Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Venarus | Better Efficiency |
2 | Venoruton | High quality |
3 | Detralex | Best value for money |
4 | Phlebodia | Safe application |
5 | Vasoket | Venotonic complex action |
6 | Flebaven | Russian drug recommended by phlebologists |
7 | Troxevasin | Most Popular Pills |
8 | Venolek | Competent composition |
9 | Aescusan | Best price |
10 | Venozol | Venotonic based on flavanoids BAA |
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The use of venotonics is an important component of the complex treatment of varicose veins in the legs. Against the background of the use of such drugs, the feeling of heaviness in the limbs decreases, pain and swelling disappear. Each of the medicines differs in the degree of effectiveness, however, they are all aimed at strengthening the vascular walls, increasing their tone and reducing capillary permeability.
It is very important that when choosing a drug, the features of the course of the disease and the patient's body are taken into account - one cannot do without the help of a phlebologist. Our rating has been compiled in order to familiarize you with popular remedies that are deservedly called the best based on feedback from patients and specialists.
The best manufacturers of pills for varicose veins
Before moving on to the main criteria for choosing pills for varicose veins, let's turn to the most popular pharmaceutical companies involved in the manufacture of drugs of this type:
Servier is an independent pharmaceutical company that began operations in France in 1954. A representative that manufactures innovative medicines for the treatment of more than 100 million people worldwide.
JSC “Pharmaceutical enterprise “Obolenskoe” is a company whose history began in 1994. Today the company produces more than six hundred tablets and capsules per year. Among them are drugs for heart pathologies, gastrointestinal diseases, etc.
Pharma Wernigerode GmbH one of the key figures in East Germany. The company manufactures an extensive range of pharmaceutical products certified according to the European standard.
Balkanpharma-Troyan is a member of the international holding Actavis. The Bulgarian manufacturer has been operating on the market since 1998. More than four dozen items of drugs from Balkanpharma-Troyan are sold in Russia.
How to choose the best pills for varicose veins?
When prescribing a drug, phlebologists are guided by the criteria for choosing a medicine that are obvious to specialists:
Compound. It is worth paying attention to the active components of the drug and exclude their intolerance by the patient's body.
Principle of action and result. Some drugs are aimed at eliminating symptoms, others stop inflammation, others have a complex effect on the vascular walls.
Patient's age. Obviously, different pills are chosen for adults and children.
In addition, when choosing a cure for varicose veins, it is important to take into account the existing risks, the speed of the drug, compatibility with alcohol, and other medicines.
Top 10 best pills for varicose veins
10 Venozol
Country: Russia
Average price: 409 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
Closes our rating of venotonic based on flavanoids dietary supplement Venozol. The manufacturer manufactures the drug in capsules. The active ingredients of venotonics are diosmin, hesperidin extract of chestnut and hazel, dihydroquercetin. The complex composition helps to increase the tone of the vascular walls, normalizes local blood circulation. The medicine can be used in the prevention and treatment of varicose veins in patients from 14 years of age. The dose of the drug is 1-2 capsules per day with meals. The duration of the course is from 6 to 8 weeks. Venozol is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.
A lot of patients speak of the drug exclusively on the positive side. The capsules are small and easy to swallow. With such a complex composition, the medicine has a very affordable price. The tool acts as a biologically active food supplement. Since the content of diosmin and hesperidin is very minimal here, Venozol is most effective in preventing varicose veins.
9 Aescusan

Country: Germany
Average price: 327 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
One of the most prescribed medicines for vein problems. It helps to cure varicose veins and many other diseases. The drug begins to act from the first application. Aescusan promotes good permeability of the vascular walls, which helps relieve pain and inflammation. Buyers highly appreciate the effectiveness of the drug. They feel relief within a week of taking it. Tablets are an excellent prevention of phlebothrombosis. Their effectiveness has been tested by time.Experts advise drinking the remedy at various stages of the disease.
The main active component of the remedy is the already familiar escin. It is he who has a therapeutic effect and fights varicose veins. The course of treatment with Aescusan is 2-3 months. During this period, it is important not to skip taking the pills. It is recommended to drink them a few minutes before a meal. It should be understood that the remedy is part of complex therapy. In addition to it, gels and ointments should be used in the treatment of varicose veins.
8 Venolek
Country: Republic of Belarus
Average price: 599 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
Venolek will help strengthen blood vessels and help improve blood circulation. It will reduce the extensibility of the veins by eliminating congestion. The drug is able to improve lymph flow. It belongs to the angioprotective group of drugs. After one course of administration, patients notice a noticeable relief in their condition: the legs no longer cause discomfort and do not swell. Tablets are drunk with meals and washed down with a sufficient amount of liquid.
The competent composition of the drug allows you to have a complex effect on the walls of blood vessels and hematopoiesis. The component that plays a crucial role is called diosmin. It is he who performs the main functions in the fight against vein problems, normalizing their tone and general condition. The feeling of heaviness in the legs disappears after a week of taking Venolek. Unhealthy vessels begin to receive nutrition and are restored over time. The relatively affordable price of the drug suits buyers. They note its worthy relationship with the effectiveness of the drug. However, if you believe the reviews, the drug can not be found in every pharmacy in our country.
7 Troxevasin
Country: Bulgaria
Average price: 759 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
The vasodilator drug is popular among buyers. His actions bring positive results. It contributes to the elimination of blood clots and the normalization of the entire circulatory system. Troxevasin protects the walls of blood vessels from damage. Thanks to the active components of the drug, metabolic processes in the capillaries are restored and puffiness disappears. The effectiveness of the product is confirmed by many buyers. In their reviews, they note the positive qualities of the action of the tablets.
The main component called "troxerutin" helps to avoid complications of the disease. It resists blood stasis, preventing the formation of blood clots. In addition, the tablets are able to increase vascular tone and relieve pain when moving the legs. Patient reviews noted that at the first stage of the disease, the medicine can help without additional procedures. However, with advanced varicose veins, it is necessary to act comprehensively. Most buyers are happy to note the fairly affordable cost of Troxevasin.
6 Flebaven
Country: Russia
Average price: RUB 1,141
Rating (2022): 4.7
The Russian drug Flebaven is a generic of Detralex, however, it is less common than Venarus. The drug is sold in one dosage - 500 mg. The active ingredients of the drug are diosmin and hesperidin. Flebaven is taken two tablets a day during lunch and dinner. With regular use of the drug, patients experience a decrease in the severity of symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency.
Patients and phlebologists speak of the drug as a good budget alternative to Detralex.Patients notice the first noticeable improvements already after 1-2 weeks of taking the pills. Heaviness in the legs “leaves”, pain sensations, swelling decrease. The effect of using the drug is almost the same, while there are no more “side effects” than those of an imported drug.
5 Vasoket
Country: Germany/Switzerland
Average price: 743 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Fifth place in the ranking went to the German/Swiss drug Vasoket. This is a more affordable analogue of Phlebodia. After a full course of the drug, the veins on the legs acquire a tone, become less stretched. The active ingredient - diosmin - normalizes local blood circulation, relieves signs of inflammation. It is very convenient to take the medicine - just one tablet per day. Phlebologists advise drinking the drug on an empty stomach for two months. A second course can be prescribed no earlier than after 8-12 weeks.
Vasoket should not be taken by children under 18 years of age, as well as people with allergies to the components of the drug. Not the most popular, but very effective drug boasts a large number of positive reviews from both doctors and patients. Tablets quickly relieve the unpleasant symptoms of varicose veins and at the same time rarely cause a side effect. The only unattractive characteristic of this rating participant is that it is not always possible to buy it in pharmacies in our country.
4 Phlebodia
Country: France
Average price: RUB 1,333
Rating (2022): 4.8
One of the best solutions to the problem associated with venous insufficiency. The main component contained in Phlebodia is diosmin. This semi-synthetic flavonoid has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system.And an ingredient such as hesperidin helps to activate defense mechanisms. It is an antioxidant and does not belong to serious allergens. The composition of Phlebodia helps to eliminate congestion, prevents the formation of blood clots, reduces venous pressure and improves vascular tone.
Clinical studies have confirmed the effectiveness of the drug in 80 percent of cases. In addition, the drug practically does not cause side effects and is well tolerated by the body. In the reviews, buyers highlight the most convenient use of the drug - one pill per day is enough. Tablets can be drunk on an empty stomach due to the sparing substances in the composition, they will not disrupt the digestive tract in any way. At the end of the reception, patients report a significant improvement in their condition.
3 Detralex
Country: France
Average price: 1 244 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
From year to year, these tablets occupy the first positions in the sales market. The tool is one of the most prescribed by doctors. And this is no coincidence, because thanks to the medication, the permeability of capillaries decreases in patients and the venous walls are strengthened, the processes of lymphatic drainage and microcirculation in the veins improve, the vessels become elastic and strong. After a full course of taking the drug, you can forget about pain in the legs.
Thanks to the main active components (diosmin and hesperidin), the drug has a powerful effect, stabilizing blood flow. Excipients in tablets contribute to better absorption of the drug. Detralex is able to alleviate the condition of a person after a week of use. Of the contraindications, the manufacturer noted only individual intolerance to the components. Buyers in the reviews mention the only side effect - a slight decrease in blood pressure.
2 Venoruton
Country: India
Average price: RUB 1,257
Rating (2022): 4.8
Venoruton has proven itself in the treatment of varicose veins of the legs, including those with fairly advanced forms of the disease. The active ingredient of the drug is rutoside. It reduces the negative impact of toxic oxygen radicals, promotes the restoration of vascular walls, and prevents the formation of trophic ulcers. Each capsule of the drug contains at least 300 mg of the component - the optimal dose for the treatment and prevention of venous insufficiency.
You have to drink venotonic regularly - three times a day. If you believe the reviews of patients, pain and swelling in the legs during the period of exacerbation of varicose veins disappear after a few days of therapy. After a ten-day course of the drug, the dose of the drug can be reduced to two capsules per day. In order to prevent the disease, Venoruton should be taken two capsules per day for a month (twice a year). The therapy will be even more effective with the complex use of capsules and Venoruton cream.
1 Venarus
Country: Russia
Average price: RUB 1,633
Rating (2022): 4.9
One of the best remedies for the complex treatment of varicose veins. It is used both for preventive purposes and for getting rid of a disease that is in an advanced stage. Thanks to an effective Russian drug, capillary fragility is reduced, and the elasticity of vascular walls is increased. Tablets produce a lymphatic drainage effect, which allows you to remove puffiness and establish regenerating functions of tissues. Already after the end of one course, the legs look much more beautiful, the patient feels healthier. The manufacturer recommends taking the tablets with meals to avoid side effects.
Diosmin and hespiridin in the composition of the drug have a vasoconstrictive effect. They help to increase the resistance of capillaries and active nutrition of cells. The bioavailability of the agent is added by excipients, such as: gelatin, talc and many others. They also give the capsules a characteristic aftertaste. Wash down the pills with plenty of liquid. Of the shortcomings of Venarus, they note only the inability to purchase medicine without a prescription from a doctor.