Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Grammidin | Record speed of action |
2 | Strepsils | Best Sugar Free Combination |
3 | Isla Moos | The most natural composition |
4 | Pharyngosept | Time-tested drug |
5 | Geksoral tabs | Favorite by popularity |
6 | Septolete Total | The widest range of action |
7 | Carmolis | Best Taste |
8 | Neo Angin | The optimum ratio of price and quality |
9 | Eucalyptus-M | An effective tool at an affordable price |
10 | Agisept | The most profitable choice |
It should be said right away that this form of medication is not used as an independent treatment. Doctors prescribe lozenges for sore throat only as part of complex therapy. The slow dissolution of such tablets relieves pain. Some of the pharmaceutical preparations can not only effectively anesthetize, but also disinfect inflamed tissues and moisturize them.
The direction of action of the drug is determined by its composition.Most local preparations are characterized by a combined composition - they include antiseptics, anesthetics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and essential oils.
Our rating considers the best lollipops for sore throat with a variable composition, including exclusively vegetable. All information in the review is for informational purposes only. Before using medications, you should consult your doctor.
The best manufacturers of lozenges for sore throat
Among the best manufacturers of sore throat lozenges were pharmaceutical companies already familiar to many:
KRKA PHARMA is an international company that specializes in the production of generics. The manufacturer's products are represented in more than 70 countries around the world.
Johnson & Johnson LLC - representative office of a well-known American company in Russia. Engaged in the development, production and sale of health products.
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries is India's largest pharmaceutical company. The beginning of the company's activity is 1983.
Dr. A.& L. Schmidgall GmbH & co KG is an importer and distributor of pharmaceutical and parapharmaceutical products. The company was founded in 1992.
How to choose the best lozenges for sore throat?
When choosing a drug, the doctor will take into account the following criteria:
Features of symptoms. It is especially worth paying attention to such manifestations as fever, runny nose, skin rashes. An analysis of the clinical picture will make it possible to determine the cause of the development of the disease and choose the appropriate drug.
The composition of the drug. The focus is on the active ingredients of the drug. You should be especially careful with preparations based on herbal ingredients: they cause allergies more often than others.
Patient's age. Some lozenges for sore throats should not be taken by children. This is due to the high dose of the active substance in the preparation.
Top 10 best lozenges for sore throat
10 Agisept
Country: India
Average price: 164 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
Indian medicine with fairly traditional active ingredients of this group of drugs. Contains amylmetacresol and dichlorobenzyl alcohol. The tool not only effectively copes with pain, but also destroys pathogens that provoke the problem. The manufacturer took care of the customers - he made small lollipops that dissolve in about 5 minutes. There are many flavors in the line - you can choose at your discretion.
Judging by customer reviews, the tablets help on the second day of use. After a couple of lollipops, swallowing is noticeably easier. Many note the compactness of foil blisters. Such "sweets" can be given to children from the age of five. It is only important to take into account the composition of the drug contains dyes that can cause allergies in young patients.
9 Eucalyptus-M
Country: Russia
Average price: 249 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
The composition of these lozenges includes two main active ingredients - menthol and eucalyptus oil. In addition to them, you can find an impressive list of other plant components in the composition. Natural homeopathic remedy has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect, helps to quickly reduce even severe sore throat. Doctors often recommend this drug for inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
Eucalyptus lozenges have been tested for years and are very loved by customers.Many constantly keep them in the first aid kit in case of illness, as they are sure that they will definitely help relieve pain and make breathing easier. The taste for an amateur is cold due to menthol and eucalyptus, but knowing the effectiveness of the product, buyers do not really think about its taste. Lollipops have one more advantage - a very low price.
8 Neo Angin
Country: Germany
Average price: 430 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
This representative, originally from Germany, includes three active ingredients at once - amylmetacresol, dichlorobenzyl alcohol and levomenthol. The drug helps in the treatment of not only respiratory, but dental diseases. Bright red lollipops are difficult to confuse with analogues due to their specific taste. They resemble traditional "barberries" only they give away mint and alcohol. Some consumers claim that on the second day of resorption of lozenges, there is a feeling of disgust from the medicine. This is obviously individual.
The instructions for use say that the tablets should be sucked every 2-3 hours, but not more than 8 pieces per day. The analgesic effect of lozenges is decent, the tablets make breathing easier, but the therapeutic effect of Neo Angin leaves much to be desired. That is why doctors prescribe the drug exclusively in combination with other drugs. The price of the product is more than democratic, especially when you consider that there are already 24 lollipops in the package.
7 Carmolis
Country: Austria
Average price: 502 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
A completely homeopathic remedy that can be recommended for sore throat and mild sore throat. The composition includes many essential oils of medicinal plants - mint, lavender, sage, lemon balm, anise, thyme, Chinese cinnamon.In combination, they have antiviral, antiseptic, expectorant, analgesic, immunomodulatory effects. Due to the wide spectrum of action, lozenges will not only help with pain and sore throat, but also soothe coughs and help boost immunity.
According to users, this is a fairly effective remedy for a mild cold or at the very beginning of the disease. They do not give an instant effect, like drugs, but they differ in natural composition, a wide spectrum of action and a very pleasant taste. Some buyers prefer to use them for disease prevention. The main disadvantages of lozenges are that they are expensive and not sold in all pharmacies.
6 Septolete Total
Country: Slovenia
Average price: 357 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
An effective drug in the form of lozenges with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action. Suitable for use by adults and children. Thanks to the optimally selected composition, medicinal lozenges have a complex effect - antiseptic, bactericidal, fungicidal, analgesic. Therefore, lozenges help with angina, regardless of the pathogen. Mint and eucalyptus oils, which are additionally included in the composition, refresh, facilitate breathing, instantly reduce pain.
Most of the reviews about the drug are good, it is quite often prescribed by doctors as part of a complex treatment. According to users, this is a very effective drug that helps to cope even with severe sore throat. The only drawback is the unpleasant medicinal taste of lollipops.
5 Geksoral tabs
Country: France
Average price: 312 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Hexoral lozenges are one of the most popular remedies for pain and sore throat for children and adults. The main active ingredients amylmetacresol, 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol have a pronounced antiseptic, antimycotic effect, are often recommended by doctors for the treatment of diseases of the pharynx and oral cavity. Due to the content of peppermint oil, immediately after resorption of the tablet, a noticeable, albeit temporary, relief occurs.
In reviews, users often call Geksoral the best lollipops for sore throats. They instantly alleviate the condition, eliminate perspiration. In addition to this, users note a very pleasant refreshing taste. Many people think that these lozenges should always be in the medicine cabinet. With all the advantages, the cost of the drug is not higher than for other similar drugs.
4 Pharyngosept
Country: India
Average price: 225 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Faringosept can hardly be called classic lollipops. This is a complete drug for adults in the form of lozenges with a not very pleasant taste. But this remedy has been tested for years, generations, so it can deservedly be considered one of the best medicines for a sore throat. The main active ingredient ambazon has a powerful antiseptic effect, due to which it quickly removes inflammation, pain and perspiration.
The composition of the product is safe, rarely causes allergic reactions, but it is not recommended for diabetics due to the sugar content. Pharyngosept is popular with both doctors and their patients. The only drawback is the not very pleasant taste, but this is fully compensated by the effectiveness of lozenges.
3 Isla Moos
Country: Germany
Average price: 580 rub
Rating (2022): 4.8
An all-natural remedy designed to relieve sore throat and itching. The main active ingredient is Iceland moss extract. Due to its natural enveloping properties, the mucous throats soften, irritation weakens, due to which not only tickling, but also painful sensations partially disappear. Instead of sugar, a sweetener (sucrose) was used, so lollipops are also suitable for diabetics. Also, lozenges are recommended for use with increased stress on the vocal cords.
What users like about these lozenges is that they are made in Germany, have a natural composition without harmful chemicals. The reviews also write about a neutral taste with an unobtrusive herbal aroma. Despite the plant origin, the drug perfectly helps with perspiration, sore throat, reflex cough. The disadvantages include only a fairly high cost.
2 Strepsils
Country: Great Britain
Average price: 330 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Delicious lollipops with honey and lemon with a couple of active ingredients - dichlorobenzyl alcohol and amylmetacresol. The strong composition of the drug explains its effectiveness against various pathogenic microorganisms. Judging by the reviews, Strepsis lollipops really help with severe sore throats. However, a relatively short-term effect did not allow the representative to take the first place in the ranking - lollipops have to be sucked every 2-3 hours so that the pain does not take by surprise again. You should not get carried away with "sweets" either - the maximum daily dose is 8 lollipops.
Tablets with a pretty letter "S" on both sides are quite large, quickly dissolve, do not injure the palate.Many patients really like that they do not contain a single gram of sugar. But synthetic flavors and dyes, which give the candy such an attractive color and taste, are frustrating. In any case, Strepsis diabetics can. An excellent "pocket antiseptic", which already in the second minute of resorption facilitates nasal breathing and softens the throat, can be bought in the country's pharmacies without a prescription.
1 Grammidin
Country: Russia
Average price: 438 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
One of the best lozenges for severe sore throats. It compares favorably with many other remedies in that it contains precisely medicinal substances, and not homeopathy. An anesthetic instantly relieves pain, an antibiotic and an antiseptic help to quickly defeat the inflammatory process, stop the reproduction of bacteria. The drug is used for angina and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity as an auxiliary treatment. Vacation from pharmacies is free.
These are not exactly lollipops, but rather lozenges, which are often prescribed by doctors for colds. Patients fully share the positive opinion of doctors about the effectiveness of this drug, which is often written in reviews. Most of all, users like the immediate effect - thanks to the anesthetic, immediately after resorption, the pain in the throat noticeably weakens. Disadvantages - not a very pleasant taste and a contraindication for use in the first trimester of pregnancy.