Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Weleda Stilltee | Better efficiency. Application safety |
2 | Fleur Alpine | High quality |
3 | Hipp fruity | Environmentally friendly product |
4 | Mom's tea "Health" | The best combination of price and quality |
5 | Humana | Improves liver and kidney function |
6 | Bebivita | Provides anti-inflammatory properties |
7 | Leros Baby Leros s.r.o. | Safe composition |
8 | Lactavit | Quick result |
9 | Laktomama Evalar | Contains essential oils |
10 | Grandma's basket Sivma | Best price |
The most beautiful event in the life of every woman is the birth of a child. It is accompanied by quivering and happy moments, as well as a huge responsibility for the health of the baby. According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, the best food for a newborn is mother's milk. It contains all the useful components that ensure the correct and healthy development of the child. Mom should try to ensure that this healing nutrition is provided to the baby. However, genetics or stressful conditions can lead to the fact that milk will not be enough. In this case, special teas were developed to help mothers to increase lactation.
The basis of the composition of drinks includes various herbs. Their properties allow to improve the production of milk. Any tea for lactation contains only natural ingredients, which makes it absolutely safe. It will not harm either the body of the mother or the health of the baby. The effectiveness of the product has been tested by many women.A nice warm drink is great for stimulating more nutritious food for your baby.
TOP 10 best teas for lactation
10 Grandma's basket Sivma
Country: Russia
Average price: 73 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
The manufacturer of tea Babushkino basket is well known to many mothers. Time-tested products are distinguished by their natural composition and effectiveness. Breastfeeding women confirm the positive effect of the drink. Aromas of lemon balm and fennel soothe the nervous system, which contributes to the filling of the mammary glands. In addition to the above benefits, tea has healing properties. It is able to strengthen the body and remove harmful substances from it.
Due to the natural composition, tea helps to increase the immunity of the mother and reduce colic in the tummy of the newborn. After stable use, the body receives the necessary substances. For example, in the rosehip, which is contained in the drink, vitamins C and P are present. Thanks to fennel, antimicrobial and anticonvulsant effects are achieved. Nettle is able to increase uterine tone, helping to speed up the recovery process after childbirth. There are practically no drawbacks to tea, except for a pale color and a mild taste.
9 Laktomama Evalar
Country: Russia
Average price: 90 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
The talking name of the product is justified by the result it brings. With its help, lactation increases, and milk becomes more. Buyers in the reviews call Lactomama a "wonderful drink", due to its effective effect on the body. The intensity of stimulation of milk production occurs due to the essential oils in the composition. "Helper" in the form of a delicious drink helps to relax and quench your thirst.An affordable price allows any woman who wants to improve lactation and breastfeed her baby for a long time to purchase the product.
Tea is a biological supplement to food, which makes it possible to drink it not only for nursing mothers, but also for a simple person who wants to put the body in order. You can brew a drink in 10 minutes. For those who do not like herbal flavors and aromas, tea may not be suitable. It has a pronounced smell. According to some reviews, the drink with frequent use can cause an allergic reaction. It must be taken with caution, according to the instructions.
8 Lactavit
Country: Russia
Average price: 70 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
During breastfeeding, it is important not to harm the baby's stomach. After all, what mom eats and drinks gets into his body. Tea will increase lactation without causing harm. This fact is confirmed by many laboratory studies, as well as by experienced nursing mothers who regularly drink Lactavit. It contains no fragrances or chemical additives. All components of natural origin. Tea bags are easy to make. It won't be hard to boil it.
Some of the best ingredients are anise and cumin, which are found in the product. They put in order the digestive processes of both the child and the mother. Anise allows you to get rid of anxiety, and cumin increases the amount of milk. Feedback from many buyers is positive. Women note the effectiveness of tea - after a few days they feel the most frequent hot flashes. Manufacturers advise drinking a drink in the morning or evening during a meal.However, you should not get carried away with it after the introduction of complementary foods into the baby's diet, since the effect of tea can do harm - cause problems in the form of an excess of milk.
7 Leros Baby Leros s.r.o.
Country: Czech
Average price: 130 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Tea will be a real find if the mother's body produces insufficient milk. Affordable price pleases buyers. The composition allows you to cope with general malaise and fatigue due to the beneficial effect on the nervous system of a nursing woman. Thanks to well-ground plant components, tea can be brewed quickly. This will take about 10 minutes. The rich taste of the drink is liked by most of the buyers.
The composition does not contain chemical additives and harmful substances, which allows you not to worry about its safe use. An environmentally friendly product helps to eliminate the problem of colic, which greatly alleviates the condition of the child. Filter bags, judging by the reviews, are inconvenient to use, they do not have a label and it is problematic to wring them out after brewing. Long-term use can increase blood pressure and cause other unwanted effects, so you should consult your doctor before buying.
6 Bebivita
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 185 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Tea has a beneficial effect on the body of mother and child. The impact of various herbs is of great benefit. Antispasmodics anise and cumin are responsible for milk production. Melissa has a positive effect on the quality of sleep. Hibiscus exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, while nettle tones and soothes. The manufacturer notes that a stable intake of tea will give an effective result in a few weeks.Lactation will be established, and milk will "come" regularly. Consumer reviews prove that the result of the application justifies the declared properties.
Instant tea will save preparation time. A pleasant-tasting drink can cheer you up, and an unobtrusive aroma will restore peace of mind and calm down. Not economical consumption of the additive in combination with the price may not be "affordable". Nursing women during the application note a fairly rapid use. The pellets last for several weeks.
5 Humana
Country: Germany
Average price: 130 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
The unique composition of tea stimulates lactation, and also has healing properties. Safe components help speed up the flow of milk. The seeds contained in the product can improve the functioning of the kidneys and liver, and the herbs can improve digestion. An increase in immunity is noted by women who regularly drink tea. You can buy it in almost any pharmacy, as well as on sites in online stores.
A warm drink perfectly calms the nerves and relieves irritability, which is necessary for every nursing mother, because the postpartum period is characterized by manifestations of a depressive state. Tea does not contain sugars and dyes. It is very easy to cook it. Not everyone likes the specific smell of the drink; it resembles a medicinal decoction. But this fact does not affect the effect in any way. Some users refuse to continue taking after a few days without noticing the result. However, high productivity takes time and patience.
4 Mom's tea "Health"
Country: Russia
Average price: 165 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
The tea is specifically designed to increase breast milk production.It is one of the best among analog. It's all about the unique combination of natural ingredients in the composition. The main components for the normal functioning of the body of the baby and mother are in the drink. These are vitamins and minerals that are able to exhibit healing properties. Once in the child's body, they help the child develop properly, without unnecessary troubles, such as colic and increased gas formation. It will take about 5 minutes to prepare, which is how long tea is brewed.
Drink a healthy drink during two meals, preferably in the morning and evening. Natural herbs in the composition will not harm a small organism. Economic consumption will allow you to drink tea for a long time. The only thing, if there is a risk of intolerance to some components, the product should be excluded from the diet. It is also not recommended for use during pregnancy.
3 Hipp fruity
Country: Germany
Average price: 304 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
The famous brand of baby food has a lot of advantages over similar companies. It is famous for environmentally friendly products and safety. Tea perfectly performs its main functions and brings a positive effect. One of the best features of the drink is its pleasant taste and aroma. The herbal composition calms the nervous system and heals the body. The well-being of mothers after taking the product becomes much better, they feel a surge of strength. This is evidenced by numerous consumer reviews.
Cooking will take no more than a few minutes. The tea granules dissolve quickly in hot water. Fruit concentrates add an exquisite taste to the drink. After several doses, lactation will increase, and the child will be full.However, drinking tea is not recommended if there is enough milk anyway. This can provoke the formation of congestion, which subsequently leads to lactostasis. Before use, consultation with a specialist doctor is necessary.
2 Fleur Alpine
Country: France
Average price: 279 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
The favorite company of many mothers is distinguished by high-quality products. Tea has a well-chosen composition. The healing properties of herbs favorably affect the health of the body of the baby and mother. Taste qualities are rated by buyers mostly as excellent. The best ingredient is galega grass. It effectively stimulates lactation. Natural ingredients can solve the problems associated with the digestion of the newborn. And also help the mother cope with fatigue and irritability.
An increase in immunity after a course of tea use was noted by buyers. A lactation crisis with such a drink will be invisible. It is necessary to infuse the additive for about 10 minutes to saturate the taste and aroma. One of the main drawbacks of the product, consumers consider the high cost compared to similar drugs. As well as uncomfortable tea bags, which sometimes break when opened, so when using, you need to carefully separate the label from the filter bag.
1 Weleda Stilltee
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 450 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
The ability to increase the amount of breast milk has been noted by women who drink Weleda Stilltee. Lactogenic herbs in the composition stimulate its production quite effectively. They are able to regulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract of the baby.Due to this, gas formation is reduced, and the painful spasms of the child's tummy do not often bring discomfort. Essential oils give the drink a fresh aroma and pleasant taste. Verbena leaves are able to calm the nervous system and improve mood.
It takes about 5 minutes to infuse the additive, which saves time. Tea can be consumed without long breaks, as it is absolutely safe for the body of the mother and child. In addition, the ingredients were collected in environmentally friendly places. Regular use is not available to everyone due to the high cost and rapid consumption of the product, because the recommended number of cups per day for effective exposure is from 3 to 6.