12 best varieties of strawberries for the Moscow region

Do you live in the Moscow region and want to know the names of the best strawberry varieties to grow in this region? Read our rating, which includes only the most popular offers of domestic and foreign breeders. These varieties will definitely not disappoint and will delight you with an excellent harvest.



Characteristic in the rating

The best early varieties of strawberries for the Moscow region

1 Darselect Good palatability
2 Elsanta Disease resistance, high yield
3 Sudarushka Large beautiful berries

The best medium strawberry varieties for the Moscow region

1 Asia Excellent yield, tolerates frost well
2 arosa Large weight of berries
3 festival Up to 50 berries on one bush

The best late varieties of strawberries for the Moscow region

1 Malvina High palatability during the entire ripening period
2 Alice Excellent yield, adapts well to different climates
3 Chamora Turusi The largest and highest yielding

The best remontant varieties of strawberries for the Moscow region

1 Albion The longest fruiting period of the remontant variety
2 Mara de Bois Bright strawberry taste and aroma
3 Monterey Best Yield

Strawberries are everyone's favorite berry, which, depending on the variety, can be grown in different climatic conditions. Few people know that it is an excellent source of vitamin C and strengthens the immune system well.Residents of the Moscow region have more than 30 varieties of strawberries to choose from, which, despite the harsh winter and hot summer, give a good harvest. Their main difference is their resistance to changing weather conditions. Most of the varieties were bred by breeders specifically for this region. The optimal landing time here is the end of August. Successful cultivation requires open ground in a flat sunny area, protected from strong winds. The ideal soil is loamy or sandy with humus. To obtain a high yield of strawberries in the Moscow region, after planting, it is necessary to regularly moisten it, fertilize it with useful substances and process it from weeds, as well as weed and trim the antennae. What should you start from when choosing a strawberry variety for your garden?

Ripening period. Strawberries are divided into early, middle and late varieties. Their ripening falls on a specific period from June to September.

Taste qualities. Strawberries can be very sweet or, on the contrary, have a slight sourness. Each variety is delicious in its own way, it is worth choosing according to this criterion based on taste preferences.

Place of purchase. It is better to purchase seedlings for the Moscow region in local nurseries. This guarantees their excellent survival.

yield. This characteristic shows how many kilograms of strawberries can be harvested per season from one bush. The maximum figure for the Moscow region is 2 kg.

We have compiled a rating of the best strawberry varieties for the Moscow region with a description and photo. The selection took into account the following:

  • productivity;
  • appearance;
  • taste properties;
  • growing conditions.

The best early varieties of strawberries for the Moscow region

Early varieties of strawberries begin to please gardeners in the Moscow region with a harvest already at the beginning of summer, although much depends on weather conditions and the timing of the arrival of heat. Below are the best early strawberry varieties for the Moscow region with a description and photo.

3 Sudarushka

Large beautiful berries
Average price: 200 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

2 Elsanta

Disease resistance, high yield
Average price: 490 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

1 Darselect

Good palatability
Average price: 350 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

The best medium strawberry varieties for the Moscow region

Medium varieties of strawberries begin to bear fruit closer to mid-June. Each variety has its own ripening period, but more often it falls in the last weeks of June.The rating includes the best medium strawberry varieties with photos and descriptions.

3 festival

Up to 50 berries on one bush
Average price: 270 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

2 arosa

Large weight of berries
Average price: 320 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

1 Asia

Excellent yield, tolerates frost well
Average price: 490 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

The best late varieties of strawberries for the Moscow region

The main difference between late strawberry varieties is the delayed harvest time, which begins to ripen in the second half of July or even early August. Below you can find a description and photos of the most popular late varieties.

3 Chamora Turusi

The largest and highest yielding
Average price: 320 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

2 Alice

Excellent yield, adapts well to different climates
Average price: 150 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

1 Malvina

High palatability during the entire ripening period
Average price: 490 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

The best remontant varieties of strawberries for the Moscow region

Remontant strawberry is a modern variety with several fruiting periods, one of which often falls in August.In addition, this variety implies oversized berries with very high palatability. They are always juicy and sweet. Below are the best remontant strawberry varieties with descriptions and photos for them.

3 Monterey

Best Yield
Average price: 590 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

2 Mara de Bois

Bright strawberry taste and aroma
Average price: 360 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

1 Albion

The longest fruiting period of the remontant variety
Average price: 590 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

Popular vote - what kind of strawberry is the best for the Moscow region?
Total voted: 121
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Attention! The above information is not a buying guide. For any advice, you should contact the experts!

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