Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Phlebotonic tablets | Protect blood vessels from stretching |
2 | cream | The fastest way to reduce discomfort |
3 | Anti-inflammatory drugs | The best pain relief, fight against inflammation |
4 | Blood thinners | The best effect with advanced varicose veins |
5 | Ointments | Better than others give a temporary feeling of lightness |
6 | Compression underwear | Prevents blood stasis, relieves fatigue |
7 | Folk remedies | Extra relief for tired feet, prevention |
8 | Bandages | Ease pain sensations |
9 | Contrast baths | Remove puffiness, reduce varicose veins |
10 | Anticoagulants | Prevent further development of the disease |
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Swelling of the lower legs, a feeling of fatigue, heaviness and fullness of the limbs are the main symptoms of varicose veins. A little later, asterisks and a vascular network appear, then numbness and tingling come. There are a lot of reasons for the development of the disease, from a sedentary lifestyle to the characteristics of the body. Fortunately, there are no fewer methods of treating and preventing the disease.
Remedies for varicose veins work most effectively together with a decrease in the load on the legs, a change in the mode of work and lifestyle. We examined the main groups of drugs and folk methods that help with venous insufficiency and are beneficial in the initial stages.The rating includes the 10 best options that have long been successfully used in scientific and alternative medicine. Each tool has positive reviews. The article spelled out not only the pros, but also the side effects.
Top 10 best remedies for varicose veins
Name | Number of applications per day | Application time | Number of contraindications | Average price in rubles |
Phlebotonic tablets | 2-3 times | 1-3 months | Few | From 200 to 2000 |
cream | 2 times | 2 weeks | Few | 200-300 |
Anti-inflammatory drugs | 1 time | 2-7 days | A lot of | 100-400 |
Blood thinners | 2-3 times | 3 weeks | A lot of | 300-700 |
Ointments | 1 time | 2-3 months | Medium | 50-200 |
Compression underwear | 1 time | 6-8 months | Few | 1 200-2 200 |
Folk remedies | 2-3 times | 6-12 months | Few | 0-100 |
Bandages | 1 time | 6-8 months | Few | 100-500 |
Contrast baths | 1 time | 6-12 months | Few | 0-100 |
Anticoagulants | 1 time | 1-3 months | Medium | 100-200 |
10 Anticoagulants
Average price: 100-200 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.3
We will start with anticoagulants, which reduce blood viscosity, prevent the formation of clots and blood clots. They are not special preparations for the treatment of varicose veins, but they prevent the development of the disease. Acetylsalicylic acid is considered the most common anticoagulant, and more effective agents have been developed on its basis. In the initial stages of varicose veins, little attention is paid to these drugs, since they cannot relieve fatigue or swelling. But in advanced cases, you can not do without them. Many products have added magnesium hydroxide, which protects the stomach from the harmful effects of drugs.
Anticoagulants are used once a day, the dosage is indicated on the package. Most of them do not require a doctor's prescription. The cost varies from 100 to 300 rubles per pack.Pleasantly pleased with the proven positive effect on the reduction of thrombosis. These preparations are tested, their action is scientifically substantiated. Among the contraindications are sensitivity to the composition and chronic kidney disease. Despite the fact that anticoagulants are not able to greatly harm the stomach, ulcers and complex diseases should be consulted with a doctor.
9 Contrast baths
Average price: 10-100 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.3
Contrast baths made from natural products almost instantly reduce discomfort in the legs. The most popular method of application is dipping the feet in basins of hot and cold infusions. Complete the procedure by dousing with slightly warm water. To relieve stress and fatigue, users recommend making baths from nettle, burdock, birch. It is enough to mix all the ingredients, pour boiling water and let it brew for an hour. Then hold your feet in the bath for about 20 minutes. Such funds have a stimulating and tonic effect. However, with dilated veins, only baths with warm and cold water are allowed, hot ones are contraindicated.
Users note that these funds are the most affordable. Chamomile and linden are sold in a pharmacy for a penny, but they help no worse than some creams. They relieve cramps and pain in the legs. However, baths can only relieve symptoms, not cure the disease. With severe malaise, pharmaceutical tablets are most effective. But the baths have no contraindications, all ingredients are freely available.
8 Bandages
Average price: 100-500 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.4
Bandages are made of elastic materials with the addition of cotton, so that the skin breathes. Products vary in the level of extensibility, with varicose veins the highest indicator is recommended. This will cover most of the leg. Short and medium stretch is used for serious problems with veins, in the last stages of the disease. Bandaging takes place in the morning, when the person is still in bed. Before the procedure, you need to hold your legs up for several minutes so that the blood drains. The wearing time is determined by the patient, most often they are removed only at night.
Bandages compress the veins, due to which the blood stagnates less in the legs, its viscosity decreases, and the risk of blood clots disappears. The extracellular fluid returns to the capillaries, the edema disappears. Recently, however, elastic bandages have been used less frequently than compression stockings. The latter is more convenient to put on and wear. Although in many cases knee socks and tights are not suitable, for example, there is not the right level of compression. The application of bandages lasts as long as the treatment. Usually it takes 2-3 months.
7 Folk remedies
Average price: 0-100 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.4
Folk remedies are an effective addition to treatment. Tinctures, natural gels, teas and ointments thin the blood, reduce its clotting, and strengthen blood vessels. The most popular remedies are blueberries and horse chestnuts. They are often included in common gels and creams that relieve inflammation. Blueberries are recommended to be taken fresh, brew teas. Habitual garlic is also often found in recipes. With regular use, discomfort disappears, the veins become smaller. It is enough to crush the garlic along with the husk, mix it with butter.This compress is applied at night. In the morning, the legs are treated with a gel or cream, a bandage is applied.
Users in the reviews talk about the effectiveness of herbal teas. It is recommended to use St. John's wort and yarrow. Such infusions are drunk several times a day during the entire period of treatment. A nice bonus is the almost complete absence of contraindications, only individual intolerance to the ingredients. However, traditional medicine is ineffective in treating, only in relieving symptoms. Still, it is better to consult a doctor before taking folk remedies, especially during pregnancy.
6 Compression underwear
Average price: 1,200-2,200 rubles
Rating (2022): 4.5
Compression underwear is the best preventive measure that helps at any stage. Modern seamless tights, socks and stockings practically do not differ from ordinary ones, but they put pressure on the legs in a special way, preventing blood stasis. Veins are most often affected in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, so they are advised to regularly wear special underwear. Pregnant women have probably heard similar recommendations from doctors. If you pay attention to compression underwear in the first trimester, you can avoid varicose veins.
Stockings and tights are divided into several classes according to the degree of compression and elasticity. However, most of them can only be bought with a doctor's prescription, as misuse will make things worse. For prevention, it is recommended to purchase first-class underwear, which massages the legs a little, keeps them in good shape. Users are advised to visit a special store where the consultant will select the correct size. Otherwise, there will be no effect.The time of use depends on the degree of varicose veins, the standard course takes 6 months. The disadvantages include the high price and problems with daily putting on stockings and tights.
5 Ointments
Average price: 50-200 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
One of the most effective, we considered ointments that promote healthy blood circulation. Modern preparations contain natural substances and vitamins that restore the skin. Although most ointments in the public domain help only in the initial stages. They give the effect of chill, due to which there is a feeling of lightness. It is forbidden to use them often without a doctor's prescription: side effects almost always include dermatitis and allergies. However, this applies to use within 2-3 months. The standard course is several weeks.
Ointments will not be able to cure varicose veins, so the legs will remain in the same form as they were before use. But the symptoms and discomfort will go away. Users in the reviews recommend using the drugs once a day. It is enough to raise your legs higher in the morning, hold it for 15 minutes and apply the remedy. Pleasantly pleased with the cost: from 50 to 200 rubles for most ointments. At the initial stage of varicose veins, a course of 2-3 days is sufficient.
4 Blood thinners
Average price: 300-700 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
We couldn't help but add blood thinners to the list of the best blood thinners. Clots can clog blood vessels and damage the heart, and with varicose veins, the risk of blood clots is increased. However, the dosage and time of admission is prescribed by the attending physician; it is difficult to find them in free sale. Most have serious side effects and contraindications.For example, patients should be regularly tested to monitor blood clotting.
Drugs are often added to drugs that promote tissue regeneration and improve blood circulation. The standard course lasts 3 weeks, funds are taken several times a day. However, the exact dose is calculated by the phlebologist, since it is impossible to independently determine the required level of blood flow stimulation. These funds will not help cure the disease, but they will prevent complications in the form of thrombosis, relieve pain. In the most advanced cases, they reduce the risk of disability.
3 Anti-inflammatory drugs
Average price: 100-400 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
They open the top three anti-inflammatory drugs that quickly eliminate pain. The most common example is aspirin, although more effective alternatives have long been available. These drugs reduce the symptoms of inflammation, reduce the temperature. The most potent remedies are able to remove swelling and redness. They are used in short courses, since they do not cure the problem. Most often, a few days are enough to feel the effect. In extreme cases, intramuscular injections are prescribed.
The reviews warn that anti-inflammatory drugs to varying degrees can cause exacerbation of stomach ulcers. Of course, some drugs are safer, but patients with problems with the gastrointestinal tract should consult a doctor. The rest are advised to minimize the consumption of funds, leaving them as a last resort. But they are considered the most effective for suppressing secondary inflammation. Most often they are used for advanced varicose veins.
2 cream
Average price: 200-300 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Creams got to their rightful place due to the quick effect and minimal contraindications. They eliminate the feeling of heaviness and swelling, dull pain. Creams are recommended to be applied in a thin layer and easily rubbed into the legs several times a day. They are most effective when paired with compression underwear or a bandage. The product is quickly absorbed, does not leave a film and greasy marks. The undoubted advantage is the lack of interaction with tablets, they are used in combination. The average course of treatment is 2 weeks, a standard tube contains 40 grams of cream.
Users say that most products can be purchased at a pharmacy or cosmetics department. They most often include natural substances: horse chestnut, lavender, essential oils, field horsetail. However, such creams have a preventive effect, not helping with advanced disease. For example, they are able to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Most often, doctors combine taking ointments, tablets and other medications.
1 Phlebotonic tablets
Average price: 200-2,000 rubles
Rating (2022): 4.9
In the first place, we put phlebotonic tablets, since their action has been scientifically proven, their effectiveness has been verified. Derived from herbal extracts, these remedies reduce inflammation and tension and relieve the feeling of heaviness in the legs. The main active substances in tablets are most often hesperidin and diosmin. The former can be found in citrus fruits, especially oranges. The second is man-made. Means are applied several times a day during meals. Treatment usually takes several months, in severe cases - a year.The cost varies from 200 to 2,000 rubles.
Users in the reviews say that the pills relieve initial symptoms. They reduce the time of passage of blood through the vessels, make the capillaries more stable. Of the shortcomings, a slow action is noted: the effect is felt after a few days, up to a week. They will not help with acute pain. Each drug has side effects, including nausea and vomiting. Before use, you should consult with your doctor. But many pills are allowed at any age, they are prescribed even for pregnant women.