15 Best Baby Monitors of 2020



Characteristic in the rating

The best inexpensive baby monitors: budget up to 3,500 rubles.

1 Alcatel Baby Link 100 Best battery life (14 hours)
2 Balio МВ-03 Best Range (400m)
3 Motorola MBP160 popular model
4 Maman BM2000 Excellent value for money and quality
5 VTech BM1100 The most convenient for active parents

The best baby monitors in the middle price category: budget up to 7,000 rubles.

1 Philips AVENT SCD506/52 The most technological
2 Maman BM2300 Best case design, good functionality
3 Beurer BY84 High reliability
4 LAICA BC2002 Decent quality, great choice for small apartments
5 Summer Babble Band Impossible to lose, technological device

The best premium baby monitors: budget up to 15,000 rubles.

1 Ramili Baby RV1200SP2 Full control over the child's condition
2 Philips AVENT SCD580/00 Extended battery life (18 hours)
3 Switel BCC58 Excellent signal quality
4 Miniland Digitalk Luxe Most needed modern features
5 Miniland Digitalk Premium Huge number of settings

For caring and worried parents, special devices were invented - baby monitors. This device has been known for many years. The device consists of two blocks: children's and parent. The first is installed in the child's room to transmit sounds from there to the second.If you don't have a baby monitor yet, our rating based on expert opinions and user reviews will help you choose one. Coming to the store, buyers are often lost at the sight of a large amount of goods. To choose the model that best suits you according to all criteria, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Radius of action device. The place of actual use should be taken into account. For a country house, a large coverage area is needed. In a typical apartment, a range of 30-50 m will be enough.
  2. Source of power. Rechargeable devices are preferred. Batteries will last much less, and money will often go out of the budget to buy them.
  3. Notification system: sound, light and/or vibration signals. It is advisable to choose devices not with one, but with several options. A light indicator or vibration will be very convenient at the moments when you need to turn down or turn off the sound.

We have compiled a rating of the best baby monitors in different price categories. The following factors were taken into account in the selection:

  • value for money;
  • functionality;
  • survey results;
  • parent feedback.

The best inexpensive baby monitors: budget up to 3,500 rubles.

The inexpensive segment does not always lose in terms of technical characteristics to the rest. Among the models of baby monitors on the market, you can find many devices that optimally combine cost, necessary functionality and good quality. At the same time, they will differ from analogues with a high price only in a smaller set of various kinds of "bells and whistles".

5 VTech BM1100

The most convenient for active parents
Country: China
Average price: 2 349 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.4

4 Maman BM2000

Excellent value for money and quality
Country: Russia
Average price: 3 175 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5

3 Motorola MBP160

popular model
Country: USA
Average price: 2 520 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6

The baby monitor is a real helper for parents. While the baby is sleeping, mom can go about her business in another room, and this unique device will notify her if the baby wakes up. The efficiency of the work depends on the quality of the signal. All models are divided into two classes: analog and digital. We learned what their differences are, as well as what advantages and disadvantages each type has.

Device class




+ Simple controls

+ Low cost

+ Good range

- Sensitivity to interference


+ Best sound quality

+ A large number of functions and settings

+ No interference signal

- High price

2 Balio МВ-03

Best Range (400m)
Country: China
Average price: 2 900 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

1 Alcatel Baby Link 100

Best battery life (14 hours)
Country: France
Average price: 2 180 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

The best baby monitors in the middle price category: budget up to 7,000 rubles.

The middle price category includes models that optimally combine cost and quality. They are more durable and reliable than budget ones, but in terms of functionality they are already close to premium ones. Baby monitors of the middle category provide continuous monitoring of the baby. Most often, they are equipped with a convenient fastening on the parent unit, designed specifically for clothing.

5 Summer Babble Band

Impossible to lose, technological device
Country: China
Average price: 6 150 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5

4 LAICA BC2002

Decent quality, great choice for small apartments
Country: China
Average price: 4 299 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.4

3 Beurer BY84

High reliability
Country: Germany
Average price: 3 790 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6

2 Maman BM2300

Best case design, good functionality
Country: Russia
Average price: RUB 3,559
Rating (2022): 4.7

1 Philips AVENT SCD506/52

The most technological
Country: Netherlands
Average price: 5 000 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

The best premium baby monitors: budget up to 15,000 rubles.

Premium lines provide a choice of devices that have a wide range of additional features. These can be baby monitors with wireless breathing monitors, the ability to measure the temperature in the children's room, light signals and much more. If you need just such a multifunctional device, then pay attention to the leaders of this rating category.

5 Miniland Digitalk Premium

Huge number of settings
Country: Spain
Average price: RUB 8,844
Rating (2022): 4.5

4 Miniland Digitalk Luxe

Most needed modern features
Country: Spain
Average price: 7 140 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

3 Switel BCC58

Excellent signal quality
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 7 299 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

2 Philips AVENT SCD580/00

Extended battery life (18 hours)
Country: Netherlands
Average price: RUB 9,330
Rating (2022): 4.8

1 Ramili Baby RV1200SP2

Full control over the child's condition
Country: Great Britain
Average price: 12 200 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Popular vote - who is the best manufacturer of baby monitors?
Total voted: 83
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Attention! The above information is not a buying guide. For any advice, you should contact the experts!

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