1. General characteristics
Which moonshine is better in performance, gives out the highest fortress?In the general characteristics of moonshine stills, we are interested in the same thing as any distiller - the performance and strength of the product at the output. According to these parameters, there are two undisputed leaders - Wein and Luxstahl. Both column-type apparatuses give out the maximum possible strength up to 96.6% vol, productivity up to 12 liters per hour in the bed mode without division into fractions. They are already equipped with tsargs, selection nodes, you do not need to buy anything extra. We will give the first place to the Vane apparatus because of the double selection node. More on this will be discussed below.
Spring Pro 3 can theoretically produce the same fortress, but for this you will have to buy an additional drawer. The result is not bad and in the standard configuration - up to 96% vol. Dobry Zhar comes without a selection unit, but with a two-inch column. The manufacturer himself is vague about the strength of more than 90% vol. According to the reviews of distillers, you can achieve better performance - up to 95% vol. Raw alcohol performance is not as high as that of Wayne and Luxstal, but far from the worst.
Name | Maximum productivity, l/h | Maximum strength, % vol. | Connection, covers, removable elements |
Luxstahl 8M | 12 | 96.6 | Coupling collar, clamps |
Wein 6 PRO | 12 | 96.6 | Coupling collar, clamps |
Bacchus | 6 | 80 | Flanged, clamps |
Phoenix Sirius NEW | 5.5 | 90 | Coupling collar, clamps |
Rodnik Pro 3 | 6 | 96 | Flanged, clamps |
Dobry Zhar Absolute | 7 | 90 | Coupling collar, clamps |
Phoenix Sirius gives about the same fortress as Dobry Zhar. To increase the degree here, too, you need to add another drawer. We included Bacchus in the comparison only because of the increased interest of buyers. In fact, it can hardly compete with other models. This is a classic distiller with a slightly improved design. Even with an additional tsarga, it is difficult to squeeze more than 80% vol. out of it.
2. alembic
Which moonshine still has the thickest metal?Tanks of all comparison moonshine stills are made of two grades of steel. The walls are made of food AISI 304, the bottom is made of AISI 430. So the devices are adapted to work on induction cookers. For heating from a heating element, there must be a tie-in with a plug in the lower part of the distillation cube. We are more interested not in the steel grade, but in the thickness of the metal, the width of the neck. By these parameters, we again have two winners - Wein and Luxstahl. Only they have a bottom made 5 mm thick. This is especially good for distillation of thick grain, berry, fruit brews. Both tanks are suitable for brewing beer. Plus, they have a completely removable lid, it is convenient to wash the container inside. There is an insert under the heating element. What makes Luxstal the best is one useful detail - the measuring scale inside.
Name | Wall thickness, mm | Bottom thickness, mm | Insert under the heating element | Neck, cm |
Luxstahl 8M | 1.5 | 5 | Yes | Removable cover |
Wein 6 PRO | 1.5 | 5 | Yes | Removable cover |
Bacchus | 1 | 2 | No | 11 |
Phoenix Sirius NEW
| 1.5 | 2 | Yes | Removable cover |
Rodnik Pro 3 | 1 | 1.5 | No | 12 |
Dobry Zhar Absolute | 1 | 1.5 | Yes | Removable cover |
Slightly behind them Phoenix Sirius. The walls here are the same, but the bottom is two and a half times thinner - 2 mm.Cereal mash will have to be well filtered so that they do not burn. There is a tie-in under the heating element and a removable cover, it is convenient to work. Bacchus can hardly be compared with the other models of the rating, but in terms of the quality of the alembic, it is ahead of Dobry Zhar and Rodnik Pro. Its bottom is 2 mm, the walls are 1 mm. But there is no tie-in for the heating element, and because of the flange connection with the lambs, the tank is more difficult to wash. A strong man's hand crawls into the neck of 11 cm with difficulty. Rodnik Pro and Dobry Zhar were in last place. Their bottom is very thin, 1.5 mm. But we gave Good Heat a plus sign for a removable cover.
3. Volume selection
Which moonshine still has the largest selection of volumes?Beginning distillers usually take moonshine with a small volume of distillation cube. Experienced masters of home brewing increase the capacity. There are machines for everyone. A striking example is Dobry Zhar. The Absolute is available in six sizes. The smallest is 20 liters, the largest is 60 liters. By the variety of volumes, he receives the maximum score. Phoenix Sirius devices come in three standard sizes - 20, 30 and 40 liters. Quite a convenient division. Wein models are more geared towards experienced distillers, but there is a 20 liter tank for beginners.
Name | Tank volume options, l | Cap shape |
Luxstahl 8M | 37 + modules of 20 | domed |
Wein 6 PRO | 20, 37, 50 | domed |
Bacchus | 15, 20, 35 | straight |
Phoenix Sirius NEW
| 20, 30, 40 | domed |
Rodnik Pro 3 | 20, 30 | domed |
Dobry Zhar Absolute | 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60 | domed |
Luxstahl is a serious device. Its base volume is 37 liters. Removable modules are sold separately for enlargement. Each increases the tank by 20 liters.You can build up the cube as much as the power of the tile or heating element allows. The modules are connected with clamps with silicone gaskets. But experienced distillers often prefer whole stills, and even the base volume is great for beginners. Bacchus is suitable only for beginners. Seriously, you can consider two volumes - 20, 35 liters. The smallest cube of 15 liters is nothing at all, especially considering that the lid is almost straight here. You need to pour less so that the hot mash does not splash into the steamer. Rodnik Pro came in last place due to the small selection of volumes. There are only two of them - 20, 30 liters.
Dobry Zhar Absolute
The largest selection of volumes
4. Tsarga
Which moonshine still has the longest side?And according to this parameter, the Luxstahl column type apparatus becomes the best. This is serious equipment with two drawers of 50 cm, a three-inch clamp connection. The kit immediately comes with insulation of the tsarg to reduce heat loss and stable operation. But for a three-inch column, you need a powerful tile. For some, this will be a disadvantage. Wein is even more successful in this regard. Here, too, two tsars of 50 centimeters, but two inches. Less power is needed, but you can still get pure alcohol with a good distillation rate.
Name | Quantity | Length cm | Diameter, inches |
Luxstahl 8M | 2 | 50 | 3 |
Wein 6 PRO | 2 | 50 | 2 |
Bacchus | steamer | - | 1.5 |
Phoenix Sirius NEW
| 1 | 50 | 1.5 |
Rodnik Pro 3 | 1 | 50 | 1.5 |
Dobry Zhar Absolute | 1 | 50 | 2 |
The remaining models, except for Bacchus, are equipped with one half-meter side.Phoenix and Rodnik Pro have a standard diameter of one and a half inches. Good Heat has a two-inch column. For this we give her a plus. Against the general background, the Bacchus moonshine still stands out. This is a distiller, it has nothing to do with column-type models. Therefore, as such, he does not have a king. The tube that departs from the flange connection is a dry steamer of an improved design. Recall that we included Bacchus in the comparison only because of the increased interest of buyers.
Heavy duty 3 inch column
5. Selection node
What columned moonshine stills are equipped with a selection unit?Experienced distillers are increasingly switching to devices with selection units. They make racing easier. Which UO is better - for liquid or steam, this is an eternal question and a subject of dispute on the forums. There is no answer to it - who is more comfortable with what to work with. Half of the participants in the comparison have SR. These are Luxstahl, Wein 6 and Rodnik Pro. Therefore, we will only compare them, and the rest of the models will receive the same scores according to the criterion.
Name | Selection unit type |
Luxstahl 8M | by liquid |
Wein 6 PRO | universal (for liquid, for steam) |
Bacchus | No |
Phoenix Sirius NEW | No |
Rodnik Pro 3 | by liquid |
Dobry Zhar Absolute | No |
Here we confidently put Wein in the first place. This is the only column apparatus in comparison with the universal UO. This saves buyers from a difficult choice, gives more opportunities for fine-tuning the shoulder strap. For example, many select the head by liquid, and the selection of the body is set by steam. In Luxstahl and Rodnik Pro, there is a liquid UO.
Wein 6 PRO
Best Selection Node
6. Equipment
We compare the complete set of moonshine stillsThe wider the package, the less additional expenses will be. Here we put Wein in the first place. In addition to the universal selection unit, a built-in diopter, the set includes a carbonization stand for additional cleaning from impurities. In second place is Luxstahl. I would like to say thanks to the manufacturer for the finished insulation of the tsarg. No need to collect anything from building insulation. And for SPN, in two drawers it is almost 5 kilograms.
Name | Fridge | Tsarga | Diopter | Thermometer | Dephlegmator | Additionally |
Luxstahl 8M | 1 | 2 | + | 2 | + | RPN SPN Spout with TCA alcoholmeter Warming of the tsarga |
Wein 6 PRO | 2 | 2 | + | 3 | _ | RPN Rack for charcoal Water connection kit |
Bacchus | 1 | - | - | 2 | - | RPN alcoholmeter Water seal Hose |
Phoenix Sirius NEW
| 1 | 1 | - | 2 | + | Spout with TCA RPN alcoholmeter Pneumatic hose |
Rodnik Pro 3 | 2 | 1 | - | 2 | - | Hoses |
Dobry Zhar Absolute | 1 | 1 | - | 2 | + | Spout with TCA RPN |
The Phoenix Sirius device is equipped with a spout with a tube for communication with the atmosphere, a stainless steel Panchenkov nozzle, an alcoholometer, hoses for connection. Nothing special, but nice. Slightly poorer equipment at Good Heat. Additionally, there is an on-load tap-changer, a spout with TCA. Bacchus added little things to increase the configuration - an alcohol meter, a water seal. In defense of the model, let's talk about an unusual design. A small bubble column is installed in the dry steam tank leaving the flange connection. It can be supplemented with Panchenkov nozzles, thereby increasing the strength of the product.In Rodnik Pro, everything is sad. The manufacturer limited himself to the basic set - only what is needed to assemble the column.
Phoenix Sirius New
Improved version of the popular model
7. Price
Which device is more cost effective?For this criterion, we took the price for approximately the same volume. The cheapest comparison device is Bacchus. We still put it in first place in terms of price, although it differs not for the better in design, performance, quality of the final product from the rest of the comparison participants. In second place is Rodnik Pro. A good column-type apparatus for less than 15,000 rubles is a good solution for the home. Cheap, and the output product is close to pure alcohol.
Name | Average price, rubles | Volume, liters |
Luxstahl 8M | 40990 | 37 |
Wein 6 PRO | 36990 | 37 |
Bacchus | 8990 | 35 |
Phoenix Sirius NEW | 18810 | 30 |
Rodnik Pro 3 | 13990 | 30 |
Dobry Zhar Absolute | 20250 | 30 |
Phoenix Sirius and Good Heat have a small difference in price, they are approximately the same in terms of characteristics. Therefore, you can safely take Phoenix if you are satisfied with a one and a half inch column. It is a little cheaper, it has better equipment, a slightly thicker bottom. Wein we would call optimal in terms of price and quality. A powerful column with two sides, a universal selection unit, good equipment - 37,000 rubles for it is not so much. Luxstahl is the most expensive comparison column apparatus. It costs more than 40,000 rubles.
The cheapest
8. User Reviews
The best moonshine according to usersFor an objective comparison, we took user ratings from two resources - Otzovik and Yandex.Market. In these sources there is a distribution according to the evaluation criteria. They do not match, so we did not calculate the average score from the two resources, but chose the five most important parameters. The difficulty arose only with Luxstahl. There are not enough reviews for this device on Yandex.Market to rate it.
Name | Drink quality | Performance | Device quality | Convenience | Safety | Total score |
Luxstahl 8M | - | - | 4.13 | 4.0 | 4.13 | 4.09 |
Wein 6 PRO | 4.6 | 4.6 | 3.83 | 3.78 | 3.90 | 4.14 |
Bacchus | 4.6 | 4.3 | 4.33 | 4.33 | 4.33 | 4.38 |
Phoenix Sirius NEW | 4.8 | 4.7 | 4.56 | 4.56 | 4.00 | 4.52 |
Rodnik Pro 3 | 4.4 | 4.2 | 3.75 | 3.75 | 4.00 | 4.02 |
Dobry Zhar Absolute | 4.8 | 4.8 | 4.45 | 4.82 | 4.27 | 4.63 |
We cannot fully agree with the user's opinion. As you can see, low-cost moonshine stills received high scores. But although we believe that Bacchus cannot be better than Luxstal and Wayne, we still need to take into account the opinion of users. According to their estimates, Dobry Zhar takes the first place. Phoenix Sirius and Bacchus follow him. Wein and Luxsthal came in fourth and fifth. In last place is the Rodnik Pro column.
Rodnik Pro 3
Good value for money
9. Comparison results
We determine the winner by the average score for all ratingsName | Total score | Number of wins by criteria | Winner in nominations |
Wein 6 PRO | 4.75 | 3/8 | General characteristics Selection node Equipment |
Luxstahl 8M | 4.68 | 2/8 | Tank Tsarga |
Dobry Zhar Absolute 7 | 4.61 | 2/8 | Volume selection User Reviews |
Phoenix Sirius NEW
| 4.61 | 0/8 | - |
Rodnik Pro 3 | 4.36 | 0/8 | - |
Bacchus | 4.33 | 1/8 | Price |
The results of the comparison are quite expected. Wein comes out on top with the most wins by criteria. Double selection unit, good equipment, performance, strength of the product - one of the best options for the home. Driving on the Wayne will be stable and not very tiring. Second place goes to Luxstahl with a three-inch column, insulated sides. A decent device, if it does not let down the power of tiles and electrical wiring. Third place is shared by Dobry Zhar and Phoenix Sirius - two very similar models in terms of quality and characteristics. In last place was Bacchus. It may not be that bad, but it's a distiller that can't compete with column-type machines.