20 best books for children 12 years old



Characteristic in the rating

Best Fiction for 12 year olds

1 Not VKontakte. Poems for children Best Contemporary Poetry About and for Teens
2 Train to incredible places Fantasy work for teenagers
3 Return of the Ender Dragon Based on the computer game Minecraft
4 Little Evil Book 2 A book for lovers of mysterious events and quests
5 Romeo and Juliet Best Classic Love Story

The best educational literature for children aged 12

1 Use psychology! Science that helps in life The best psychology guide for teens and parents
2 hello world! Entertaining Programming (Python) A guide to learning the basics of programming
3 How to get things in order Time management tutorial for schoolchildren
4 English language. Learn by reading with @engslov. Integrated reading method An innovative approach to language learning
5 OK, what's next?! An excellent assistant in choosing your life's work

The best educational literature for children aged 12

1 Men under 16 Collection of wisdom and advice
2 A microbe rarely comes alone An entertaining book on a serious subject
3 The Incredible Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage. The (Almost) True Story of the First Computer Educational comic
4 Journey through the world of medicine: from ancient times to the present day All about medicine from the beginning to the present
5 Encyclopedia for girls. relationship secrets The best publication about "girl's secrets"

The best educational literature for children aged 12

1 We develop the brain.How to train logic and thinking in children 9-14 years old. Notepad simulator The best simulator for pumping the brain of teenagers
2 Do-it-yourself castle, crossbow, catapult. Fascinating models for board games The most interesting symbiosis of science and creativity in one edition
3 My beautiful room. We create with our own hands Trains spatial thinking. Produces taste
4 Legend of the Star Runner Best Quest Book
5 The most bomb slimes from Stacy Mar Instructions for entertaining pastime

12 years is a responsible and significant stage: the child turns into a teenager, begins to perceive the world, himself and things that seem familiar to him in a different way. Under the influence of hormones, the body, psyche, mood change, which makes it more difficult to interact with the opposite sex, with the older generation and with oneself. It awakens the spirit of contradiction.

Parents need to support their child, including through books, as they are able not only to teach something new, but also to help relax, dream up, switch from problems to positive and constructive. We bring to your attention the rating of the best books for children 12 years old.

Best Fiction for 12 year olds

Fantasy, horror, adventure, poetry, prose, detective stories, comics, classics - the variety of genres and types is truly enormous. When choosing among books, based on your own experience, it is important to focus on the interests, tastes and desires of the child. Then she will be able to captivate him and help not only to have fun, but also to get a charge of positive and knowledge.

5 Romeo and Juliet

Best Classic Love Story
Author: William Shakespeare
Book price: 218 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

The publication tells about the tragic love story of two teenagers.The main characters find themselves in the very center of the confrontation between families, which makes it impossible for them to openly express their sincere and bright feelings towards each other, forcing them to experience strong mental anguish.

The eternal work of William Shakespeare and the topics covered in it remain relevant through the centuries and do not lose their topicality. The author examines important problems of relationships and generational conflicts, teaches readers to see and determine the true values ​​of human life.

4 Little Evil Book 2

A book for lovers of mysterious events and quests
Author: Magnus Mist
Book price: 331 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

A funny edition tells about a book that wants to become the most evil in the world. Her language is close and understandable to every child. To adult readers, the humor used in the work may seem clumsy, but it will definitely captivate and captivate children.

The peculiarity of the "Little Evil Book" is that, in addition to beautiful illustrations and witty texts, it contains a large number of riddles and quests that will imperceptibly captivate the child into the reading process and easily give new knowledge.

3 Return of the Ender Dragon

Based on the computer game Minecraft
Author: Nicolas Digard
Book price: 341 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

Computer games are an integral part of the life of modern children and adolescents. They often take an alarmingly long time. But this hobby of the child can be used for good. So, Minecraft fans will gladly agree to read the story of the boy Frigel.

Unexpectedly for everyone, during a holiday in a fairy-tale village, the dragon Ender appears, who was previously considered defeated.A 15-year-old boy, the main character of the story, goes to battle with him, getting into the thick of adventures and interesting events that cannot leave readers indifferent. The book will help children have fun, captivate with its tense plot, teach nobility and friendship.

2 Train to incredible places

Fantasy work for teenagers
Author: P.J. Bell
Book price: 661 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

A good fairy tale about a miracle train that transports parcels to anywhere in the world and the world: if necessary, it will easily do it both to the bottom of the ocean and into outer space. At some point, this mail express appears in the house of the main character. She is appointed deputy head of the service and entrusted with a responsible task. But here's the problem - the parcel itself does not want to be delivered to the addressee ...

Your child will have a great time with this book. He will plunge into incredible stories and unexpected events with interesting characters. The story will also be interesting for family reading.

1 Not VKontakte. Poems for children

Best Contemporary Poetry About and for Teens
Author: Strelnikova I.I.
Book price: 396 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0

A collection of unique modern poetry that touches on the actual problems of adolescent relationships with peers and parents. Each poem describes a seemingly separate event. However, as a result, a holistic picture of the life of children in such a difficult, but such an important age is formed.

The author managed to accurately convey the mood and behavior of adolescents. Kristina Strelnikova uses interesting literary techniques for this. Each poem is built around Nina Palna: such a caricature and typical, but such a “teacher” respected by children.Even the illustrations on each page are dedicated to her image: bright, but at the same time, the same in all situations. The lyrics of the works will be understandable and close to teenagers and those adults who remember themselves at this age and have not lost their childish enthusiasm.

The best educational literature for children aged 12

At the age of 12, the foundation is laid for the further formation of a successful personality in the professional and personal spheres. The task of parents during this period is to nourish the child's knowledge with high-quality literature, taking into account his individual preferences and the direction of the intellect. The provision of a good information base during this period will allow the teenager to achieve high results in the future.

5 OK, what's next?!

An excellent assistant in choosing your life's work
Author: Lobaznikova N.Yu.
Book price: 771 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6

An excellent book that can help a teenager make a decision about choosing a profession. A positive result is observed through self-analysis, acceptance of oneself and one's interests, study of the surrounding society and its requests, a list of recommended possible activities. It also contains tests and advice on career guidance, basic recommendations for planning.

It will be easier for a teenager to realize his capabilities, to decide on the direction of future activities. In addition, the book will give you an understanding that you should not aim for the same professional role all your life, because it is important to develop and try yourself in different areas.

4 English language. Learn by reading with @engslov. Integrated reading method

An innovative approach to language learning
Author: AST Publishing House
Book price: 333 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

A unique publication that offers an innovative approach to learning a foreign language - integrated reading. The book was developed in collaboration with the telegram channel @engslov. Currently, this method has already been appreciated by more than 190,000 people.

The book is a collection of classical works of foreign literature, designed in the form of Russian texts and includes English words. As the student reads, an intuitive understanding of the meaning of words occurs. And you can check the accuracy of the translation through the dictionary published on each page of the textbook. To consolidate the acquired knowledge, it is enough to read the passage in the original language. The child, using this manual, will be able to replenish his vocabulary much faster.

3 How to get things in order

Time management tutorial for schoolchildren
Author: David Allen, Mark Wallace
Book price: 807 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

The ability to manage time is a very relevant topic in the modern world, including for schoolchildren. David Allen has developed a special program adapted to the needs of teenagers. His publication teaches children to rationally plan time, without being distracted by secondary tasks. The book consists of three blocks: theory, practical advice and description of techniques.

The manual will teach the child to unload the brain from information that does not have to be kept in the head, but it is enough to write it down in a notebook; competently distribute the time allotted for leisure, work and study; Don't waste too many resources on the same task.

2 hello world! Entertaining Programming (Python)

A guide to learning the basics of programming
Author: Sand Warren, Sand Carter
Book price: 870 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

An excellent tutorial for children on mastering the Python programming language. The book was written by foreign authors - father and son. It is important that the youngest of them, when developing the manual, acted as a reviewer, striving to make the manual about writing codes accessible to teenagers.

The publication will be interesting and useful for children. They will quickly master the basic skills of a programmer, learn how to develop simple programs and games, and also master and get used to the English keyboard layout.

1 Use psychology! Science that helps in life

The best psychology guide for teens and parents
Author: Marcus Wicks
Book price: RUB 1,614
Rating (2022): 5.0

The book will be useful to those who are interested in psychology and its achievements. The publication is written in clear language, adapted for understanding by children. It deals with life issues that concern teenagers in the form of short reviews (for example, why am I angry, how to be a full member of society, etc.)

The reader will be able to look at many ordinary things from the other side, to know himself, to gain knowledge about the principles of building harmonious relationships with the outside world, and much more.

The best educational literature for children aged 12

Knowledge and information is the most valuable resource in the modern world. Therefore, constantly receiving and studying new directions and topics, one can be and remain interesting to the environment, and at an older age - in demand in the professional field. But, first of all, the child must learn to process and work with information. In what way will the correct literature help him.

5 Encyclopedia for girls. relationship secrets

The best publication about "girl's secrets"
Author: Balueva O.B.
Book price: 118 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6

An interesting publication for girls, which has incorporated answers to many questions of concern to teenagers. From the encyclopedia, you can learn about how to build normal relationships and communication with parents, how to appreciate and accept their prohibitions, how to find friends, understand that a boy likes you, and much more.

The book will help you understand yourself, learn harmonious relationships with others, and also spend time usefully, participating, for example, in passing tests.

4 Journey through the world of medicine: from ancient times to the present day

All about medicine from the beginning to the present
Author: Paltsev M.A., Kvetnoy I.M.
Book price: 134 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

The book has absorbed a lot of useful information about the science of "medicine" and everything connected with it. Readers will be able to learn about the history of its formation and the development of the practice of treating people, what great discoveries were made, how the human body works.

The publication explains the information in an understandable and accessible language, so it will be useful not only to those who have decided to connect their lives with medicine, but also to ordinary people of various ages.

3 The Incredible Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage. The (Almost) True Story of the First Computer

Educational comic
Author: Sidney Padua
Book price: 1 155 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

The book is an adventure about the aspirations and attempts to develop the first computer. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that, along with a comic form of presentation, the publication contains many references to real historical events and documents. The main characters of the publication find application for their developments in the field of combating crime, spreading literacy, eliminating world crises, etc.

The story will be of interest to anyone who is interested in programming, the development of logic, as well as any funny but smart publications.

2 A microbe rarely comes alone

An entertaining book on a serious subject
Author: Egert Markus, Frank Tadeusz
Book price: 592 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

Incredibly light and interesting publication about a very serious and global issue: the impact of microorganisms on human life. The publication has been adapted specifically to the interests of today's teenagers, so they will be pleased to hold this book in their hands.

The reader will learn whether radiation from smartphones can kill bacteria; how microbes are able to control a person; whether there are non-dangerous bacteria; why the cleanliness of a sponge for washing dishes is compared with the same indicator of a toilet bowl and more.

1 Men under 16

Collection of wisdom and advice
Author: Markusha A.M.
Book price: 945 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0

Useful publication with practical advice for future men. The author tried to put together recommendations of both an applied nature and psychological aspects that will be useful to a growing personality. So, for example, a boy learns how to hammer a nail, how to become hardy, how to speak with dignity in a lesson, how to act in conflict situations, and much more.

The reader will gain invaluable practical experience and knowledge, supported by examples from various sources. And frank conversations on behalf of the author will help the teenager to trust and heed the advice.

The best educational literature for children aged 12

Recreation and entertainment should be not only interesting and exciting, but also useful.This is especially true for children at the age of 12, because the continuous acquisition of new knowledge from outside helps to form a successful and erudite personality. At the same time, the source of obtaining important information and the style of its presentation do not have to be boring and boring.

5 The most bomb slimes from Stacy Mar

Instructions for entertaining pastime
Author: Stasia Mar
Book price: 180 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6

A practical guide from a well-known fashion slime blogger. Here are step-by-step photo instructions with exact recipes and proportions for making slimes that are so fashionable now among young people. Any of the described methods guarantees a 100% final result.

Such, at first glance, a frivolous activity will help the development of the imagination and creative abilities of the child. Bright colors and unusual models will amaze not only a teenager, but also his surroundings.

4 Legend of the Star Runner

Best Quest Book
Author: Jens Wagner
Book price: 468 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

An exciting adventure story about the adventures of three friends looking for a lost ship. The publication is decorated with bright illustrations, the author also uses an interesting solution in the presentation of the text - when reading part of it, the child will need a mirror.

In addition to the story itself, the book invites the reader to actively participate in the search for the main characters: solve riddles and puzzles. Whoever walks with the characters all the way will get to the Star Runner ship, lost many years ago. The book differs in that it does not provide direct solutions to tasks if the child cannot cope. At the end of the publication are placed only hints to them.

3 My beautiful room. We create with our own hands

Trains spatial thinking. Produces taste
Author: Jasmine Orchard, Olivia Whitworth
Book price: 1 871 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

An amazing publication that conveys knowledge and subtleties in the field of building models, design development. The reader will find on its pages invaluable advice from the authors, as well as blanks and design stickers for creating three-dimensional room designs.

The tasks consist of thinking and drawing, coloring and modeling the interior. Working with a book, a teenager will feel the style, learn to understand colors and their combinations, and distinguish between textures. It will be useful for those who have a desire to become a designer in the future.

2 Do-it-yourself castle, crossbow, catapult. Fascinating models for board games

The most interesting symbiosis of science and creativity in one edition
Author: Rob Ives
Book price: 516 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

The book is a collection of blanks for collecting simple models of an ancient military weapon. Additionally, the child will be able to get acquainted with the description and history of the appearance of the object, a small copy of which he intends to make. Reference schemes help children to master.

The publication allows you to develop the spatial, engineering and technological thinking of a teenager, regardless of his gender. It will be equally interesting for both girls and boys. Studying according to the schemes, children become more concentrated, assiduous and attentive to details, parents notice.

1 We develop the brain. How to train logic and thinking in children 9-14 years old. Notepad simulator

The best simulator for pumping the brain of teenagers
Author: Akhmadullin Sh.T., Akhmadullin I.T.
Book price: 988 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0

The publication is a set of a working notebook and a brochure for parents with recommendations for completing assignments. It will be interesting for a child to solve puzzles for logic and ingenuity of varying complexity, solve puzzles, look for matches in compared rows, etc. With the help of a brochure, parents can easily evaluate the results of the work done.

The program of this small course is designed for 21 days. The level of difficulty of tasks in the notebook is constantly increasing. This technique allows children to use the resources of their brain to the maximum. Classes should be held for 20-25 minutes, then this will not cause overload and does not demotivate the child.

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