Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Baby Formula Mishki Serenity | The best sedative, according to parents. Nice taste and easy to take |
2 | Glycine | A popular remedy for normalizing the emotional background in children and adults |
3 | Pantogam | Prescription nootropic drug for the treatment of CNS pathologies |
4 | Dormikind | Homeopathic sleeping pills. The largest volume |
5 | Tenoten for children | An analogue of a well-known adult medicine |
6 | Tea Heinz Chamomile | Natural drink for babies from 4 months |
7 | notta | Alcohol based drops. Soft action and no side effects |
8 | Passambra Edas-306 | Inexpensive herbal syrup with passionflower to improve sleep quality |
9 | Nervochel | The best combination of herbal and mineral ingredients |
10 | Rescue Remedy (Bach) | The most original composition of 5 flower essences |
All children are different, and each kid has his own habits, character traits and principles of behavior from an early age.However, if the child regularly suffers from increased excitability, he has frequent tantrums, disturbing interrupted sleep or lack of appetite - this is most likely due to abnormalities in the functioning of the nervous system. Such symptoms are a definite reason to seek help from a specialist, because the sooner the doctor determines the cause and prescribes a treatment regimen, the sooner the baby (and his loved ones) will feel better and calmer.
How to choose the best sedative for a child
When buying a drug, you need to consider that most strong sedatives are not used in pediatrics due to possible adverse reactions. Potent drugs can be prescribed for serious pathologies of the nervous system under the supervision of a physician. Fortunately, most mood and behavior problems in children are corrected with safe herbal and mineral ingredients.
Compound The best sedatives for children include plant extracts of herbs that have a sedative effect (chamomile, mint, fennel, linden, valerian, motherwort). To normalize the functioning of the nervous system, safe medicinal substances can be used: glycine, hopantenic acid, the trace element magnesium.
Optimal release form children's sedatives - drops or syrup. Liquid medicines are convenient to dose and easy to give to babies of any age, and most manufacturers make drugs with a pleasant or neutral taste. Another convenient option is delicious chewable lozenges that remind a child of candy.
We want to remind you once again that all the information presented in the article is strictly informational.It is unacceptable to choose on your own, and even more so to stuff a child with drugs, since only a qualified neurologist can correctly calculate the required doses, as well as the duration of admission, based on the individual history and physical parameters of a small patient.
TOP 10 best sedatives for children
Sedatives for children can be divided into 3 types: medicines, homeopathic remedies and medicinal plants. The first group of drugs has the most pronounced effect, but also has the most dangerous consequences. You can use medicines, even those sold in a pharmacy without a prescription, only as directed by a doctor. The attitude of official medicine to homeopathic powders and tablets is very ambiguous. Many doctors consider this type of treatment to be pseudoscientific, but some parents are convinced that these alternative methods have helped them cope with the problem. Decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs have a minimum of contraindications, so herbal medicine is one of the most effective and, at the same time, gentle ways to “pat up” loosened nerves in children and adults.
10 Rescue Remedy (Bach)
Country: Great Britain
Average price: 910 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.1
Our review opens with an English homeopathic remedy based on non-traditional treatment with compositions of Bach flower essences. The natural medicine is part of complex therapy for various neurological disorders, but it is also used solo - during stressful situations that may affect the mental health of the child.The drops contain 5 plant components, selected in such a way as to have a calming effect on the human body. 2-3 drops, diluted in a glass of water, help relieve nervous tension, improve mood, normalize sleep and appetite. The drug has no contraindications (except for individual intolerance) and is approved for use by children from 3 years of age.
"Rescue Remedy" is available in the form of a transparent liquid of a light yellow hue, which is packaged in convenient bottles with a dispenser of 10 and 20 ml. Grape alcohol acts as an auxiliary substance, so you should strictly adhere to the dosage and not exceed the recommended daily allowance to prevent possible intoxication of the body.
9 Nervochel
Country: Germany
Average price: 521 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.2
The basis of the German drug "Nervochel" is made up of plant and mineral components, the correct combination of which eliminates negative symptoms in the form of irritability and aggressiveness, relieves excitability, helps fight some mental disorders and poor sleep. Although the annotation contains information that the drug is contraindicated for children under 3 years old, some neurologists prescribe it for the treatment of babies from 1 year old and older (naturally, in a lower dosage, which is calculated according to the weight and condition of a particular child). The average course of admission is 2-3 weeks, but can be adjusted as needed.
The main disadvantage of Nervochel is considered by many to be a high risk of allergic reactions. Moreover, according to the reviews of parents, such a side effect can occur even after a single use of the drug.This is a fairly common occurrence when using herbal sedatives, since medicinal herbs in their composition can adversely affect the child's body due to individual intolerance to the components.
8 Passambra Edas-306
Country: Russia
Average price: 163 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.3
Passiflora (or, popularly, passion flower) has long established itself as a plant that can improve the psycho-emotional background of a person. This medicinal flower is actively used in traditional medicine recipes, and in combination with valerian extract, it perfectly calms, reduces excitability, suppresses outbursts of aggression, reduces irritability and normalizes sleep. The balanced combination of precisely these components makes Passambra Edas-306 sedative herbal syrup one of the best in its category. It is prescribed as a symptomatic agent in the complex therapy of CNS pathologies in children from 2 years of age. The maximum single dose for preschoolers should not exceed half a teaspoon. The drug is not addictive, but contains a large amount of sugar, so it is not recommended for small patients with high glucose levels.
Reviews for Passambra are mostly good. Many parents noted the positive effect of the drug, which manifests itself after the first week of admission. The disadvantages of most users attributed the sugary taste of syrup and the specific smell of valerian, due to the peculiarities of its composition.
7 notta
Country: Austria
Average price: 446 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.4
Homeopathic drops "Nott" are officially approved for admission from 3 years old, however, in practice, pediatricians often prescribe this drug to restless children of an earlier age. The composition of the soothing solution includes extracts of oats, chamomile, coffee tree fruits, phosphorus, and ethanol (at least 43%) acts as a liquid base. The liquid has a slightly yellowish tint and has a specific smell and taste of alcohol. The medicine (no more than 3-5 drops at a time) should be dissolved in a spoonful of water and given to the child to drink an hour after eating. The product goes on sale in opaque glass bottles of different volumes - 20, 50 and 100 ml each. Store opened bottles in a cool, dark place. Over time, a slight precipitation may occur, which is not a deviation from the norm.
Notta drops are popular with pediatricians and have received many positive reviews from parents. The drug does not cause drowsiness and does not provoke any disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. The main drawback of the parents in their reviews was the presence of alcohol in the composition, a long period of admission and a rather high price.
6 Tea Heinz Chamomile
Country: USA
Average price: 295 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5
Soothing tea is suitable for supporting the nervous system in the smallest. Contains only chamomile extracts and natural sugar, no synthetic ingredients. Thanks to chamomile, the remedy helps with hyperexcitability in babies, and also has anti-inflammatory properties and improves the functioning of the digestive tract. Tea gently affects the nervous system, does not have such reactions, it can be given to a child without fear.
Convenient instant formula allows you to prepare a healthy drink in just 1-2 minutes. With regular use, parents notice that the child sleeps better, cries less and is naughty. In infants, the remedy is excellent for abdominal cramps. However, with neuroses and other problems, tea will be rather weak, so it should be considered as a safe prophylactic.
5 Tenoten for children
Country: Russia
Average price: 335 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
A milder version of the popular "adult" sedative designed specifically for younger patients. It has an anti-anxiety and sedative effect, effectively relieves attacks of irritability and improves the tolerance of emotional overload in stressful situations. It also has a nootropic effect, due to which it enhances concentration and stimulates the brain activity of the body. Neurologists can prescribe this drug to children 3-4-5 years old with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, frequent headaches, VSD and other pathologies of the nervous system. The recommended doses and duration of treatment directly depend on the type of disease and the severity of the patient's condition, therefore, without consulting a specialist, it is strictly forbidden to give Tenoten to a child in any quantities.
According to parents, children after a course of therapy become more adequate. Hysterical manifestations, whims are significantly reduced, sleep is normalized. But in fairness, it should be noted that not everyone was satisfied with the result of the reception.Some did not see any changes in the behavior of the child at all, while others indicated the lethargy and apathy that appeared in the baby, which indicates the oppression of the nervous system.
4 Dormikind
Country: Germany
Average price: 610 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Another complex homeopathic remedy that is used to correct the behavior of children from birth to 5-6 years. The manufacturer promises that regular use of the drug for 4 weeks will help overcome difficulties with falling asleep, nighttime restlessness and increased excitability. The instructions also say that if after two weeks of therapy there is no clear improvement or the symptoms worsen, you should stop taking it and consult a pediatrician.
The drug is available in the form of tablets that need to be slowly absorbed in the mouth. If the age of the child does not allow the use of a similar method of administration, the medicine can be crushed and the powder mixed with a teaspoon of chilled boiled water, and then let the baby drink the resulting solution. The main contraindication to the use of "Dormikind" is lactose intolerance. Also, caution should be used in children diagnosed with prediabetes. The drug goes on sale in large jars containing 150 pcs. white granules, which are more than enough for a full course of treatment.
3 Pantogam
Country: Russia
Average price: 469 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
The nootropic drug "Pantogam", the active substance of which is hopantenic acid, has proven itself in the treatment of various abnormalities in the work of the central nervous system.If there are no individual contraindications, the remedy can be prescribed for children with hyperactivity syndrome, with psycho-emotional overload and neurosis-like disorders (stuttering, nervous tics). The drug combines a moderate sedative effect with a mild stimulating effect, reduces motor excitability. Tablets are used to treat children from 3 years old, babies aged 1-2 years are more often prescribed a liquid form (syrup with cherry flavor). The dose and duration of the course of therapy is determined by the doctor depending on the type and severity of the pathology.
This medication can have a very negative effect on the children's body as a whole and, if used incorrectly, can cause dangerous disorders of the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. In addition, treatment with Pantogam, like any other nootropic, requires the development of an individual plan, which can only be provided by a qualified medical specialist. That is why the drug is sold in pharmacies only by prescription from a doctor.
2 Glycine
Country: Russia
Average price: 27 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
"Glycine" is one of the most affordable and popular drugs that is widely used for diseases of the nervous system. Well suited for the treatment of both adults and children. Reduces psycho-emotional stress, corrects deviant forms of behavior, facilitates social adaptation. Approved for use from 3 years to 1 tab. up to 3 times a day. The average course of treatment is from 7 to 14 days.
In its composition, glycine is an amino acid that is present in all types of animal proteins (including breast milk).With the right dosage, the substance has a positive effect on the well-being of the child, however, in medicine there have been many cases when taking glycine led to the opposite consequences - the baby became even more excited and uncontrollable. This reaction is explained by the individual characteristics of some patients, therefore, it is permissible to drink the medicine only under the strict supervision of an experienced doctor.
1 Baby Formula Mishki Serenity
Country: Russia
Average price: 223 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
Chewing lozenges "Baby Formula Bears Calmness" from Evalar gently but effectively reduce the effects of stressful situations, eliminate feelings of anxiety and overexcitation, improve the quality of a child's nightly sleep. The product is based on a balanced combination of glycine, mint extract, lemon balm and vitamin B6. Due to the convenient form of administration and natural fruit juice in the composition, lozenges do not cause rejection in kids - even the most capricious children are happy to take them. This dietary supplement is recommended for stabilizing the nervous system in patients from 3 years of age. Daily dose - 1 pc. per day, the duration of admission is at least a month.
Tasty and healthy "Mishki" deserved the most positive feedback from moms, so we think it's right to call this dietary supplement the best in our rating. The main disadvantage of this drug, many parents called the danger of overdose - since the medicine strongly resembles ordinary marmalade, the child may inadvertently eat more lozenges than required, and this is unacceptable, as it can cause indigestion and other negative consequences.