Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Hexoral | The best antiseptic action |
2 | Chlorophyllipt | High efficiency |
3 | Stopangin | Long acting drug |
4 | Oralcept | Fast action |
5 | Lugol | Best price |
1 | Aqualor | The best safe drug |
2 | Aqua Maris Strong | Excellent therapeutic effect |
3 | Cameton | Competent composition |
4 | Ingalipt | The best ratio of price and quality |
5 | AltaVed | Natural remedy for complex therapy |
1 | Tantum Verde | Best analgesic action |
2 | Anti-Angin | With angina of any complexity |
3 | Angidak | Powerful analgesic effect |
4 | Grammidin | Antibiotic Throat Spray |
5 | Pro-ambassador | Ease of use. Quick effect |
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Unlike tablets, spray lozenges do not need to be sucked, it acts quickly. This is especially handy if you have to communicate frequently. One, two clicks - the right amount of the drug is in the throat and begins its action.In addition, the active ingredient of the spray is not in the bloodstream, but "works" directly on the application area. Below we present you a rating of the best throat aerosols, which were selected based on reviews from experts and customers.
Top Throat Spray Manufacturers
However, before proceeding to the choice of a drug and a direct acquaintance with the favorites, we suggest that you take a look at the top five manufacturers of drugs in this group:
Esco-Pharm is a pharmaceutical company that currently represents more than six dozen non-steroidal drugs, including in the form of an aerosol. In addition, the manufacturer is working on the manufacture of natural cosmetics.
SagmelInc is an American manufacturer specializing in the manufacture of over-the-counter products, vitamins. Reliable importer of Russia.
LLC "Groteks" - a relatively young domestic company that started operations in 2010. Produces a product strictly according to GMP standards.
ZAO "Altaivitaminy" - Representative of the Biysk Vitamin Plant, which was established in 1949. The manufacturer produces vitamin complexes based on local plant materials.
OOO "Lekar" is a company whose history began in Russia in 2001. The manufacturer is engaged in the manufacture of cosmetics and preventive medicines.
How to choose the best throat spray?
Today, there are several dozen drugs of the described group on the market. To choose the right one, you should consult with your doctor. It is important to take into account several criteria at once:
Compound. Pay attention to the active ingredients, additional substances.The first will determine the direction of the drug - moisturizing, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory or combined.
Mode of application. Find out how often you need to use the spray, what can be the duration of the course.
Special instructions. We are talking about a list of contraindications, adverse reactions, as well as interactions with other drugs.
Age and condition of the patient. Some drugs are contraindicated for use by children, pregnant and lactating women.
Best Antiseptic Throat Sprays
The destruction of pathogens is the main task of such drugs. They are able to rid the mucous membrane of viral and fungal bacteria. With their use, there is a real opportunity to recover in a short time.
5 Lugol
Country: Lithuania
Average price: 93 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
A medicine with a democratic price has long won the trust of many users. It can have a toxic effect on harmful microorganisms and, thereby, eliminate pain and improve the patient's condition. In addition, Lugol instantly envelops damaged tonsils and performs a regenerating function. Often, experts prescribe a remedy for angina and pharyngitis. After the first application of the aerosol, the throat is covered with a protective film that does not allow bacteria to pass through.
The main component of the spray is iodine. It is he who exhibits a therapeutic effect and relieves pain of varying intensity. Adults should spray the spray about 6 times a day. For children, the drug is indicated from infancy due to the safe composition.However, some parents are skeptical about the above fact. They suggest that iodine can enter the stomach and affect the functioning of the thyroid gland. However, a small amount of it is not capable of harming a small organism.
4 Oralcept
Country: Greece
Average price: 277 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
The most important function of the drug is an antiseptic effect. A huge plus for patients is also the analgesic property of the spray. A few hours after use, the discomfort in the throat simply disappears, and the active substances begin to fight against pathogenic microorganisms. The course of treatment is determined individually - based on the stage of neglect of the disease. With angina, it is recommended to use the medicine for about 5 days.
The spray is suitable for children from 3 years. Thanks to a convenient dispenser, it is easily sprayed onto problem areas of the larynx and shows its best properties. Customer reviews about the effectiveness of Oralcept are quite contradictory, however, most of them note a positive result from use - the swelling of the throat disappears in a matter of hours. Some patients report only an analgesic effect from the use of this drug.
3 Stopangin
Country: Czech
Average price: 247 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
In third position in this category is the Czech drug Stopangin, an antiseptic with an analgesic effect. Doctors advise using the spray twice a day after meals for no longer than a week. The medicine of a thick oily texture literally envelops the throat, effectively eliminating pain. Judging by the reviews of patients, the effect of using the spray can be seen in a day.Stopangin acts for 10-12 hours.
The spray from the Czech manufacturer TEVA is based on the antiseptic hexetidine, which effectively destroys pathogens. At the same time, the active ingredient does not enter the bloodstream - the negative effect of the drug on the body can be excluded. However, Stopangin should not be used in the treatment of children under 8 years of age. During pregnancy and lactation, the spray can be treated only after the approval of the doctor. Among the shortcomings of the product, users note the specific herbal taste of the aerosol.
2 Chlorophyllipt
Country: Ukraine
Average price: 266 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
One of the best drugs for sore throat and other types of ailments associated with pain in the throat. They will cease to cause inconvenience within a few days after the application of the remedy. Plant components in the composition of Chlorophyllipt allow you to be sure of the safety of the medicine. Therefore, it can no doubt be bought for the smallest children aged one year and over. All users like the convenient process of irrigating the pharynx - in the reviews they note the ease of use.
Eucalyptus essential oil is the main component that helps to have antibacterial, analgesic and antiviral effects. Among other things, the remedy dilutes sputum and removes it naturally - by coughing. Buyers note in the reviews the high effectiveness of treatment and actively recommend Chlorophyllipt for purchase to readers. In the cons column, they write about the specific taste of the drug, which you need to get used to.
1 Hexoral
Country: France
Average price: 392 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
One of the best-selling drugs for sore throats. And this is no coincidence - the positive effect of use, judging by the reviews of doctors, occurs on the 3rd day of admission. The remedy is recommended to be purchased for diseases such as pharyngitis, tonsillitis. To achieve the desired result, it is enough to apply Geksoral twice a day. It is suitable for both adults and children over the age of 3 years. The advantages of the drug buyers include a small likelihood of side effects.
Fungal and bacterial infections are subject to spray, which distinguishes it from other medicines. In addition, it is allowed to be used by pregnant women, which manufacturers of many drugs cannot boast of. Hecatidine is the main active ingredient of the spray, due to which the metabolic processes of microbes are disrupted, as a result of which they die. Medical alcohol in the composition of the aerosol allows you to perform an antiseptic function, and levomenthol eliminates pain almost instantly. Unpleasant taste is noted in the disadvantages column.
Best Moisturizing Throat Sprays
A distinctive feature of this category is the elimination of excessive dryness in the throat. Thanks to sea water and vegetable oils in the composition, the pain subsides, and the bacteria gradually die, without having time to cause significant harm. Thus, there is a process of complete getting rid of the disease.
5 AltaVed
Country: Russia
Average price: 329 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
Throat spray with propolis and cedar gum moisturizes the mucous well, additionally has an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect.A natural drug without alcohol content is successfully used in the treatment of allergic patients. Doctors recommend using Balm in the complex therapy of tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis. Course duration - up to 15 days. In addition, the drug can also be used for prevention during influenza and SARS epidemics.
The product from AltaVed, like the entire line of the Altai manufacturer, is distinguished by its complex action due to the rich herbal composition. On the network, you can also find not too rosy reviews about the remedy, however, most of the negative comments are associated with the insufficient effectiveness of the spray as part of a non-complex therapy for ENT diseases. The throat spray is designed to alleviate the symptoms of the disease and demonstrate the proper result only in tandem with basic anti-inflammatory and antiseptic drugs.
4 Ingalipt
Country: Russia
Average price: 136 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Medicine with a long history. It was created back in 1969. Since then, it has helped millions of patients. The antibacterial property of Ingalipt helps to destroy harmful microorganisms and cure the infection in a short time. Eucalyptus oil in the spray soothes pain by moisturizing the mucous throat. Thanks to streptocide, fungi and bacteria cannot exist and multiply. Peppermint extract helps to stop perspiration and discomfort in the throat. It is recommended to spray the product 3-4 times a day for sore throat, laryngitis and other ailments.
The absence of obvious contraindications allows the use of the spray for both adults and children who have reached the age of 3 years. Doctors often prescribe it to babies in a complex treatment option.Buyers also note high efficiency - a convenient dispenser, low cost and a positive result are liked by most of them. In addition, after consultation with a specialist, Ingalipt can be used by pregnant women, which is a noticeable advantage of the drug. There is only one drawback - the taste is for an amateur.
3 Cameton
Country: Russia
Average price: 99 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
A topical spray that performs an anti-inflammatory function. The therapeutic effect is due to the competent composition. The drug has established itself as the best among its kind and has received positive comments in numerous user reviews. The handy spray nozzle makes it easy to use. The course of treatment will be only 2-3 days, after this period, patients notice a significant improvement in their condition.
Children Kameton allowed as a drug from 5 years. Side effects from therapy with the drug are extremely rare, which allows us to talk about its safety. Spray can be used as an independent drug in the treatment of throat diseases. However, recovery will come much faster with complex therapy. Buyers are satisfied with the result and recommend Kameton for purchase. Only its specific taste suits not all users.
2 Aqua Maris Strong
Country: Croatia
Average price: 327 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Natural medicine allows you to get rid of inflammation in the throat and prevent complications. The colorless liquid tastes like sea water without unnecessary impurities and preservatives. The drug is prescribed for both adults and children from birth. It should be used 5-6 times a day.The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect of the drug makes it possible to exclude the development of the disease in a short time. Redness and sore throat disappear without a trace after a few days of use.
Doctors recommend using the remedy with an integrated approach to treatment. It is in this case that the aerosol will contribute to a complete cure. Buyers in the reviews note the effectiveness and safety of the drug. They attribute to its obvious advantages the possibility of using it by pregnant and lactating women. The only drawback is the considerable cost of the drug, which is further justified by the rapid therapeutic effect.
1 Aqualor
Country: France
Average price: 387 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
A famous drug that has been helping patients cope with colds of varying severity for many years. A safe composition combined with efficiency allows us to call it one of the best drugs among similar ones. Once in the stomach, it will not cause the slightest harm to the body, so it is often prescribed for the treatment of young children from an early age. For adults, doctors recommend using Aqualor 4 times a day to achieve the desired result.
Atlantic water with herbal supplements of chamomile and aloe - all components that help prevent the further development of complications. A significant advantage of Aqualor is the possibility of safe use during pregnancy, as well as breastfeeding. It will eliminate swelling and heal the formed ulcers. Therefore, the drug is undoubtedly a priority for many buyers. No cons found in user reviews.
Best Anti-Inflammatory Throat Sprays
Drugs in this category are used to relieve and prevent inflammatory processes resulting from infection. They also help with pain.
5 Pro-ambassador
Country: Russia
Average price: 181 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
One of the most effective Russian-made sprays. The uniqueness of Proposol lies in its composition. Bee honey is a storehouse of useful substances. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties make it possible to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms that are in the pharynx during respiratory diseases. Propolis in the composition of the drug disinfects and anesthetizes the affected areas of the throat. It is recommended to spray the aerosol no more than 3 times a day.
The tool is suitable for the treatment of ulcers and other mucosal wounds, as it has a regenerating property. It is also used for stomatitis and gingivitis. Depending on the neglect of the disease, the course of the drug is from 3 to 7 days. To clarify the timing, it is better to consult a doctor. Patients are satisfied with the result of the drug. They note ease of use and quick effect. The possibility of allergic reactions is a significant disadvantage of Proposol.
4 Grammidin
Country: Netherlands
Average price: 366 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
One of the most effective drugs in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes. Among the indications for the use of the spray are pharyngitis, purulent tonsillitis and even gingivitis with stomatitis. The medicine quickly destroys the pathogenic bacteria that "live" on the mucosa, and prevents the further development of the disease.During use, the spray is evenly distributed over the local area and does not penetrate into the blood. In complex therapy, the drug enhances the effect of the main drugs.
As part of the product, gramicidin C is an antibiotic, cetylpyridinium chloride is an antiseptic. A bottle with a collapsible spray is very convenient to take with you and use in the office, in the car. If you believe the reviews of patients, already a day after the application of the spray, there is a noticeable relief of the condition. The drug has a pleasant slightly minty taste. The only drawback of the drug is the restriction to the treatment of children and adolescents.
3 Angidak
Country: Russia
Average price: 320 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Often prescribed medicine for diseases of the ENT organs. It is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent. The components instantly penetrate the area where bacteria accumulate and prevent their reproductive functions. Apply Angidaq after meals 3-5 times a day for a week. From the age of 3, you can use the aerosol and the attraction of children. The consistency of the drug is liquid and has a yellowish tint. The medicine is convenient to use and it is spent economically.
Benzydamine is the main substance that is responsible for the antiseptic and antimicrobial effects. With the help of auxiliary components, Angidac restores the health of the patient. An inexpensive spray will help alleviate the condition on the second day. Often it is prescribed for angina, since even severe pain is subject to it. Users positively characterize the drug and advise using it. A small bottle can be taken with you to work or on a trip - it will not take up much space in your cosmetic bag.Buyers call Angidak the best remedy and do not find any obvious disadvantages.
2 Anti-Angin
Country: Germany
Average price: 261 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
This tool is able to quickly extinguish the focus of infection. It is quickly dismantled from the pharmacy shelves, which indicates the proven effectiveness of the aerosol. The spray actively fights bacteria that harm human health. It has a speaking name - it is prescribed for angina of any complexity. Its pathogens - streptococci and staphylococci - are eliminated in a short time. Full recovery is not long in coming. In addition, a few minutes after the first use of the spray, the pain subsides, the patient's condition improves.
The active ingredients of Anti-Angin do not stop on the surface of the throat, but penetrate deep into the tissues, which allows them to have a high-quality effect on bacteria. Ascorbic acid, which is part of the drug, helps restore the protective functions of the body, and chlorhexidine helps to destroy harmful microbes. In the complex, the entire composition of the drug brings a therapeutic result. Users in the reviews write about the effectiveness, but have a negative attitude towards the taste of the medicine.
1 Tantum Verde
Country: Italy
Average price: 405 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Italian manufacturers have created an effective anti-inflammatory drug that helps to cope with respiratory diseases in the early stages. Thanks to the pharmacological actions of Tantum Verde, literally in 4-5 days of treatment, you can forget about the disease and feel great. It performs antibacterial and analgesic properties, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.The remedy is prescribed for sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis and other ENT diseases.
Tantum Verde is also allowed for small children, starting from the age of 3. They should irrigate their throats from 2 to 7 times a day, 2-4 sprays for each procedure. Due to the lack of the possibility of penetration of the components into the circulatory system of the fetus, the drug can be used by pregnant women. Side effects among patients are extremely rare. Buyers respond positively to the effectiveness of Tantum Verde and advise his friends. The disadvantages include only its relative high cost.