1. Consumption
How much paint do you need?
Before proceeding to the comparison of dry figures, it should be noted that they are all conditional and serve for an approximate understanding of paint consumption. In practice, it can be very different. There are a lot of factors to increase or decrease the value. For example, the type of surface and the degree of its preparedness.
Also, for convenience, we will consider two types of consumption: the first shows how many square meters of area can be covered with one liter of paint, the second, how many grams will be needed per square meter.
brand | Meters per liter | Gram per meter |
Tikkurila Euro Power-7 | 10 | 100 |
Profilux HP | 8 | 80 |
Dulux Classic Color | 8 | 80 |
Tex "Profi" | 11 | 110 |
Finncolor Oasis Kitchen&Gallery | 10 | 100 |
Dufa Mattlatex Mix | 9 | 90 |
So, the most economical are the paints of the Profilux and Deluxe brands. With them, you only need 80 grams per square. Not far gone and Dufa, so let's let her also share the first place in the nomination. The rest of the paints are slightly less economical, from 10 to 11 squares per liter. In order not to produce a lot of steps on the pedestal, we will send them all to the second place.

Dulux Classic Color
The most economical paint
2. Drying
How long does the paint take to dry?Water-based paint is diluted with water. Therefore, the drying time should depend on it. In fact, this parameter is also affected by the main pigment, or rather its quality and viability. If all manufacturers used the same polymers, then there would be no such difference in price. Some resins dry almost instantly, others may take many hours.
It is also important to look at the value of drying between coats. It tells us how long it takes to apply the second and subsequent layers. This is important, since water-based paint is rarely used in one layer, especially if you want to achieve a certain color effect.
brand | Complete drying | Drying between coats |
Tikkurila Euro Power-7 | 24 hours | 2 hours |
Profilux HP | 1.5 hours | 1.5 hours |
Dulux Classic Color | 6 o'clock | 2 hours |
Tex "Profi" | 2 hours | 1 hour |
Finncolor Oasis Kitchen&Gallery | 24 hours | 2 hours |
Dufa Mattlatex Mix | 2 hours | 2 hours |
Here it should be noted that the drying time does not affect the quality of the coating. This is a purely technical issue and will only affect your convenience. So, the paints of Tikkurila and Finncolor are the longest. They require a full day at room temperature to dry completely, and re-coats can be applied after two hours. You will have to wait a long time. Therefore, only the third place in the nomination.
The second step is single-handedly occupied by Deluxe. The paint will dry completely after 6 hours. Well, the fastest ones are Dufa, Tex and, of course, Profilux, which dries completely in an hour and a half.
3. Surface
What can be painted?
As we said above, it depends on the type of surface how long the water-based paint will dry and how many layers will be needed to obtain a uniform texture. In addition, some brands are not designed for certain surfaces at all, which limits the work. That is, even one apartment may require several types of paint, which is inconvenient, and, therefore, the best brand is universal.
Worst of all, water-based paint adheres to smooth, glossy surfaces, including metal. Since there is no adhesive component in their composition, they simply drain from them. If the walls in your house are already painted with oil glossy paint, it must be removed as much as possible before water-based emulsion.
Among our members, the most versatile are Dufa, Tex, Deluxe and Tikkurila. They have no restrictions on the type of surface, except for those that are contraindicated in all water-based paints. Finncolor looks a little more modest compared to the winners. It can be applied to putty, concrete, brick or plaster. A great option if your apartment is in a draft version and you decide to paint the walls for the first time. Well, Profilux, a paint designed to cover exclusively concrete surfaces, becomes an outsider.

Tikkurila Euro Power-7
Universal purpose
4. Application
For which rooms is the paint recommended?Almost all acrylic water-based paint is washable, but the degree of care for it may be different. We will talk about this a little lower, in the same nomination we will consider for which premises this or that brand is recommended. Any apartment is a multifunctional organism. Some rooms are more polluted, such as the kitchen or corridor, some less, the bedroom or living room. The best paint is the one that suits most rooms. If you started a full-fledged repair and decided to paint all the walls in the house, with universal paints you do not have to buy different cans.
All of our members are universal to one degree or another. They do not contain harmful components, so even a children's room is not a limitation. But some options are unacceptable for use in the most aggressive environments, such as a bathroom or kitchen. Here we win Profilux and Dufa. They are highly resistant to moisture.
We give the second place, Finncolor. It is not suitable for the bathroom, but it will perfectly cope with pollution in the corridor and in the kitchen. But Tikkurila, Tex and Deluxe, although they are called universal, are not recommended for the most aggressive environments. A bedroom or a nursery - please, but for the kitchen it is better to look for a more stain-resistant option.
5. tinting
How accurately can you repeat the shade?
Today, many companies provide paint tinting services. It is produced electronically, that is, if you ordered a unique color, later, when there is not enough paint, you can easily repeat it.In order for the tinting to always be identical, it is necessary that the paint matches the generally accepted palettes.
According to the degree of tinting, paints are classified by letters from A to C. Stamps from category A, which is also often referred to as BW, are best amenable to color change, and less color is needed.
There will be only two stages in this nomination, and the last place is solely occupied by only one participant - Finncolor. The only water-based paint on our list that cannot be electronically tinted, as it has not been classified by color palettes. Yes, it can be given any shade, since the coating is basic, but it will be extremely difficult to repeat it exactly.
6. Environmental certificates
Which brands have passed the environmental certification?
Today, when the world is faced with real environmental problems, more and more consumers are puzzled by this issue. The environmental movement is becoming fashionable and gaining momentum, and unscrupulous manufacturers take advantage of this, sculpting appropriate labels wherever they want. In fact, there are organizations that actually conduct an examination and issue certificates. In the construction industry, this is the Leaf of Life.
The “Leaf of Life” marking on the product indicates compliance with the international environmental standard ISO 14024. Obtaining this certificate for manufacturers is optional and is purely voluntary.
Among our participants, Leaf of Life received only two nominees: Tex and Dufa. The responsibility of these brands should be given credit. The rest of the nominees decided to bypass this issue and do not have the appropriate marking, which means that they receive only second place.

Tex Profi
Environmental certificates
7. Care
How can you take care of the surface?
Any painted surface can be maintained, but in some cases, aggressive chemical cleaners are available, while in others, only wet cleaning with water. In fact, water-based paint can be of three types: washable, moisture resistant and non-washable. In the first case, all types of cleaning products are available. In the second - only water, and in the third - exclusively dry cleaning. Of course, the best paint is washable, as even serious dirt can be removed with strong chemical-based products.
There are 3 such participants in our list: Dufa, Tex and Deluxe. We give them first place in the nomination. The second line is occupied by Profilux and Tikkurila. Both brands can be washed with water, but without reagents. But Finncolor, despite the fact that it is intended for the kitchen and the corridor, is not washable. A strange decision, and, therefore, only the third step of the pedestal.
8. Reviews
What do real buyers say about paints?Today, many stores and marketplaces publish customer reviews and carefully moderate them, not missing outright orders. In addition, there are sites that offer to leave reviews not for the entire product, but for certain categories. This is very convenient and helps to put together a more complete picture. We will do the same:
brand | Coating quality | Appearance | General impression |
Tikkurila Euro Power-7 | 4.6 | 4.9 | 4.8 |
Profilux HP | 4.4 | 4.6 | 4.6 |
Dulux Classic Color | 4.7 | 4.8 | 4.8 |
Finncolor Oasis Kitchen&Gallery | 4.8 | 4.7 | 4.8 |
Dufa Mattlatex Mix | 4.6 | 4.3 | 4.5 |
Tex "Profi" | 4.5 | 4.6 | 4.6 |
Since customer reviews are subjective and do not reflect professional opinion, we will not make many steps on the pedestal. Let's just say that the best paint according to users is Tikkurila, Deluxe and Finncolor. Both in total and in individual nominations, these brands scored the highest scores. The rest of the participants go to the second line.

Finncolor Oasis Kitchen&Gallery
Popular brand
9. Price
How much does paint cost?Price is a fickle thing. It always changes and depends on the season, the seller and a number of other factors. But be that as it may, a general opinion can be added up, and for convenience, we will consider the price tags for a can of paint and for a single liter. This is important because they come in different containers.
brand | Price per can | Price per liter |
Tikkurila Euro Power-7 | 2 248 rub. (2.7 l) | 832 rub. |
Profilux HP | 850 rub. (9 l) | 77 rub. |
Dulux Classic Color | 5 780 rub. (2.7 l) | 640 rub. |
Tex "Profi" | 2 420 rub. (9 l) | 270 rub. |
Finncolor Oasis Kitchen&Gallery | 1 780 rub. (8 l) | 660 rub. |
Dufa Mattlatex Mix | 2 130 rub. (2.7 l) | 213 rub. |
The winner in this nomination is unequivocal - water-based paint Profilux. The best brand in terms of price.Only 77 rubles per liter or 850 rubles for a 9-kilogram can. The nominee is out of competition. The second line belongs to the participants whose prices for one kilogram did not exceed 500 rubles. We have Tex and Dufa. Well, the most expensive were Tikkurila, Deluxe and Finncolor. Only third place.

Profilux HP
Best price
10. Comparison results
Best water-based wall paint by average score across all comparison criteriabrand | Total score | Number of wins by criteria | Winner in nominations |
Dufa Mattlatex Mix | 4.77 | 7/10 | Consumption; Drying; Surface; Application; Tinting; Environmental certificates; Care. |
Tex "Profi" | 4.44 | 5/10 | Drying; Surface; Tinting; Environmental certificates; Care. |
Profilux HP | 4.44 | 5/10 | Consumption; Drying; Application; Tinting; Price. |
Dulux Classic Color | 4.33 | 5/10 | Consumption; Surface; Tinting; Care; Reviews. |
Tikkurila Euro Power-7 | 4.0 | 3/10 | Surface; Tinting; Reviews. |
Finncolor Oasis Kitchen&Gallery | 3.77 | 1/10 | Reviews. |
So, the best water-based wall paint is Dufa Mattlatex Mix. Brand with the most nominations. An excellent option in all respects, except, of course, the price. The quality is maximum, and, as you know, you have to pay for it, and in this case a lot. The participants who took second and third place look much more attractive. This is where price and quality come together much better.Yes, for some parameters they lose to the winner, but in the end they are still excellent paints that can be used in a variety of rooms.