Top 20 Economics Books



Characteristic in the rating

The best domestic books on economics for beginners

1 The best domestic books on economics for beginners Just about complex
2 Hulinomics 3.0. Hooligan economy. Even thicker. Even longer The highest consumer demand
3 Economic history of Russia. Short course Interesting facts about the history of economic development in Russia
4 Tough economy. 37 unlearned lessons Best Reader Rating
5 informal employment. Origins, current state and development prospects "Hot" exploration of a difficult question

The best domestic books on economics for professionals

1 Integration of trade in Russia. Theory and practice Features of national trade
2 Innovation Environment of Large Russian Companies: Search for Interaction Mechanisms Best Description of Innovation Relationships
3 Black buffalo business An Insightful Inside Look: Competitive Struggle of Western Companies
4 Methods and models for detecting crisis situations in the economy Efficient diagnostic mechanisms are proposed
5 Modern transformational processes in international trade and Russia's interests Global Trends: Prospects for Russia

The best foreign books on economics for beginners

1 Conversations with my daughter about economics The Most Fascinating Essay on Economics
2 Economics for Dummies Detailed explanation of terms and concepts
3 Economics. How the economy works (and why it doesn't) in words and pictures Maximum visual effect of design
4 Economics in one lesson Myths and realities of the modern economy
5 Microeconomics High popularity

The best foreign books on economics for professionals

1 Economics of good and evil. Finding the Meaning of Economics from Gilgamesh to Wall Street Philosophical basis of economics
2 How rich countries got rich and why poor countries stay poor Light style of presentation of the topic
3 New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man New York Times bestseller
4 collapse. How a decade of financial crises changed the world Best Research on a Global Issue
5 Hacking the Economy Facts and evidence of a multi-level economy

Do you want to open your own business or a new direction in an existing one, but you feel a lack of knowledge? A difficult situation has arisen, the solution of which has already been described by experts and practitioners in the field of economics and finance? Interested in global processes that take place in the world system and affect the development of business in different countries? Whatever the reason, books on similar topics help both a businessman and a person far from the business environment to navigate in a rapidly changing economic environment, to avoid many mistakes, even at the household level.

However, for a comfortable perception of what is written when choosing a source of knowledge, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the title, the author, but also to the range of issues raised, which is marked with the headings indicated in the content, as well as the level of the readership. Our rating includes popular publications for beginners and advanced businessmen, all for whom this topic is a priority.

The best domestic books on economics for beginners

5 informal employment. Origins, current state and development prospects

"Hot" exploration of a difficult question
Authors: Nureev R.M., Akhmadeev D. R.
Book price: 1100 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6

Every country faces the concept of informal employment. What are the roots of the phenomenon, what forms it takes, how it can be controlled - these and many other questions are answered by the most unique edition. You will also learn about global trends in the shadow economy and what needs to be done to reduce the scale of the sector, which sometimes takes on unpredictable forms.

The book is of interest to those who are ready for thoughtful reading and understanding of the content. The authors do not offer peremptory recipes, but help to understand the essence of the phenomenon and indicate possible ways to resolve the issue. The publication is qualitatively illustrated, for convenience and clarity it has tables.

4 Tough economy. 37 unlearned lessons

Best Reader Rating
Author: Potapenko D.V.
Book price: 550 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

That unique case when a freshly-baked edition can be recommended not only to "dummies" businessmen, but also to those who have already gained some experience. It wittyly draws parallels between different countries in a wide historical range, and all this is projected onto the Russian economic reality. It turns out that the same phenomena of business life are observed at first glance in dissimilar countries.

You can find out how they affect the modern development of economies by reading 272 pages of a fascinating study conducted jointly with the President of the E-commerce Russia Association Alexander Ivanov. As a pleasant bonus, readers will find a forecast for the formation of a business microclimate in Russia for the near-term strategic perspective.

3 Economic history of Russia. Short course

Interesting facts about the history of economic development in Russia
Author: Bykov A. Yu.
Book price: 185 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

To understand the features of the modern economic structure in Russia, you need to familiarize yourself with the historical background. 11 chronologically consecutive periods of development are described in a fascinating manner. However, the publication requires thoughtful, philosophical reflection when reading. Subtle humor is not in the spotlight here, while the style of presentation of facts cannot be called monotonous.

The illustrated guide for businessmen taking their first steps and everyone who is attracted by this topic is well thought out in terms of composition, clearly structured, contains interesting headings that fully reflect the essence. In conclusion, conclusions are presented in the field of micro- and macroeconomics, the connection with the events of world history is shown, an overview and forecast of the development of the digital segment are given.

2 Hulinomics 3.0. Hooligan economy. Even thicker. Even longer

The highest consumer demand
Author: Markov A. V.
Book price: 500 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

In a publication designed for the general reader, everything is unusual: an enticing and somewhat shocking title, a sparkling author's style, curious and not so secrets not only of directors of small companies, but also of market giants, as well as crowned monarchs who do not remain aloof from economic realities. . On 480 white dense pages, which are pleasant to the touch, you will learn about global phenomena that entail a chain of events, and about "little things" that only at first glance are such.

Talking about the hooligan economy, the author allows himself to serve it with a spicy sauce in the form of separate obscene expressions. How to deal with this is up to you.However, the reading is very entertaining and useful for an initial acquaintance with the topic. Have a fun time!

1 The best domestic books on economics for beginners

Just about complex
Author: Shishkin S. S.
Book price: 185 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

The most original publication on the selection and presentation of material for ordinary people and beginner sharks of the business sector occupies a high line in the rating due to the thoughtful selection of questions for coverage, clear structure and sequence of presentation. You won't get bored with this book. Written in a very bright, accessible language, it reveals the basic concepts and phenomena in the economy, helps to link together seemingly different things and events using concrete examples.

The publication reveals the essence of common terms that are used not only by highly specialized specialists. Small in volume (120 pages), the manual has a high-quality cover with flaps, the inner block is artistically decorated with illustrations.

The best domestic books on economics for professionals

5 Modern transformational processes in international trade and Russia's interests

Global Trends: Prospects for Russia
Author: Spartak A. N.
Book price: 1750 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

For professional businessmen working in foreign markets, this is a useful publication. It contains many interesting facts about the impact of digitalization and modern technologies on global economic processes. The value of the publication lies in the fact that the author traces the features of Russian non-commodity exports, its prospects depending on transformational influences.

Not only goods, but also services, technologies form global trends and determine the shape of the economic map of the world, at least in the short term. The publication is quite voluminous (456 pages), focused on a trained reader, popular science style.

4 Methods and models for detecting crisis situations in the economy

Efficient diagnostic mechanisms are proposed
Authors: Ivanyuk V. A., Abdikeev N. M., Grineva N. V.
Book price: 1600 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

The disease is easier to fight, as you know, if its early symptoms are correctly diagnosed. How to anticipate the onset of crisis phenomena on the first prerequisites, neutralize the negative impact on business and determine the timing of the completion of the black period, is described in this monograph. To facilitate perception, the information is clearly classified, crisis models that work well in the economy are proposed.

The anti-crisis mechanism is also shown to regulate the work of the banking system, which is sensitive to such phenomena. All the material presented in the publication is perfectly structured, easily perceived, and after reading it, there are no clarifying questions left. Therefore, we can consider the best manual on this topic as a guide to action.

3 Black buffalo business

An Insightful Inside Look: Competitive Struggle of Western Companies
Author: Sokolov D.
Book price: 390 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

The publication is written in such a vivid language that it resembles an art bestseller in which American business is the main character. A war without rules allows large companies to get their place under the sun in the markets of other countries.Each businessman learns a lot of new things for himself, because western buffaloes rush forward, not noticing obstacles, using non-standard techniques.

Such tactics bring success if each employee of the company has fully absorbed the spirit of corporate solidarity and is capable of much to achieve results. On 208 pages, the plot unfolds, filled with detective riddles, lyrical digressions and secret technologies. The publication can also be recommended for beginning practitioners in the field of foreign economic activity.

2 Innovation Environment of Large Russian Companies: Search for Interaction Mechanisms

Best Description of Innovation Relationships
Author: Veselitskaya N. N.
Book price: 1000 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

The concept of an innovative environment, its links with companies is relevant for many market participants. This powerful resource allows you to quickly reach your goals, find competitive niches, and leave rivals behind. The manual provides a consistent generalized analysis of Russian and foreign experience of the influence of the innovation environment on business structures of various types - from small forms of small business to large clusters.

With the help of this publication, you will begin to better understand the ongoing processes, market demands, new opportunities in order to gain a competitive advantage. The book contains explanatory tables, diagrams, is not overloaded with complex terminology, and is fascinating to read.

1 Integration of trade in Russia. Theory and practice

Features of national trade
Author: Cheglov V.P.
Book price: 270 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0

All the most up-to-date and useful information can be found in this monograph about retail chains and associations of various types, the development of related infrastructure, and mechanisms of mutual influence. Competitive advantages are set out at levels from small businesses to large systemic entities, state regulation. The publication is perfect for connoisseurs of the trade segment of the market, experienced businessmen.

Despite the soft cover, it attracts attention and will take its rightful place in the personal library. The inner pages are of good quality, do not fall out, the text is written in a readable font. Visual material is presented in easy-to-understand diagrams.

The best foreign books on economics for beginners

5 Microeconomics

High popularity
Author: Mankiw, Taylor
Book price: 1900 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6

For those who hope to see the optimal balance of theory and practice in economics textbooks, this is an interesting read. Each chapter describes in detail, with examples from real life, the essence of the issues stated in it. And they are quite predictable: supply and demand, markets and the public sector, production and trade. The authors of a number of bestsellers on economic issues state their vision in sufficient detail, in some cases even a little too long for an unprepared category of readers.

However, even a novice entrepreneur will find something useful for themselves. The translation is of high quality, well adapted to the perception of the Russian reader.

4 Economics in one lesson

Myths and realities of the modern economy
Author: Henry Hazlitt
Book price: 700 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

The book will be of interest to businessmen who prefer to think outside the box, throwing aside non-working economic dogmas and replacing them with new concepts that meet the realities of today. The monograph raises questions of prices, wages, taxes, etc., which are important for all market participants. The author gives examples of both useful innovations that move the economy forward and hinder its development.

The publication is printed on white thick paper, the structure of the text does not impede navigation between sections, the fonts are readable. The terms used are given in the author's assessment without a touch of the usual semi-official clichés.

3 Economics. How the economy works (and why it doesn't) in words and pictures

Maximum visual effect of design
Author: Michael Goodwin
Book price: 900 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

Can you imagine the description of the economy in the form of comics? This publication is able to destroy some stereotypes and prove that the formation of commodity-money relations, economic systems is a long way of evolution against the background of natural and man-made disasters. The publication also touches upon the issues of the future direction of development of existing and emerging mechanisms.

What to do to be always competitive, in the center of fashion trends, will be told by the characters of the funniest picture book. Soft humor and polished thoughts are among the advantages of the publication.

2 Economics for Dummies

Detailed explanation of terms and concepts
Author: Sean Flynn
Book price: 1550 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

For a novice businessman, such a course, set out in an entertaining author's style, will come in handy.It will not take you much time to understand the essence of economic phenomena, periodic crises, the basic conditions for the existence of market relations. If not from A to Z, then both simple concepts and complex mechanisms are described in sufficient detail. Micro- and macroeconomics in your mind are overgrown with terms and cause-and-effect relationships.

The manual received excellent ratings from buyers who, while reading it, felt completely involved in the world described. The printing of the publication meets the needs of a modern participant in economic relations.

1 Conversations with my daughter about economics

The Most Fascinating Essay on Economics
Author: Janis Varoufakis
Book price: 480 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

What is the economy and what relationships does it imply, a well-known theorist and practitioner tells in a popular conversation format. The book explains very simply and clearly common terms and concepts, economic relationships at different levels. For greater persuasiveness, the author draws parallels from the world around us, widely uses classical images from literary masterpieces from different countries and eras.

The publication not only forms the economic horizons of the unprepared reader, but also educates, since moral issues are also touched on the pages. Some will say that paperback is a minus, but such a book is easy to put in a bag or other compact luggage and enjoy reading in nature or on a train.

The best foreign books on economics for professionals

5 Hacking the Economy

Facts and evidence of a multi-level economy
Author: Tejwan Pettinger
Book price: 400 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6

A research paper with a provocative title gives an idea of ​​how multifaceted the concept of macroeconomics is. Behind it lies an attempt to sort the economy into categories - according to those significant levels that shape global trends and can change a lot in our lives. This is one of the best monographs with high-quality translation, in which the author studies both seemingly simple phenomena, and those that do not have the only correct solution, answer.

The publication is beautifully illustrated, for ease of perception has a glossary. The main conclusions are presented in the form of tables, diagrams, diagrams, with the help of which you can get a complete picture of what kind of economic experience humanity has accumulated over the centuries and what is needed to create an economy of happiness.

4 collapse. How a decade of financial crises changed the world

Best Research on a Global Issue
Author: Adam Tooze
Book price: 1050 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

In order to avoid the negative consequences of crises in the future, the economic historian suggests studying the events of 2008 in detail. What is the underlying reason for the collapse, what is the mechanism of the shock waves that simultaneously engulfed the regional markets - these and other questions are in the focus of the author's attention. And most importantly, businessmen will be able to draw conclusions on how to reduce potential risks and losses with a well-built management model, even at the micro level.

Sufficiently voluminous (776 pages) work includes the projection of crisis phenomena on different countries. The text does not contain terminology that would not be incomprehensible to the general reader.

3 New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

New York Times bestseller
Author: John Perkins
Book price: 1700 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

The darkest side of the economy, which is not customary to talk about publicly, is told by a person who at one time entered its orbit. Have you heard anything about economic hit men who are active in different countries, forcing them to gradually sink to the bottom under the burden of debt? This book, using vivid examples, documents the essence of the phenomenon, shows its scale.

The monograph continues the author's revelations, which were first made in the study "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man". On its smooth pages, the life of entire states is not at all glossy. The publication focuses on the countries of Western Europe and other parts of the world.

2 How rich countries got rich and why poor countries stay poor

Light style of presentation of the topic
Author: Eric Reinert
Book price: 600 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

Is it necessary to have state influence on the economic development of the country, or should the principle of free trade be adhered to exclusively? This question is answered by the monograph of the Norwegian economist, which goes beyond the usual framework by the very form of posing the question. Breaking many stereotypes, the author offers his own point of view, which does not coincide with the theses of a number of similar studies.

Along the way, the publication discusses issues of globalization, technological progress, etc. The value of the manual is that the author compares the economic evolution that took place in different time periods in several countries at once. The book is written in a popular language, it uses vivid images and examples.

1 Economics of good and evil. Finding the Meaning of Economics from Gilgamesh to Wall Street

Philosophical basis of economics
Author: Tomasz Sedlacek
Book price: 900 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

To study the basic concepts of modern economics, one should refer to its sources. This is what the author proposes to do using an interdisciplinary approach. Economic theory is built in close connection with a whole complex of sciences, absorbing their achievements, concepts, trends.

At the same time, the study is carried out not only and not so much in the modern context. Today's achievements date back to the Old Testament, they accumulated in stages over the centuries. The history of development, unexpected conclusions of the author and a selection of interesting facts undoubtedly attract attention and make you want to read the monograph to the end. The edition is presented in hardcover, well designed.

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