Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | 21st Century | The largest dosage |
2 | Sundown Naturals | Best deal on iHerb |
3 | Doctor's Best | Optimal combination of price and quality |
4 | nature's way | Melatonin lozenges |
5 | Solgar | Manufacturer you can trust |
6 | Natrol | Melatonin Biphasic Release Tablets |
7 | Now Foods | The most popular melatonin |
8 | MRM | Best price |
9 | Life Extension | Minimum dosage |
10 | Source Naturals | Improved composition |
Periods of insomnia, for sure, happened to everyone. Lying in bed until morning without sleep is quite unpleasant, but taking synthetic sleeping pills is not the best option. Many of them give heaviness in the head in the morning, and during the day then severe drowsiness pursues. Melatonin, a drug based on the natural sleep hormone, which is produced by the human body in the dark, works in a completely different way. Therefore, it acts gently, helps to restore normal daily biorhythms, providing a sound and healthy sleep throughout the night. After taking melatonin, a person gets up in the morning cheerful and rested. In this ranking you will find the best melatonin supplements on iHerb.
Top 10 Best Melatonin Supplements on iHerb
10 Source Naturals

Price for iHerb: from 393 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.5
The Source Naturals melatonin supplement has an improved composition - in addition to the main active ingredient, it includes vitamin B-6 and calcium. They provide better absorption and gradual recovery of the nervous system when taken regularly. A dosage of 3 mg is considered standard, prescribed in most cases to normalize circadian rhythms. The drug should be taken at night, preferably just before bedtime, so as not to interrupt its effect. For most people who have trouble falling asleep, one tablet is enough.
The effectiveness of the drug can be judged by the abundance of positive reviews. Many people write that the supplement really not only helps to fall asleep faster, but also gives a slight sedative effect - with regular use, stress resistance noticeably increases. There are no side effects from melatonin, waking up in the morning is easy. Often, buyers mention unusual colorful dreams that are provoked by taking the drug.
9 Life Extension

Price for iHerb: from 255 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.6
For those who find the standard dosages of melatonin too high, this drug is optimal. Each capsule contains only 1 mg of melatonin. This is not enough to fall asleep instantly, but with prolonged use it will help normalize sleep rhythms. The manufacturer recommends taking one capsule at night, but if necessary, the dose can be increased to two or three tablets.
The popularity of the brand and many positive reviews make this supplement quite popular among those who place orders for iHerb. Despite the small dosage, buyers write that the drug works - it helps to fall asleep and sleep all night without waking up.It is easy to wake up in the morning, the head is not heavy, not cloudy, the drug does not affect daily activity in any way. But sometimes buyers suggest that each body perceives melatonin differently. For some, it suits, for others it has no effect, and others notice a headache in the morning.

Price for iHerb: from 202 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.6
A fairly good melatonin preparation at a very affordable cost. Available in capsules, each containing 3 mg of active ingredient. It is recommended to take one capsule just before bedtime. According to the description, the drug is similar to dozens of other iHerb melatonin supplements, but a large number of positive reviews can be attributed to the best of it.
Fast falling asleep, restful sleep throughout the night, easy awakening and cheerfulness during the day indicate that the drug really works as it should and, accordingly, is of good quality. A lot of people take it in courses to restore normal rhythms. Often it is recommended when working on a night shift, stress, moving, changing climatic zones. Taking melatonin in such cases helps to adapt faster, sleep well and feel rested in any situation.
7 Now Foods

Price for iHerb: from 245 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.7
Melatonin 3mg from Now Foods is very popular with iHerb shoppers. This is a completely natural product that complies with the GMP quality standard, so it can be trusted and taken without the slightest fear for quite long courses. It comes in the form of small capsules.This has both pros and cons - the advantage is that it is easy to take, the disadvantage is that the capsule cannot be divided in half. Otherwise, the drug is almost the same as other melatonin supplements on IHerb.
Although buyers do not think so and often call it the best offer among the entire range of the American site. It is especially appreciated by those who have to get up early in the morning. After taking Now Foods melatonin, they wake up easily and do not experience drowsiness throughout the day. And the awakening comes even earlier than planned. But for some, the remedy has no effect, which may be due to the individual characteristics of the body or the presence of a more serious cause of insomnia than a lack of melatonin.
6 Natrol

Price for iHerb: from 490 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.7
The main advantage of this melatonin is its fast action and beneficial effect on the nervous system due to the addition of vitamin B-6. This combination not only helps to fall asleep faster, but also restores the body's own production of melatonin. An additional feature of the drug is the structure of the tablet, in which the release of the active substance occurs in two stages, which ensures a restful sleep throughout the night. The 5 mg dosage is suitable for most users.
Reviews about the tool are numerous and very eloquent. They often praise the drug for a calm, deep sleep and good rest in a short time. Among the benefits are quick falling asleep, the absence of daytime sleepiness, the normalization of the sleep-wake cycle with regular use. The price of the drug is quite low, and the volume of the jar is enough for three months of continuous use.A small drawback in the supplement was found only by those people who take half the pill - they do not divide well in half.
5 Solgar

Price for iHerb: from 510 rubles
Rating (2021): 4.8
This is one of the most famous manufacturers on iHerb, which even many Russian buyers know. Assessing the quality of other drugs of the same brand, melatonin can be safely purchased. Each tablet contains 3 mg of the active ingredient - this dosage is considered the most common for continuous use, restoration of the circadian rhythm.
The manufacturer recommends taking one tablet at bedtime, without increasing the dosage without the advice of a doctor. But since it is quite small, some users take two tablets without noticing any side effects. The quality of sleep really improves, the tool helps to get enough sleep in a shorter time.
4 nature's way

Price for iHerb: from 370 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.8
The peculiarity of this melatonin is that it is made in the form of lollipops with a pleasant taste. Sweetness is not a contraindication for diabetics, as the manufacturer prudently used a sweetener. The dosage is small - each lollipop contains 2.5 mg of melatonin, but with minor sleep disturbances, this amount is quite enough to gently fall asleep and restore biological rhythms. You need to take it immediately before going to bed, just dissolving like a regular candy.
Buyers on Eicherb write that it looks a little like lollipops - the tablets are more reminiscent of Russian "ascorbins", the taste is sweet, neutral, but pleasant. The dosage is small, but even some users divide it in half, while others take two tablets at once. Everyone is talking about the need to select an individual dosage. The action of the drug is quite pronounced, it does not give drowsiness in the morning, it helps to get enough sleep in a short period of time. And some people like that while taking melatonin, dreams become more vivid and realistic. Significant deficiencies in the reviews could not be identified.
3 Doctor's Best

Price for iHerb: from 573 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.9
The well-known manufacturer of biological supplements Doctor's Best offers buyers with IHerb a quality product with melatonin at a low price. A bulk jar with 120 tablets with a pleasant mint flavor costs a little more than 500 rubles. Compared to Russian analogues of melatonin, the cost is simply ridiculous, but the effect is more pronounced. Doctor's Best Melatonin really helps to regulate the biological cycles of rest and wakefulness and improves the quality of sleep.
Everything declared by the manufacturer is fully confirmed by customer reviews from iHerb. The drug really works, falling asleep is soft and very fast. In the morning, many wake up even earlier than usual, but they get enough sleep - no drowsiness and heaviness in the head. Many users believe that this drug is optimal in terms of price and quality. Additionally, they note a pleasant mint flavor.In some cases, people do not notice any effect from taking melatonin, but perhaps this is due to the wrong intake of the drug - it should be drunk immediately before bedtime.
2 Sundown Naturals

Price for iHerb: from 380 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.9
An inexpensive but high-quality melatonin supplement contains the optimal dosage of 5 mg. She's not too high, but not low either. For a soft, quick falling asleep, good rest, it is enough to take one tablet before going to bed. To normalize the daily rhythms of sleep, it is necessary to drink the drug in a course. The maximum duration of the course can be two months, after which it is necessary to take a break.
Some buyers like this melatonin even more than more expensive analogues from other brands. They note the optimal dosage, which is enough for a soft falling asleep. The drug does not give any similar effects, it is not difficult to wake up from it, there is no drowsiness during the day. Course intake of melatonin has a positive effect on the emotional state - calmness and balance appear. After the course of taking the drug, sleep aids are no longer required. Buyers with IHerb are completely satisfied with the price, they consider it the best offer on the popular American website.
1 21st Century

Price for iHerb: from 490 rub.
Rating (2021): 5.0
A well-known manufacturer of biological supplements offers melatonin with a concentration of 10 mg per tablet. This is a fairly high dosage that will help you fall asleep quickly even with severe insomnia.The drug is available in the form of quick-dissolving tablets with a pleasant cherry flavor, which must be dissolved in the mouth half an hour before bedtime. Since the dosage is high, it is not recommended to take more than one tablet and give them to children under 18 years of age.
The best thing about the effectiveness of the drug is the feedback from customers who have already taken it. Most of them speak of the remedy in a positive way, pointing to instant falling asleep, a feeling of cheerfulness in the morning. In order to fully sleep, it takes much less time. If you take melatonin from this manufacturer in courses, biorhythms normalize, insomnia goes away. As an additional plus, they note a pleasant taste. But for some, the dosage still seems too high, they advise choosing it individually, starting with a quarter of a tablet.