Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | RBK Money | The best functionality. The highest degree of payment protection |
2 | Robokassa | The maximum number of payment methods. Own marketplace |
3 | PayKeeper | Official integrator of a number of large Russian banks. Minimum commissions |
4 | Kassa | Ease of organization of mutual settlements. Frequent withdrawals |
5 | pay online | The best range of solutions. Accept payments worldwide in 120 currencies |
6 | Tinkoff-Payment | The best online cash desk support for individual entrepreneurs. Profitable package products and bonuses |
7 | Platron | Powerful fraud monitoring. Easier access to new markets |
8 | Fondy | A good solution for stores of physical goods. Good interface |
9 | Paymaster | Acceptance of e-payments for the self-employed. Efficient scheme of work |
10 | NextPay | A unique way to make e-payments without connecting an online cash register |
Services for accepting online payments are mainly needed by the owners of online stores to make a payment by the buyer with the issuance of an electronic check to him in accordance with the law 54-FZ.Payment aggregators integrate with online cash registers, generate checks, reports, and transmit data to the fiscal service. Connecting to really good services gives the seller the opportunity to accept payments from a variety of sources - from bank cards, electronic wallets, phone bills. Each payment aggregator usually offers users several tariffs - for online stores, offline trading.
TOP 10 best online payment acceptance services
The rating presents popular services with the most favorable terms of cooperation for organizations and individual entrepreneurs on UTII and PSN. The main ranking parameters are the level of assistance in bringing the client's business to a legal form, the amount of the commission rate, the connection speed, the allowable withdrawal frequency, as well as reviews and ratings of regular customers.
10 NextPay
Rating (2022): 4.0
Judging by the numerous reviews and discussions on thematic forums, it is not only financially, but also psychologically difficult for representatives of micro-business on UTII, who had never dealt with cash registers at all, to work with online cash registers. For them, the NextPay service has developed a solution that makes it possible to accept payments without a CCP, while remaining within the framework of federal law. In particular, the aggregator company offers to connect the billing system by bank transfer for subsequent payment by the buyer with any bank card.
With such a payment scheme, an agreement is not concluded with the recipient of funds, direct payment for a product or service is not made, and “remote interaction”, referred to in paragraph 1 of Art.5.3 of Article 1.2 of 54-FZ is not provided. Consequently, the number of required checks can be halved, and the allowable time for their formation can be increased to 2-4 days. For this, the most ordinary cash register connected to the accounting system is enough. After registering on the NextPay platform and filling in the details of the organization, the user can generate a link and transfer it to the payer, who only has to choose a convenient payment option. Further, the funds are credited to the user's account within 1‒3 days, at the same time it is necessary to print the check.
9 Paymaster
Rating (2022): 4.2
In the spring of 2019, the Paymaster service launched a feature that is of interest to individual entrepreneurs and individuals who provide services or are engaged in the retail trade of goods of their own production and have an annual income of no more than 2.4 million rubles / year. The company offers them to remove temporary and geographic restrictions on accepting payments, thereby expanding the consumer audience and increasing their income by organizing official payment for their offer through their own website, online store or social network page. To do this, you need to register with the fiscal authorities as a self-employed person and send an application to connect Paymaster. The optimal payment methods and the appropriate tariff can be selected with the help of service specialists.
The service has a complete technical solution for the legal conduct of small businesses. According to it, payments are made through a rented or own online cash desk, which does not even need to be integrated with the site.The transfer of information to the OFD and sending a notification of the payment is carried out by the aggregator, and the buyer receives a check by e-mail directly from the OFD. At the same time, commission services are considered to be among the lowest on the market: from 1.8% - when transferring from bank cards, from 2% - for Internet banking, from 2% - from electronic wallets.
8 Fondy
Rating (2022): 4.2
After the entry into force of the law 54-FZ, it became difficult to retail clothing, electronics, cosmetics and other physical goods. According to the rules, the registration of a transaction with the fiscal authorities must be completed within 5 minutes. But if the ordered item was not in stock, you need to organize a refund and withdraw incorrect information from the tax office. In order to reduce such transactions to a minimum, Fondy implemented a “deferred sale” mechanism that protects the merchant from conducting them.
Also, the company can be praised for the opportunity to make payments in Russia, Ukraine and Europe to cards of individuals, current accounts of individual entrepreneurs and LLCs, invoicing (invoicing) in 5 minutes online and support for a variety of payment instruments - from Visa, MC and Maestro to Kiwi and PayPal. You can quickly monitor the current state of your business through the personal account of the application in a mobile device. In reviews, customers recognize its interface as very convenient for tracking payments, receiving and analyzing analytics, and saving reports in any format.
7 Platron
Rating (2022): 4.3
All partners of the Platron payment gateway are provided with a free store protection service from fraud, for example, purchases using stolen bank cards. It is provided by an intelligent anti-fraud system, consisting of a set of rules, scoring-evaluation and filters of our own design. Thanks to such fraud monitoring, 99% of fraudulent transactions are detected and blocked in a timely manner, traffic is filtered according to classic or individual settings, and lists of trustworthy buyers are created.
Among other services of the service is international acquiring with the best, according to customer reviews, terms of use. Platron offers ready-made integration with global acquiring banks and merchants. The complex solution allows you to combine the acceptance of online payments both in rubles and in foreign currency, and the routing through the channels is carried out automatically. The continuity of international payments is ensured by the Multiacquiring service, which uses backup channels in case the main gateway is unavailable. Platron specialists provide clients with 24/7/365 assistance in concluding agreements with European banks, coordinate important procedures, advise on the specifics of accepting currency, and thus simplify entering a new market.
6 Tinkoff-Payment
Rating (2022): 4.5
Tinkoff Bank clients receive tools fully prepared by the bank's managers for work. They comply with current legislation, are included in the register of the tax service and can be connected to any operator of fiscal data.In addition to the fact that banking specialists select a cash desk that is fully suitable for the specifics of a particular project and taxation system (UTII, STS, PSN), they also help to issue a digital signature and conclude an agreement with OFD. And all this, by the way, is absolutely free.
The cash register is supplied (and also free of charge) with a fiscal drive for a period of 15 months. The device works from Wi-Fi, a local Internet network or a SIM card, which makes it fully applicable both in the conditions of Moscow or the region, and in remote regions. To simplify work in retail and ensure sales control, the company offers to connect additional equipment: scanner, printer, scales, cash drawer. To work with both cash and plastic cards, you can connect a fixed or wireless terminal. One of them is offered as a bonus if you select the Small Business Package product. Also, the bank's bonus system provides for the free opening of a current account, its maintenance within 60 days and the reduced cost of OFD maintenance - 500 rubles per year instead of 3000.
5 pay online

Rating (2022): 4.6
PayOnline is part of the American corporation Net Element and one of the few web services operating simultaneously in Russia, Europe and the USA. The list of countries is constantly expanding, so that almost any company or marketplace registered in another country can connect to it and accept payments in more than 120 currencies.With PayOnline, the most popular payment technologies are opened for site buyers: Apple Pay, Instant Credit, Masterpass, chat bots in the main messengers - Telegram, Viber, VK and FB.
In 2017, the aggregator was among the first to offer solutions for all types of small businesses to comply with Federal Law 54. The most popular ones are Pay-Start (optimal for beginners in e-commerce) and Pay-Standart (the main product for use in various industries). There are also additional offers for airlines, travel agencies (Pay-Travel), for online payment via mobile devices (Pay-Mobile), for non-resident companies (Pay-Foreign). It is also important that the PayOnline processing center is already integrated into a number of content management systems (CMS), global booking systems and platforms that provide online stores for rent: Joomla, InSales, Travelport, etc.
4 Kassa
Rating (2022): 4.7
Not a single store owner or financial organization wants to understand the intricacies of connecting an online cash register or hire hackers from the outside to set up and adjust. With the YuKassa aggregator, such problems do not arise. Even a novice businessman who is very remotely familiar with IT can connect it in 2-3 clicks without leaving home, without a huge package of documents. It is very likely that he will easily figure out a set of tools for setting up various functions: linking payment data, making auto payments, creating a payment link in the form of a QR code, providing loans and installments.
A big plus of the service is the ability to withdraw money twice a day.This is especially important for small business owners on UTII, for whom every penny cashed is a guarantee of tomorrow's productivity. Being part of the largest Russian corporation, the system is famous for the constant introduction of new features. So, in 2015, the online cash desk began to accept "cash" through local banking structures and terminals in the CIS, in 2017 it thoroughly updated the API, and in 2018 it launched a mobile SDK for seamless payment through a mobile application and implemented the "Pay by installments" function. As a result, it invariably occupies a leading position in the Internet acquiring market, which is very difficult to win and maintain given the active growth of competitors.
3 PayKeeper
Rating (2022): 4.7
Cooperation with PayKeeper allows a retailer to install electronic payment systems on their websites via the Internet. The aggregator has been operating throughout Russia since 2011 and is the only official integrator of the largest Russian banks: VTB, Russian Standard, Gazprombank, etc. Due to close partnership with them, the platform can afford to provide services with the lowest possible commissions, the average the size of which is 1.8%, and the maximum - does not exceed 2.5%.
Among other advantages of the service is the ability to accept payments through all types of bank cards, including MIR, American Express, UnionPay, JSB and DinersClub and the most common mobile systems: ApplePay, SamsungPay, AndroidPay and GooglePay.The technical placement of the payment form is very simple, especially if the marketplace is hosted on one of the CMS that integrate ready-made modules: 1C-Bitrix, Drupal, Magento, SimplaCSM, WordPress, etc. In this case, it is enough to activate the module in the "Settings" section .
2 Robokassa
Rating (2022): 4.8
Robokassa is one of the very first services for making Internet payments throughout Russia and one of the most popular among individual entrepreneurs on UTII. He earned the gratitude of small business participants primarily due to the ease of connection and the absence of a subscription fee. Tariffs (there are 4 in total, including a separate Dobrokassa tariff) are transparent and are set depending on the turnover of the store, the accepted currency, the type of goods or services. Despite the easy entry conditions, Robokassa seriously checks all connected clients for compliance with what they declare about themselves.
It is very convenient to pay for purchases through the aggregator: payments are accepted through Visa and Master Card cards, communication stores, mobile operators, Internet banking, terminals, Android and Apple Pay, electronic wallets - up to 40 transaction options in total. Withdrawal of funds can also be carried out in different ways: to a non-cash bank account, ordinary bank cards. Usually the withdrawal procedure takes up to 2 days. Robokassa also offers to use its online cash register, eliminating the need to purchase or rent, maintain it. For online stores, this is a convenient solution to reduce costs.
1 RBK Money
Rating (2022): 4.9
The service from RBKmoney offers to legalize the circulation of money in accordance with the 54-FZ, without increasing the financial burden on your business. So, having paid about 10,000 rubles / 36 months. for a fiscal drive and 1,500 rubles / month. for renting an online cash desk (you can use your own), the businessman gets a ready-made solution. The system automatically generates fiscal documents, prints new checks and sends them not only to customers, but also to the fiscal service, and also records and stores information in the drive.
In addition, customers have access to such useful functions as "Auto payment", "Invoicing", "Mass payouts", etc. A correctly functioning loyalty program for customers of the online store is also offered in the form of pleasant gifts for each payment. In the reviews, among the most important advantages of the payment system, users name its security: this is evidenced by the presence of a PCI DSS certificate, the use of 3D Secur technology and fraud monitoring. Problems with the payment, if they arise, are quickly resolved by a round-the-clock support service and an individual manager.