Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Source Naturals Hot Flash | The best phytoestrogens for menopause |
2 | Nature's Plus | The most convenient way to receive |
3 | Whole World Botanicals | Wide spectrum of action |
4 | Source Naturals, Red Clover Extract | Great product for women's health |
5 | Nature's Way EstroSoy | Complex for the relief of menopause |
6 | ZOI Research | Pronounced cumulative action |
7 | Life Extension | The softest hormonal recovery |
8 | Promensil | Safe and effective drug |
9 | Barlean's, Brevail | Best remedy for PMS |
10 | Bluebonnet Nutrition | A good drug for the normalization of the cycle during premenopause |
Phytoestrogens are non-steroidal compounds found in some plants. In structure, they resemble female sex hormones, and the body is perceived similarly. But they are also safer. Therefore, very often, with various hormonal failures, during menopause, women are recommended to take phytoestrogens.They act gently, restore hormonal balance, significantly improve a woman's well-being and at the same time practically do not give side effects and do not lead to weight gain. On the contrary, sometimes they even help to lose weight.
Top 10 Best Phytoestrogens
10 Bluebonnet Nutrition
Price for iHerb: from 1439 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.5
The composition of this drug is extremely simple - it includes only phytoestrogens obtained from soy. But at the same time, isoflavones are pure and are contained here in a good concentration (40 mg per capsule). The capsules are small, easy to swallow, and their contents are quickly absorbed by the body. As a dietary supplement to alleviate the symptoms of menopause, premenstrual syndrome, or normalize hormonal levels that are disturbed for other reasons, it is recommended to take one capsule per day. Increasing the dosage is possible only after consulting a doctor.
The drug cannot be called the most popular on the iHerb website, so there are not so many reviews about it. And those that are, are very contradictory. According to buyers, it can be used to normalize the menstrual cycle during premenopause, but it does not cope with more complex tasks. Even long-term use does not help to completely or at least partially get rid of hot flashes and night sweats.
9 Barlean's, Brevail
Price for iHerb: from 1407 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.6
A universal drug indicated for most women with hormonal disorders. It helps smooth out the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome, menopause, maintains the health of the mammary glands, smoothes mood swings.The composition of the product includes secoisolariciresinol diglycoside, flaxseed extract and vitamin D3. It is recommended to take the drug one capsule per day, the package is designed for a monthly course.
Customers believe that there are more effective remedies for Eicherb menopause symptoms, but with severe premenstrual syndrome, this drug is indispensable. Against the background of its reception, mood swings disappear, pain in the chest, abdomen disappears, and in general, during menstruation, there is no pronounced deterioration in well-being. The disadvantage is that even herbal hormonal remedies are individual, this drug causes swelling in some women.
8 Promensil
Price for iHerb: from 1839 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.6
A combination preparation based on red clover extract and calcium, designed specifically to support women's health during menopause. Due to the optimal dosage and high quality of the active ingredients, it effectively eliminates hot flashes, night sweats, normalizes the emotional background, and also has a positive effect on the health of the bone and cardiovascular system. The packaging of phytoestrogens is designed for a month of intake.
Judging by the numerous reviews of women, the remedy is effective, but the speed of the result is individual. Some experience relief in a week, others need to take pills for at least a month. For a sustainable result, the course must be long. But the main thing is that the drug is completely safe and natural, there are no side effects on it. Of the minuses, women note only the high cost.
7 Life Extension
Price for iHerb: from 1577 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.7
High-quality phytoestrogens of complex action, obtained from soybeans, help women in a variety of situations. They are mainly shown to mature women entering the menopause. They gently regulate hormonal levels, minimizing hot flashes and mood swings. A big plus - with regular intake, the formation of bone tissue is stimulated, which serves as an excellent prevention of osteoporosis. For young women, these phytoestrogens can be taken with serious hormonal disruptions, irregular and painful menstruation, and severe premenstrual syndrome.
After reading customer reviews from IHerb, you can understand that Life Extension phytoestrogens really work. True, for this they need to be taken for a sufficiently long time. Women begin to notice the first pronounced effect after about a month's course. At first, hot flashes become less pronounced, then they almost disappear, puffiness disappears, mood normalizes, skin condition improves. What is very pleasing is that there are at least negative reviews, users did not notice any unpleasant side effects.
6 ZOI Research
Price for iHerb: from 826 rubles
Rating (2021): 4.7
The drug based on phytoestrogens has a complex composition, the action of which is aimed at alleviating hot flashes, reducing sweating, and improving well-being during menopause. It includes an extract of red clover, soybean germ, crow root, angelica, a mixture for better absorption, folic acid and several other useful components. When taking two capsules a day, the overall well-being gradually improves, the emotional background normalizes, the manifestations of menopause are noticeably smoothed out.
Many women in the reviews praise these phytohormones, but note that you should not expect instant action from them. The effect is cumulative, appears on average a week after the start of the intake. A full course gives a noticeable improvement - hot flashes disappear, mood swings disappear, sleep normalizes. Among the minuses, women name only a small number of capsules in the package, you have to order several at once.
5 Nature's Way EstroSoy
Price for iHerb: from 1071 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.8
These phytoestrogens from iHerb are designed specifically to make life easier for women who have entered the menopause period. Fermented soy isoflavones, red clover flowers, and black cohosh extract, at high enough dosages, work together to help alleviate hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms. In addition to improving well-being, phytoestrogens have a hidden, but very important effect - they act as a prevention of osteoporosis, and generally improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system. You need to take two capsules per day, that is, one package is enough for a month of taking.
Women who take this drug to relieve menopausal symptoms report that it is indeed quite effective. The action does not appear immediately, but a few weeks after the start of the intake, many notice that the hot flashes have disappeared, insomnia has passed, the emotional state has become much more even. But in some cases, the effectiveness of users seems not high enough.
4 Source Naturals, Red Clover Extract
Price for iHerb: from 1183 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.8
The action of the drug is based on isoflavones obtained from red clover. These are the well-known phytoestrogens genistein, daidzein, biochanin and formononetin, which at certain periods of life are simply necessary to maintain women's health. Additionally, the complex is enriched with red clover extract and calcium (119 mg). Studies show that it is the phytoestrogens derived from red clover that support the cardiovascular system better than others during menopause. Also, taking the remedy helps to reduce hot flashes and maintain the health of the musculoskeletal system, acting as an effective prevention of osteoporosis. Conveniently, you only need to take one tablet a day.
The most important benefit that can be noticed and appreciated immediately is the reduction in the frequency and intensity of hot flashes during menopause. Also, women pay attention that taking the drug helps to reduce the manifestations of PMS, normalize the menstrual cycle, and makes it less painful. Significant shortcomings could not be found, there are isolated complaints, but they are associated with untimely or poor-quality delivery.
3 Whole World Botanicals
Price for iHerb: from 2140 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.9
Mild phytoestrogens derived from maca root have a very broad spectrum of action. Their difference lies in the fact that they can be taken by both men and women - only the dosage differs. The drug is available in relatively small capsules that are easy to take. Women during menstruation or PMS are recommended to take 2 capsules.With menopause, the recommended dosage is much higher - from three capsules, with a weekly increase in the amount until the desired effect is achieved (cessation of hot flashes). For men, the drug is recommended to increase potency - from 2 to 6 capsules daily or every other day. This herbal remedy can be drunk even to strengthen the immune system - 2 capsules per day. All this suggests that the remedy is not only harmless, but also useful.
Satisfied customers from IHerb write that the product really helps to normalize menstruation, relieves hot flashes during menopause, and generally improves well-being. There are positive reviews regarding the increase in potency. A huge plus is that none of the users who took the drug complained of side effects.
2 Nature's Plus
Price for iHerb: from 1376 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.9
A big plus of this drug is that it needs to be taken once a day and only one tablet. The composition is based on soy isoflavone concentrate containing the main phytoestrogens - genestin, daidzin and glycitin. The composition is successfully supplemented with a patented complex of probiotics. That is, it is a completely safe herbal preparation based on soy, which is necessary for many mature women to maintain health, stable hormone levels and beautiful appearance.
Women respond very well to this drug. They recommend it to everyone after menopause to keep their skin youthful, energized and feel great. The drug is mild and safe, does not give any side effects, it is not difficult to take it - just one tablet a day in courses or on an ongoing basis.No negative reviews were found. The only drawback of the product is that soy is considered a fairly allergenic product. For this reason, not everyone can take soy phytoestrogens, you need to take into account the likelihood of individual intolerance.
1 Source Naturals Hot Flash
Price for iHerb: from 1605 rub.
Rating (2021): 5.0
The special formula of the drug allows you to minimize the unpleasant manifestations of a decrease in the level of estrogen in the body. First of all, this is expressed in a decrease in the frequency of hot flashes, stabilization of mood and general well-being of a woman. Phytocomplex includes a set of various plant extracts, enriched with calcium and sodium. It is recommended to take three tablets daily with a minimum course duration of three weeks.
The most important advantage according to customers with IHerb is the naturalness and safety of the drug. Phytoetrogens act gently, do not cause side effects, but at the same time they really help to cope with frequent hot flashes. The first results from taking a woman notice about two weeks after the start of the reception. Hot flashes do not completely disappear, but become less pronounced and rare. Thanks to this drug, many users of the site completely refuse to take conventional hormones, which give a lot of unpleasant side effects.