15 Best Vitamins for Women



Characteristic in the rating

The best vitamins for women after childbirth

1 Vitrum Prenatal Most Efficient
2 Complivit Mom Best price
3 Fairhaven Health Nursing Postnatal High concentrations of individual substances

The Best All-In-One Vitamins for Women

1 Doppelgerz Active Best quality
2 ArtLife Formula of a woman Excellent result
3 Duovit For Women Most affordable

The best vitamins for women over 30

1 Evalar Laura Better effect on the skin
2 Lady's formula Woman 30 Plus Excellent value for money and quality
3 Fancl Good Choice Women 30 Multicomponent composition

The best vitamins for women after 40-45 years

1 Complivit Calcium D3 Better Efficiency
2 Evalar CI-KLIM The most natural composition
3 Besins Healthcare Famvital "Smart" capsules with anti-aging effect

The best vitamins for women over 50

1 Vitrum Centuri Best Cast
2 Alphabet 50+ The Best Formula
3 Undevit The optimum ratio of price and quality

Due to constant stress, fatigue, sudden changes in weather conditions and other factors, the human body is subject to negative influences. To always maintain it in the right form, it is necessary to take useful substances - vitamins. Depending on the group, they can affect a particular area of ​​the female body. What vitamins are considered the most useful?

  • Vitamin E maintains youth, the reproductive function of the body.
  • For a healthy state of the heart, bones, as well as the rapid elimination of toxins, vitamins of group D are responsible.
  • Vitamins C and A are responsible for the most important thing for many girls - beauty. It strengthens nails, hair, provides good skin condition.
  • The next group of vitamins - B, strengthens the nervous system, blood vessels, rejuvenates the body. With their deficiency, there is constant fatigue and drowsiness, as well as rapid fatigue.

Vitamins are very relevant when planning a child, during pregnancy and after childbirth. They fill the body's need for minerals and trace elements. Taking the right drugs at these stages affects the condition of both mother and baby.

Nowadays, in every pharmacy it is easy to find both individual vitamins and whole complexes. Some focus on a specific problem, others address several at once. Depending on age, a woman needs a certain support of the body. For example, after 30 years, stresses are most often observed, the first signs of aging, a little later the body lacks nutrients to renew the skin, after 40 various diseases appear and begin to regularly disturb, and closer to 50 years, there is a high probability of a deterioration in the general condition, a slowdown in metabolism and the occurrence of other unpleasant processes.

Our rating includes the best vitamins for women after 30, 40, 50 years, as well as after childbirth and for all ages. We selected drugs based on customer reviews.

There are contraindications. Check with your doctor.

The best vitamins for women after childbirth

It's no secret that the postpartum period is accompanied by enormous stress for the body. After the transferred loads, he needs some support for proper gradual recovery.Doctors advise women during this period to take vitamin and mineral complexes to maintain tone and optimize well-being. Below we have provided a list of drugs that you should familiarize your doctor with immediately after the birth of a child.

3 Fairhaven Health Nursing Postnatal

High concentrations of individual substances
Country: USA
Average price: 1050 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6

2 Complivit Mom

Best price
Country: Russia
Average price: 270 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

1 Vitrum Prenatal

Most Efficient
Country: USA
Average price: 650 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

The Best All-In-One Vitamins for Women

Many women sooner or later think about purchasing vitamins.This is due to a deterioration in well-being, external manifestations (brittle nails, dry skin, slow hair growth). Of course, everyone is interested in the question - which vitamins to buy. Doctors advise you to first pass certain tests in order to choose the drug, taking into account individual preferences. But modern manufacturers offer a large selection of universal complexes suitable for women of any age.

3 Duovit For Women

Most affordable
Country: Slovenia
Average price: 400 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6

2 ArtLife Formula of a woman

Excellent result
Country: Russia
Average price: 760 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

1 Doppelgerz Active

Best quality
Country: Germany
Average price: 220 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

The best vitamins for women over 30

Women after reaching the age of 30 are often faced with the need to maintain skin elasticity, increase activity and strengthen the body. This is not surprising, because this age period is often associated with frequent stress. A woman bears a heavy load, which sooner or later has a negative impact on the body. In such situations, doctors recommend buying a high-quality vitamin complex to increase tone, activity, and stress resistance.

3 Fancl Good Choice Women 30

Multicomponent composition
Country: Japan
Average price: 3600 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5

2 Lady's formula Woman 30 Plus

Excellent value for money and quality
Country: USA
Average price: 700 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

1 Evalar Laura

Better effect on the skin
Country: Russia
Average price: 400 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

The best vitamins for women after 40-45 years

After 40-45 years, women already have visible wrinkles, reduced skin tone, and various chronic diseases that were not disturbing before often appear. At the same time, the unpleasant symptoms of menopause begin to bother. The body during this period needs reliable vitamin nutrition, so it is important to buy the necessary drug on time. We have brought the best vitamin complexes, based on customer reviews.

3 Besins Healthcare Famvital

"Smart" capsules with anti-aging effect
Country: France
Average price: 2600 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6

2 Evalar CI-KLIM

The most natural composition
Country: Russia
Average price: 460 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

1 Complivit Calcium D3

Better Efficiency
Country: Russia (produced in Switzerland)
Average price: 770 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

The best vitamins for women over 50

For women over 50, the question is very important - which vitamins are most effective. At this stage, there is often a decline in activity, increased fatigue and the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms of various diseases. To strengthen the joints, organs of vision, as well as other important systems of the body, doctors advise women over 50 to purchase a drug with a high-quality, reliable composition. It is these vitamins that are included in our rating.

3 Undevit

The optimum ratio of price and quality
Country: Russia
Average price: 60 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6

2 Alphabet 50+

The Best Formula
Country: Russia
Average price: 270 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

1 Vitrum Centuri

Best Cast
Country: USA
Average price: 500 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

Popular vote - who is the best manufacturer of vitamins for women
Total voted: 1716
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Attention! The above information is not a buying guide. For any advice, you should contact the experts!

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23 commentary
  1. margarita
    I was taking Natubiotin when my nails suddenly became brittle. Tablets quickly restored the nail plates.And as a bonus, the hair has become much "lively", more elastic, easy to style, and does not stick out as always.
  2. Diana
    The best helpers for women are vitamins. Personally, I like the Swiss monovitamins Natubiotin. They are with coenzyme R in the composition and contribute to the production of their own keratin and collagen. Hair and nails after taking it became chic.
  3. ksenia gurevich
    Evalar has very good marine collagen. Excellent composition, helps to fill the deficiency of collagen, has the most powerful restoring properties. In addition, it is hypoallergenic, has no side effects.
  4. Hope
    Good article. And my favorite vitamins Famvital are mentioned. But why are they for women after 40-45? I was told that they are for women 35+
  5. Natalia
    I took Qi-Klim on my own, I was very sorry, because. raised myoma! From what has drawn a conclusion - hormones! The gynecologist also told me the same thing when I came with my problem! It's a shame that manufacturers hide about it, and then a huge number of women are being treated!
  6. Natalia
    Surprisingly, there is not a word about Women's Longevity vitamins. Apparently, the review is not complete. If anyone is really interested, take the name in your piggy bank. My blood circulation has improved, and with cholesterol everything is much better than before, and my knee does not bother me so often anymore, in my youth there was a meniscus injury. An extremely good complex, you just feel the result, otherwise it happens - you sit doing self-hypnosis - I drink vitamins, it doesn’t hurt as much as before.
  7. Anna
    For me, the best vitamins are Famvital! I have been taking them for 2 years, 2 courses a year. Just look in the mirror to see how effective it is!
  8. Nina
    I took Alphabet 50 plus.I really liked the vitamins. In addition, there is a high content of calcium, this is the prevention of osteoporosis, which is now just a scourge for women of this age. I feel good, my bones are strong, I slipped several times on ice this winter - I didn’t break anything
  9. Lana
    It is strange that nothing is said about Taiga 8. Of course, these are not pharmaceutical vitamins, but a vitamin and energy drink with polyprenols, but in action - like high-quality complex vitamins, it energizes, and restores cells, and delicious!
  10. Zinaida
    Of those presented here, I voted for Evalar. And so something Famvital, of course. I'll be taking my second course in a month. Keep skin and nails in shape, refresh hair after the summer sun. The most effective complex, in my opinion.
  11. Sveta
    Vitamin D can affect so many systems, including weight, this was a discovery for me. I didn’t know that with a vitamin D deficiency, weight can go much more slowly. As soon as I started taking ultra-d, the extra kg immediately began to go away, so I’m slowly but surely moving towards my goal))
  12. Alexandra
    Coenzyme Q10 also. Although not a direct vitamin, but an additive indispensable for beauty and energetic life) The action is not felt immediately, but you really need to drink regularly, and doing this is more than possible - it is inexpensive. I take from phytomarket ru for 300 rubles in total, in our pharmacies it is more expensive, as a rule. But I highly recommend everyone take a look.
  13. Maria
    No, I started taking additional vitamins a little later, and at first I learned about cyclim alanine during menopause, it helps very well in times of crisis, cope with symptoms, drank it in a course.Together, these two remedies helped me very well. Although I began to feel like a man.
  14. Bogdan
    Oh, I don’t believe in monovitamins for older women. We already have so much to restore that you can’t get by with biotin alone)) Now, if you add chromium, selenium, zinc, vitamin C to biotin ... Then you get Famvital)))
  15. Lisa
    Have you only taken vitamins from this line? And coped with the problems that arise during menopause? Maria,
  16. Maria
    Of all the vitamins listed in the article, I am familiar with several, but most of all I liked tsi-klim, during the menopause they turned out to be the ideal solution for me, in addition to all the vitamins and minerals needed in the composition, they contain plant extracts that just help to cope with the symptoms menopause. In general, the whole line is worthy. And affordable.
  17. Regina
    I would also add Natubiotin to the list. These are mono vitamins for the beauty and health of skin, hair and nails. I restored my nails after extension and got rid of dandruff with their help.
  18. Anna
    We constantly hear that it is necessary to add as many vitamins as possible to your diet. Most doctors, giving such advice, focus on the general health of a person, but forget about what vitamins our skin needs. A good article on this topic - http://krasivoybud.ru/news/main_news22.html - "Vitamins that are essential for the skin in the first place."
  19. Anna
    But what about the German vitamins Orthomol?
  20. Tatiana
    At first, when menopause came, I drank tsi-clim tablets for a year, and then the doctor suggested drinking the tsi-clim vitamin complex, it is just for women 45+ with a good composition.Of course, vitamins are good, but do not forget about normal nutrition, at any age, eat fruits, vegetables, drink plenty of water. I am very glad that PP is being popularized now.
  21. Natalia
    "Vitrum" are good vitamins, but for 50+, it seems to me, they are rather weak ... I'm not even talking about "Undevit". I drank VitrumCenturi for several years from spring beriberi, they more or less coped with this task. And now I switched to Famvital and felt, as they say, the difference. Still, with regard to purely female needs at this age (additional skin hydration, antioxidant effect), it is better to choose specialized complexes. "Famvital" is more expensive, but the composition is selected specifically for the female body. All sorts of green tea extract, grape seed oil, chromium - everything that slows down aging.
  22. Sashechkka
    I drank a lot of just vitamins and complexes, but most of all I liked Evalar's Coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E. The first one helps a lot for the heart and blood vessels, and the general condition of the body (you walk fresh), and the second for hair, nails and women's health.
  23. Alyona
    Thank you! Very useful article


