12 Best Hepatoprotectors for Liver Recovery

Dozens of negative factors affect the functioning of the liver, and restoring the structure and functions of the organ is not an easy task. In complex treatment, hepatoprotectors are necessarily used, of which there are more than a hundred on the Russian market. In the iquality.techinfus.com/en/ rating, we will discuss which drugs in this category are the most effective, safe and affordable.

The best herbal hepatoprotectors

1 Legalon 4.70
Quality Silymarin
2 Karsil 4.60
Best price
3 Hofitol solution 4.52
Easily digestible formula

The best hepatoprotectors with phospholipids

1 Phosphogliv 4.65
Best value for money
2 Essliver forte 4.62
rich composition
3 Essentiale forte N 4.45
The most popular

The best hepatoprotectors with amino acids

1 Glutargin Alkoklin 4.63
Emergency aid
2 Heptral 4.55
Choice of Doctors
3 Heptor 4.50

The best hepatoprotectors with UDCA

1 Ursosan 4.40
The most famous UDCA
2 Ursofalk 4.37
concentrated preparation
3 Urdox 4.35

Hepatoprotectors are a large and diverse group of drugs that increase the resistance of the liver to negative external factors, accelerate the regeneration of its cells (hepatocytes), and help to cope with diseases. The use of drugs is justified for fatty hepatosis, drug and toxic liver damage, acute and chronic hepatitis, alcoholic disease, cholestasis syndrome in pregnant women, biliary dyskinesia and the sphincter of Oddi.

In practice, the prophylactic use of drugs to maintain liver health and protect it from harmful environmental influences is often encountered. More than half of the cases of taking drugs are not associated with clear medical indications and a doctor's prescription. Subject to the instructions for use, the prophylactic course will not cause health problems, however, doctors advise first to undergo a diagnosis and determine the state of health. Do not forget that frequent and uncontrolled use of hepatoprotectors puts an additional burden on the liver and can do harm instead of the expected benefits.

How to choose the best hepatoprotector

Effective liver repair drugs are of plant, animal, or synthetic origin. According to their composition and active substances, they are divided into several groups:

vegetable. Includes extracts of milk thistle, artichoke, turmeric and other medicinal herbs. They are prescribed for various types of acute and chronic hepatitis, they work well for fatty hepatosis, functional disorders of the hepatobiliary tract.

Amino acids. The brightest representative is ademetionine, which has a powerful detoxifying effect. The drugs are used for alcoholic and drug-induced hepatitis, they also improve biliary function and will be useful for cholestasis.

Essential phospholipids. In structure, they are similar to the components of cell membranes, therefore, they are responsible for restoring the barrier function of hepatocytes. Means give a good effect in alcoholic and non-alcoholic liver disease, neutralize the toxic effects of antibiotics and other potent drugs.

Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA). The best hepatoprotector, according to doctors, who has the strongest evidence base. UDCA is used in almost all types of hepatic pathology, in addition, it is the only drug that prolongs the life of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis.

Hepatoprotectors include antioxidants, vitamin E and B vitamins. They are of auxiliary importance for liver restoration, and are often used in complex products. Sometimes homeopathic medicines are added to the list of drugs for liver regeneration. However, they receive negative reviews from doctors and are not recommended for routine use. For people who do not want to take synthetic drugs, there are good herbal hepatoprotectors.

There are contraindications! Consult your doctor!

The best herbal hepatoprotectors

Top 3. Hofitol solution

Rating (2022): 4.52
Accounted for 244 feedback from resources: Yandex.Market, Protablets, Ozone, Eapteka, iRecommend
Easily digestible formula

The liquid solution is easy to dose and take, while it is quickly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and immediately begins to act.

  • Price: 511 rubles.
  • Country: France
  • Active ingredient: artichoke leaf extract
  • Packing volume: 120 ml

The liquid form of artichoke extract is recommended for bile stasis to gently stimulate digestion and eliminate discomfort in the right hypochondrium. After its use, patients get rid of nausea, bitterness in the mouth, and digestive disorders. Patients like the pleasant taste and fast onset of effect. Hofitol solution is approved for use during pregnancy for the correction of cholestasis. It is used in adults and children, due to the natural composition does not cause adverse reactions.However, allergic patients may experience hypersensitivity.

Pros and cons
  • Choleretic effect
  • Convenient release form
  • Good taste
  • Suitable for children and pregnant women
  • May cause allergies

Top 2. Karsil

Rating (2022): 4.60
Accounted for 248 reviews from resources: Yandex.Market, Protablets, Ozone, iRecommend
Best price

The most affordable and safe phytopreparation from our rating, which is used for mild liver damage.

  • Price: 390 rubles.
  • Country: Bulgaria
  • Active ingredient: milk thistle extract
  • Packing volume: 80 dragees

The product contains a combination of active extracts of milk thistle, which restore the structure and functions of the liver, protect it from the action of harmful factors. Karsil works as an antioxidant, neutralizes free radicals and prevents toxins from penetrating into hepatocytes. According to doctors, the drug is used for non-severe forms of liver pathology, in the recovery period after alcoholic and toxic hepatitis. In addition, it helps with biliary diseases. Among the shortcomings, a weak result, the need for a long course of treatment, and the lack of effect in serious illnesses are distinguished.

Pros and cons
  • natural composition
  • Complex action
  • Free radical protection
  • No Side Effects
  • There are more modern counterparts
  • Insufficient effect

Top 1. Legalon

Rating (2022): 4.70
Accounted for 77 reviews from resources: Yandex.Market, Protablets, Ozone, Otzovik
Quality Silymarin

A drug with proven effectiveness, which is produced by a well-known pharmaceutical company from Germany.

  • Price: 873 rubles.
  • Country: Germany
  • Active ingredient: milk thistle extract
  • Packing volume: 60 capsules

A well-known medicine based on the milk thistle fruit extract, which is recommended for toxic liver damage, fatty hepatosis. The drug is also used in people with chronic hepatitis B and C as maintenance therapy. Due to the lipid-lowering effect, Legalon is recommended for concomitant atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, and angiopathy. The drug is well tolerated by patients, does not cause adverse reactions, provides subjective improvements in well-being after 7 days of use. Since the remedy requires long-term use, the course of treatment is quite expensive.

Pros and cons
  • Good evidence base
  • Effective supportive care
  • Strong antitoxic effect
  • First results after 7 days
  • High price

The best hepatoprotectors with phospholipids

Top 3. Essentiale forte N

Rating (2022): 4.45
Accounted for 621 feedback from resources: Yandex.Market, Protablets, Eapteka, Ozone, Otzovik
The most popular

More than 250 thousand users are interested in the drug per month, according to Yandex.Wordstat, in addition, it has hundreds of reviews on marketplaces.

  • Price: 1338 rubles.
  • Country: Germany
  • Active ingredient: phospholipids from soybeans
  • Packing volume: 90 capsules

The medicine has a wide range of indications, it is recommended both in treatment regimens and for the prevention of liver diseases. The drug contains 80% purified phosphatidylcholines, acts gently, does not cause adverse reactions. Buyers when going to a pharmacy often choose Essentiale forte N due to its popularity and active advertising campaigns.However, doctors are less optimistic about this drug: experts warn against the unproven effectiveness of the hepatoprotector and doubt the strength of its action. You need to take 6 capsules per day, so a 3-month course of application will cost a lot.

Pros and cons
  • Popularity among patients
  • Physiological action
  • No side effects
  • Universal application
  • Long and expensive treatment
  • Low efficiency

Top 2. Essliver forte

Rating (2022): 4.62
Accounted for 321 feedback from resources: Yandex.Market, Protablets, Ozone, Otzovik, iRecommend
rich composition

A combination of essential phospholipids and 6 essential vitamins to support liver health.

  • Price: 576 rubles.
  • Country: India
  • Active ingredient: multivitamins + phospholipids
  • Packing volume: 50 capsules

The complex preparation proved to be a good hepatoprotector and general tonic. The drug is recommended for violations of lipid metabolism, fatty hepatosis, toxic liver diseases. It is also prescribed to cancer patients on a course of radiotherapy to prevent damage to hepatocytes. Doctors note the good tolerability of the drug and its moderate effectiveness. Patients with a tendency to allergies should be careful, because the composition contains B vitamins, which often cause hypersensitivity reactions. No other deficiencies were found.

Pros and cons
  • Combined composition
  • Normalizes metabolism
  • Protects the liver from toxins
  • Convenient to use
  • Allergenic potential
  • There are more efficient options.

Top 1. Phosphogliv

Rating (2022): 4.65
Accounted for 533 feedback from resources: Yandex.Market, Protablets, Ozone, Otzovik, iRecommend
Best value for money

The drug has a balanced composition and high efficiency, while it costs 2 times cheaper than Essentiale forte N.

  • Price: 516 rubles.
  • Country Russia
  • Active ingredient: phospholipids + glycyrrhizic acid
  • Packing volume: 50 capsules

A well-known and popular drug among Russian patients, which is recommended for acute and chronic liver problems. It contains glycyrrhizic acid, a powerful anti-inflammatory component that inhibits the reproduction of viruses in hepatocytes. Due to this, the drug is widely used in patients with viral hepatitis. Phosphogliv has received hundreds of positive reviews from doctors, has a complex effect on the body and shows high clinical efficacy. However, some patients experienced serious adverse reactions: jumps in blood pressure, headaches, gastrointestinal disorders.

Pros and cons
  • Wide range of applications
  • Antiviral effect
  • Recommended by experts
  • Scientifically Proven Action
  • Often causes side effects

The best hepatoprotectors with amino acids

Top 3. Heptor

Rating (2022): 4.50
Accounted for 139 reviews from resources: Yandex.Market, Protablets, Otzovik, iRecommend
  • Price: 1069 rubles.
  • Country Russia
  • Active ingredient: ademetionine
  • Packing volume: 20 tablets

The drug based on ademetionine contains the same dose of the drug as in the original Heptral tablets, but its price is almost 2 times lower. Doctors say that the Russian analogue practically does not differ from Heptral, helps with a large list of liver pathologies and rarely gives side effects.Many domestic experts call it the "gold standard" of hepatoprotectors. However, allergic patients should take the tablets with caution due to the risk of hypersensitivity reactions. In addition, the medicine is sold only by prescription, before buying it, you need to consult and prescribe a doctor.

Pros and cons
  • Available analogue of Heptral
  • Good digestibility
  • Improves well-being and mood
  • Acceptable price
  • May cause allergies
  • prescription drug

Top 2. Heptral

Rating (2022): 4.55
Accounted for 509 reviews from resources: Yandex.Market, Protablets, Ozone, Otzovik
Choice of Doctors

The drug is recommended by gastroenterologists and hepatologists as a potent drug with a strong evidence base.

  • Price: 1825 rubles.
  • Country: Italy
  • Active ingredient: ademetionine
  • Packing volume: 20 tablets

One of the best hepatoprotectors, according to professionals. Heptral has a proven clinical effect, is used in most acute and chronic pathologies. The drug supports the liver during chemotherapy and other aggressive drugs. An additional effect of the pills is the stabilization of mood and the fight against depression, which has been repeatedly confirmed in practice. Since liver diseases are often accompanied by depressed mood and psychasthenia, Heptral is considered an ideal remedy. However, not everyone can afford the cost of the drug, especially given the long course of administration, which forces doctors to look for cheaper analogues.

Pros and cons
  • High efficiency
  • Suitable for all liver diseases
  • Prevents drug hepatotoxicity
  • Antidepressant effect
  • Overcharge

Top 1. Glutargin Alkoklin

Rating (2022): 4.63
Accounted for 47 reviews from resources: Yandex.Market, Ozone
Emergency aid

An effective drug for relieving hangover symptoms and preventing alcoholic liver damage.

  • Price: 529 rubles.
  • Country Ukraine
  • Active ingredient: arginine glutamate
  • Packing volume: 10 sachets

It is useful to have such a tool in the first-aid kit for quickly stopping alcohol intoxication and improving well-being after a feast. The powder is available in portioned sachets for quick preparation of a treatment solution. It has a pleasant taste and aroma, so there are no problems with application. Patients who have tried Glutargin Alkoklin note a quick hangover effect. In addition, the drug can be used for other types of poisoning to maintain liver health and prevent toxic damage to hepatocytes. The use of the drug is sometimes accompanied by skin reactions (itching, rash), with the appearance of which the drug is immediately canceled.

Pros and cons
  • Fast action
  • Alcohol harm prevention
  • Convenient release form
  • It is used for any intoxication
  • Adverse skin reactions

The best hepatoprotectors with UDCA

Top 3. Urdox

Rating (2022): 4.35
Accounted for 88 reviews from resources: Yandex.Market, Protablets, Otzovik, iRecommend
  • Price: 799 rubles.
  • Country Russia
  • Active ingredient: ursodeoxycholic acid
  • Packing volume: 50 capsules

The drug showed itself well in the treatment of cholangitis, dyskinesia of the bile ducts, biliary cirrhosis of the liver, cholelithiasis. The agent demonstrates moderate efficacy, which corresponds to the dosage of UDCA in capsules. Doctors do not often prescribe this medicine, in comparison with the more popular Ursosan and Ursofalk, but its good effect leaves no doubt.The main disadvantage of Urdox is pain in the upper abdomen with regular intake of capsules. To eliminate this side effect, doctors prescribe antispasmodics, and with cholecystitis, the hepatoprotector is combined with antibiotics.

Pros and cons
  • Good healing effect
  • Eliminates bile stasis
  • Dissolves small stones
  • Helps with hepatitis
  • Side effects from the gastrointestinal tract

Top 2. Ursofalk

Rating (2022): 4.37
Accounted for 166 reviews from resources: Yandex.Market, Otzovik, iRecommend
concentrated preparation

The drug contains 2 times more UDCA than Russian analogues, has a powerful effect in various types of hepatobiliary pathology.

  • Price: 1817 rubles.
  • Country: Germany
  • Active ingredient: ursodeoxycholic acid
  • Packing volume: 50 tablets

The most powerful drug from the UDCA group available on the Russian pharmaceutical market, which is recommended by doctors for serious hepatobiliary pathology. The manufacturer produces Ursofalk in the form of tablets and suspensions. The tablet form is more convenient to use, and the solution is absorbed faster and has better bioavailability. The medicine works well for biliary dyskinesia, as prescribed by the doctor, Ursofalk is used to dissolve small stones in the gallbladder and ducts. Doctors warn that when using the drug, itching often occurs, for the relief of which it is necessary to use antihistamines.

Pros and cons
  • High concentration
  • strong effect
  • Large list of indications
  • Different forms of release
  • Causes skin itching
  • Expensive drug

Top 1. Ursosan

Rating (2022): 4.40
Accounted for 229 reviews from resources: Yandex.Market, Protablets, Otzovik, iRecommend
The most famous UDCA

The Russian drug is included in most clinical recommendations as a hepatoprotector and a remedy for gallstone disease.

  • Price: 771 rubles.
  • Country Russia
  • Active ingredient: ursodeoxycholic acid
  • Packing volume: 50 capsules

The drug normalizes the functioning of the liver and gallbladder, recommended by doctors as the best medicine for cholelithiasis. With the right selection of dosage and treatment regimen, it provides a strong effect. Patients should be aware that Ursosan has a powerful choleretic effect, therefore, at the beginning of administration, pain and discomfort often occur in the right hypochondrium. To achieve a lasting improvement in well-being and normalization of laboratory tests, you will need to take capsules for 3-4 months. Ursosan is widely known among buyers, is considered the drug of choice for diseases of the liver and gallbladder. An additional effect is the cleansing of the skin from rashes, if their appearance is associated with digestive disorders.

Pros and cons
  • The choice of doctors for cholelithiasis
  • Persistent healing effect
  • Help with cholestasis
  • Helps with skin rashes
  • Long course of treatment
Which hepatoprotector do you consider the best?
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