10 best remedies for prostatitis with iHerb

You should not wait until prostatitis makes itself felt - it is better to start prevention right away. For this, natural and effective products with Iherb are perfect. The best drugs for supporting the prostate gland are collected in the "Quality Marks" rating.
1 Now Foods, Prostate Support 4.65
Most popular
2 Solgar Gold Specifics 4.62
Effective remedy for prevention
3 Garden of Life, Dr. Formulated Probiotics 4.57
Wide spectrum of action
4 Life Extension Ultra Prostate Formula 4.55
For men of any age
5 Now Foods, Saw Palmetto Extract 4.53
The best ratio of price and quality
6 Doctor's Best Comprehensive Prostate Formula 4.45
The fastest effect
7 Real Health 4.43
Best price
8 Jarrow Formulas, Prostate Optimizer 4.35
No side effects
9 Source Naturals, Prosta-Response 4.32
10 Irwin Naturals, Prosta-Strong 4.28

All men after reaching the age of 40 should begin to monitor the health of the prostate gland in order to avoid problems in the future. Good and safe herbal products can be found on the US site IHerb. Here is a fairly large selection of drugs for the prevention and treatment of prostatitis. When taken regularly, they reduce the unpleasant manifestations of the disease and have a positive effect on the general well-being of men.The most common component of such funds is the extract of saw palmetto or creeping palm, on the basis of which the Russian drug Prostamol Uno was developed. But, according to buyers, Iherb analogues are more effective.

There are contraindications! Consult your doctor!

Top 10. Irwin Naturals, Prosta-Strong

Rating (2022): 4.28
Accounted for 167 reviews from resources: iHerb
  • Average price: 3293 rubles.
  • Active ingredient: plant extracts, quercetin, vitamins
  • Release form: capsules
  • Quantity: 180
  • Dosing schedule: 4 capsules per day

It is difficult to list all the substances that make up the natural preparation. These are plant extracts, vitamins, microelements, protein, quercetin, lycopene, phytosterols. So the remedy not only improves the functioning of the prostate gland, but also generally has a positive effect on the health of men. This is one of the best remedies for the prevention of prostatitis, it can be recommended to everyone after 40 years, even if no problems have yet arisen. As a treatment, it is recommended to take 4 capsules per day, for early prevention, you can limit yourself to 1-2 pieces. The packaging is large, at the recommended dosage it lasts for a month and a half, so the cost is quite high.

Pros and cons
  • Large package, enough for a month and a half
  • Balanced complex composition, high efficiency
  • Support for men's health and treatment of prostatitis
  • Effective prevention, recommended after 40 years
  • Working drug, men notice an improvement in well-being
  • Large capsules, not very pleasant to take
  • The high cost of the course for three months

Top 9. Source Naturals, Prosta-Response

Rating (2022): 4.32
Accounted for 101 feedback from resources: iHerb
  • Average price: 1551 rubles.
  • Active ingredient: vitamins, trace elements, plant extracts
  • Release form: tablets
  • Quantity: 90
  • Dosing regimen: 5 tablets per day

One of the most saturated preparations for prostatitis on Eicherb. It includes a set of plant extracts, a complex of vitamins, trace elements, fatty acids, lycopene and much more. Subject to the dosage and duration of administration, the result is in most cases. Men note that discomfort in the prostate gland area disappears, trips to the toilet at night are reduced, and overall health improves, cheerfulness appears. The drug is available in tablets. For treatment, it is recommended to take 5 pieces per day, divided into several doses, for prevention, you can use a smaller dose. It should be borne in mind that the package is enough for only 18 days.

Pros and cons
  • Rich composition, comprehensive support for the prostate gland
  • High efficiency, there is a result in most cases
  • Contains many vitamins, microelements, body support
  • Can be taken for treatment as part of complex therapy
  • Daily intake of 5 tablets, enough for 18 days
  • Tablets smell bad

Top 8. Jarrow Formulas, Prostate Optimizer

Rating (2022): 4.35
Accounted for 84 feedback from resources: iHerb
No side effects

Not a single buyer with Iherb in the reviews complained about side effects. The natural remedy is well tolerated, brings only benefits.

  • Average price: 2026 rubles.
  • Active ingredient: saw extract, nettle, boswellia
  • Release form: capsules
  • Quantity: 90
  • Dosing schedule: 3 capsules per day

A good preparation that, in addition to plant extracts of sawmill, boswellia, nettle and rye pollen, contains fish oil, vitamin D3, phytosterols, lycopene and other useful substances. In combination, they have a positive effect on men's health. Therefore, they can be taken not only for prevention, but also for treatment. The effect is noticeable after two weeks - discomfort decreases, the number of night trips to the toilet is reduced. For a lasting effect with prostatitis, it is recommended to take the remedy for about three months, as a prophylaxis, short courses of four weeks every six months are sufficient. There are no complaints about side effects in IHerb reviews.

Pros and cons
  • Combined composition of plant extracts, fish oil
  • Supports Prostate Function
  • Pronounced effect, fast acting, suitable for treatment
  • Preventive effect, can be taken in short courses
  • Safe composition, does not give side effects
  • Expensive drug, enough for only a month of taking

Top 7. Real Health

Rating (2022): 4.43
Accounted for 109 reviews from resources: iHerb
Best price

The cheapest drug in the ranking is available in a small volume of 30 capsules. But you need to take only 1 piece per day, so the package is enough for a month. Very profitable offer!

  • Average price: 1061 rubles.
  • Active ingredient: saw extract, turmeric
  • Release form: capsules
  • Quantity: 30
  • Dosing schedule: 1 capsule per day

An excellent drug with a balanced composition and a convenient form of taking one capsule per day.According to the observation of buyers with Eicherb, it works much better than the Russian Prostamol, which contains the same active substance - serenoya extract. Here it is supplemented with other plant components, zinc, selenium, lycopene. They enhance the effect and have a general healing effect on the male body. It is desirable to take the drug in a course of at least three months, but noticeable improvements are observed after two weeks. The use of dietary supplements is advisable both for the prevention of prostate diseases and their treatment.

Pros and cons
  • Successful formula, balanced content of substances
  • Improves the condition, reduces the frequency of nighttime urination
  • Easy to take, just one capsule a day
  • Fast acting, visible improvement in two weeks
  • Excellent product for prevention
  • Capsules contain gelatin, not suitable for vegetarians
  • Must be taken for at least three months

Top 6. Doctor's Best Comprehensive Prostate Formula

Rating (2022): 4.45
Accounted for 694 feedback from resources: iHerb
The fastest effect

Subject to the rules of admission, buyers note the appearance of the result after 2-3 weeks. For a dietary supplement, this is a very good result.

  • Average price: 1570 rubles.
  • Active ingredient: serenoya extract, a complex of vitamins and microelements
  • Release form: capsules
  • Quantity: 120
  • Dosing schedule: 4 capsules per day

A drug with a good composition based on serenoya extract, a complex of other plants, vitamins, microelements. With the recommended method of taking 4 capsules per day, the dosage of all these components is quite high.Perhaps that is why many men note the rapid action of the remedy - the first improvements can be seen in a couple of weeks. But a lot depends on the body, individual characteristics, since there are also such buyers with IHerb who do not observe the effect at all. But in general, capsules can be recommended both for the prevention and treatment of prostate diseases, as well as for improving overall well-being - their composition is very good.

Pros and cons
  • Combined composition of plant extracts and trace elements
  • Course reception improves the condition of the prostate gland
  • Positively affects the general well-being of men
  • Recommended for all men over 40
  • Quick effect, improvement in two to three weeks
  • You need to take 4 capsules a day, enough for only a month
  • Expensive drug, long course even for prevention
  • The effect is individual, not everyone helps

Top 5. Now Foods, Saw Palmetto Extract

Rating (2022): 4.53
Accounted for 1102 feedback from resources: iHerb
The best ratio of price and quality

At a low cost of less than 1500 rubles, the product is available in a large jar with 90 capsules. It is enough for 3 months of admission. A well-known brand guarantees quality and efficiency.

  • Average price: 1373 rubles.
  • Active ingredient: serenoya extract
  • Release form: capsules
  • Quantity: 90
  • Dosing schedule: 1 capsule per day

Now Foods capsules are an analogue of the Russian drug Prostamol Uno. But compared to the prices in pharmacies, the IHerb website offers a remedy at a more affordable cost. Both drugs are made on the basis of one substance - the fruits of the serenoya plant, which is otherwise called creeping palm.The effect of the extract has been studied, it really has a positive effect on men's health. The drug can be taken as a prophylaxis or for the treatment of prostatitis as part of complex therapy. There is an effect, but not always pronounced. To notice at least some changes, the duration of the course must be at least six months, which is equal to two banks of funds.

Pros and cons
  • Natural remedy based on serenoya berry extract
  • Effective prevention of prostatitis
  • Gelatin-free capsules, suitable for vegetarians
  • Lots of positive feedback from buyers
  • Helps as a treatment for prostate adenoma
  • You need to drink a long course of at least 6 months
  • Some buyers do not notice the effect
  • Capsules don't smell good

Top 4. Life Extension Ultra Prostate Formula

Rating (2022): 4.55
Accounted for 536 reviews from resources: iHerb
For men of any age

The combined remedy is suitable for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the prostate gland. It can be recommended to all men after 40 years.

  • Average price: 2173 rubles.
  • Active ingredient: extract of serenoya, nettle, pumpkin seeds
  • Release form: capsules
  • Quantity: 60
  • Reception schedule: 1 capsule 2 times a day

It is difficult to list everything that is part of the Life Extension herbal preparation. Of the ingredients included in the high dosage are chamomile extract, nettle, pumpkin seed, beto-sitosterol, and a dozen other ingredients in smaller amounts. The content of serenoia (creeping palm) is the same as in the Russian preparation "Prostamol Uno", but here the extract is supplemented with other important substances necessary for men's health.The complex action makes it possible not only to prevent, but also to treat prostatitis. The effect of the reception is noticed by many buyers with Iherb. According to their observations, the frequency of going to the toilet at night decreases, and the condition of the prostate gland improves in general.

Pros and cons
  • Complex preparation based on herbal ingredients
  • Suitable for the prevention and treatment of prostatitis
  • Perfectly balanced composition, support for the prostate gland
  • Suitable for men of all ages
  • Reduces the frequency of night trips to the toilet
  • Capsules contain gelatin, not suitable for vegetarians
  • For treatment, it is used only as part of complex therapy.

Top 3. Garden of Life, Dr. Formulated Probiotics

Rating (2022): 4.57
Accounted for 178 reviews from resources: iHerb
Wide spectrum of action

For a drug for prostatitis, this remedy has a somewhat unusual composition. It is based on probiotics. They have a positive effect not only on the state of the prostate gland, but also on digestion and immunity.

  • Average price: 3073 rubles.
  • Active ingredient: a mixture of probiotics and vitamin D3
  • Release form: capsules
  • Quantity: 60
  • Dosing schedule: 2 capsules per day

Not quite the standard product for supporting prostate health is a complex of 15 probiotic strains and vitamin D3. Due to this composition, it has a positive effect not only on the reproductive, but also on the digestive system, as well as on the immune system. Course reception helps in general to improve well-being. But due to this composition, the drug is only suitable for the prevention of prostatitis, with severe symptoms of the disease, it will not be effective enough.But, despite this, buyers from the Eicherb complex praise and often order it again. As a preventative, it works very well.

Pros and cons
  • Complex action, for the prostate gland, digestion and immunity
  • 100% natural, no side effects
  • Preventive drug, supports men's health
  • Improvement in well-being after a month of taking
  • Gelatin-free capsule, suitable for vegetarians
  • Will not help with severe cases of prostatitis

Top 2. Solgar Gold Specifics

Rating (2022): 4.62
Accounted for 137 reviews from resources: iHerb
Effective remedy for prevention

An excellent prophylactic that generally improves the health of men. It has everything you need to support your prostate, keep you active and alert.

  • Average price: 2167 rubles.
  • Active ingredient: nettle extract, saw palmetto, lycopene
  • Release form: capsules
  • Quantity: 60
  • Dosing schedule: 2 capsules per day

A good dietary supplement based on natural ingredients. It includes extracts that are often used to support prostate health - sawaw and nettle. Also in the composition you can see lycopene, pumpkin seed powder, zinc and selenium. Together, all these substances have a positive effect on men's health. The dosage of serenoia per capsule is not very large, so the remedy can be recommended rather for prevention, as a treatment it may not be effective enough. But as part of complex therapy, the use of the drug is justified and contributes to a speedy recovery.

Pros and cons
  • Balanced composition, good for men's health
  • Fast acting, first improvements in two weeks
  • Used for treatment and prevention
  • Natural ingredients, no side effects
  • Proven, popular brand, excellent quality
  • Will not help in difficult cases of prostatitis
  • For a lasting result, you need to repeat courses

Top 1. Now Foods, Prostate Support

Rating (2022): 4.65
Accounted for 1571 feedback from resources: iHerb
Most popular

The well-known brand Now Foods prostatitis remedy is especially popular among buyers on IHerb. More than 1500 reviews have been left about it, and most of them are positive.

  • Average price: 2106 rubles.
  • Active ingredient: nettle extract, saw palmetto, pumpkin seed oil
  • Release form: capsules
  • Quantity: 180
  • Reception schedule: 2 tablets 1-2 times a day

A complex drug popular on Eicherb with a completely natural composition. It includes stinging nettle root extract, saw palmetto, pumpkin seed oil, as well as lycopene, zinc and vitamin B6. The combination of these substances with prolonged use serves as a good prevention of prostatitis, helps to speed up recovery in case of existing problems. In addition, the tool helps to cope with moderate erectile dysfunction and improves the overall well-being of men. But it is better to start taking it with a small dosage, with one capsule, since in some cases the drug can cause individual side effects. And when buying, it should be borne in mind that the capsules are large, difficult to swallow.

Pros and cons
  • Combined composition, complex effect on health
  • A lot of positive reviews, a popular and effective tool
  • Useful to take as a preventive measure in adulthood
  • Helps with prostatitis as part of complex therapy
  • Reduces the number of night trips to the toilet
  • Capsules are made using animal gelatin
  • Very large capsules, difficult to take
  • Individually causes side effects
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