20 best books for children 3 years old



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The best educational books for children 3 years old

1 I'm so different. 6 books for developing emotional intelligence The best collection of books for the initial development of emotional intelligence of a child
2 Seasons The best guide to learning the seasons
3 Great day off Fascinating tasks for the development of attention
4 Anton Poitier: Who came next? Great memory training
5 Travel by car First acquaintance with traffic rules

The best fairy tales for children 3 years old

1 When your heels fall asleep The best motivator for forming evening traditions
2 When I'm angry. Useful stories. GEF Helps to understand the child's emotional state
3 Swan geese Teaches compassion and mindfulness
4 Snow Maiden. Russian folktale Shows how important it is to be careful
5 Wolf and goats The first thriller for children

The best poems for children 3 years old

1 Moidodyr Best Poems on the Benefits of Hygiene
2 There were books. What is good and what is bad Funny about the ethics of behavior
3 Where did you dine, sparrow? The most famous poem in modern design
4 Masha the confused Explains to the child how important order is in everything
5 Green oak by the seaside Favorite excerpt from the poem

The best educational literature for children 3 years old

1 Don't disturb the rhinoceros. ABC The best alphabet for the little ones
2 My first English in pictures The best book for the first acquaintance with the English language
3 KUMON. simple lines Development of fine motor skills before preparing the hand for writing
4 Introduction to cells.Tasks for the development of visual perception, fine motor skills Handbook for mastering and training writing skills
5 Counting from 1 to 10 An entertaining guide to learning numbers

From the very first days, the baby gets acquainted with the outside world through sounds, colors, shapes, smells. Closer to the age of 3, having received and consolidated basic experience, the child is ready to master more applied knowledge: letters, numbers, etc.

As they grow older, for the harmonious development of logic, thinking and attention, literature must accompany the little man throughout his life. So children, even at such an early age, begin to learn the correct speech, they form visual and associative memory. Of great importance during this period are publications that are read by mother and grandmother. To choose the right literature, we offer an overview of the best books for children 3 years old.

The best educational books for children 3 years old

A child at 3 years old is a conscious person who actively explores the world, strives for new knowledge and asks many questions: “what?”, “why?” and why?". Right now, it is important for parents to show maximum patience, answering all the topics that concern the baby and encouraging his curiosity. Developing books will always come to the aid of the older generation.

5 Travel by car

First acquaintance with traffic rules
Author: Smile Publishing House
Book price: 297 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6

The book is published on a solid cardboard base, which allows you to keep its appearance, even after falling into the hands of the smallest members of the family. The content is built in the form of an exciting journey of the main characters (Boris and Lena) with their parents by car.While on the road, the guys will learn how to refuel and wash the car, what and why they do after an accident, why a car repair shop is needed and much more.

The young reader will receive basic knowledge about the device of the car, about traffic rules. In addition, the publication will help the development of speech and vocabulary, train attentiveness, thanks to tasks for finding objects in pictures.

4 Anton Poitier: Who came next?

Great memory training
Author: Anton Poitier
Book price: 436 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

Interactive for the development of mindfulness, logic and fun pastime in the family circle. The edition is printed on thick paper and contains bright cartoon illustrations. Cardboard preserves the integrity of the book, and colorful pictures attract the attention of the child.

The text and visuals of the manual are formed in the form of a game based on prompts. When turning over the next page, the reader is invited to guess: which of the animals came and who left. The book teaches to concentrate attention, to be observant and develops visual memory.

3 Great day off

Fascinating tasks for the development of attention
Author: Zapesochnaya E.A.
Book price: 115 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

A small hardcover book that is easy to take with you on the road, it will be convenient for the smallest reader to hold it in their hands. On each page, the author offers to complete a task: to find and count certain objects or acting characters.

The illustrations contain a rich storyline and many small details. It will be interesting and fun for the child to look at them, look for objects of interest and come up with stories. Thanks to the fascinating “wimmelbuch”, the baby trains observation, imagination, orientation in space.

2 Seasons

The best guide to learning the seasons
Author: Publishing house "Karapuz"
Book price: 437 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

An illustrated edition that helps the child to learn the features and remember the order of the seasons. Knowledge is passed on in the form of stories that happen to Tanya and Vanya. Colorful pictures create an associative array for each event, stimulating memory.

The book is great for developing thinking and imagination. Looking at the drawings, it will be interesting and fun for the baby to come up with stories together with mom, dad, grandma or grandpa. For the parents themselves, the authors also prepared supporting material in the form of hints: "what questions are recommended to be additionally voiced to the little reader."

1 I'm so different. 6 books for developing emotional intelligence

The best collection of books for the initial development of emotional intelligence of a child
Author: Jacqueline Croupy, Jen Porter
Book price: 857 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0

The publication is a set of 6 books at once, each of which considers a separate large block of personal development. It will be very useful for both children and their parents. The child will receive information from what and why he experiences various emotions, how to manage them, he will form an adequate and healthy self-esteem. Adults will learn to understand the reasons for certain reactions of the baby.

The material in the book is presented in the form of an understandable text, each situation is additionally accompanied by comments and examples of a psychologist. Thanks to the knowledge transferred from its pages, there will be a space between parents and children that promotes open communication on any topic.

The best fairy tales for children 3 years old

How to tell a child at 3 years old what is good and bad, good and evil, courage and cowardice, so that it would be interesting for him to listen, and he understands what they are talking about? Naturally, the information should be unobtrusive and boring. At this age, fairy tales are the best way to explain basic human values.

5 Wolf and goats

The first thriller for children
Author: Tolstoy A.N.
Book price: 143 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6

A high-quality edition with original illustrations by Vasnetsov will take its rightful place in your home library. Warmth and comfort emanates from the drawings, and an instructive story will be clear even to the youngest readers. This is a real thriller in the retelling of the great author - Alexei Tolstoy.

Thanks to this fairy tale, the child will understand how important it is to obey adults, beware of strangers, and not believe their tempting offers. For parents, the work is also very educational, as it once again draws attention to the need to ensure the safety of their children.

4 Snow Maiden. Russian folktale

Shows how important it is to be careful
Author: Publishing house "Rech"
Book price: 157 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

A fairy tale about an unusual girl, created from snow, about whom her grandmother and grandfather so dreamed. From the pages of the book, the reader will learn how necessary the love and attention of loved ones is, how valuable it is to have a loved one nearby, to whom you can give your warmth and care. The child will receive information about natural processes, such as: the change of seasons, the water cycle in nature, etc.

The work will teach you to appreciate the life and health of others, to believe and go to your dreams, to think about whether seemingly innocent deeds will cause harm.The child will see how important it is to respect personal interests before following the advice and requests of others, how much you need to take care of yourself and not commit rash actions.

3 Swan geese

Teaches compassion and mindfulness
Author: Tolstoy A.N.
Book price: 143 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

A high-quality publication of a Russian folk tale in the retelling of Alexei Tolstoy and illustrations by Losin. It will be a worthy purchase for connoisseurs of books designed in the tradition of printed publications from the times of the Soviet Union - with bright, kind drawings.

An instructive story about a girl who did not follow her brother and got into the cycle of events will be of interest to young listeners. She will teach the child to accept the advice and warnings of others so as not to get into difficult situations. He will tell you how important it is to be attentive and polite towards others in order to get help from others at a difficult and dangerous moment.

2 When I'm angry. Useful stories. GEF

Helps to understand the child's emotional state
Author: Cornelia Spielman
Book price: 116 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

A good instructive tale about how to begin to understand and cope with your emotions. First of all, with the simplest, but strong and destructive for the individual - anger and sadness. The narration from the pages of the book is from the point of view of a little hare, who says that he himself experiences these negative feelings.

Thanks to the publication, the child will learn to accept his feelings, understand that this is normal, but at the same time, you need to work with it. In this he will be helped, among other things, by friendly and colorful illustrations, sincere and understandable language of the work and, of course, support and additional comments from adults.

1 When your heels fall asleep

The best motivator for forming evening traditions
Author: Lemesheva M.A.
Book price: 800 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0

An original modern edition-motivator, the purpose of which is to create an evening tradition - a calm preparation of the child for sleep. The illustrations are made with an interesting technique - an imitation of voluminous applications created and decorated by a child's hand. The text is written in a playful, easy form, involving the little reader in the learning process.

The book will help create a cozy atmosphere, psychologically prepare for a night's rest, thanks to the massage game and through interactive with the character (at the end of the story, it is proposed to put him in a crib, represented by a cardboard pocket).

The best poems for children 3 years old

A child at 3 years old is open to the world, communication, to gain new knowledge. His brain is very mobile, so he is able to quickly memorize information. Now is the time to actively develop the abilities and skills of a successful person: quick perception of information, good memory, logical thinking, public speaking, etc. And children's poems and poetry will help parents in this.

5 Green oak by the seaside

Favorite excerpt from the poem
Author: Pushkin A.S.
Book price: 143 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6

Poetry A.S. Pushkin are works of classical literature that exist outside of time. The poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" is designed for schoolchildren 7-10 years old. However, there is a part in this work with which no generation of children begins their acquaintance at the age of 2-3 years.

The Rech publishing house published a separate book with an excerpt from the poem, presenting it as an independent finished work.Colorful illustrations perfectly complement the text series and make the book adapted to the younger age category. The child will be interested in looking at bright characteristic drawings, and the poet's unique style will help to replenish the baby's vocabulary.

4 Masha the confused

Explains to the child how important order is in everything
Author: Voronkova L.F.
Book price: 157 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

A small work in poetic form tells about the life of an absent-minded and somewhat lazy girl Masha. She does not strive to keep her room in order, but she is so genuinely surprised when she cannot find things in their places at the right time.

The sincerity of the heroine is conveyed in the illustrations of the Soviet period, created by the pen of the artist Heinrich Valk: they exude warmth and kindness. The book will show the child how important it is to always be collected, neat, and how bad it is to be known as a slob.

3 Where did you dine, sparrow?

The most famous poem in modern design
Author: Marshak S.Ya.
Book price: 416 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

Legendary poem with traditional illustrations by Skobelev Mikhail Alexandrovich in an interactive edition. The publication has a non-standard visual idea: with a three-dimensional figure of a crocodile on the flyleaf and a bookmark in the form of a ribbon with a sparrow. A small bird travels with the reader through the pages of a fascinating story about the life of animals in the zoo.

No child will remain indifferent to this book. Everything captivates here: both the light funny style of the beloved author about the adventures of a brave sparrow, and the unusual design, designed to attract the attention of the modern generation. Definitely, contemporary artists did not fail by releasing this version of the publication.

2 There were books. What is good and what is bad

Funny about the ethics of behavior
Author: Mayakovsky V.V.
Book price: 256 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

Creations of V.V. Mayakovsky, with his recognizable futuristic style of presentation and accented time signatures, remain popular to this day. One of the first works, with which the acquaintance of children with the work of the poet usually begins, is the poem "What is good and what is bad."

The work will teach the child in a playful comic form to distinguish between the concepts of good and evil, how one should and should not behave; will form the correct models of behavior in society; will instill basic human values ​​and principles.

1 Moidodyr

Best Poems on the Benefits of Hygiene
Author: Chukovsky K.I.
Book price: 143 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0

This poem by K.I. Chukovsky is loved by all children of many generations. It remains in memory for a lifetime, even after several readings. The Rech Publishing House, in its characteristic style, has released a unique publication of a work with illustrations of the Soviet era performed by the outstanding cartoonist Uzbyakov Yu.N. The work will take pride of place on the shelf among other children's books.

"Moydodyr" will teach you the rules of personal hygiene, keeping your belongings, room, body clean. Thanks to the detailed and colorful pictures, the kid will be able to quickly memorize the poem and recite it by heart (the publication trains memory very well).

The best educational literature for children 3 years old

The earlier parents begin to teach their child the skills of writing, reading, counting and other disciplines, the faster he learns new knowledge, and the easier it is to prepare for school and adapt to primary school in the future.Modern printed editions offer a large number of high-quality and interesting educational literature.

5 Counting from 1 to 10

An entertaining guide to learning numbers
Author: Pro-Press Publishing House
Book price: 63 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6

An effective manual not only for learning to count from 1 to 10, but also for training logic and forming the correct speech of a child. The book itself is made of a solid cardboard base with rounded edges, which eliminates children's injuries.

The publication will teach the growing little man numbers, reinforcing and explaining knowledge with vivid pictures. In addition, at each stage, the “student” is invited to think a little and answer questions like: “What can a snowman be made of?” or “What color is the pod and peas?” etc.

4 Introduction to cells. Tasks for the development of visual perception, fine motor skills

Handbook for mastering and training writing skills
Author: VK Dakota Publishing House
Book price: 60 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

The publication was developed as part of the Solar Steps program, with the use of which, at present, children are being prepared for admission to primary school (including the preparatory courses of most educational institutions). For the independent development of basic writing skills in a child at an early age, such a simulator will be very useful.

Perhaps the parents of the task will seem difficult. However, all restrictions exist only in the minds of adults; it is not common for children to build such boundaries. Mastering the primary skill based on the exercises in the workbook will allow you to achieve great success and quickly adapt to the learning process in the future.

3 KUMON. simple lines

Development of fine motor skills before preparing the hand for writing
Author: Kumon Toru
Book price: 560 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

Kumon is the world's favorite efficient Japanese development system. The essence of the technique is as follows: at the first stage, the child learns to correctly hold a pencil or pen and draw simple lines without interruption. Further, as he learns the skill, he will already need to master the curves and diagonals.

The kid will quickly train his hand, which in the future will provide him with a beautiful correct handwriting. In addition to drawing segments, the notebook contains tasks for coloring pictures, cutting out, etc. In general, each of them has a beneficial effect on expanding horizons and improving fine motor skills of fingers.

2 My first English in pictures

The best book for the first acquaintance with the English language
Author Malysh Publishing House
Book price: 597 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

Everyone knows that it is better to learn foreign languages ​​from early childhood, when the brain is able to absorb information like a sponge. To make this process even easier and more efficient, we recommend using the My First English in Pictures edition in training.

The material in the book is decorated with bright illustrations that children will appreciate. In addition to letters and words, the child will also be able to master the account, expand their horizons. Development and consolidation of new knowledge takes place in the form of a game. On the pages of the textbook, various games are offered in the form of small tasks-quests. It is important to note that for the correct pronunciation, the authors of the publication provide transcriptions of sounds in the Russian layout.

1 Don't disturb the rhinoceros. ABC

The best alphabet for the little ones
Author: Orlova A.A.
Book price: 575 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0

One of the best alphabets for learning the smallest words. It is not overloaded with unnecessary information and voluminous texts. The author presents the material in short, but very meaningful couplets. The child will not get bored with classes in this book, moreover, they will be interesting.

In addition to the successful semantic content, the publication includes winning illustrations: the letters are in large print and look like a labyrinth. Kids will like to outline their silhouettes on the page with their fingers, which, in addition to auditory, additionally involves visual and mechanical types of memory. A versatile approach to learning, by influencing several channels of perception at once, will allow you to master new knowledge much faster.

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