10 best analogues of Cyston

Cyston is a popular Indian herbal remedy prescribed for urolithiasis and urinary tract infections. The drug is effective and relatively inexpensive, has several analogs similar in action and composition, including cheaper ones. It is these drugs that became participants in our rating.

The best analogues of Cyston with herbal composition

1 Phytolysin (paste) 4.55
Best Cast
2 Urolesan 4.49
Most versatile
3 Kanefron N 4.42
The most popular
4 Nephrosten 4.39
Best price

The best analogues of Cyston in the form of dietary supplements

1 Uronext 4.74
The course of treatment is only 7 days
2 Uroprofit 4.67
Optimal for the prevention of cystitis
3 Uriklar 4.26
BAA with a multicomponent composition

The best analogues of Cyston with a synthetic composition

1 Rowatinex 4.39
Treatment and prevention of urolithiasis
2 Monural 4.36
Gets rid of cystitis in 1 day
3 Blemarin 4.18
Best for dissolving uric acid stones

Cyston is one of the drugs used as part of the complex therapy of cystitis, urolithiasis and other diseases of the urinary system. The medicine has a completely natural composition and is made on the basis of plant extracts. The drug has a complex antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action, has a diuretic and litholytic effect. The use of Cyston is allowed only in adults. The standard treatment regimen is two tablets twice a day, but the duration of the course depends on the nature of the disease.So, with cystitis, two weeks are enough, but with kidney stones, sometimes up to six months of treatment is required.

Cyston's analogues are drugs similar in action or composition, approved for use in Russia. There are quite a few of them, some are dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription, but treatment using this or that drug will be effective only if it is prescribed by a doctor. You should not replace Cyston yourself with something else, even if the analogue is cheaper and receives a lot of positive feedback.

When compiling the rating of the best analogues of Cyston, we took into account reviews of these drugs from doctors and ordinary people by analyzing data from Yandex.Market, Otzovik, Vrachi.rf, Otabletkah, Protabletky and a number of others. The cost of medicines in Russia, their composition, effectiveness and popularity were also taken into account.

Comparison of analogues of Cyston


average cost

Active substance

A course of treatment

Producing country

Vacation from pharmacies


470 rub. (60 tab.)

Stalk fruit, saxifrage + 14 components

2-3 weeks - 4-6 months



The best analogues of Cyston with herbal composition


460 rub. (60 tab.)

Centaury, lovage, rosemary

2-4 weeks




530 rub. (100 g)

Goldenrod, horsetail + 11 ingredients

2-6 weeks




425 rub. (40 tab.)

Carrot seeds, hops, oregano, mint and fir oils

1-4 weeks




415 rub. (60 tab.)

Centaury, lovage, rosemary

2-4 weeks



The best analogues of Cyston in the form of dietary supplements


920 rub. (30 tab.)

Bean pericarp, birch leaf extracts + 4 components

4 weeks

Great Britain



650 rub. (7 sachets)

D-mannose, cranberry extract, vitamin D3

7 days




490 rub. (30 tab.)

Cranberry, bearberry, horsetail

4 weeks



The best analogues of Cyston with a synthetic composition


1250 rub. (50 tab.)

α,β-pinene, camphene, cineole

1-2 months


On prescription


1240 rub. (80 tab.)

Citric acid, potassium bicarbonate, sodium citrate

4-6 months




460 rub. (1 package)


1 day


On prescription

There are contraindications! Consult your doctor!

The best analogues of Cyston with herbal composition

The herbal medicinal product Cyston is produced on the basis of a mixture of dry extracts of medicinal herbs, including stalk fruit, reed saxifrage, onosma, rough straw flower and others. In total, the composition contains 16 active ingredients. Cyston does not have complete analogues with an identical composition, although there are many preparations also produced on the basis of plant materials and capable of solving similar problems. All products in this category are dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription.

Top 4. Nephrosten

Rating (2022): 4.39
Best price

Nefrosten tablets are cheaper than other analogues of Cyston presented in the rating, therefore they win in the "Best Price" nomination.

  • Average price: 415 rubles. (60 tab.)
  • Producer: Evalar (Russia)
  • Active ingredient: centaury herb, lovage officinalis roots, common rosemary leaves

The drug Nefrosten from the company "Evalar" in its composition is in many ways similar to Canephron, which is also included in the ranking of the best analogues of Cyston.The drug is prescribed for cystitis, pyelonephritis, as well as for the prevention and removal of urinary stones, but it is used mainly as part of complex or maintenance therapy. Tablets are recommended to be taken three times a day, 2 pieces for 2-4 weeks. Having a combined effect, Nefrosten does not help immediately, but with a course of admission it allows you to achieve a significant improvement in the condition. In addition to tablets approved for adults and children over 6 years of age, the drug is also available in drops that can be given to children from one year old.

Pros and cons
  • Renowned manufacturer
  • There are pills and drops
  • Combined action
  • Can children
  • Possible allergy

Top 3. Kanefron N

Rating (2022): 4.42
The most popular

About the drug Canephron-N, we found almost 800 reviews with positive evaluations of effectiveness, which allows us to call it the most popular among those participating in the rating.

  • Average price: 640 rubles. (60 dragees)
  • Producer: Rottendorf Pharma/Bionorica (Germany)
  • Active ingredient: centaury herb, lovage officinalis roots, common rosemary leaves

The drug Kanefron-N can be attributed to the analogues of Cyston, because it also has a herbal composition and similar indications. It has a diuretic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, but does not have a litholytic effect, that is, it is not able to dissolve stones, but only prevents their formation. Kanefron-N can be used for both adults and children from 6 years of age. There is also a liquid dosage form for children from one year old. Adults are advised to take 2 tablets three times a day. Based on this, one package is enough for only 10 days, and the recommended course is 2-4 weeks.Considering that this medicine is rarely prescribed on its own, and more often as part of complex therapy, treatment will be expensive.

Pros and cons
  • Complex action
  • Tablets can be used by children from 6 years of age
  • There is a liquid form of release for children from a year
  • Treatment 2-4 weeks
  • Helps only as part of complex therapy
  • Does not destroy stones

Top 2. Urolesan

Rating (2022): 4.49
Most versatile

Urolesan has the largest number of indications for use and helps not only with cystitis and kidney stones, but also with a number of other diseases.

  • Average price: 425 rubles. (40 tab.)
  • Producer: Ozone (Russia)
  • Active ingredient: extracts of carrot seeds, hop cones, oregano, mint and fir oils

Urolesan is a combination drug with a herbal composition, which in its action is in many ways analogous to Cyston. In addition to urolithiasis, cystitis and pyelonephritis, this medicine is also prescribed for cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and biliary dyskinesia. In some cases, Urolesan and Cyston can be taken together to increase the effectiveness of therapy, but only if such a regimen is recommended by the attending physician. According to one of the indicators, Urolesan is significantly inferior to Cyston: it is allowed to be taken in the presence of stones no more than 3 mm, but its analogue is taken with stones up to 9 mm. In general, the drug receives good reviews from doctors and patients. It will be taken three times a day from a week to a month, depending on the indications. In addition to tablets, there is a release form in drops.

Pros and cons
  • Helps not only with cystitis and stones
  • Complex action
  • There are pills and drops
  • Contraindicated in kidney stones larger than 3 mm
  • May cause allergies

Top 1. Phytolysin (paste)

Rating (2022): 4.55
Best Cast

Phytolysin paste is produced on the basis of 13 active ingredients, which makes it possible to call its composition the best among Cyston analogues.

  • Average price: 530 rubles. (100 g)
  • Producer: Herbapol (Poland)
  • Active ingredient: extracts of goldenrod, horsetail, knotweed + 10 active ingredients

Phytolysin paste is a plant-based drug intended for the preparation of a suspension that helps treat infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary systems. The agent helps to reduce the crystallization of urine components, has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects. Also, against the background of its intake, sand and small stones are washed out of the urinary tract. The composition is completely vegetable, in addition to extracts, it also includes oils. Most of those who have tried this drug call it very effective, although many do not like the dosage form and the need to take a suspension with a bright smell and taste. When taken 3-4 times a day, one package is enough for about a week, and the course is usually 2-6 weeks. It is worth considering that there are two more drugs with a similar name - Fitolizin Nefrocaps and Fitolizin Prenatal, but they are not registered as medicines and are dietary supplements.

Pros and cons
  • Extracts and oils in the composition
  • Complex action
  • Washes away sand and small stones
  • Lots of high performance reviews
  • Inconvenient release form
  • Smell
  • Not allowed for children

The best analogues of Cyston in the form of dietary supplements

Among the analogues of Cyston, one can rightly include the funds sold in the category of biologically active additives (BAA).Most of them have a partially similar herbal composition, are actively prescribed by doctors to solve the same problems as the drug Cyston. Dietary supplements are sometimes cheaper than medicines. They are produced in different forms - in the form of tablets, syrups, powders, they are quite effective and safe.

Top 3. Uriklar

Rating (2022): 4.26
BAA with a multicomponent composition

Dietary supplement Uriklar contains 7 active components at once, which greatly increases its effectiveness.

  • Average price: 920 rubles. (30 tab.)
  • Producer: Adipharm (Great Britain)
  • Active ingredient: bean pericarp, extracts of birch leaves, parsley root + 4 more active ingredients

Uriclar is a herbal dietary supplement that is recommended for preventing the formation of kidney stones, as well as reducing the risk of developing inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract. It is often prescribed after a course of treatment as maintenance therapy. However, in some cases, doctors prescribe this remedy for treatment, but only in combination with other drugs. Many doctors and patients are distrustful of Uriklar primarily because of its status as a dietary supplement, but those who have tried it nevertheless speak of sufficient effectiveness. Taking into account the intake of 1 tablet three times a day, one package is enough for only 10 days. Course treatment is recommended to be carried out within a month, which in the end will cost a substantial amount. The use of a number of drugs certified as medicines will come out cheaper.

Pros and cons
  • Combined action
  • More suitable for prevention, but also used for treatment
  • Has a diuretic effect
  • High price

Top 2. Uroprofit

Rating (2022): 4.67
Optimal for the prevention of cystitis

Dietary supplement Uroprofit is an excellent remedy for cystitis, which people prone to this disease often take to prevent the development of an exacerbation.

  • Average price: 490 rubles. (30 tab.)
  • Manufacturer: Vneshtorg Pharma (Russia)
  • Active ingredient: extracts of cranberries, bearberry leaves, horsetail

Dietary supplement Uroprofit simultaneously has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, diuretic effect and prevents the formation of urinary stones. As a result of the application, acute symptoms of the inflammatory process quickly pass, local and general immunity increases, and well-being improves. It is recommended to take the drug 1 capsule twice a day for a month, for a full course you will need two packs. Although the composition of dietary supplements Uroprofit is not as extensive as that of Cyston, they can be called analogues. In reviews of the drug, many note its effectiveness, a rapid improvement on the background of admission. People prone to cystitis often take this dietary supplement for prevention.

Pros and cons
  • Complex action
  • Suitable for both treatment and prevention
  • Taking twice a day
  • Course 1 month

Top 1. Uronext

Rating (2022): 4.74
The course of treatment is only 7 days

Uronext is used not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of cystitis. Moreover, the course of its reception is only 7 days.

  • Average price: 650 rubles. (7 sachets)
  • Manufacturer: ErgoPharma (Slovenia)
  • Active ingredient: D-mannose, cranberry extract, vitamin D3

Dietary supplement Uronext is sold in sachets, each of which contains a powder for preparing one dose of the drink. The drug has a complex effect and helps to quickly cope with urinary tract infections, including cystitis.It is very convenient that it is enough to take the drug only once a day, and the course of treatment is designed for a week, i.e. one pack is enough. In the reviews, many note the not very pleasant taste of the drink, as well as the fact that this Slovenian dietary supplement is far from being found everywhere. However, almost everyone calls it very effective and talk about the rapid relief of unpleasant symptoms. An analogue of Cyston Uronext can only be called partially, since it does not solve the problem of stones, but only helps with inflammation and cystitis.

Pros and cons
  • Combined action
  • Rapid relief of symptoms of cystitis
  • Reception 1 time per day
  • The package is enough for a full course
  • Does not help with stones
  • Not sold everywhere

The best analogues of Cyston with a synthetic composition

The herbal preparation Cyston has many analogues designed to solve the same health problems, but with a fundamentally different composition, in which there is practically nothing natural. In some cases, these drugs are more effective, but they can also give more side effects, and they have more than enough contraindications.

Top 3. Blemarin

Rating (2022): 4.18
Best for dissolving uric acid stones

The use of Blemaren allows you to effectively dissolve uric acid stones, in some cases avoiding surgery.

  • Average price: 1240 rubles. (80 tab.)
  • Manufacturer: Esparma GmbH (Spain)
  • Active ingredient: citric acid, potassium bicarbonate, sodium citrate
  • Dispensation from pharmacies: without a prescription

Blemaren effervescent tablets are aimed at dissolving uric acid stones and preventing their formation. The drug is 100% bioavailable, well absorbed by the body and completely excreted by the kidneys.Its action is due to the process of alkalinization of urine to pH values ​​of 6.6–6.8, at which natural processes of dissolution of uric acid salts are triggered. The dose of the drug for each individual patient is determined individually. This is done using test strips to help control the acidity of the urine. Many doctors confirm that the competent use of this drug in many cases avoids the need for surgical intervention. Blemaren is intended only for dissolving stones; it does not cure cystitis and other inflammations.

Pros and cons
  • Real stone removal
  • Individual dosing
  • 100% bioavailability
  • Helps only with uric acid stones
  • Price

Top 2. Monural

Rating (2022): 4.36
Gets rid of cystitis in 1 day

It is possible to cure cystitis using Monural in just one dose, but it is only suitable for an acute disease.

  • Average price: 460 rubles. (1 package)
  • Manufacturer: Zambon (Switzerland)
  • Active ingredient: fosfomycin
  • Dispensation from pharmacies: by prescription

Monural is a Swiss preparation produced in the form of granules for the preparation of a solution. Fosfomycin, which is part of it, is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that allows you to get rid of cystitis in just one application. Improvements occur within a few hours, and the symptoms completely disappear on average within a day. Monural is allowed for children, in some cases it is prescribed for pregnant women. However, doctors note that the drug helps only with acute cystitis, but is not able to solve the problem in the chronic and recurrent course of the disease. Since the drug is still an antibiotic, you should not take it without a doctor's prescription.The cost could be called high, taking into account the fact that a single dose is enough, the treatment will be cheaper than a number of other drugs.

Pros and cons
  • Treatment of acute cystitis in 1 day
  • Rapid relief of symptoms
  • Can children
  • prescription drug

Top 1. Rowatinex

Rating (2022): 4.39
Treatment and prevention of urolithiasis

Rowatinex is prescribed both for the purpose of treatment and for the prevention of urolithiasis, showing excellent results in course use.

  • Average price: 1250 rubles. (50 tab.)
  • Manufacturer: Rowa (Ireland)
  • Active ingredient: α,β-pinene, camphene, cineole
  • Dispensation from pharmacies: by prescription

The prescription drug Rowatinex is prescribed for patients with urolithiasis, as well as for the prevention of stone formation. It has a complex effect, including diuretic, nephrolitholytic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antimicrobial, can be considered one of the taxes of Cyston, although it is not used to treat cystine. The drug is approved for both adults and children over 6 years of age. It is recommended to take it three times a day, 1-2 capsules. The course of treatment is chosen by the doctor, usually 1-2 months. Taking into account the recommendations for taking and the price of the medicine, the treatment will be expensive and this is practically the only drawback of Rowatinex.

Pros and cons
  • Complex action
  • Effectively removes stones
  • Suitable for children from 6 years old
  • Price
  • Treatment 1-2 months
Popular vote - which analogue of Cyston is better?
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