Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Troxevasin | The best venotonic in terms of price / quality ratio |
2 | Detralex | A popular drug with a lasting positive effect |
3 | Phlebodia 600 | The most convenient schedule |
4 | Venoruton | Suitable for running states |
5 | Flebaven | Domestic drug with a thoughtful composition |
6 | Antistax | The most effective at the initial stage of varicose veins |
7 | Venarus | Worthy analogue of imported medicine |
8 | Lyoton | The best topical gel with a proven track record |
9 | diclofenac | The fastest pain relief. Powerful anti-inflammatory effect |
10 | Askorutin | Best price |
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Venotonics are drugs whose action is aimed at increasing the tone of the walls of blood vessels and reducing capillary permeability. Medicines in this category can be taken orally or used externally. Flavonoids, rutosides or other components act as active components of venotonics.
The most common venotonics are in the form of tablets or capsules. They must be combined with local preparations in the form of gels or creams. The latter are easily absorbed, act quickly, relieving pain and heaviness in the legs.
In this rating, we have collected the most popular venotonic drugs, which, according to doctors and patients, are considered the best in the complex treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities. The choice in favor of a particular remedy should be made only after a preliminary consultation with a phlebologist.
The best manufacturers of venotonics
Before getting acquainted with the top ten venotonics, we suggest paying attention to worthy manufacturers of drugs in this group:
Servier, Servier is a French multinational pharmaceutical company. Representative offices of the company are located in 149 countries of the world.
INNOTERA is a French family pharmaceutical company. The beginning of the company's activity falls on 1913.
Ivanovo Pharmaceutical Factory is a domestic pharmaceutical company founded in 1936. Today, the manufacturer produces more than 50 types of drugs, 10 of which are vital.
Menarini Group is an Italian pharmaceutical company. The manufacturer has three divisions. In addition to the manufacture and sale of medicines, the company is engaged in research activities.
How to choose the best venotonic for varicose veins?
The choice in favor of a particular drug should be made by the doctor. Traditionally, phlebologists rely on the following criteria:
Dosage formula. The specialist analyzes the composition of the drug, the clinical picture and makes a choice taking into account the action of the active and secondary components of the drug (removal of edema, increased tone of the vascular walls, anesthesia, etc.).
Release form. In the initial stage of the course of varicose veins, you can limit yourself to the use of local preparations. Stage 2-3 of the disease involves taking medications in the form of tablets or capsules. The convenience of using the drug in a particular clinical case is also taken into account.
Treatment regimen, biocompatibility. We must not lose sight of the frequency of use of the drug, its compatibility with other drugs that the patient takes.
TOP 10 best venotonics for varicose veins
10 Askorutin
Country: Russia
Average price: 33 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
Phlebologists prescribe this medicine exclusively as part of the complex treatment of varicose veins in the legs. In addition to routine, the drug contains ascorbic acid. Domestic venotonic strengthens blood vessels, reduces swelling, eliminates other signs of inflammation. The recommended dosage of the drug is one tablet 2-3 times a day. The therapeutic course usually does not exceed three weeks.
Askorutin is highly praised on the Web. Patients note the effect of the drug at its very modest price. The tablets are small, have a sour taste, are swallowed easily and rarely cause side effects. According to experts, this venotonic not only strengthens the vascular walls, but also enhances the body's immune defenses. As a prophylactic, Askorutin is completely priceless.
9 diclofenac
Country: Germany
Average price: 126 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
The well-known drug "Diclofenac" has a multidisciplinary effect. It is often prescribed to patients suffering from various joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis). It helps well with neuralgia and rheumatic lesions of soft tissues. No less justified is the use of "Diclofenac" as part of the complex therapy of varicose veins and other vascular pathologies. The main advantage of this medication is its ability to almost instantly relieve pain. This helps a lot in situations where the feeling of heaviness in the legs torments, the veins become inflamed or swelling appears.
"Diclofenac" has several forms of release: ointment, tablets, injection and rectal suppositories. As a venotonic, it is recommended to use local anesthetics: gels or creams. We categorically do not recommend drinking or taking the drug in any other way without consulting a doctor. According to the latest medical research, its components have a very detrimental effect on the functioning of the digestive system, and also increase the risk of heart attacks and attacks of hypertension. Despite this, Diclofenac has been considered one of the best non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for many years, which has helped thousands of patients alleviate their condition during illness.
8 Lyoton
Country: Germany
Average price: 935 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Gel for local use from the German company Berlin-Chemie is well known to Russian buyers. This is one of the first funds that "loudly" entered our Russian pharmacy market, becoming for some time one of the most popular venotonics.Now, due to increased competition, Lyoton has lost its position a little, but it is still in rather high demand, due to its affordable price and fairly quick effect.
Patients suffering from varicose veins appreciate the drug for its good anticoagulant, decongestant and anti-inflammatory properties. If you rub the gel into the damaged areas at least 2 times a day, the result becomes noticeable after the first week. With its help, you can not only improve the condition of the veins in the legs, but also stop the consequences of bruises in muscle tissue, tendons or joints of the arms and legs (for example, reduce subcutaneous hematomas). Since Lyoton is based on sodium heparin, it cannot be recommended for people with hypersensitivity to this substance. The list of contraindications also includes reduced blood clotting and thrombocytopenia.
7 Venarus
Country: Russia
Average price: 1 250 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
The next cure for varicose veins on our list is Venarus tablets, which many consider a worthy replacement for the expensive French Detralex. Indeed, the composition of these two drugs is almost identical: in both cases, the active ingredient is a combination of diosmin and hesperidin. Users noted that in the Russian analogue, the pills are larger in size, which creates some discomfort when swallowing. To prevent this from happening, women in their reviews advise cutting them in half and drinking in two batches.
With regular use, "Venarus" reduces the extensibility of the veins, eliminates blood stasis and helps to solve the problem of heaviness in the legs.The recommended dose for venous-lymphatic insufficiency is no more than 2 tablets per day. The average course of treatment is from 3 months. up to a year. Of the undesirable consequences that may occur when using this venotonic, one can single out the appearance of a rash on the skin, headache and upset of the digestive tract. But all these reactions are associated with an overdose or non-compliance with the intake schedule, as well as with individual intolerance to the components.
6 Antistax
Country: Switzerland/France
Average price: 1 342 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Another representative in the form of capsules. The dry extract of red grape leaves is responsible for the therapeutic effect here. It contains quercetin and isoquercetin (flavanoids). The drug is successfully used for both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. You have to drink the medicine once a day, two capsules at a time - it is better in the morning before breakfast. On the recommendation of a phlebologist, the dosage of the remedy can be increased to four capsules per day. The course lasts up to 3 months.
In the reviews, patients note that the capsules are swallowed easily, they do not cause unpleasant symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract. The obvious advantage of the representative is its phytocomposition. However, patients who have been living with varicose veins for more than one year note that Antistax does not act as quickly as analogues - it is better to drink it at the initial stage of the disease or to prevent varicose veins.
5 Flebaven
Country: Russia
Average price: RUB 1,173
Rating (2022): 4.7
Fifth place in our ranking of the best venotonics is occupied by the Russian drug Flebaven. This is nothing more than a generic Detralex.The manufacturer produces the drug in a dosage of 500 mg. The active ingredients of the drug are diosmin and hesperidin. Flebaven should be taken twice a day - preferably in the morning and evening with meals. The tablets are quite large but easy to swallow. If you believe the reviews of patients, the first noticeable improvements in the condition are noted already after 1-2 weeks of taking the drug - signs of varicose veins on the legs become less noticeable.
This venotonic turned out to be among the best, because it perfectly tones the veins, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and improves blood circulation in the legs. At the same time, the list of possible side effects of this drug is not wider than that of an imported analogue. Only a few patients in their reviews note gastrointestinal disorders after taking the pills. If any unpleasant symptoms appear, the course should be suspended and contact your doctor.
4 Venoruton
Country: India
Average price: 1 298 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
The drug for venous insufficiency "Venoruton" has shown itself to be excellent in the treatment of the chronic course of the disease, including in quite neglected conditions. It is based on rutoside, which has the ability to reduce the destructive effect of toxic oxygen radicals, restore the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, prevent the formation of trophic ulcers, and reduce pain and swelling in the legs. Each capsule of "Venoruton" contains at least 300 mg of this substance, which is optimal for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins.
This venotonic should be used regularly, 3 times a day until the pathological symptoms decrease. According to user reviews, improvement occurs after 10 days of therapy, after which the dosage is reduced to 2 units per day.Today, in a pharmacy, you can buy not only medicine for oral administration, but also rutoside in the form of a cream (ointment). The drug is produced by the transnational pharmaceutical corporation Novartis. The Indian "Venoruton" is most often supplied to Russia, but it happens that there are packages of Swiss or French production. The number of tablets in one pack is 50 pcs.
3 Phlebodia 600

Country: France
Average price: RUB 1,469
Rating (2022): 4.8
Venotonic "Phlebodia 600" many doctors call among themselves nothing more than a medicine for the lazy. The reason for this was a convenient intake schedule - just one tablet per day, which you need to drink in the morning on an empty stomach. It should be borne in mind that the dosage can be increased if we are talking not only about the pathology of the lower extremities, but also about the treatment of hemorrhoids formed as a result of varicose veins.
The tablets contain the flavonoid diosmin, which has a good phlebotonizing effect. To achieve the best effect during the course of therapy, it is necessary to use other prevention methods: wear special compression underwear for good blood circulation, improve sleep, give up bad habits and diversify your diet with healthy foods. Judging by the reviews, "Flebodia 600" copes well with the task, helping women get rid of heaviness and pain in the legs. But almost all patients noticed that the effect of the treatment passes quickly if the principles of a healthy lifestyle are not followed.
2 Detralex
Country: France
Average price: RUB 1,418
Rating (2022): 4.8
"Detralex" refers to monopreparations, which are based on only one type of active angioprotectors. The active substance of the drug is the flavonoids of diosmin and hesperidin, which have a beneficial effect on blood vessels and have a high venoprotective effect. Regular use of this venotonic increases the tone of the veins and reduces their extensibility, reduces capillary permeability, and prevents the development of inflammatory reactions.
"Detralex" is available in the form of tablets, ointments and creams. The drug is indicated for long-term use. The average course duration is at least a couple of months, and the maximum allowable period is one year. If the doctor has not prescribed a different dosage, Detralex should be taken twice a day, 1 tablet with meals. According to reviews, most patients experienced a significant improvement in their well-being, especially noting a persistent positive effect that remains for a long time after the end of therapy. The buyers called the main drawback of the drug its high cost - at least 1,500 rubles. per pack of 60 tab. Otherwise, this is one of the best non-surgical treatment options for problem veins.
1 Troxevasin

Country: Bulgaria
Average price: 681 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
The first place in our rating is occupied by Troxevasin - undoubtedly the most popular drug for the treatment of varicose veins in our country. Its demand is explained by the successful combination of a low price with an effective result, confirmed by numerous scientific studies and years of therapeutic practice. The active substance of this medication is troxerutin, a complex element of plant origin from the class of flavonoids.It occurs naturally in the bark of the Japanese Sophora tree, from where it was originally obtained. Troxerutin has a strong anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect. Increases vascular tone, and relieves leg fatigue syndrome after a long day at work.
Venotonic goes on sale in the form of capsules and gel for external use. To eliminate venous insufficiency of the lower extremities in the chronic stage, as a rule, 2 capsules per day after meals are prescribed. The gel can be used up to 3-4 times a day, gently rubbing it into problem areas. No special contraindications have been identified for Troxevasin. The only strict prohibition is the oral use of the drug by women in the early stages of pregnancy.