Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Prostamol Uno | Best quality. Has no side effects |
2 | Vitaprost | double effect |
3 | Afala | Enhances the action of antibiotics |
4 | Galavit | The best immunomodulatory action |
5 | Afalaza | plant composition |
1 | Prostatilen | The best composition. The most prescribed drug |
2 | Prostacor | Prevents the development of pathologies |
3 | Longidaza | prolonged action |
4 | Timalin | Effectively normalizes the immune system |
5 | Pyrogenal | Strengthens the body's specific resistance |
1 | Uroprost | Best Directional Action |
2 | Relief | High quality |
3 | Indomethacin | The best combination of price and quality |
4 | diclofenac | Pronounced analgesic effect |
5 | Ichthyol | Affordable price |
1 | Augmentin | Better efficacy in the most dangerous infections |
2 | Ceftriaxone | Quickly stops the inflammatory process |
3 | Wilprafen | Acts directly on the inflammatory focus |
4 | Levofloxacin | Copes with any stage of the disease |
5 | Cefotaxime | The cheapest broad-spectrum antibiotic |
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Improper lifestyle or bacterial infections often lead to prostatitis. Today, in urology, this is the most common disease in men. The therapy includes a whole range of procedures and preparations in the form of suppositories, tablets, injections, capsules, solutions.
Modern pharmacies provide a wide range of medicines. Each has certain pharmacological properties, contraindications and side effects. You can buy a suitable tool only after visiting a specialist. Numerous range of medicines generates high competition in the market among manufacturers. Each of them attributes the best characteristics to their product. In fact, this is not always the case. With the help of patient reviews and the recommendations of urologists, we were able to select the most effective and popular medicines for prostatitis. They are presented in the rating and divided into categories in accordance with the form of issue.
The best pills and capsules for prostatitis
Many drugs are available in the form of tablets. It is considered the most convenient (does not require special manipulations), but not the fastest. Often requires large amounts of water.
5 Afalaza
Country: Russia
Average price: 550 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
The herbal remedy is aimed at eliminating pain, improving potency, combating inflammation and urinary disorders. Prevents the development of pathologies in tissues. It has a safe composition, due to which it is hypoallergenic. It is often used for the preventive treatment of diseases of the reproductive system. Well tolerated, rarely causes adverse reactions.
Released without a prescription. To achieve a sustainable result, long-term regular treatment is necessary. Patients are satisfied with the effectiveness of the drug. As advantages, they distinguish: normalization of blood circulation, increased erection, getting rid of congestion in the pelvic area. Afalaza carefully takes care of men's health.Restores vitality regardless of age.
4 Galavit
Country: Russia
Average price: 500 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
A wide spectrum of action allows you to fight many urogenital infections, including prostatitis. Due to its high efficiency and safety, it has earned the trust of many doctors. Stimulates the protective functions of the body, relieves pain and swelling. Suitable for both complex therapy and prevention. Passed clinical trials, has no analogues.
Reviews of patients prove the excellent quality of Galavit. Many are sure that this is the best immunomodulatory drug. The main advantage is that the remedy, by improving resistance, helps the immune system to overcome the disease on its own. Safe action, lack of contraindications, as well as good compatibility with other medicines makes it even more in demand.
3 Afala
Country: Russia
Average price: 450 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
It is a lozenge for resorption. The therapeutic effect is achieved by inhibiting the development of adenoma. Provides blood flow to the prostate gland, thereby restoring its function. Relieves swelling and inflammation, eliminates pain. An excellent medicine for chronic prostatitis, with virtually no contraindications.
According to patients, Afala has a beneficial effect on the sexual functions of men, without violating the reproductive properties. Joint reception with antibiotics enhances the effect of the latter. It is noticed that after the first 10 days of treatment, symptoms such as burning, frequent urination, pain and discomfort disappear.Complete relief from the disease is possible after a month and a half.
2 Vitaprost
Country: Russia
Average price: 1 200 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Tablets are among the fast-acting. It has the necessary licenses and quality certificates. They have a positive effect on the genitourinary system, reduce the size of adenomas, and work against inflammation. The composition is supplemented with an antibiotic. In the chronic form of prostatitis, possible complications are prevented. Approved for use by older men.
According to urologists, Vitaprost is one of the best drugs. The dual effect (antibacterial and anti-inflammatory) has a powerful effect on the body. Eliminates the problems of urination, prevents the formation of blood clots in the vessels. Natural prostate extract acts safely and quickly, increasing potency and keeping the result for a long time.
1 Prostamol Uno
Country: Russia
Average price: 800 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
The main advantages are pain relief, increased potency and normalization of urination. The active substance in the form of creeping palm extract has a strong effect: anti-inflammatory, anti-androgenic and anti-exudative. The drug has been clinically tested and has received safety certificates. The composition is completely natural.
Better remedies for prostatitis, judging by the reviews of patients, cannot be found. Prostamol is effective in the most severe stages of the disease. To quickly get rid of the disease, it is enough to take one capsule per day. Even with an overdose or after a very long therapy, side effects are not observed. Doctors willingly recommend it for purchase, referring to its excellent pharmacological characteristics.
The best injection solutions for prostatitis
Most often, injections are used during the acute stages or with pronounced symptoms of the primary disease. Compared to other dosage forms, this one has the advantage of achieving the greatest effectiveness in the shortest time.
5 Pyrogenal
Country: Russia
Average price: 626 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
It is prescribed for non-specific treatment of prostatitis. The principle of action is based on the provocation of the immune system, the transfer of the disease from the chronic stage to the acute one. The active substance is bacterial lipopolysaccharide. Intramuscular injection provokes an increase in body temperature, which is kept at 37.5 degrees for up to 8 hours after administration. For 2-3 times the reaction of the body weakens. Therapy with Pyrogenal is carried out only in a hospital under the supervision of a physician.
Patients, describing in the reviews their feelings after the administration of the drug, speak of a moderate increase in temperature, pain at the injection site of Pyrogenal. After repeated administration, the symptoms subside, the pain in the muscle disappears. It is recommended to inject 1 time in 2 days. The best treatment regimen is co-administration with antibiotics. During therapy, it is necessary to undergo a course of prostate massage. There is an improvement in the patient's condition or a complete cure.
4 Timalin
Country: Russia
Average price: 465 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
To date, Timalin is prescribed to increase the body's defenses. It is well tolerated and has no contraindications. The main component is bovine thymus extract. Recommended as a medicinal and prophylactic agent.The best for the treatment of chronic prostatitis when the patient has a weakened immune system. In the absence of individual characteristics, it is administered subcutaneously 1 time per day in the required dosage. The duration of treatment is 1 week. The course can be repeated on the recommendation of a doctor.
Patients in the reviews talk about the possibility of continuing their usual lifestyle during treatment. Allowed to perform potentially dangerous work, driving, repairing equipment. The effectiveness of Timalin in viral and bacterial origin of prostate adenoma was noted. The agent is diluted with isotonic sodium solution before administration. It is possible to extend the course up to 10 days.
3 Longidaza
Country: Russia
Average price: 1 800 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
The tool is designed to enhance the effect of antibiotics, immunostimulating and antiviral drugs. It is used in complex therapy. It does not act on the causative agent of the disease, but on the cell membrane of the tissue. Suppresses inflammation, prevents scarring, reduces swelling and adenoma. The advantage is selective action. Longidaza destroys only diseased cells.
When buying, it is not necessary to present a prescription. The cost is high, but it is justified by the effectiveness. The drug has prolonged medicinal properties. After administration, it continues to have a therapeutic effect for the next 20 days. Improves blood flow, strengthens the immune system. The risk of complications is practically absent. Such a complex action can guarantee a relapse.
2 Prostacor
Country: Russia
Average price: 400 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Prostacor is effective in the treatment of many prostatic diseases.It copes well with adenoma, age-related disorders, infertility. Thanks to the remedy, puffiness, pain syndrome disappear. Reduces the likelihood of blood clots and the frequency of urination. The therapy lasts only 10 days. This is enough to completely defeat the disease.
Patients are delighted with the result achieved by Prostacor. It quickly restores the work of the prostate gland. It is aimed at preventing the development of pathologies. It is often prescribed to men with exacerbation of chronic forms of prostatitis. Rarely causes allergic reactions. This is due, rather, with individual intolerance to individual components.
1 Prostatilen
Country: Russia
Average price: 700 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
To date, Prostatilen is the most prescribed medicine for prostatitis. Eliminates hyperedema and prevents its re-formation. Helps with congestion in the pelvis, improving microcirculation in the prostate gland. It improves the quality of seminal fluid and the tone of the muscles of the bladder. Supports the protective functions of the body, contributing to better resistance to pathologies.
Opinions of urologists are positive. With the help of the drug, not one goal is achieved, but several. In addition to getting rid of prostatitis, injections improve the potency of men. Sperm motility is accelerated, testosterone production is increased. Patients prefer him for excellent results and fast action.
The best candles for prostatitis
They have several therapeutic properties: analgesic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory.Less convenient to use, but quickly absorbed, due to which the desired therapeutic effect is achieved.
5 Ichthyol
Country: Russia
Average price: 91 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
The difference between Ichthyol suppositories and similar ones is their low cost and local healing effect. They are considered a good analgesic, improve the functioning of the genitourinary system, and eliminate congestion. They are often used as an antiseptic. They do an excellent job with inflammatory processes. Suitable for both self-treatment and complex therapy.
They are well tolerated, with the exception of rare individual allergic reactions. Help with acute attacks of prostate disease. They are prescribed by the attending physician and are used only in the appropriate dosage. Otherwise, sad consequences cannot be avoided. Patients are satisfied with the results of therapy. Men in the reviews write that candles helped to get rid of swelling and pain for a long time. This is the best budget medicine.
4 diclofenac
Country: India, Russia, Germany
Average price: 30 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
The active substance in Diclofenac has a pronounced analgesic property, so relief occurs in the first few hours after application. A wide spectrum of action allows you to suppress the disease from several sides at once. Among the useful characteristics stand out: the removal of inflammation, pain reduction, elimination of edema, antipyretic and antithrombotic effects.
Candles are in great demand among patients. Reviews of men prove the positive effect of Diclofenac at different stages of prostatitis. For the rapid removal of pain, he is considered the best.The main thing is to avoid overdose, which can cause side effects. The acceptable cost of the drug also plays an important role. These characteristics make it more popular than analogues.
3 Indomethacin
Country: Russia
Average price: 90 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
With prostate disease, specialists often prescribe Indomethacin. The main action is to suppress the focus of inflammation, relieve pain and heat. Additional benefits are the ability of the drug to improve blood circulation and rectal tone, strengthen blood vessels and prevent blood clots. The results of therapy begin to appear 30 minutes after the use of suppositories.
Patients claim that long-term regular use of the drug allows you to completely get rid of the disease and avoid relapses. Due to Indomethacin, urination is normalized (without frequent urge, incontinence, pain), erection increases. Perhaps this is one of the best means of caring for men's health.
2 Relief
Country: USA
Average price: 650 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Urologists award Relief with the highest marks, noting its effectiveness in prostatitis. Acts instantly, the result lasts for a long time. Pain and discomfort in the prostate area disappear. Puffiness is reduced and the function of the prostate gland is restored. Eliminate problems with urination.
The main difference from analogues is the ability of the drug to deliver the maximum concentration of the active substance to the focus. Suppositories, on the way to defeat, are not destroyed. This gives the highest quality therapeutic effect. Many urologists are happy to prescribe the drug, including for prevention.Patients are satisfied with the result. In combination with an acceptable price, Relief, today, is a prominent representative of the ranking of the best.
1 Uroprost
Country: Russia
Average price: 700 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
It is based on prostate extract - the most popular component. Normalizes the tone of the ureters, improves blood circulation, reduces adenoma. Eliminates congestion, prevents the appearance of blood clots. Great for stimulating the immune system. The medicine is considered the best in the fight against prostatitis. It acts directly on the focus of inflammation.
Among the advantages of men include improving the functions of the prostate and the quality of seminal fluid, relieving swelling and pain, reducing the number of urinary urges. Noticed the disappearance of discomfort, the establishment of blood circulation in the pelvis. An excellent tool, today, for treatment and prevention. Of course, the price for 10 Uroprost suppositories is high, but they are worth it.
The best antibiotics for prostatitis
Therapy of bacterial and chronic infectious prostatitis is not complete without antibiotics. They eliminate pathogens and restore the function of the gland. The course cannot last more than 14 days, as antibiotics disrupt the immune system.
5 Cefotaxime
Country: India
Average price: 26 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
3rd generation antibiotic with a wide spectrum of action. It is prescribed for bacterial prostatitis at different stages of the disease. Recommended for intravenous and intramuscular administration. With the second method of administration, it enters the blood in half an hour. The concentration is maintained for 12 hours.Taking Cefotaxime together with vitamin K preparations is undesirable, since the first inhibits the synthesis of the second. This leads to bleeding.
Patients in the reviews emphasize the high effectiveness of treatment at minimal cost. When administered orally, men experience pain at the injection site. To reduce sensitivity, the antibiotic is dissolved with lidocaine. In this case, the dose is adjusted depending on the characteristics of the organism. For patients with a history of renal insufficiency, the dose is reduced. In a standard situation, a double daily dose is prescribed every 12 hours. The daily dosage should not exceed 12 g.
4 Levofloxacin
Country: Belarus
Average price: 62 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Antibacterial preparation of a wide range of action. Patients can count on a quick result if all the doctor's recommendations are followed. The main component is levofloxacin. It is applied intravenously by drip method. It is important to administer the drug slowly. When removing the first symptoms of the disease, the medicine can be taken orally at the same concentration. With chronic prostate adenoma, it is recommended at a dosage of 500 mg 1 time per day. The duration of application is at least 28 days.
Patients note in the reviews the good tolerability of the drug. In some cases, tachycardia is observed during drip administration. A drop in blood pressure during treatment is acceptable. The best treatment option is stationary, under the supervision of medical professionals. After removing the first signs of prostatitis - pain, difficulty urinating, squeezing in the inguinal region - the drug continues to be used for 2-3 days. This will fix the result and help to avoid relapse.
3 Wilprafen
Country: Italy
Average price: 574 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
The drug belongs to the group of macrolide antibiotics. They are characterized by a high rate of help and good bioavailability. Vilprafen penetrates directly into the focus of inflammation. The main component is josamycin. Available in two forms - Vilprafen and Vilprafen Solutab. The second type of drug is intended for oral administration without water. Tablets quickly dissolve in the oral cavity, are absorbed through the mucous membrane into the blood. The taste of the drug is strawberry. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, but not more than 3 weeks.
Patients suffering from chlamydial prostatitis are particularly effective in reviews. Men talk about the weakening of symptoms after the second dose of the drug. Erectile ability is restored, pain and inflammation disappear. An increase in dosage is permissible in consultation with the doctor. The maximum daily dose is 3 grams. It is divided into 2-3 doses. For patients with chronic renal failure, an individual treatment regimen is being developed.
2 Ceftriaxone
Country: India
Average price: 24 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
It is prescribed for chronic and bacterial form of prostatitis. Taking the drug quickly stops inflammation, significantly reduces swelling of the prostate gland, eliminates pain, and normalizes urodynamics. The course of treatment is the shortest of similar drugs. It lasts from 5 to 10 days, depending on the severity of the disease and the decision of the attending physician. Doctors advise administering Ceftriaxone daily at the same time, which will increase the effect of the antibiotic on the gland.
Patients in the reviews talk about the acceptable cost of the drug, its speed.Before taking, many take painkillers so that the process of introducing an antibiotic is not noticeable. All those who took the drug note high efficiency, so they do not focus on the pain of administration. It is recommended for patients in the postoperative period to reduce the risk of infection.
1 Augmentin
Country: Great Britain
Average price: 151 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
It is prescribed at an early stage of prostatitis. Today it is produced in the form of powder, tablets, injections. Treatment begins with injections, continues with oral forms of the drug. The main components are amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. This combination is considered the best for fighting advanced infections. Augmentin in the course of treatment helps patients to recover in parallel from concomitant diseases. It can act as an independent medicine, and can be included in complex therapy.
The drug is considered one of the most popular antibiotics in the treatment of the prostate gland. Patients in the reviews note the high effectiveness of Augmentin therapy. Pain, feeling of squeezing disappear, urination normalizes. In acute uncomplicated course of the disease, the drug is prescribed for 14 days strictly every 8 hours. Difficult cases are treated with a large number of injections - every 4-6 hours. Single dosage - 200 mg. The antibiotic is taken for at least 5 days.