Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Nevsky | The best palatability |
2 | cornflower | The most useful variety. Best for diet food |
3 | Monalisa | Better disease resistance |
4 | Lorch | Good keeping quality |
5 | Luck | Excellent yield |
6 | Blue | Tolerates temperature fluctuations well |
7 | Nakra | Wide range of applications |
8 | Sineglazka | Sweet taste. Velvet texture |
9 | Zhukovsky | Large flat tubers |
10 | Red Scarlet | Has no eyes |
Potato is one of the most popular, inexpensive and easily accessible products in the country, and especially in its central part. From it you can cook a huge number of delicious dishes. Few people know that a certain recipe requires a special type of potato in order for everything to turn out beautiful, fragrant and appetizing. Some of them are boiled soft, while others retain their shape, but change color. Which variety is universal, but at the same time not whimsical in care, withstands constantly changing weather conditions in the middle part of Russia and has a high storage capacity, is a difficult question.
The choice is so great that most amateur gardeners get lost when searching and find their ideal one only after a few years, having spent a lot of money, time and effort. To facilitate this process and get rid of unnecessary fuss, below is a rating of the best potato varieties for the middle lane.It was compiled on the basis of feedback from amateur gardeners, entrepreneurs, assessments of specialists and experts in this field, so you should trust it and choose "the one" that may become someone's "taste of childhood."
Top 10 best potato varieties for the middle lane
10 Red Scarlet
Country: Netherlands
Average price: 199 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
The Dutch brother of Russian potatoes is very popular in central Russia and in its southern part. This is due to its excellent characteristics and excellent taste. It is considered one of the most red-skinned fruits. Thanks to the "red skin", it easily stands out from the rest of the yellow counterparts. The tuber has an oval shape. Smooth to the touch, small eyes may appear, but this is rare. When the fruit is cut, you can see a monotonous dense yellow flesh. A large number of tubers are formed on one bush, each of which weighs about 100 grams.
The bush is low and straight, and the tops are quite thick, sweeping. The leaves are dark green with a slightly wavy edge. During flowering, red-lilac or pale purple inflorescences are formed. The keeping quality of Red Scarlet is excellent, there may be small peeling on the skin, but this does not affect the taste of potatoes. The plant belongs to the early ones, and the first harvest can be harvested after 75 days. It is often grown for home use or small sales volumes. Good for preparing "crispy" dishes.
9 Zhukovsky
Country: Russia
Average price: 250 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
Root tubers differ significantly from the rest in their color: yellow-brown base with purple splashes and small eyes. During the flowering period, the bush turns into a red-purple bouquet. The height of the plant is medium, the greenery is not very sprawling, the leaves are small and bright green. In general, the variety is quite miniature and will look harmoniously in small areas. It is better to plant in early May in order to enjoy fresh potato dishes in mid-July (the fruits will be small). Fans of large and even tubers will have to wait until August - that's when a beautiful, large crop is obtained.
When cutting the root crop, you can see a good dense pulp, but slightly watery. When cooking, it will not crumble, but will retain its shape. It has an average taste, according to experts. Zhukovsky will not be stored for a long time, so it should be consumed before the onset of cold weather. Amateur gardeners note that the puree from it comes out quite ordinary, but it is great for frying and salads. It will be especially tasty in July: you can cook it in a “uniform” or peel it.
8 Sineglazka
Country: Russia
Average price: 249 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Many refer to Sineglazka as the "taste of childhood" for its slightly sweet taste and velvety texture. Some experts consider the root crop with purple spots on the skin not the most successful, due to its low keeping quality. Large volumes of product are hard to store, but for small areas, this is the best option you can find. It will not be difficult to grow it, but some basic conditions must still be observed.The variety has another name - Hannibal, which appeared earlier, but did not bring great popularity to the variety.
The new name contributed to a faster spread of seeds throughout the country, mainly in the central part. The plant adapts well to environmental conditions and endures temperature extremes. It can be classified as medium. A large and appetizing harvest is recommended to be harvested in the second half of August, although the moment of full ripening can stretch until September. In cooking, it is universal: you can boil, stew, fry and bake, while the taste will always be at the highest level.
7 Nakra
Country: Russia
Average price: 350 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Another popular variety, suitable not only for table purposes, but also for making starch and making crispy potatoes such as chips and other snacks. Since it was registered in the northern part, it is perfect for cultivation in any corner of the country, thanks to its high resistance even to very harsh climatic conditions. Tall erect bushes with small flowers of lilac color during the ripening period are more like a flower bed, and not a plot with potatoes. Green foliage harmoniously complements this picture.
The tubers of Nakra are oval-round, smooth with a red skin. They grow beautiful and even, which not everyone can boast of. A high yield is guaranteed even if the plant has not been properly cared for, which makes it one of the most attractive. When landing, complex manipulations are not required, everything is done according to the usual scheme. Another advantage is a long shelf life, which allows the fruits to be stored without loss of properties and presentation.There is no need to mention the taste, a wide range of applications (from starch to chips) and wide popularity do it on their own.
6 Blue
Country: Russia
Average price: 400 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
The bush is of medium height, erect and not very sprawling, while the greenery has a considerable volume. The leaves retain their rich dark green color, and the buds are usually white-violet with a yellowish-orange center. The fruit has a yellow peel, at first glance it may seem that a potato is in a mesh, due to the corresponding pattern. The tuber is characterized by the formation of a few and shallow eyes. In general, it is smooth. When cut, you can see the snow-white pulp, which does not change its shade during heat treatment.
Blueberry is mid-season and gives a good big harvest. With a successful scenario, up to 3000 kg can be collected from a couple of acres. It is resistant to the most common diseases, and what is important for the middle lane is that it tolerates temperature extremes, and even drought. It also grows well in areas where groundwater is quite high. It is recommended to plant in late April - early May, but on condition that April was warm. In general, in order to harvest an excellent Blueberry crop, you need to correctly calculate the time of planting and weather conditions, otherwise you can be left with nothing.
5 Luck
Country: Russia
Average price: 199 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
A truly successful variety was brought out by Russian breeders.It is well adapted to the central regions, which means it will give a high yield there and show its high qualities, such as: resistance to adverse weather conditions and parasites, long-term storage and pleasant taste. Bushes of medium height, rather spreading, have matte bright green leaves of medium size. During the flowering period, white fluffy hats appear, decorating the land. The fruits are round and firm. The peel has a creamy hue with small dark patches. The pulp is white, but the use of fertilizers can affect it: when cooking, the root crop may darken.
Productivity is remarkable - up to 20 tubers from one bush. The fruits themselves have an impressive weight. The variety is early, so the first harvest can be obtained within a month and a half after planting. This is a great option for those gardeners and entrepreneurs who do not have a lot of patience and like to get all the best and delicious before others. Already at this time, up to 20 tons can be harvested, and if more time is given for the ripening of tubers, then it will be possible to get twice as many potatoes.
4 Lorch
Country: Russia
Average price: 290 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Potato variety, time-tested and not losing its popularity to this day. A large number of plants recently bred by domestic breeders cannot surpass Lorch either in taste or in external qualities. It is classified as medium-late, which is a good option not only for the middle band. The tubers are large and elongated, the weight of the fruit is just over 100 grams. A thin, smooth, yellow peel beckons to cook and eat the fruit. It is worth noting that when cooking, the white pulp turns out to be friable and slightly sweetish, it does not darken.
The tubers have good keeping quality, so you should not be afraid to grow them for storage, they do not lose their presentation for a long time. The bushes are tall, quite lush with lots of leaves. Light green, slightly textured. The flowers are not white, found in most of the brethren, but pale pink-purple with a yellow core will decorate the garden, pleasing to the eye. Lorch is quite resistant to diseases, but still needs additional protection. A good option for those who like to enjoy dishes from this root vegetable and surprise loved ones with culinary masterpieces.
3 Monalisa
Country: Netherlands
Average price: 199 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
The foreign brother of the plant has long won Russian hearts that are not indifferent to potato dishes. Medium-early, with elongated oval tubers, it is recommended to grow not for large-scale consumption in large areas, but for personal purposes in summer cottages or home gardens. The ripening period is short - a little more than two months, the yield can hardly be called high, rather, it is average. The maximum number of fruits from one tuber is 12. It perfectly tolerates long periods of storage without changing its taste and commercial properties. Possesses high resistance to mechanical damages.
Many consumers note that Monaliza is great for making chips and other crispy potato dishes, and it can also be boiled and baked. The pulp pleasantly crumbles in the mouth, tender and tasty, does not change the appetizing light yellow color during cooking. The variety is highly resistant to diseases, but not to frost. It does not tolerate them well, therefore it is suitable for cultivation in the southern and central parts of the country.It is unpretentious in care, but with due attention, it will respond with a large harvest. An excellent option for gourmet gardeners.
2 cornflower
Country: Russia
Average price: 250 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
Perhaps one of the most amazing and unusual varieties for the central part was bred by domestic agronomists. Cornflower is considered better than its counterparts: it contains more substances necessary for the human body, and is also the most resistant to various diseases. The maturation process lasts from 80 to 100 days. From each bush, you can collect at least 9 tubers, the weight of which is about 100g / piece. Plant of medium height with dense stems and small leaves. Inflorescences are pale pink, which is rare for potato bushes.
This type is also distinguished by the fact that it is ideal for baby and diet food due to the low starch content (almost two times less than the others). Despite the fact that the color of the root crop is dark blue or dark purple, when cooked, the color intensity decreases, and the flesh generally has a beige color with small pink patches. It is worth noting that when cooking, the fruits may crack, but not lose their shape. It is perfect for making mashed potatoes, stuffed dishes, but it is best eaten in the “uniform”, with a little salt. Due to the content of antioxidants, potatoes have a positive effect on the body.
1 Nevsky
Country: Russia
Average price: 199 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
In the second third of the last century, one of the most popular potato varieties was bred. It is the epitome of high palatability and good yield. The plant is able to withstand various diseases and adverse weather conditions.At present, a quarter of the lands of the middle lane are planted with it, it is purchased not only by owners of large plots, but also by summer residents. The fruit itself has a round-oval shape, an even peel of a light color and small, shallow eyes. Its weight ranges from 80 to 150 grams. The attractive appearance of the tuber has helped the potato win the love of consumers.
The bush is low, but "fluffy". The leaves have a rich green color. Experts note that the greens are quickly restored when damaged by insects, so during the ripening period, the area planted with this vegetable will not resemble the apocalypse. Bushes bloom for a short time, but almost simultaneously with beautiful white caps. The yield of Nevsky is excellent: from 8 to 15 fruits can be harvested from one bush, and this is almost 1.5 kg. Responds well to fertilizers and proper care. Perfect for those who have small plots and want to get the most out of them.