Top 10 Business Books



Characteristic in the rating

TOP 10 business books

1 From good to great One of the best business books of all time
2 The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People World bestseller
3 The art of making deals Strong motivation, lots of useful information
4 Blue ocean strategy. How to find or create a market free from other players A different look at building business models
5 Small business. From illusions to success. Return to the myth of entrepreneurship Description of franchising technologies, the idea of ​​a business without the participation of the owner
6 My own MBA. Self-education 100% An excellent assistant in self-development and assessment of one's capabilities
7 Rework Business without prejudice Useful book for beginners, taking into account modern possibilities
8 Business from scratch. Lean Startup method for quickly testing ideas and choosing a business model Innovative methodology for choosing a business model
9 Clients for life Detailed study of doing business with a focus on key customers
10 The richest man in Babylon Unusual form of narration, cautionary tales


The development of their own business is of interest to many modern people of any age. The way to achieve high goals lies through overcoming difficulties, gaining new knowledge and skills. Someone enters the business Olympus at a young age, while someone needs more time. The best way to learn how to organize a job, create a company and make a good profit is to read the advice of people who have already achieved all this.Business books have been popular at all times, but are especially relevant in modern times. They teach you to navigate in the field of entrepreneurship, motivate you to constantly work on yourself and self-development, as well as setting the right goals. Business is an art with a fine line between resilient algorithms and a fickle human approach. The authors of such books explain complex business mechanisms in simple language. Plunging into the reasoning of professionals, a person begins to think more productively, and his goals no longer seem so unattainable. We have compiled a list of tips to help you choose the right business book:

  1. Author business books must have a successful entrepreneurial experience in order to give advice in this area. The best publications are written by real "sharks" of business, the heads of huge corporations, famous coaches and startup leaders.
  2. Who is it aimed at the book is important. Some of them will be useful only at the initial stage of organizing your business, others give practical advice on how to start your own business, others will suit already experienced managers and reveal a lot of new interesting information.
  3. Reviews. Reader reviews can say a lot about a particular book, its effectiveness and usefulness.
  4. Topic books can affect business in its various manifestations. Some publications are devoted to personnel management and the correct building of relationships in a team, others talk about motivating employees, and others teach the intricacies of doing business from the economic component.

Below is the top best business books of all time. When compiling it, the following factors were taken into account:

  • reader reviews;
  • publication quality;
  • the presence of new ideas in the field of entrepreneurship;
  • amount of useful information.

TOP 10 business books

10 The richest man in Babylon

Unusual form of narration, cautionary tales
Author: George Clason
Book price: 250 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5

The book "The Richest Man in Babylon" is a kind of parable from which you can take out a lot of useful information and draw the right conclusions. The author believes that the success of any person primarily depends on his ability to save and increase money. Through stories, he conveys to the reader about the most important points: diligence, perseverance. It even analyzed how to properly pay off debts. The book is dominated by the idea of ​​unlimited and equal opportunities for any person. Everyone can succeed in the right area and at the same time in money matters.

The publication will be especially useful for those who do not know how to manage their finances and live from paycheck to paycheck. From here you can learn how to properly allocate the budget, how to become a wealthy person and how to take a different look at making money. The book is suitable for a wide range of readers. Reviews are mostly positive. The story is told in simple, understandable language. Pros: Lots of instructive stories, unusual storytelling, positive reviews, helpful tips for gaining financial freedom.

9 Clients for life

Detailed study of doing business with a focus on key customers
Author: Carl Sewell, Paul Brown
Book price: 900 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5

The authors of the following book are themselves successful entrepreneurs. They were able to increase sales to enormous proportions by focusing on their customers. C. Sewell and P.Brown put them at the center of their business strategy and advise their readers to do the same. The book provides a real guide to organizing the work of the company, merchandising, marketing, and most importantly - working with clients. The key to running a successful business is focusing on your loyal customers. The authors believe that it is constant sales and the mood for them that can make the enterprise as stable as possible.

The reader is invited to pay attention in the company even to such things as the cleanliness of the working premises, wages, organization of the work process, etc. Only after revising their views on all these little things, the entrepreneur will be able to strengthen his business. A book has been created for those who have encountered obstacles in developing their business and those who are just starting their project. Main advantages: focus on key customers, non-standard approach to doing business, practical advice on organizing work, the best reviews from readers.

8 Business from scratch. Lean Startup method for quickly testing ideas and choosing a business model

Innovative methodology for choosing a business model
Author: Eric Rees
Book price: 500 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6

Entrepreneurial author Eric Rees has written a breakthrough book describing a systematic approach to doing business. Everything here is based on personal experience - this is the value of the publication. After reading, people change their minds about the organization of processes in business. The book will be especially useful for those who have started or are planning their startup. It can be read by both experienced businessmen and just beginning entrepreneurs. The author calls for following a well-planned methodology, thinking about each step.

The fulfillment of these conditions, in conjunction with the advice from the book, will certainly lead to success in projects.The main technique described by Eric Rees is the Lean Startup Idea. It consists in quickly testing new ideas on real customers in order to continuously improve the business model. Large investments should not be made immediately, for this there is a certain point, which the author talks about. Advantages: innovative methodology, useful tips for organizing and improving business, suitable for a wide range of readers.

7 Rework Business without prejudice

Useful book for beginners, taking into account modern possibilities
Written by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson
Book price: 900 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6

More recently, the published book "Rework Business Without Prejudice" has already managed to get into the top of the best. It will be useful for beginners in the field of entrepreneurship and will reveal the secrets of successful business (simultaneously with the main work). Here are the principles that can help in the organization and implementation of projects. An important point - the authors are the creators of the legendary 37signals software. All their advice is based on personal experience and really works. Much attention is paid to the planning and development of the project. After reading, the reader is convinced that anyone can start a business.

The book offers a completely different view of building a business - more modern and most importantly free. You need to start the project at the moment of inspiration, and not later. Pages are read very quickly and easily. Everything is presented in simple, understandable language. The authors suggest running away from negatively pessimistic people who do not believe in new opportunities. The publication will also suit already established businessmen who need some kind of “push”.Advantages: useful information for beginners, a different look at the development and implementation of ideas, taking into account modern opportunities.

6 My own MBA. Self-education 100%

An excellent assistant in self-development and assessment of one's capabilities
Author: Josh Kaufman
Book price: 1000 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

Josh Kaufman introduced the world to a book whose main idea is to believe in yourself and realize the value of your personality. It belongs to the books on self-development and motivation, but also contains many useful practical tips for building business strategies. The author made a choice in favor of self-education instead of the usual courses and universities, he created himself. This textbook tells about how the enterprise works, what role people play in it. The reader will learn all the most important things about business systems. The entire text is aimed at ensuring that after reading, a person can successfully apply the basics of business practice in practice.

The publication is suitable for both novice businessmen and successful entrepreneurs. It shows that having a diploma is not an indicator of the effectiveness of a person and his business. The reader has the opportunity to achieve their goals faster, knowing how to get around some of the "traps" and "pits". This book truly teaches, not just tells. Advantages: help in evaluating your capabilities, alternative ways of doing business, interesting information.

5 Small business. From illusions to success. Return to the myth of entrepreneurship

Description of franchising technologies, the idea of ​​a business without the participation of the owner
Author: Michael Gerber
Book price: 800 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

Michael Gerber's book is suitable for any person associated with entrepreneurship, whether it is a student - the founder of a startup, or an experienced businessman.In it, the author devotes time to analyzing the effectiveness of a particular strategy, as well as ways to improve it. Unlike most of these publications, it has its own "zest" - lively dialogues with a young businesswoman. Readers will learn how, without changing the usual course of life, to establish, develop or improve their project. The main idea of ​​the author is how to create a business without further involvement of the owner.

Therefore, attention is especially paid to such a concept as franchising and a description of its technologies. Michael Gerber believes that far-fetched stereotypes can significantly interfere with the successful conduct of a case. He tells how this can be avoided and what needs to be done to make the business as successful as possible. Moreover, the book deals with both small and large enterprises. Pros: description of franchising technologies, lively dialogues, interesting ideas and tips.

4 Blue ocean strategy. How to find or create a market free from other players

A different look at building business models
Written by W. Chan Kim, René Mauborgne
Book price: 1200 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

One of the leaders of the top of the best - the book "Blue Ocean Strategy" - has sold about 2 million copies and has been translated into 40 languages. The authors pay great attention to the topic of competition. They compare it to the ocean, which has long been painted in an aggressive red color due to the intense struggle for the sympathy of customers. They offer their own business strategy and advise aspiring entrepreneurs to come up with something completely new - something that is in a clear blue ocean. The main way to solve existing problems in any company is to take it out of stressful competition.

The book details instructions for creating a different business model.After reading, entrepreneurs understand that they should not “survive” in their field, but should work differently. And the authors clearly explain how to do it. Although the book is a recent release, it is already considered one of the best business publications of all time. It is intended for those who want to become a leader in the business of the future. Pros: a different look at modern business models and competition, practical advice, detailed instructions, many positive reviews, an excellent book on motivation and self-development.

3 The art of making deals

Strong motivation, lots of useful information
Author: Donald Trump
Book price: 550 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

Now it is difficult to find a person who has not heard of Donald Trump. The legendary personality is a billionaire, a successful entrepreneur who managed to become the President of a superpower. The book offers to look at the world from its perspective. This is the very first edition of the author, sold out in huge numbers. It pays special attention to self-development, the formation of the personality of a successful businessman and his effectiveness. All the details are listed when achieving success in business. How the most important transactions are concluded, on which the result of the entrepreneur's work depends. After reading, you can notice a surge of inspiration and strength.

The book will be a revelation for anyone who likes to think big and is interested in entrepreneurship in various fields (especially construction and real estate). It is clear from the reviews that the book is not simple. She charges with incredible energy and pushes to new achievements. Trump managed to write an effective book on motivation and self-development. Main advantages: a lot of useful information, strong motivation, famous author, excellent reviews, dynamic narration.

2 The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

World bestseller
Author: Stephen Covey
Book price: 700 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

The legendary Stephen Covey is known to almost every entrepreneur. He is one of the top business, motivation and self-development authors of all time. The publication deals in detail with the concept of efficiency. The author surprisingly accurately and truthfully manages to lay out each of his statements. Readers cannot but agree with them. Many modern corporations use this book as mandatory reading for their employees. Thousands of employees of the most successful companies are guided by the principles of S. Covey. There are no empty promises here. Any goal requires perseverance, work and patience.

The main thesis put forward by the author is that every person can become better. Many people think that people do not change, but in fact it is possible, it is enough to improve key skills and develop new good habits. An important difference of the edition is practical tasks for readers. They teach you to set the right goals, because success largely depends on this. Main advantages: legendary edition, bestseller, effective advice, practical tasks, best reviews.

1 From good to great

One of the best business books of all time
Author: Jim Collins
Book price: 1400 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

Jim Collins is the author of the best books on business and motivation of all time. The total circulation of his publications exceeds 10 million. The author has been teaching and studying management for over 20 years. He analyzes the work of the most successful projects, including the world's largest corporations and the latest startups that instantly found themselves at the top. This book occupies a high position in the top of the best for a reason - it is considered a real guide to the world of business.The author analyzes the development of such popular companies as Gillette, Wells Fargo and others in such an interesting and detailed way that the reader can transfer the sequence of actions to his own business.

As examples, companies from the USA, created in the period from the mid-60s, were taken, which took off sharply and maintained their success for at least 15 years. The book lists 8 main elements of successful business. Among them is the “flywheel effect”, which shows that all the projects studied initially encounter difficulties, but by continuing to work hard, they manage to accelerate the flywheel. Advantages: Legendary publication, lots of practical advice, analysis of the most successful companies with a sharp rise, excellent reviews from experts, good motivation.

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