Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
The best early varieties of strawberries for the Moscow region |
1 | Darselect | Good palatability |
2 | Elsanta | Disease resistance, high yield |
3 | Sudarushka | Large beautiful berries |
1 | Asia | Excellent yield, tolerates frost well |
2 | arosa | Large weight of berries |
3 | festival | Up to 50 berries on one bush |
The best late varieties of strawberries for the Moscow region |
1 | Malvina | High palatability during the entire ripening period |
2 | Alice | Excellent yield, adapts well to different climates |
3 | Chamora Turusi | The largest and highest yielding |
The best remontant varieties of strawberries for the Moscow region |
1 | Albion | The longest fruiting period of the remontant variety |
2 | Mara de Bois | Bright strawberry taste and aroma |
3 | Monterey | Best Yield |
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Strawberries are everyone's favorite berry, which, depending on the variety, can be grown in different climatic conditions. Few people know that it is an excellent source of vitamin C and strengthens the immune system well.Residents of the Moscow region have more than 30 varieties of strawberries to choose from, which, despite the harsh winter and hot summer, give a good harvest. Their main difference is their resistance to changing weather conditions. Most of the varieties were bred by breeders specifically for this region. The optimal landing time here is the end of August. Successful cultivation requires open ground in a flat sunny area, protected from strong winds. The ideal soil is loamy or sandy with humus. To obtain a high yield of strawberries in the Moscow region, after planting, it is necessary to regularly moisten it, fertilize it with useful substances and process it from weeds, as well as weed and trim the antennae. What should you start from when choosing a strawberry variety for your garden?
Ripening period. Strawberries are divided into early, middle and late varieties. Their ripening falls on a specific period from June to September.
Taste qualities. Strawberries can be very sweet or, on the contrary, have a slight sourness. Each variety is delicious in its own way, it is worth choosing according to this criterion based on taste preferences.
Place of purchase. It is better to purchase seedlings for the Moscow region in local nurseries. This guarantees their excellent survival.
yield. This characteristic shows how many kilograms of strawberries can be harvested per season from one bush. The maximum figure for the Moscow region is 2 kg.
We have compiled a rating of the best strawberry varieties for the Moscow region with a description and photo. The selection took into account the following:
- productivity;
- appearance;
- taste properties;
- growing conditions.
The best early varieties of strawberries for the Moscow region
Early varieties of strawberries begin to please gardeners in the Moscow region with a harvest already at the beginning of summer, although much depends on weather conditions and the timing of the arrival of heat. Below are the best early strawberry varieties for the Moscow region with a description and photo.
3 Sudarushka
Average price: 200 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
A popular strawberry variety for the Moscow region is Sudarushka. It has an unusual ovoid shape and a large berry size. Each has a red-scarlet color, a glossy surface with a large number of small seeds. Strawberry varieties are very fragrant and juicy to taste. Another feature is that the berries can reach 34 g in weight. The strawberry "Sudarushka" tastes sweet and sour. Experts note that the variety is very resistant to viruses and cold.
The variety loves soil additives and fertilizing, and reacts to this with increased yields. It has a rich strawberry aroma. The berry is designed for universal use (freezing, jam, juice). The yield is about 1 kg per bush. Main advantages: large size of berries, high marks from experts, good climate tolerance in the Moscow region, resistance to freezing, excellent reviews.
2 Elsanta
Average price: 490 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
"Elsanta" is a unique variety that combines many positive qualities. The weight of the berry reaches 45 grams, and in one season up to 1.7 kg of crop can be harvested from a bush. At the same time, strawberries have excellent taste properties - they are very sweet and juicy. In terms of care, a rather unpretentious variety. The only condition is regular hydration. Perfectly takes root in the suburbs. During the winter period needs a warm shelter.
Berries of the variety are very resistant to transportation and can be stored for a long time. Strawberries are medium in size and round in shape. Color - bright red with yellowish seeds. Another important feature is excellent disease resistance. The distance between the bushes during planting is 40 cm. This variety, unlike most others, does not need to be fed. Main advantages: increased disease resistance, high yield, excellent taste, unpretentiousness, the best reviews from gardeners.
1 Darselect
Average price: 350 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
"Darselect" refers to early ripening varieties. In open ground, it bears fruit within a month, usually in July. Proper care will allow you to harvest from berries weighing 25-30 grams. Although in some cases it reaches 60 g. A distinctive feature of the variety is its heart-shaped shape. The color "Darselect" can be described as orange-red. By the way, when grown in a greenhouse, strawberries begin to bear fruit already at the end of spring. The root system of the variety is very developed. The average yield is about 1 kg.
It has a light strawberry aroma. The taste is quite sweet, but has a slight sourness. Plant a variety on a flat surface (not in recesses), otherwise it will be prone to disease. The ideal time for planting is the beginning of autumn. The distance between the holes should not be less than 40 cm. Abundant watering will help the strawberries to calmly survive the hot summer in the region. Advantages: excellent taste, frost resistance, good yield.
The best medium strawberry varieties for the Moscow region
Medium varieties of strawberries begin to bear fruit closer to mid-June. Each variety has its own ripening period, but more often it falls in the last weeks of June.The rating includes the best medium strawberry varieties with photos and descriptions.
3 festival
Average price: 270 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Strawberry "Festivalnaya" refers to hybrid varieties of medium ripening. The first berries on it ripen in the Moscow region at the end of June, fruiting lasts about 3 weeks. The fruits are medium in size, the largest of them have a mass of 45-50 grams. Due to the large number of ovaries, of which 40-50 pieces are formed on a bush, the overall yield is impressive. Berries are valued both for their high sugar content and for their excellent transportability.
"Festival" forms quite powerful bushes that are able to bear fruit for at least 4 years. The variety is characterized by high resistance to diseases and pests. A good harvest can be achieved both when planting in a sunny area, and under the condition of partial shading. The frost resistance of the variety is up to -25 degrees, additional shelter in the conditions of the Moscow region is not required. The variety has been popular since Soviet times, receives a lot of positive feedback.
2 arosa
Average price: 320 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
This strawberry variety, originally from Italy, has earned many excellent reviews from gardeners. It is a mix of the popular Chandler and Marmalade. In appearance, the berries are conical, slightly flattened, orange-red in color. Strawberry variety shimmers very beautifully in the sun. An important feature of Aroza is its taste properties. Sweet pulp goes well with wine notes. In open ground, fruiting begins in mid-June. The average weight is 30 g, but larger berries are often found - up to 45 g.
The variety loves heat, moisture and requires special attention. For example, when planting, you need to protect strawberries from the wind, and build a special shelter before wintering. Has good density. Suitable for transportation. Reviews of gardeners about the variety are more often positive. Advantages: tasty large berries, transportability. Disadvantages: loves heat and moisture very much, tolerates frost worse than others.
1 Asia
Average price: 490 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Variety "Asia" is represented by cone-shaped berries with an average weight of 40 g and a maximum of as much as 100 grams in rare cases. It was bred over 10 years ago in Italy and is still highly regarded by gardeners. It is perfectly adapted to Russian frosts and does not freeze without shelter even at a temperature of minus 17 degrees. The color is bright red and the surface is shiny. Strawberries love the sun, flat areas and regular watering. It has a pronounced aroma and sweet taste.
Subject to all the rules of care, the yield will be quite good. After harvesting, the berry is stored for a long time and is great for transportation. On the open ground in the Moscow region, it ripens by June and bears fruit within a month. The yield of the variety is another positive side of it. It reaches 1.5 kg with proper care. Main advantages: high yield, frost resistance, excellent taste and aroma. Cons: average resistance to diseases and drought.
The best late varieties of strawberries for the Moscow region
The main difference between late strawberry varieties is the delayed harvest time, which begins to ripen in the second half of July or even early August. Below you can find a description and photos of the most popular late varieties.
3 Chamora Turusi
Average price: 320 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
"Chamora Turusi" is a hybrid variety of late ripening strawberries. It is suitable for cultivation in most regions of Russia, feels comfortable in the Moscow region. The plant forms powerful spreading bushes, the height of which reaches 50 cm. The first berries appear in the climate near Moscow not earlier than the beginning of July, fruiting lasts up to 4 weeks. The fruits are very large, weighing 70-90 grams, with good care they do not become smaller. From one bush for a month you can collect up to 2.5 kg of berries.
The variety "Chamora Turusi" is characterized by excessively active mustache formation. If you do not regularly remove them, the plantations quickly thicken, the berries become smaller, gray rot appears. The winter hardiness of the bushes is excellent, additional shelter is not required. The variety receives only positive reviews from gardeners, it is considered the best in terms of large fruit and yield.
2 Alice
Average price: 150 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
"Alice" is a late ripening dessert variety with very tasty and large berries. It belongs to new varieties, bred by English breeders. Strawberries are juicy, with sweet flesh and a beautiful smooth texture. The shape of the fruit is conical. An equally important feature is the high yield - an average of 1.3 kg per season per bush. On the open ground, the ripening period begins in July. "Alice" does not cause difficulties in planting and growing. The berries are quite large in size, they reach 35 mm in diameter.
According to the results of the study, the variety is very resistant to diseases such as powdery mildew.It also perfectly adapts to different climatic conditions and can be grown in a variety of regions (including the Moscow region). Strawberries are often transported over long distances and still retain their freshness. Main advantages: high yield, easy adaptation to different climatic conditions, tasty large berries with juicy pulp.
1 Malvina
Average price: 490 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
One of the most popular late varieties is "Malvina". It is distinguished by large berries (up to 45 g) with a pronounced sweet taste and high sugar content. The variety was bred quite recently - in 2010 in Germany. At the beginning of ripening, the berry has a beautiful scarlet color, and towards the end - a deep burgundy. The pulp is sweet medium density. Strawberry "Malvina" is not subject to the negative effects of the sun and tolerates rainy weather well. The fruiting period falls at the end of June-beginning of July, when all early varieties have already faded.
The berry has a luxurious strawberry aroma. If you focus on the reviews of gardeners, then we can summarize that the variety easily tolerates any bad weather. High yield is another plus of Malvina. In addition, the berries are adapted to long-term transportation and storage. Main advantages: high palatability from the beginning to the end of fruiting, transportability, the latest ripening, increased berry size, good reviews.
The best remontant varieties of strawberries for the Moscow region
Remontant strawberry is a modern variety with several fruiting periods, one of which often falls in August.In addition, this variety implies oversized berries with very high palatability. They are always juicy and sweet. Below are the best remontant strawberry varieties with descriptions and photos for them.
3 Monterey
Average price: 590 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
A relative of the Albion variety, the California Monterey, has medium-sized, very sweet, cone-shaped berries. It is suitable for planting both in an open sunny place and under a canopy. Each bush grows a large number of berries. The shape is conical with a sharp tip, the maximum weight of strawberries is 30 grams. The flowering period on open ground begins in May and continues until autumn. Harvesting occurs 3-4 times per season. And in pots it can ripen all year round, even in a city apartment.
At too low temperatures, the yield drops. Under normal conditions, it varies from 500 g to 2 kg per bush. By the way, during the second stage of fruiting, the taste becomes more intense and bright. When frozen, strawberries of the variety do not lose their taste and do not change their appearance. Main advantages: high yield, rich taste, unpretentious variety, fruiting all year round under certain conditions, a lot of positive feedback.
2 Mara de Bois
Average price: 360 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
"Mara de Bois" is a suitable remontant variety for the Moscow region, because. tolerates cold well and has a 95% survival rate in Russia. Berries of a beautiful round shape of red color reach 25 g in weight. Strawberries taste very sweet, for some even cloying. The aroma is pronounced strawberry. Fruiting variety occurs in the period from late spring to early autumn and depends on climatic conditions.The taste of "Mara de Bois" is strongly reminiscent of strawberries.
A large number of berries grow on a low bush up to 20 cm high. You can harvest from May to September, depending on weather conditions. The main difference of the variety is the preservation of the taste of the berry even when the weather conditions worsen. Pros: bright taste and aroma, ripening of berries occurs several times per season, good yield, positive reviews.
1 Albion
Average price: 590 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
The unique remontant variety "Albion" has the longest fruiting period. You can pick delicious berries throughout the warm season. At the same time, on average, about 2 kilograms of strawberries are removed from one bush during this time. A variety was bred at the University of California more than 10 years ago. Another important feature is increased resistance to various diseases (anthracosis, gray rot, etc.). It is easy to transport over long distances. One berry by weight reaches 60 g. Round in shape, bright red in color.
The variety is very frost-resistant and tolerates the Russian winter well. During the season, on average, the crop is harvested 4 times. When planting, the holes are placed at a great distance from each other, because. the plant has a large number of mustaches. For the winter, strawberries are covered with straw or leaves. It is grown in both open ground and protected ground conditions. Advantages: harvesting in 4 stages per season, very good yield, adaptability to different weather conditions, very large fruits, excellent taste and aroma.