Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Remens | Best harmless action |
2 | Menopause Strengthened Formula | Natural hormonal correction |
3 | Phytoestrogens | Handles hot flashes quickly |
4 | Estrovel | The most powerful phytoestrogens in one preparation |
5 | Qi-clim | Best for symptom relief |
6 | Inoklim | Eliminates the negative effects of menopause |
7 | Climafit-911 | Suitable for complex therapy |
8 | Bonisan | The fastest |
9 | Menoril plus | Designed to prevent complications of menopause symptoms |
10 | Oats and buckwheat | Good and affordable face cream |
Female hormones are responsible for metabolic processes, health, beauty, even mood and moral well-being. However, with age, the body ceases to produce them in the same quantities, which is why the above indicators fall. Fortunately, scientists have long found a way out. Phytoestrogens, or substances of plant origin, were discovered back in 1926. They are closest to the sex hormones of women, effectively filling their shortage. However, for a noticeable effect, the concentration of phytoestrogens must be high. Then drugs come into play.
We have collected the 10 best remedies, whose intake has a strong effect on the body and hormonal levels.Nominees are suitable for women over 40 with the first manifestations of menopause, the treatment of certain diseases, menopause. They replace sex hormones, the effectiveness has been proven not only by research, but also by customer reviews. The latter talk about improving well-being, sleep quality, and appearance. Although the drugs do not require a prescription from a doctor, most manufacturers recommend that you consult a specialist before taking them.
Top 10 Best Phytoestrogens
10 Oats and buckwheat
Country: Russia
Average price: 547 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.4
Cream with phytoestrogens for women after 40 years is an excellent support for other drugs used. The main plus is a local effect on the skin, reducing the load on the gastrointestinal tract. The product Green Mama "Oats and Buckwheat" is produced in Russia and has already received positive feedback: customers praise the product for its economical consumption, fast absorption and lack of greasy marks. The cream has a light texture, moisturizes well and is perfect for autumn, winter and spring. It contains a lot of oils, extracts-sources of estrogens, no alcohols. In the reviews, the pluses include a convenient tube volume of 50 ml, which does not disappear and is completely consumed without losing its properties.
However, the effectiveness of one of the most inexpensive creams with phytoestrogens should be treated adequately. With regular use, it improves complexion, helps to overcome dryness and fine wrinkles, but you should not count on a miraculous effect.
9 Menoril plus

Country: Russia
Average price: 656 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.3
Menoril plus is one of the best sources of isoflavones, vitamins and minerals for women during menopause.It has a positive effect on the symptoms of menopause. Buyers note a decrease in the intensity of hot flashes, headaches, and blood pressure. The drug improves mood, fills with energy. It contains a large dose of vitamin D, so necessary for women after 40 years. The formula prevents the development of osteoporosis.
In reviews, Menoril plus is praised by customers with frequent and strong hot flashes. It can be combined with other means, taken for a long time. 1 tablet before meals is enough to see significant changes. The components of the formula prevent the development of complications associated with menopause. As prescribed by a doctor, it is allowed for the treatment of gynecological diseases, disorders of the reproductive system.
8 Bonisan

Country: Russia
Average price: 488 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.4
Bonisan, unlike most analogues, begins to act within a few days. The drug has a positive effect on the female body after 40 years. It is effective at the first signs of menopause: hot flashes, dizziness, depression, swelling. It is prescribed for the treatment of menopause, the prevention of problems with the heart and blood vessels. With prolonged use, the appearance improves, the elasticity of the skin increases. Natural estrogens strengthen bone and cartilage tissue, reduce the level of bad cholesterol.
Bonisan affects the autonomic nervous system. The drug has 2 forms of release: capsules and gel. The latter is designed for external use, but has more side effects. Both options effectively relieve sweating, control appetite and temperature. They are prescribed for the prevention of diseases of the joints and bones in patients over 45 years of age.
7 Climafit-911

Country: Russia
Average price: 532 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.4
Climafit-911 is the best addition to the treatment of hormone-related disruptions prescribed by the doctor. It contains the safest phytoestrogens that support physical activity, relieve women of headaches, depression, anxiety. The formula consists of extracts of hawthorn, horsetail, valerian, soy, black cohosh. It is supplemented with vitamins and macronutrients. The result appears in a few weeks. However, the symptoms will return if the use is stopped.
The manufacturer claims that Climafit-911 takes part in the synthesis of elastin and collagen, maintains youthful skin. Buyers did not notice a strong improvement in appearance, but confirm the effect on the emotional state, reducing uncomfortable sensations during hot flashes. The drug is indicated for osteoporosis to strengthen bone tissue, the absorption of funds with calcium and phosphorus. It is prescribed to hypertensive patients for the sake of normalizing pressure.
6 Inoklim

Country: France
Average price: 980 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5
Inoklim is based on isoflavone obtained from soybeans, which replaces human hormones. It is supplemented with auxiliary elements for complex support of the body after 40. For example, sunflower oil is rich in vitamins A, D, F, Omega-3 and 6. The manufacturer has selected interdependent elements, they are quickly absorbed. Phytoestrogens help with age-related changes in bone tissue, leaching of nutrients. Regular use of the drug increases the strength of cartilage.
Customers note a decrease in the negative symptoms of menopause, a regular cycle returns to young women.Inoklim has practically no side effects, is one of the safest. Phytoestrogens normalize the mental state, relieve depression, insomnia, stress. Long-term use improves appearance, slows down the aging process. The drug is indicated for the prevention of headaches and muscle pain, abdominal discomfort.
5 Qi-clim

Country: Russia
Average price: 380 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
The non-hormonal drug Tsi-clim was created to improve the quality of life during menopause. The formula with cimicifuga extract from the company "Evalar" relieves hot flashes, removes irritability, sweating. It returns healthy sleep, stabilizes the emotional background. The manufacturer has selected ingredients that allow women to undergo hormonal changes without loss. Tsiklim is approved for use with stronger drugs, it leaves the body in a few days.
According to the manufacturer's recommendations, the product is indicated for women over 45 years of age. Buyers in the reviews note noticeable changes after 2 weeks, they recommend being patient. Judging by the comments, many add vitamin complexes and folic acid for greater effectiveness. A month later, there is a significant decrease in the number of hot flashes. Healthy sleep comes much earlier, irritability disappears, protection against stress and fatigue increases.
4 Estrovel

Country: Russia
Average price: 563 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Estrovel is a complex of the most powerful phytoestrogens that can restore health in serious cases. The basis is an extract of cimicifuga, known for its positive effect on the nervous system. It helps with sweating, hot flashes, dizziness.The drug alleviates the symptoms of hormone imbalance, reduces joint pain. Isoflavones strengthen bone tissue, have anti-inflammatory properties. Estrovel is indicated for patients over 40 for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
The reviews write about the normalization of the condition after the first days of admission. Users with irregular menstrual cycles report a return to normal. The drug is supplemented with vitamins that affect the health of the skin, hair, nails. Along with the physical well-being, the emotional state improves. Irritability, lethargy go away. Regular use reduces the risk of tumors, the development of atherosclerosis.
3 Phytoestrogens
Country: Russia
Average price: RUB 1,687
Rating (2022): 4.7
One of the best drugs from "Evalar" helps to deal with the effects of menopause in women after 40 years. The product "PhytoEstrogens" is available in soluble capsules, and you can take it without interruption. And to achieve the best effect, you need to drink a course for at least 3 months. But, as noted in the reviews, the result of the reception is noticeable after 4 weeks. The advantages also include the convenience of therapy - it is enough to drink 1 time per day. Women positively assess the effect of rhubarb extract capsules: hot flashes quickly disappear, sleep improves. Gradually, the remedy leads to a general improvement in well-being and is often recommended by doctors as part of the complex treatment of menopause symptoms.
However, the price of 1 package of "Evalar", which is enough for 1/3 of the course, is 1.5-2 times higher than even foreign analogues. Side effects in the reviews are mentioned extremely rarely and affect mainly disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also noted that when therapy is stopped, symptoms may gradually return.
2 Menopause Strengthened Formula
Country: USA
Average price: 902 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
The best balanced formula Lady's formula Menopause is sold in packs of 30 tablets. As part of a remedy for smoothing the symptoms of menopause in women after 40 years, there is an excellent composition of vitamins, minerals and extracts - sources of phytoestrogens. For example, Peruvian maca root and meadow clover. The manufacturer recommends taking the drug for at least 3-6 months, especially in severe menopause. During this period, the supplement not only masks the symptoms, but normalizes the work of the female body, “rebuilding” the processes that have gone astray under new conditions.
Due to additional vitamins and minerals, the supplement protects the cardiovascular system and prevents the development of osteoporosis. Over 80% of customers in the reviews highly appreciate the effectiveness of the product, its mild effect, indicate the absence of side effects. But the drug is manufactured in the USA, and this may affect the stability of its supply.
1 Remens

Country: Austria
Average price: 389 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
Remens is recognized as the best by hundreds of customers, which is proved by positive reviews. The drug has 2 forms of release: in the form of tablets and drops. They include cimicifuga, pilocarpus, sanguinaria, surukuku snake venom and cuttlefish gland secretion. The tool practically does not interact with other medications, it is used in the treatment of endometritis, menopausal syndrome. It is prescribed to stabilize the menstrual cycle.Not a single case of overdose or side effect has been officially registered, Remens is the safest in the ranking.
Phytoestrogens in the composition greatly facilitate the life of women during menopause, relieve hot flashes. The manufacturer recommends taking a few tablets or drops three times a day before meals. The result is not immediately visible, the effectiveness gradually increases, the maximum effect appears after 3 weeks. When the symptoms have disappeared, it is necessary to switch to a maintenance dose.