The best orthopedic mattress - Ascona, Consul, Dimax or Ormatek?

1. Bed load

What can be the weight of a person sleeping on a mattress
RatingsDimax: 4.9, Ormatek: 4.9, Consul: 4.8, Ascona: 4.7, Dreamline: 4.6, Lonax: 4.6

Family Care, Ascona

Most Popular Brand

Askona is one of the most popular manufacturers and sellers of mattresses in Russia.

2. Rigidity

How firm are the compared mattresses?
RatingsDimax: 4.9, Consul: 4.9, Ascona: 4.9, Dreamline: 4.9, Ormatek: 4.8, Lonax 4.8

Multi Class, Consul

Best stiffness

This mattress has optimal rigidity due to 3 cm of coconut coir and 1320 independent springs per bed.

3. Number of springs

How many springs per bed
RatingsDimax: 4.9, Consul: 4.8, Dreamline: 4.7, Lonax: 4.7, Ascona: 4.7, Ormatek: 4.6

Dream 3 S1000, Dreamline

10 year warranty on springs

For the serviceability of the springs and wires in the design of the mattress, Dreamline gives a whole 10-year warranty without any reservations.
Rating member: 10 Best Coconut Mattresses

4. Additional materials

What else is included in the design, in addition to the block of independent springs
RatingsLonax: 4.9, Ormatek: 4.8, Dimax: 4.7, Dreamline: 4.7, Consul: 4.6, Ascona: 4.5

5. Dimensions

Height, length and width options, weight
RatingsOrmatek: 4.9, Lonax: 4.8, Dreamline: 4.8, Ascona: 4.7, Consul: 4.7, Dimax: 4.7

Orto Premium Hard, Ormatek


The height of the mattress from "Ormatek" is 29 cm, which is noticeably higher than most analogues.
Rating member: 10 best hard mattresses

6. Case

What features does the case have
RatingsLonax: 4.9, Consul: 4.8, Ormatek: 4.8, Dimax: 4.7, Dreamline: 4.6, Ascona: 4.6

7. Service life and warranty

What warranty does the manufacturer give?
RatingsDimax: 4.9, Lonax: 4.9, Dreamline: 4.8, Consul: 4.7, Ormatek: 4.6, Ascona: 4.6

Micro Hard, Dimax

Warranty 3 years

The firm "Dimax" gives a 3-year warranty on the mattress "Micro Hard" without any reservations and additional conditions.
Rating member: 10 best hard mattresses

8. Price

Which mattress is more affordable using the size 90x200 as an example
RatingsLonax: 4.9, Dreamline: 4.8, Dimax: 4.7, Ascona: 4.7, Consul: 4.7, Ormatek: 4.6

Cocos Medium Light S1000, Lonax

Best price

This mattress is the most affordable of those participating in the comparison.

9. Comparison results

Which mattress was the winner of the comparison
Popular vote - which brand of orthopedic mattress is better?
Total voted: 1
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Pay attention! The results of comparisons are the developments of the author of the material, are for informational purposes and should not serve as a guide to buying. For advice, you should contact the experts!

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