncidal properties. The shrub is popular due to its branching. This quality allows you to form a complete impenetrable fence.Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the feature of fading in the sun, the needles in such places turn yellow and the hedge loses its decorative appeal. In steel, thuja Smaragd is one of the best solutions for hedges in the Moscow region.
- Not demanding on lighting
- Frost-resistant, tolerates heat well
- Responds well to haircuts
- Branches well, forms a dense fence
- Fading out in the sun
- Annual haircut required
See also:
Top 1. meyer lilac
Lilac is widespread throughout Russia. It reproduces well and there is no need to buy seedlings for the entire hedge.
- Price: from 500 rubles / seedling
- Height: up to 2-3 meters
- Type: decorative, leafy
- Climate: temperate
- Soil: moderately moist, loamy
Lilac is a very beautiful ornamental shrub. It is resistant to various kinds of diseases, practically not susceptible to infection by pests. Gardeners value it for its pliability, it perfectly withstands cutting and crown formation. Strong branches can withstand strong winds. Meyer's lilac is especially well suited for hedges due to its unpretentiousness. The plant is quite frost-resistant, distributed almost throughout Russia, but freezes in a harsh climate. Likes sunny areas and does not tolerate high humidity. Among the shortcomings, gardeners note the need for annual cutting of shoots and a short flowering period.
- Drought and cold resistant
- Not prone to diseases and pests
- Good for shearing and crown shaping
- Blooms very beautifully
- Not suitable for wet shady areas
- Weeds need to be cut annually
- Short flowering period
See also:
The Best Plants for a Low Hedge
If you want to form a low hedge, then the shrubs presented in this category are perfect. Their height, with proper care, does not exceed 1-1.5 meters.
Top 5. Juniper Cossack
Juniper is the best solution for those who want a low hedge from an evergreen conifer. The needles do not fall off and in good light it looks great all year round.
- Price: from 200 rubles / seedling
- Height: up to 1.5 meters
- Type: coniferous shrub
- Climate: mild and temperate
- Soil: clay and loamy
Juniper is very good in hedges. The creeping shrub forms a rather dense fence, while it is not demanding either on the quality of the soil or on the level of humidity. Juniper tolerates rare short episodes of drought. But the bush loves the sun, it is better to plant in well-lit places. With a lack of sun, the needles lose their aesthetic appeal. The shrub grows slowly, so pruning often does not have to be done. Before planting a juniper hedge, it should be noted that the fruits of the plant are poisonous. Otherwise, this is an excellent solution for the Moscow region and regions with a temperate and mild climate.
- Forms a dense barrier
- Drought tolerant
- Grows well in any soil
- The needles do not crumble
- Likes lots of light
- growing slowly
- poison shoots
Top 4. Goof silver
- Price: from 300 rubles / seedling
- Height: up to 3 meters
- Type: deciduous shrub
- Climate: temperate
- Soil: loose, without stagnant water
Loch silver is very unpretentious and at the same time a beautiful plant for hedge formations. The shrub is distinguished by an unusual silvery shade of leaves, which persists until late autumn. During the flowering period, the sucker emits a delicate vanilla aroma, which many liked. Landing is carried out in loose soil, in the future the shrub adapts to any conditions, only stagnant water should be avoided. The silver sucker also does not tolerate drought well, so if necessary, you need to organize watering. As for the temperature regime, the shrub is suitable for the Moscow region, and for regions of Siberia with a milder climate, it can withstand temperatures up to -40 degrees.
- Interesting metallic leaf color
- Pleasant delicate aroma of vanilla during flowering
- Tolerates temperatures down to -40
- Unpretentious to the composition of the soil
- Does not tolerate drought well
Top 3. Vesicle viburnum
The vesicle feels equally good both in the Moscow region and in Siberia. This is the most unpretentious plant in terms of climate.
- Price: from 299 rubles.
- Height: from 1.5 meters
- Type: deciduous shrub
- Climate: suitable for harsh conditions
- Soil: loose, fertile
The best solution for Siberia will be the viburnum vesicle. At the same time, the plant perfectly takes root in any climate, it is completely unpretentious, it can withstand both heat with drought and lower temperatures. The shrub is very showy. Due to the presence of varieties with different shades of leaves, it allows you to form a very beautiful hedge. Planting is carried out in loose fertile soil, in the future you can no longer follow it, the vesicle adapts to any conditions.It grows rapidly and this is the only thing that can be noted as a drawback. You will have to monitor the shoots and regularly prune. In height, the shrub can grow up to 3 meters, it is regulated by a timely haircut.
- Large decorative leaves
- Varieties with different colors
- Undemanding to soil and external conditions
- Grows fast and recovers after pruning
- Escapes need to be watched
Top 2. chokeberry
Aronia has a unique property - it grows very quickly, filling the space around. This allows you to quickly form a dense hedge.
- Price: from 200 rubles / seedling
- Height: from 1 meter
- Type: deciduous fruit-bearing shrub
- Climate: not demanding
- Soil: loose, air and moisture permeable
Chokeberry or chokeberry is great for forming a low hedge. The shrub grows rapidly, even with a distant landing forms a dense fence. It reproduces well by cuttings, if desired, you can get by with buying several seedlings and grow the rest yourself. In addition, chokeberry has properties that improve the air. With proper pruning and crown formation, the shrub keeps its shape perfectly. It has good decorative properties: the foliage is bright green, shiny, in autumn the shade is from yellow to burgundy. The berries are large, black, in large clusters. Chokeberry is an excellent option for forming a hedge in all regions.
- Unpretentious, does not need top dressing
- Reproduces quickly
- Easily tolerates severe frosts and drought
- Handles pruning well
- Escapes need to be watched
- Regular haircut required
Top 1. Barberry Thunberg
Most of the year, the barberry retains excellent decorative qualities. This is what made it the most popular shrub for hedges.
- Price: from 125 rubles / seedling
- Height: from 1 meter
- Type: deciduous shrub
- Climate: mild
- Soil: moisture and breathable neutral nutrient soil
Barberry Thunberg is one of the best options for creating a low-growing hedge in the Moscow region and the middle lane. It has a lot of advantages over its competitors. The shrub is unpretentious and easily adapts to any conditions. This variety of barberry is incredibly decorative both during flowering and in late autumn, when its foliage turns a bright red hue and berries appear. Regardless of planting, the plant forms a dense fence, tolerates a haircut well and allows you to maintain the desired shape. However, you should be careful here, the barberry has sharp thorns. He loves sunlight very much and, with its lack, loses its effectiveness. Of the shortcomings, active reproduction should be taken into account, often where it should not be.
- Easily adapts to any conditions
- High decorativeness in any season
- Forms a dense barrier
- Handles pruning well
- Long sharp spines
- Requires a lot of sunlight
- Proliferates profusely in undesirable places
See also: