10 best septic tanks for non-permanent living

The device of an autonomous sewage system in a country house of non-permanent residence requires a special approach. To achieve comfortable conditions, it is not at all necessary to install expensive deep biological treatment plants. We have compiled a rating of the best septic tanks for suburban areas, where they come exclusively for weekends or during holidays.

The best anaerobic septic tanks

1 Rodlex BioBox TOR 1500 4.90
The easiest installation
2 Uponor Sako 2 4.75
Best price
3 Tver LITE 1 4.54
The optimum ratio of price and quality
4 Unilos Cedar 5 4.28
Long service interval
5 Rostock Zagorodny 4.10
most popular septic tank

The best storage tanks

1 FloTenk-EN-5 4.78
Maximum structural strength
2 Storage tank TERRA AQUA 4 4.62
Excellent frost resistance
3 Accumulative septic tank Titan-N 3.5 4.40
Long service life
4 RODLEX-S3000 4.27
High quality container
5 Thermite Accumulator 3.0 4.05
Best budget storage

Now in the market of autonomous sewers stations of deep biological treatment are actively promoted. Such installations really have impressive advantages - a high degree of purification, compact size and the absence of unpleasant odors. However, for the normal operation of the station, permanent residence and a stable connection to the electrical network are required. Otherwise, aerobic bacteria will die, with the help of which wastewater is processed.It will take some time to restore the microflora - from two to three weeks, depending on the specific model. Also, let's not forget about the high cost of stations, which significantly exceeds the cost of installing other autonomous treatment facilities.

If you do not plan to use a country house or cottage for permanent residence, it is better to consider the following options for a sewerage device:

Storage tanks - a modern analogue of cesspools, which is a sealed tank made of polymeric materials. This design prevents the penetration of effluents into the ground with subsequent contamination of the site. Unlike septic tanks and biological treatment plants, storage tanks are able to accept any waste, regardless of chemical composition. The only drawback of the solution is the need to periodically call sewage equipment.

Anaerobic septic tanks - autonomous treatment facilities that operate without electricity. Waste processing is carried out through the separation of fractions and the use of anaerobic bacteria that do not require oxygen access. Such a system does not allow to achieve a high degree of purification, therefore, clarified effluents are sent to filtration fields or drainage wells. Such structures occupy a fairly large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site, which must be taken into account when designing sewers.

In the basic version, anaerobic septic tanks operate without electricity - the effluents are supplied for post-treatment by gravity. Drainage pumps are offered as an option for owners of country houses and cottages located in areas with a high level of groundwater.

The best anaerobic septic tanks

The ideal solution for seasonal living - such models are designed for significant daily volumes of effluents. Septic tanks need periodic pumping, but this procedure does not need to be carried out too often. It is also necessary to carefully study the manufacturer's recommendations - some models need warming before winter.

Top 5. Rostock Zagorodny

Rating (2022): 4.10
most popular septic tank

The name of the model speaks for itself - the septic tank is ideal for summer cottages and country houses of non-permanent residence.

  • Average price: 49800 rubles.
  • Country Russia
  • Productivity: 0.80 m3/day
  • Volume: 2.40 m3
  • Dimensions (L/W/H): 2.00/1.30/2.22 m
  • Weight: 140 kg

A simple and reliable two-chamber septic tank in a one-piece housing made using rotational molding technology. The cylindrical shape allows even distribution of ground pressure on the hull, reducing the likelihood of deformation. The design of the septic tank includes a special overflow module and flow dampers that provide efficient separation of wastewater. Mesh and sorption filter can significantly increase the degree of purification. Even despite the high price, in comparison with similar products, due to the high performance, the septic tank is in stable demand among the owners of summer cottages.

Pros and cons
  • Robust construction
  • No welds
  • Cylindrical body
  • Mesh and sorption filter
  • Non-competitive cost

Top 4. Unilos Cedar 5

Rating (2022): 4.28
Long service interval

During operation, the septic tank practically does not require the intervention of the owner - maintenance is reduced to pumping out the sediment, which is carried out once every two years.

  • Average price: 49700 rubles.
  • Country Russia
  • Productivity: 1.00 m3/day
  • Volume: 3.50 m3
  • Dimensions (L/W/H): 1.20/1.20/3.00 m
  • Weight: 150 kg

A practical autonomous sewer that is suitable for most suburban areas with normal soil. It is necessary to take into account the large height of the septic tank, reaching three meters. In some cases, it will be better to use horizontal models from Unilos. The septic tank is made of thick-sheet polypropylene, which has a long service life and high thermal insulation properties. This allows you to safely leave the septic tank for the winter without additional insulation. The internal space of the tank is divided into four chambers, in which the effluents are sequentially cleaned. The advantage is the absence of unpleasant odors.

Pros and cons
  • Ease of maintenance
  • Long service life
  • Cold resistance
  • No odors
  • Septic tank height

Top 3. Tver LITE 1

Rating (2022): 4.54
The optimum ratio of price and quality

Tver's septic tanks are popular with residents of the private sector due to the optimal balance between cost and performance.

  • Average price: 63500 rubles.
  • Country Russia
  • Productivity: 1.00 m3/day
  • Volume: 2.00 m3
  • Dimensions (L/W/H): 2.45/1.10/1.67 m
  • Weight: 150 kg

The basic treatment plant of the engineering company, which is designed to work without electricity. Externally, the septic tank does not differ from biological treatment plants - the developers decided to keep the horizontal design and the successful shape of the hull.The container itself is made of polypropylene sheet with a thickness of five millimeters, which is much less compared to competitors. To compensate for this shortcoming, manufacturers have installed massive stiffeners around the entire perimeter of the case. Massive lugs also deserve mention, which allow you to install a septic tank in heaving soils without additional anchoring, which has a positive effect on the cost of installation.

Pros and cons
  • Affordable price
  • Hull shape
  • Stiffening rib
  • Grousers
  • Wall thickness

Top 2. Uponor Sako 2

Rating (2022): 4.75
Best price

A proven solution from a well-known Finnish manufacturer of engineering communications at the price of domestically produced models.

  • Average price: 122220 rubles.
  • Country: Finland
  • Productivity: 1.00 m3/day
  • Volume: 2.00 m3
  • Dimensions (L/W/H): 2.80/1.20/1.75 m
  • Weight: 166 kg

The septic tank is made of high-density polyethylene by centrifugal casting. The design includes three tanks connected in series, in which sedimentation and wastewater treatment are carried out. The quality of the model meets the requirements of world standards - the case is able to withstand significant loads and does not require additional insulation before winter. The design provides for the possibility of increasing the neck to increase the installation depth of the septic tank. High performance allows you to safely use any household appliances without the risk of flooding the system. If you decide to purchase this model, you must take into account that the number of official representatives of the company in Russia is small. To avoid service problems, check the location of the nearest dealers.

Pros and cons
  • Septic tank from Finland
  • High quality
  • Climate resistance
  • Work productivity
  • Difficulties with warranty service

Top 1. Rodlex BioBox TOR 1500

Rating (2022): 4.90
The easiest installation

A special spherical shape and special structural elements make it possible to do without the use of a concrete slab and sand-cement mixture when installing a septic tank.

  • Average price: 68760 rubles.
  • Country Russia
  • Productivity: 0.50 m3/day
  • Volume: 1.50 m3
  • Dimensions (L/W/H): 1.50/1.50/2.00 m
  • Weight: 90 kg

A compact septic tank is ideal for autonomous sewerage at private sector facilities with permanent residence of three people. The model is designed for normal soils, in which aquifers are located at a depth of more than two meters. The septic tank works without electricity - the movement of liquid inside the tank, as well as the removal of clarified drains, is carried out by gravity. The design includes a biofilter of our own design, which is characterized by a large surface area and porosity of the structure. It prevents the removal of activated sludge and increases the efficiency of wastewater treatment.

Pros and cons
  • Unique Shape
  • Ease of installation
  • Compact dimensions
  • Innovative biofilter
  • Not suitable for high ground water

The best storage tanks

The best option for giving, which is visited on weekends and holidays. Due to the low water consumption, pumping out the tank will have to be carried out no more than once a year. At the same time, it is not recommended to select compact models - the storage capacity should be comparable to the volume of a sewage truck.

Top 5. Thermite Accumulator 3.0

Rating (2022): 4.05
Best budget storage

The optimal solution in the segment of affordable storage tanks with decent performance.

  • Average price: from 52700 rubles.
  • Country Russia
  • Volume: 3.00 m3
  • Dimensions (L/W/H): 1.80/1.52/2.11 m
  • Weight: 120 kg

Universal storage underground tank with high environmental cleanliness, which can be used for various tasks - from water storage to wastewater accumulation. The rugged one-piece body eliminates the possibility of body rupture, and the radial ends are highly resistant to ground pressure. Tanks are designed taking into account the expected loads and without fail undergo hydrodynamic tests, which eliminates the possibility of purchasing defective products. Compared to competitors, the model is lightweight, so during installation it is necessary to anchor the container. This will securely fix the tank in the ground.

Pros and cons
  • Affordable cost
  • Application versatility
  • Rugged housing
  • Hydrodynamic tests
  • The need for anchoring

Top 4. RODLEX-S3000

Rating (2022): 4.27
High quality container

Rodlex storage tanks are rotationally molded from low-density polyethylene, which is characterized by high elasticity and a wide operating temperature range.

  • Average price: from 67410 rubles.
  • Country Russia
  • Volume: 3.00 m3
  • Dimensions (L/W/H): 2.14/1.48/1.53 m
  • Weight: 100 kg

The cylindrical shape and the absence of welding seams provide high resistance to external ground pressure. The special shape of the housing guarantees ease of insertion and absolute tightness of the sewer pipe. The revision hole of the drive is equipped with a screw cap, which allows you to save the owner from unpleasant odors.Given the small volume of the tank, the model is recommended to be installed in small country houses of periodic residence. It is also allowed to use a container for separating wastewater. For seasonal living, it is better to choose a larger drive.

Pros and cons
  • No welds
  • Wide temperature range
  • Convenience of sewer pipe entry
  • Odor Protection
  • Small capacity

Top 3. Accumulative septic tank Titan-N 3.5

Rating (2022): 4.40
Long service life

The body of the tank is made of primary raw materials - sheet polypropylene of increased thickness, which is characterized by high chemical and corrosion resistance.

  • Average price: from 58,000 rubles.
  • Country Russia
  • Volume: 3.50 m3
  • Dimensions (L/W/H): 2.70/1.25/1.25 m
  • Weight: 263 kg

The design of the tanks is reinforced with metal-plastic stiffening ribs, which allows these tanks to be installed in any areas, regardless of the level of groundwater. A special seam welding technology guarantees absolute tightness of the structure throughout the entire service life. This is evidenced by an extended warranty from the manufacturer, valid for five years. Despite the fairly affordable cost, containers are not very popular with summer cottage owners and residents of the private sector due to expensive installation. If the work is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer, the installation costs will be comparable to the cost of the tank itself.

Pros and cons
  • Polypropylene containers
  • Long service life
  • Metal-plastic stiffening ribs
  • Guarantee period
  • Installation cost

Top 2. Storage tank TERRA AQUA 4

Rating (2022): 4.62
Excellent frost resistance

The company produces accumulators from spiral-wound HDPE pipes, which retain high strength characteristics in a wide temperature range.

  • Average price: from 80,000 rubles.
  • Country Russia
  • Volume: 4.00 m3
  • Dimensions (L/W/H): 1.75/1.75/2.25 m
  • Weight: 180 kg

The best option for private houses of non-permanent residence, located in regions with difficult operating conditions. Due to the high wall thickness, the container does not need conservation before the onset of cold weather. Tanks are made exclusively from primary raw materials, which ensures environmental safety and a long service life of the drive. The manufacturer offers users neck extensions for the convenience of connecting communications and free access to equipment. The owners have no comments on the quality and reliability of the drives. Some users find the vertical orientation of the tank unfortunate, which limits the ability to install the tank in difficult soils.

Pros and cons
  • High strength
  • Wide temperature range
  • Wall thickness
  • Environmental Safety
  • Drive Vertical Orientation

Top 1. FloTenk-EN-5

Rating (2022): 4.78
Maximum structural strength

Tanks are made of fiberglass - a durable composite material that can withstand significant loads.

  • Average price: from 99,000 rubles.
  • Country Russia
  • Volume: 5.00 m3
  • Dimensions (L/W/H): 2.70/1.60/1.60 m
  • Weight: 240 kg

You can verify the reliability of the tank design by a simple visual inspection. To successfully withstand external and internal loads, the tank does not require stiffening ribs - a cylindrical shape is enough to evenly distribute pressure.High strength makes it possible to install fiberglass tanks on any objects of non-permanent residence, regardless of the geological features of the site. The manufacturer offers a wide range of accessories that will allow you to control the liquid level or insulate the container before cold winters. The only drawback of fiberglass storage tanks is their low specific gravity, so the tank is mounted on a monolithic concrete base. Otherwise, the container may be squeezed out of the ground, especially with a high location of aquifers.

Pros and cons
  • Fiberglass container
  • Rugged construction
  • Application versatility
  • Accessories
  • Difficulty of installation

Comparative table of rating participants

Volume, m3Dimensions (L/W/H), m
Weight, kgCountryAverage price, rub.
Titan-N 3.5
Thermite Accumulator 3.0
Rodlex BioBox TOR 1500
Uponor Sako 2
Tver LITE 1
Unilos Cedar 5
Rostock Zagorodny
Which company produces the best septic tanks for non-permanent living?
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Attention! The above information is not a buying guide. For any advice, you should contact the experts!

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