Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Ingalipt spray | The fastest effect, kills bacteria |
2 | Hexoral | Sore throat relief for 12 hours |
3 | Aqualor | Effectively moisturizes the mucous |
4 | Cameton | Best value throat spray |
Lorolysin | The best antiseptic for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the throat | |
1 | Geksoral tabs | Best for immediate relief of symptoms |
2 | Pharyngosept | Tablets with powerful anti-inflammatory action |
3 | Neo-Angin | Effectively heals a sore throat |
4 | Grammidin | The most popular lozenges for sore throat |
1 | Strepsils | Best for Acute Pain |
2 | Tantum Verde | Medication recommended by pediatricians |
3 | Maxicold | The most powerful drug |
1 | Be healthy! | The most affordable effective drug |
2 | Gorpils | Nice taste, fast acting |
3 | RICOLA | The most natural complete composition |
1 | Gedelix | Best Comprehensive Throat Care |
2 | Dr. Theiss | Promotes mucus expulsion |
3 | Tussamag | Best Throat Relief for Symptomatic Cough |
1 | Tea drink Healthy throat | Treatment with folk remedies |
2 | Antiangin | Reliable Immune System Support |
3 | Herbal tea Fitera | Preventive complex effect |
A sore throat of any intensity is not an independent disease, but only a symptom, a manifestation of an infectious, less often another type of disease. Usually, along with soreness, redness of the posterior pharyngeal wall, tonsils, swelling, plaque is observed. Before using a specific remedy for a sore throat, it is worth determining the cause of the symptom. Sometimes you can do it yourself - if, for example, you were too cold the day before, ate ice cream, or scratched your larynx with dense food.
If, in addition to the above symptoms, the clinical picture is supplemented by fever, a strong cough that descends into the bronchi, and malaise, you should consult a doctor and do not choose the drug intuitively. Traditionally, in the complex treatment of diseases accompanied by sore throat, sprays, tablets, lozenges, syrups and teas with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effects are used. Some drugs include components that not only help to suppress the symptoms, but also affect the cause of the disease.
The best manufacturers of sore throat medicines
Today, the pharmaceutical industry offers a wide variety of drugs for sore throats. Among the most popular manufacturers of drugs in this group:
Aziende Chimiche Riunite Angelini Francesco A.C.R.A.F. - a well-known Italian manufacturer that produces medicines not only for people, but also for animals.
OJSC Pharmstandard-Leksredstva is one of the most global pharmaceutical companies in our country. Has been on the market since 2012.
Valenta Pharm is a Russian manufacturer with its own research and production complex.Provides essential medicines.
Esco-Pharm is a company operating since 1999. As a production base, it uses local and imported raw materials from neighboring countries.
How to choose the best remedy for sore throat?
When choosing a suitable remedy for sore throat, the doctor focuses on the following criteria:
Compound. Particular attention should be paid to the active formula of the drug. It demonstrates in which direction the drug "works" - it "kills" bacteria, viruses, moisturizes, anesthetizes, or has a combined effect.
Release form and method of application. They take into account the age, lifestyle of the patient and compare these criteria with how comfortable it will be for a particular person to take a certain medicine.
special instructions. We are talking about limitations, side effects, comparability of the drug with other drugs.
The best sprays for sore throats
The most popular and convenient form of release of drugs in this category. Many of these representatives demonstrate a combined effect, additionally moisturizing the throat mucosa.
4 Cameton
Country: Russia
Average price: 123 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
An inexpensive sore throat spray from a Russian manufacturer is quite popular on the market. Such demand is due not only to a loyal price tag. The spray demonstrates its obvious effectiveness, eliminating discomfort in the throat in just 2-3 days of use. The product is an antiseptic, disinfectant weapon against infections that have settled in the upper respiratory tract.
The spray contains natural ingredients - levomenthol provides mild local anesthesia, and peppermint oil leaves a refreshing taste. Cameton can also be used to treat children from the age of five. Of the contraindications to the use of the spray, it is worth noting only an allergy to the components of the drug. Judging by the reviews, the product tastes a little bitter, however, children rarely refuse to be treated with a spray. One bottle of the drug contains 45 milliliters of liquid, which is usually enough for a full course of treatment.
3 Aqualor

Country: France
Average price: 463 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Aqualor has a good composition, therefore it is allowed for children from 6 months. However, more often it is taken by adults to effectively help the body. The composition of the spray includes extracts of chamomile and aloe vera, which have a strong anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. They stimulate the immune system, relieve sore throat, moisturize the throat. The drug is indicated for swelling of the oral cavity, tonsils. It is one of the best for complex treatment, combined with most drugs.
The reviews praise the restorative effect of the spray. A rapid decrease in symptoms is noted, discomfort disappears for a while. Some advise a remedy for prevention in the cold season. However, many complain about the taste: no one likes the sharpness with herbal notes. Children refuse to open their mouths; there are milder preparations for them. The action is aimed at the symptoms, not the problem, there are no healing ingredients in the composition.
2 Hexoral
Country: France
Average price: 499 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Here is one of the most effective drugs for the treatment of sore throat. All thanks to the effective components in the composition of the aerosol. The drug has an antibacterial, antifungal effect against a wide range of pathogenic microorganisms. The composition of the drug includes ethyl alcohol, which sometimes causes discomfort, burning in the throat. Fortunately, this state does not last long - after a few minutes, the discomfort disappears as if by hand.
Convenient packaging with interchangeable nozzles allows you to use one bottle for the whole family at once. Judging by the feedback from patients, Hexoral demonstrates a quick effect, allowing you not to spend money on a lot of medicine bottles. Such efficiency pleases buyers, however, the rather high price of the drug is still somewhat embarrassing.
1 Ingalipt spray

Country: Ukraine
Average price: 151 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Ingalipt spray has the most pronounced antimicrobial effect, it is an effective remedy against bacteria that cause throat diseases. The manufacturer added eucalyptus and peppermint oils, known for their strong antifungal properties. There is a slight analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Although officially the spray is allowed for children from 3 years old, doctors advise using it with caution. Even adults need a very small dose.
The reviews praise the remedy, noting not only the quick relief from discomfort, but also a thoughtful bottle with a dispenser. During the trip, a cap is put on the spout. The spray is recognized as effective for various diseases of the throat, and the herbal taste with menthol notes makes it pleasant to use. The drug does not knit the mouth, it is felt for about 15 minutes.The results are visible immediately, the action is enough for 3-4 hours. For treatment, it is necessary to combine the spray with more powerful agents.
best pills for sore throat
Sore throat pills are great when combined with moisturizing sprays. They also alleviate the patient's condition if he is worried about coughing. However, not everyone is comfortable dissolving tablets. This is especially true for people who, by the nature of their work, are forced to talk a lot.
4 Grammidin
Country: Netherlands
Average price: 390 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
An excellent drug that will cope with perspiration, intense sore throat. Pastilles have a local anesthetic effect and antibacterial action. Within 2-3 days after the start of treatment, patients notice an improvement in their condition - the pain symptom and sore throat disappear. The pleasant taste of tablets, ease of use, good efficiency are the main advantages of the product. Among the minuses are possible allergic reactions to some components, temporary numbness of the tongue after resorption of the lozenge.
Recently, the cost of Grammidin has increased significantly, this was due to increased demand for the drug. The manufacturer produces tablets in the amount of 18 pieces, which is enough for a full course of treatment. You can even give lozenges to children (not younger than 4 years). It is enough to "eat" one tablet of Grammidin 2-3 times a day to forget about the sore throat.
3 Neo-Angin

Country: Germany
Average price: 231 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Opens this top three effective antiseptic drug Neo-Angin, which is popular in ENT practice. It has an anti-inflammatory and deodorizing effect.Tablets do an excellent job with many infectious diseases, fight fungi. The tool relieves irritation of the mucous membranes, slightly dulls the pain in the throat. As a nice bonus, nasal congestion is reduced, making the pills popular for flu.
The manufacturer added mint oil and levomenthol, which give a cooling effect. Buyers appreciated the taste, the tablets are easy to dissolve. Discomfort goes away immediately, the drug is indicated for irritation of the mucous membrane. Gradually disappear other unpleasant sensations. In the reviews, an antiseptic effect is noted, although the drug alone will not cope with the disease. Tablets change the color of the tongue, which indicates a high content of artificial dyes. The composition is a minus of the product, it cannot be called natural.
2 Pharyngosept
Country: Romania
Average price: 235 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
An inexpensive drug has an antiseptic, antimicrobial effect. Suitable for patients with unpleasant perspiration, sore throat, especially well copes with inflammatory processes in the oropharynx. The main component of the tablets is ambazon, which works as a disinfectant, antimicrobial agent. In addition, the composition contains cocoa, which gives the tablets a dirty yellow tint and a peculiar smell.
After 3-4 days of therapy, patients notice relief of well-being. The disadvantage of the drug, doctors consider possible allergic reactions to the components of the drug, as well as the effect of coloring the tongue. Tablets are sold in a cardboard box of 20 pieces. This amount of medicine is enough for a course of treatment.Judging by the reviews, Faringosept tastes very pleasant, has a pronounced chocolate flavor, so even children dissolve the tablets with pleasure.
1 Geksoral tabs

Country: France
Average price: 331 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
We consider Hexoral tabs to be the best tablets, which have a complex effect: antibacterial and analgesic. The composition contains chlorhexidine and benzocaine, which quickly relieve symptoms. The drug is indicated for the destruction of bacteria, reducing sore throat. The formula penetrates the cell membrane, affects the skin membrane. At the same time, the whole process takes only 30 seconds, relief comes in 2-3 minutes. Over time, the anesthetic effect disappears.
The reviews call the pills effective for infectious diseases and acute pain. However, they warn about potent ingredients, you need to be careful with the dose. The tool can not be taken for a long time, as the sensitivity of bacteria to the formula is reduced. Pain relief occurs immediately, during which time you can take a drug aimed at treatment. The tool also comes in the form of a spray, but the tablets deserve more positive feedback.
Country: Russia
Average price: 250 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
Lozenges prescribed for the treatment of the main cause of sore throat - infections. The preparation contains 2 active ingredients:
- Lycozyme is a natural enzyme that has a pronounced antiseptic effect and has a detrimental effect on viruses, bacteria and fungi. Lysozyme hydrochloride is a natural component of local non-specific immunity.However, in case of illness, in conditions of dry mouth, saliva and lysozyme may not be enough.
- Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine hydrochloride - increases the local resistance of the oral mucosa, and is also necessary for the full functioning of the immune system, promotes the healing of ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane. After all, sometimes the cause of the disease can be the own microbiome of the oropharynx.
Lorolysin is used for numerous infectious and inflammatory diseases of the throat, oral mucosa and larynx. The drug is used in the complex therapy of herpetic lesions, various types of stomatitis. The drug can be prescribed to children from 3 years old, pregnant and lactating women.
Best Sore Throat Remedies for Kids
Children's sore throat medicines are often available in the form of sweet syrups, lozenges, less often - in the form of sprays. The last group traditionally includes funds that are suitable for the treatment of children and adults.
3 Maxicold

Country: Russia
Average price: 113 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Maxicold is the only rating drug that can be given to babies from 3 months. The safest formula has antipyretic properties, recommended for respiratory diseases, infections, reactions after vaccinations. The remedy has a slight analgesic effect, which works not only for the throat. It is intended for symptomatic therapy, reducing discomfort, reducing inflammation. Prevents the development of the disease, but cannot cure the problem alone.
Parents write about the high effectiveness of the remedy, saying that it helps the first time.Compare its action with Nurofen, noting that discomfort disappears quickly. The drug is also taken by adults, although it is necessary to increase the dosage, it is expensive. One of the main disadvantages is the unpleasant taste, children do not like to drink it. The set comes with a spoon, which many throw away, the kids do not accept it.
2 Tantum Verde
Country: Italy
Average price: 479 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Tantum Verde can boast of its effectiveness even in difficult clinical cases. After a day of use, small (and adults) patients notice improvements in their condition. The drug has a local anesthetic effect, helps to distract from discomfort and sore throat. In numerous reviews, users note the sweet and unobtrusive taste of the drug, as well as ease of use, as attractive aspects of the drug.
The honored representative of the rating is to the taste of children of different ages. The product in the form of a spray is recommended for children from three years of age. The sought-after tool shows high marks on the Web. They are put for the reliability of the manufacturer, the results of therapy, the safety of the drug in the treatment of children. Tantum Verde is widely represented in any pharmacy chain, however, its price is quite high.
1 Strepsils

Country: Great Britain
Average price: 339 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Strepsils is best for severe pain, it has antifungal and antiviral properties. At the same time, the form remains safe for children, it is allowed for children over 6 years old. There is no sugar in the composition, the ingredients do not have a detrimental effect on the teeth. Tablets are made in the form of large pink lollipops, have a pleasant taste.They cannot cure the disease, but they are an effective assistant to the main drug. The remedy is spent quickly, one course is expensive.
Parents note the visible effect of the tablets, but warn of a temporary effect. It is advised to give them at bedtime so that the child falls asleep without a sore throat. They praise the pleasant taste, the children do not refuse to take them. The product relieves dryness and irritation. However, some are confused by the strong aroma of strawberries, there are artificial components in the composition. The drug is almost identical to the adult version, while it costs more. Therefore, it is more profitable for older children to purchase an option for parents.
best lozenges for sore throat
Medicines in the form of lozenges are perhaps the most palatable way to get rid of an unpleasant symptom. However, it is worth using "sweets" only at the initial stage of the development of the disease or in combination with other similar drugs.
Country: USA
Average price: 356 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
RICOLA has an unusual fresh taste with herbal notes, it not only moisturizes the mucous membrane, but also eliminates nasal congestion. The manufacturer writes about natural ingredients that are harvested and processed on the same day. This keeps them efficient. Lollipops have passed strict quality control, the effectiveness has been proven by research. They are taken to temporarily eliminate cough, irritation of the larynx and bronchi. They are suitable in the first stages of the disease, relieve discomfort.
The manufacturer warns that it is forbidden to take lozenges for chronic cough, asthma and emphysema. For some reason, they are not recommended for active smokers, users are advised to consult a doctor.Although the ingredients are simple, not aggressive. The main substance is menthol, supplemented with honey and pine extract. Lozenges serve as an emergency measure for acute pain and dryness in the throat, complement the main treatment.
2 Gorpils

Country: India
Average price: 156 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Gorpils is one of the best remedies for sore throat, the manufacturer has added antibacterial and antifungal components. The drug is considered effective for the prevention of problems. It pierces the nose, moisturizes the mucous membrane, relieves inflammation. There are 24 lozenges in a blister, up to 8 pieces can be eaten per day, although 6 is enough for many. The composition is enriched with mint and eucalyptus oils, which eliminate irritation of the respiratory tract. However, there are flavorings and a decent amount of sugar.
The reviews say that the effect is felt from the first application. Lollipops seem to envelop the oral cavity, it stops tickling in the throat. The action lasts several hours, during which time it is necessary to take a remedy. The drug is not distinguished by its composition or result, but for a small cost it has an excellent effect. It is allowed to be given to children, the formula has practically no contraindications. One course lasts 1-2 weeks, you should not take lozenges all the time.
1 Be healthy!

Country: Russia
Average price: 114 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
The Russian manufacturer produces the most inexpensive, but at the same time very effective lollipops for sore throats. There are 9 pieces in one blister, there are no instructions for use in the package. The tool has a yellow tint and lemon aroma, it tastes like refreshing candy.The manufacturer recommends taking the drug to adults and children in the initial stages of the disease, when there are no serious problems. It is an aid to the main treatment, removes burning, inflammation, dryness.
In the reviews, lollipops are called effective. A pleasant sweet and sour taste is praised, mint and lemon are felt. The product has practically no contraindications, there are no aggressive substances in the composition. Nothing medicinal, just pain-relieving and soothing ingredients. The manufacturer added oils and honey to moisturize the mucosa, lozenges are especially useful for problems with swallowing. They will not cure the disease, but the symptoms will go away for a few hours.
best syrups for sore throat
Not the most popular category, however, for non-diabetic patients, such drugs are to their liking. Pharmacy syrups usually have a pleasant herbal taste. The high expense in the treatment of an adult is the only drawback of such drugs.
3 Tussamag
Country: Germany
Average price: 315 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Tussamag syrup without sugar 9% is a cough suppressant of plant origin produced in Germany. The medicine is used for various ENT diseases. Instead of sugar, it contains sorbitol, so diabetics can take the medicine. The active substance in the composition of the syrup is thyme, it perfectly dilutes sputum, reduces swelling and inflammation of the mucosa.
Reviews on the web about the drug are mostly positive. The syrup does not cause side effects (except for possible allergic reactions). The bottle itself is well made. The brown glass from which it is made retains the effect of the active substances of the syrup. Patients note a slightly spicy taste of the liquid, children quite like it.By the way, Tussamag can be given to young patients from one year old.
2 Dr. Theiss

Country: Germany
Average price: 313 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
German syrup is aimed at treating respiratory diseases, getting rid of cough and sputum. The drug can be given to children from a year, there are no harmful substances in the composition. With caution, the drug is taken by pregnant women and women during lactation. The syrup has a pleasant smell and taste, even a child can easily drink the medicine. Relief occurs within a few hours, the effect lasts for a whole day.
The reviews recommend the drug for dry cough. They write that in 3 days it turns into a wet one, the throat softens. Within a week, the cough disappears, the airways feel better. One course lasts up to a month, it is expensive. Parents write that the drug is prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of acute respiratory infections and tracheitis, it replaces syrups with plantain in the composition. The remedy does not help with a wet cough, cannot be used as the main treatment. But he is loved by adherents of natural preparations, perfectly replacing synthetic syrups.
1 Gedelix
Country: Germany
Average price: 481 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Gedelix syrup of natural origin is excellent for the treatment of dry cough in both adults and children. The effect is noticeable after 3-4 days of regular use. The main advantage of the drug is the composition. There are only herbal ingredients here. Sore throat syrup does not contain sugar and alcohol, so the remedy can be used even for diabetics. However, some plant components can cause allergic reactions - you should take this into account.
A convenient dispenser of a jar of medicine eliminates splashing and transfusion of liquid.In addition, the preparation comes with a convenient measuring spoon, which children love to lick very much. The drug should be taken without diluting with plenty of water. The price of the drug is not small, but the syrup for sore throat is enough for a surprisingly long time.
best teas for sore throat
Teas are very helpful at the very beginning of the development of the disease, when perspiration and sore throat are just beginning to manifest themselves. Allergy sufferers should be careful with this category of products.
3 Herbal tea Fitera

Country: Russia
Average price: 74 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Opens a group of the most effective teas remedy for Fitera, recommended for the prevention of diseases. The drug has medicinal properties, the composition is enriched with vitamins and nutrients. The components remove toxins, have a diuretic effect. Normalize the work of the throat, quickly relieve discomfort. Tea improves the action of all organs of the respiratory system, affects the heart, liver and kidneys. It is not recommended for children, people with allergies.
The drug is produced in a special package made of moisture-proof paper, thanks to which it retains freshness and aroma for a long time. The box is packed in mica, as soon as you open the pack, you can immediately feel the smell of ginger and lemon. The opinions of users differed about the taste, it is very rich, it remains on the tongue for a long time. Although the composition is natural, there are also flavorings. Tea is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women. It is not recommended to drink it regularly, the risk of overdose is high.
2 Antiangin

Country: Russia
Average price: 125 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Antiangin, as the name implies, promotes a rapid cure for the disease, reduces symptoms and the risk of complications.The tea is enriched with herbal tea, approved for use by adults and children. It increases the body's defenses, is one of the most powerful antiviral natural remedies. It has a slight anti-inflammatory effect, relieves swelling of the larynx, moisturizes the throat. Tea lowers the temperature, helps the body cope with the disease.
The reviews praise a pleasant and natural aroma, there are no synthetic fragrances. They say that tea does not bother, has no contraindications. It is not crushed into powder, leaves and flowers are visible. Thyme and Ivan-tea are felt, there is an aftertaste of a rose. The drug fortifies and protects against diseases, helps to cope with the existing problem. However, you should not get carried away with the drug because of the risk of overdose. High probability of personal intolerance to the ingredients.
1 Tea drink Healthy throat

Country: Russia
Average price: 109 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
The leading place in the group is occupied by a tea drink based on sage leaves, which have an astringent, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant effect. The composition is supplemented with medicinal herbs that relieve discomfort. Tea helps with high fever, has a diuretic effect. It can be given to children for a calming effect. St. John's wort is known for hemostatic properties, helps with coughing. Pine buds kill viruses, disinfect the throat.
The reviews talk about an instant softening effect, sputum removal. Tea strengthens the body, helps not only with a sore throat. Mint leaves reduce fermentation processes, remove the feeling of heaviness after illness. The composition is enriched with vitamins that have an antidepressant effect. Tea has a pleasant taste and aroma, is used in the treatment of diseases.Only not everyone likes the diuretic effect, as well as a huge amount of aggressive ingredients.